HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (Full Version)

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Freyr Oakenshield -> HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/7/2018 10:38:41 PM)

Has anybody played this game? Is it any good? Worth buying?

link: https://www.hpssims.com/Pages/Products/TSS/TU/TU.asp

Agathosdaimon -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/7/2018 11:25:00 PM)

depends what you are after - i have it and have played it, it is more of a study sim so to speak, - i like it because of the fog of war it aims to recreate. it models alot of elements but it isnt compicated to play at all, everything is well explained i find

76mm -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/8/2018 8:50:44 AM)

I haven't even tried playing the game in several years, but when I bought it upon release (2010?) it was buggy, incomplete, and expensive. There is no dedicated forum or player base, the dev does not interact with the community at all, and promised patches were years in the making. I finally gave up, don't know or care about the current state of the game.

Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/8/2018 12:30:18 PM)

I have both Tigers Unleashed and Point of Attack 2.5, so thats about $120 worth of software...

I really wanted to like the TSS system, and support Mr. Hamilton, but I cannot keep my hopes high on either products when the dev is basically dedicated to what and when the TSS system will be and/or finished. As they say, donīt trip over the same rock twice, and thatīs whatīs happened! I could not even un-install PoA 2.5 because for what ever reason it dosent have a un-installer, or was washed away with patches/fixes. To me these are very basic things after SO MANY YEARS in development.

As stated above, no support besides some user fan site (DoW-Asid), no real finished product and NOT optimized to run at itīs full potential on todays PCīs. With everything on itīs full settings a turn may take 15min to calculate!

You can have the best of intentions, but donīt make others pay a high price for them unless you deliver what you advertise in a working form! For me itīs still a Beta, but you wont see it stated anywhere...

As above, donīt care anymore and un-installed (lost $120).

Asid -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/8/2018 1:45:18 PM)

TU is an extremely detailed and complex (under the hood) simulator. That is the problem. It is great for what-ifs and running simulated situations. However many people struggle to find the "game" in this series of titles.

The series is in a constant state of flux/development. Not sure I would call it beta but the rare updates can create problems as well as fix them. Many customers have been left frustrated and eventually abandoned the series. I can understand this.

Communication with the developer is extremely rare. This is a labour of love for him but that does not excuse the lack of contact with the customer base. I find this a very big negative. This situation will not change any time soon.

I like the series but I like deep simulation.

I would not recommend the series to a casual wargamer.


Rosseau -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/9/2018 1:18:18 AM)

I have significant time with the new TU patch and it is running excellently. POA 2.5 - forget about that one for now.

Using an i7 3.6 and no slowdowns. Also helps to reduce LOS to WW2 levels. No tank kills at 8,000 yards, right? In fact, Matrix Tigers on the Hunt has a much more serious slowdown problem with larger maps, etc.

But I totally agree about the "game" aspect of the simulation. I play it like a test tube sandbox game that has tons of options and forces. But I never get that feeling of "gaming" you get with TotH, even with it's clunky UI.

Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/9/2018 9:45:10 AM)

Itīs interesting to see how you say "POA 2.5 - forget about that one for now". So anybody how bought that at the asking $60 is stuck with it right? Seriouslly...

Itīs hard for me to belive that TU has no slowdowns with itīs settings at full, even with a i7, but hey I know nothing.

This is the never ending story with the TSS system and the man behind it, is it worth it? I guess youll have to spend $60 to find out...


Rosseau -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/9/2018 12:25:58 PM)

I like the modern warfare in POA 2.5, but in addition to crashes, the OOB is very small compared to TU. I bought on release and had to put these games away for years. Very specialized audience. For normal people I would recommend spending the $60 or so on the new Aggressors Rome and upcoming Armored Brigade. But the game does zip along with the new patch and reasonable LOS settings, where it used to be slow on i7.

Still waiting for Schwerpunkt to finish WWIIe. Funny, I bought it for the editor, which is the last thing he will finish. Such is the case with solo devs.

Freyr Oakenshield -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/9/2018 7:11:19 PM)

Thanks for opinions; I'm going to wait and see then for now...

z1812 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/10/2018 12:07:09 AM)



I haven't even tried playing the game in several years, but when I bought it upon release (2010?) it was buggy, incomplete, and expensive. There is no dedicated forum or player base, the dev does not interact with the community at all, and promised patches were years in the making. I finally gave up, don't know or care about the current state of the game.

Exactly. The worst game purchase I ever made.

E -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/10/2018 7:50:25 AM)

I think fans of Tigers on the Prowl 2, Panthers in the Shadows, Dragons in the Mist, or Broken Alliance will like this game (thanks to the 1.2.10 patch, this year). And due to the aforementioned patch going public, I can now give a public thumbs up!

I do agree with ASID, in that this is NOT a game for the casual gamer. Just look at the screen caps on HPS' site to get a glimpse of how deep this can get (it doesn't have to though).

Rosseau -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/10/2018 10:00:26 PM)

Based on Z1812's post, we should definitely start a thread on the three worst games we ever bought. I don't want to start it though [;)]

Memory is a bit rusty after 35 years.

rommel222 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/11/2018 11:32:15 AM)

Greetings to All,
Still on the fence with getting Tigers Unleashed. Has the latest patch allowed stock scenarios to play w/o crashes?
I notice nobleknight website sells cd version at same price as hps download only version.

Blond_Knight -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/11/2018 12:47:26 PM)

Having really enjoyed Tigers on the Prowl 2 and Panthers in the Shadows I have to disagree with E. While I have not played TU I did try POA2 years ago and found it as engaging as an Excel spreadsheet.
I also always thought it was crappy that the editor ADC2 was sold separately.

pkpowers -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/11/2018 3:34:41 PM)

I agree with Blond Knight ; I use to play TOP2, PITS and Broken alliance constantly during the dos based hay day. I was always hoping for the modern successor to these games, and sadly, TU or poa2 are not it. Sometimes there is a fine line between playability and realism, and TU and poa2 to me are just about un-playable, patch or no patch. I just wish PITS would have been upgraded.

wodin -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/11/2018 8:57:11 PM)

email me at j__rimmer@hotmail.com


The first thing you need to know is it's really a beta and constantly being worked on. The second thing is things can take along time due to the games complexity.

Anyway email me.

Also u can email scott Scott@hpssims.com

RFalvo69 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/12/2018 7:44:59 AM)



I think fans of Tigers on the Prowl 2, Panthers in the Shadows, Dragons in the Mist, or Broken Alliance will like this game

I-m one of them (I still run PitS and ToP2 on DOSBox) and what I would like to see is simply a more modern version with a modern interface. I hoped that TU could be it ---> Money out of the window.

Asid -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/12/2018 10:15:46 AM)



email me at j__rimmer@hotmail.com


The first thing you need to know is it's really a beta and constantly being worked on. The second thing is things can take along time due to the games complexity.

Anyway email me.

Also u can email scott Scott@hpssims.com

The secrecy and lack of public interaction/communication is one of the core issues.


76mm -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/12/2018 11:10:48 AM)


The secrecy and lack of public interaction/communication is one of the core issues.

Indeed. The dev's complete unwillingness to engage with the community (not that there is one for this game) is truly bizarre. Most people are willing to cut small one-two man dev teams lots of slack as long as they communicate... This guy? Not so much...

Asid -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/12/2018 11:49:09 AM)

Communication is key, especially with a complex piece of software like this. Also people need to know why the delays are happening and an expected update timeframe.

Everything I find out about Tigers Unleashed and Point Of Attack 2 is posted here. Just search for the titles.

Oh, and it is not a "user fan site" [:)]


rommel222 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/12/2018 4:36:34 PM)

Greetings Asid,
Thanks for posting the link to D.O.W. website.

Asid -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/12/2018 6:26:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: rommel222

Greetings Asid,
Thanks for posting the link to D.O.W. website.

No problem :)


E -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/13/2018 9:03:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: Blond_Knight
Having really enjoyed Tigers on the Prowl 2 and Panthers in the Shadows I have to disagree with E.
While I have not played TU I did try POA2 years ago and found...

Don't I have to say something about POA2, before you disagree with me about POA2? *grin*

I was talking about TU, but only after this year's patch. And not for casual gamers.

I cannot disagree with the detractors about TU's stability prior to this year's patch. TU was completely unplayable here, prior to this patch.

But it's working good here now, so thumb's up.

E -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/13/2018 9:17:57 AM)


budd -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/13/2018 11:23:04 AM)

I've watched the game for years, what always keeps me away is the lack of information. No game play videos, no AAR's , nothing promoting it. There's no other game I can think of that's been out this long with just no information about it except the sparse info at HPS. Just reading the info and looking at the screenshots the game looks like work to play, more so than fun.

JMass -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/13/2018 1:57:34 PM)





I haven't even tried playing the game in several years, but when I bought it upon release (2010?) it was buggy, incomplete, and expensive. There is no dedicated forum or player base, the dev does not interact with the community at all, and promised patches were years in the making. I finally gave up, don't know or care about the current state of the game.

Exactly. The worst game purchase I ever made.

+1, money and time wasted... [sm=00000007.gif]

E -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/14/2018 10:08:37 AM)


rommel222 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 1:15:34 AM)

Greetings to All,
Purchased Tigers Unleashed from HPS after reviewing posts in matrix forums and at other websites along with viewing a video of play.
HPS support was very swift to answer some questions I had before buying. The download version installs the latest patched version 1.2.10

I have been running some of the small & medium scenarios in AI vs AI mode to become familiar with the program. TU runs fine on my 2013 Toshiba laptop i5 & 8 GB memory ram w/intel 4200 integrated graphics memory on motherboard.
I find TU to be an in depth simulation sandbox rather than a game. I like what I see and glad I took the plunge.
As a physics & astronomy professor, I use science simulations in all my courses requiring a fair amount of number crunching and old school graphics animation so TU fits right in for me.

If I encounter any TU hiccups/crashes I will let you know. Back to invading Poland & Russia[sm=Tank-fahr09.gif]

Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 9:37:57 AM)


Asid -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 12:23:19 PM)



Although Asid (owner of DoW) might say different, Itīs NOT a official HPS support forum that I know of. He is kind enough to help and give out all the info he has to others on his own PERSONAL web site, and might have some privileges with first hand info/patches, but again itīs not a HPS site. Nothing wrong with that, but here too it shows the poor business scheme they use for a company thatīs been around for so many years.

I started Dogs Of War Vu with a group of like minded, mature friends years ago. I never said or implied that there was any official connection between DOW forum and HPS. Maybe you should look again.

I have NO privileges when it comes to HPS. I am treated the same as ANY of its customers. Any information I get is available to anyone. What I do is use my time and energy to collect as much information as possible and present it in a legible and accessible manner for EVERYONE. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only one doing this.

I have been very frustrated with HPS when it comes to TU and POA2. I have had heated exchanges with the developer. I find It unacceptable that there is no public forum or place for customers to freely get help and advice. This all falls on deaf ears unfortunately.

The Dogs Of War site is a place for information sharing and helping people. You are one of those people who benefited from it in the past. We have a passion for war, strategy and simulation. Our motto is "Friendship & Respect"

I hope this clarifies matters for you.


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