RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (Full Version)

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76mm -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 12:30:03 PM)


Although Asid (owner of DoW) might say different, Itīs NOT a official HPS support forum that I know of.


I never said or imlied that there was any official connection between DOW forum and HPS. Maybe you should look again.

Hey Asid my friend, I think you might have misinterpreted what Red was saying...I don't think that English is his first language, and I think that when he said "Asid might say different..." he meant something like "Asid can correct me if I'm wrong..."

Anyway, thanks for all the work on the DoW site!

rommel222 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 12:55:24 PM)

Greetings Red2112,
I have been running at Level 1 & Level 2 so far with all features enabled. I have used AI vs AI on 4 scenarios so far and gone through 6 tutorials as me vs AI. The 30 turn tutorial 1 took about 50 minutes at Level 1 w/German decisive victory after 27 turns. The scenarios AI vs AI Level 1/2 ran from 60+ turns for 3+ to 5+ hours for small to medium size forces. No hiccups or crashes

I am eager to play hotseat to see how the simulation fares. I agree with prior posts that this is not for casual wargamers.

Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 1:59:47 PM)


Asid -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 2:19:57 PM)



Asid, you are the one who stated that itīs NOT a user fan made site which could be though of that you mean something else!. So, for me and it seems that for you aswell DoW is NOT a official support site, which is the ONLY point for my comment. My benefits from DoW at itīs time were the same that I offerd to DoW, another thing is that if you accepted them or not, which you didnīt, never played any of my proposals, and/or supported my thoughts, but thatīs not the scope of this forum and/or conversation.

If you had or have any issues then I am always available to discuss via private channels.



Letīs leave something clear, UNLESS a user gets in touch with Scott DIRECTLY, or Wodin and to some point (in the past), with you, patches, info etc were NOT available to everyone! You know that, we even had a conversation before I bought PoA2 were YOU knew more about TSS then me despite my research on the net.

Like I have always said. This behaviour from the developer is unacceptable.

I also explained to you the issue with updates, communication and the fact that it is not what most would expect from a game. I remember discussing with you that it can be very deep and that is where the problem can lie. The fidelity, needed or not can and does slow down the game engine. It is easy to be overloaded with information. It can be difficult to find the "game" in TU and POA2.

There are other forums which have posts about the lack of patches etc. I always research my purchases if it is of a sizeable cost. Yes I sometimes end up with a bad game.....



I feel bad for having to bring this up every now and then here on the Matrix forum, and having to justify my frustration and regrets with this whole situation.

Forums are for sharing experiences, good and bad. If there is an issue then others deserve to know.


Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 2:48:49 PM)


Asid -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 3:40:06 PM)



Although your intentions are good Asid, and Iam sure of that. One might reconsider "sponsoring freely", and I say this with all respect! Itīs a bit of a double edge knife, if you get what I mean...

At no time on any forum have I recommended people to just go out and buy TU or POA2.

If I did not post the information I got about updates, issues, fixes etc then that information would not have appeared in public view. You might think that was/is a better solution but I do not.

Not everyone agrees with everything others say or do.

All the best Red


Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/15/2018 5:07:46 PM)


E -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/22/2018 4:53:52 PM)


Zap -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/22/2018 5:08:50 PM)




Gibson guitars, a lengendary company went out of business not to long ago, because they did refuse to ADAPT to todays market, aside from some other poor decision they took in prices and material reductions. No one would have ever thought that would happen that is in that industry/genre, but it did. In a nut shell, adapt and stop being so hard-headed and proud of your self, for the SECOND time!

Gibson is NOT out of business (2019 models are up!).

A good American company so happy has a new breath of air.

Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/22/2018 5:25:56 PM)


E -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/22/2018 7:30:21 PM)


"E" just loves to crash parties thatīs all.

You said Gibson was out of business. It is not out of business. All I said was "Gibson is NOT out of business (2019 models are up!)." So why are you trying to make it personal?

Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/22/2018 8:16:32 PM)


E -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/22/2018 9:42:35 PM)



"E" just loves to crash parties thatīs all.

You said Gibson was out of business. It is not out of business. All I said was "Gibson is not out of business (2019 models are up!)." So why are you trying to make it personal?

For the same reason you have to question everything I say!

You were not questioned. Misinformation was corrected. It's not all about you.

Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/22/2018 10:15:19 PM)

Again, you happy you corrected me?


Veloz -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/22/2018 10:16:56 PM)

zecke finish you with any letter, BTW E

E -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/23/2018 12:03:25 AM)


Again, you happy you corrected me?

Again, it's (still) not all about you. It can't be plainer than that, so *PLONK*

Red2112 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/23/2018 10:03:30 AM)

Nothing else from my end. Bye...

VPaulus -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/23/2018 5:26:04 PM)

Please, no personal attacks.
Next off-topic post will be deleted and the thread closed.

operating -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/23/2018 5:34:05 PM)



Please, no personal attacks.
Next off-topic post will be deleted and the thread closed.

I would not fool around with VPaulus, he's more than just the gatekeeper here...[;)]

VPaulus -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/23/2018 5:45:59 PM)

That's an off-topic post... [;)]

Freyr Oakenshield -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/23/2018 8:56:21 PM)

This thread is getting more and more surreal... [sm=innocent0009.gif]

rommel222 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/24/2018 5:12:31 PM)

Greetings Freyr Oakenshield,
I have been playing small & medium size scenarios as German vs Poland or Russia AI and as Poland or Russia vs German AI. (6 scenarios so far)
I have used novice, level 1 & level 2. Also reduced LOS to 3,000 m for speed up in turns. I could get wins from either German or Polish/Russian side but some were close shaves, probably because I am still learning the system. Sometimes my German motorcycle troops get chewed up by Poles/Russians during movement. I like the smoke/dust effects on the map view and zoom in view. Mortars & artillery are effective in attack & defense.

I have not had any game freezes or crashes but turns are slower/longer in medium scenarios, even with LOS reduction.
I plan to try the scenarios again playing both sides hotseat to see if results/playability is better/same/worse.
But that will have to wait until I finish grading online astronomy labs and online homework so not until next week at the earliest.

Hope this keeps the thread on track and stays open[sm=00000945.gif]

rommel222 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/24/2018 8:41:40 PM)

Greetings to All,
For those interested/curious, Tigers Unleashed comes with 6 tutorials and 36 premade scenarios from 1939-1942.

1939: 5 scenarios for invasion of Poland (small, medium & large size)
1940: 1 scenario for invasion of Finland by Soviets (medium size)
1941: 14 scenarios for invasion of Russia (small, medium & large size)
1942: 16 scenarios for further invasion of Russia (small, medium & large size)-->TIGERS appear & on the prowl!

Manuals can be seen at Scenario Design Center website under Spotlights menu for HPS misc titles.
Note that they are for TSS series using Point of Attack game screens shots but much applies to Tigers Unleashed as well.

pkpowers -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/24/2018 10:19:07 PM)

I still get EEFFACE errors sometimes; and when I do manage to set up a scratch scenario correctly, the defender never fires at all? Guess I will re-install it again

Rosseau -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/24/2018 10:25:21 PM)

I have not seen those errors with the new patch, but who knows?

If you don't plan on using the editor, I personally would not purchase this game for the asking price. It's all about test tube/sandbox situations, imo.

pkpowers -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/24/2018 10:38:07 PM)

reinstalled ; new patch ; When selecting map now for new scratch scn get error of cant find max values ; then it locks up and we use cntl/alt/del to get back to norm

rommel222 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/25/2018 3:00:41 AM)

Greetings pkpowers,
I was able to select map for new scenario from scratch and did not get an error. I was glad to see that scenario creation is fairly straight forward with lots of options and settings to choose from.
Did you uninstall and remove registry keys with autility such as CCleaner (free version) and then do a clean install?
Perhaps someone in the forum thread can offer some advice?

Agathosdaimon -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/25/2018 12:37:36 PM)

The chat here about TU got me motivated to try some more of the old TotP and i guess what i find to be biggest difference is that the scenario map in is much smaller and restricted to a rectangular corridor and i dont know if that can be changed -i guess bigger maps with more units might be too much for games calculations to handle

Rosseau -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/26/2018 2:05:25 AM)

That is very frustrating experience for you pkwpowers. I have Scott Hamilton's email and if you PM me, I will give it to you if you need it. You really should get some support on this, and Scott does do the best he can.

Also, Wodin may have suggestions and I must defer to him on contacting Scott to be fair.

But let's see if they can get your problem solved.

rommel222 -> RE: HPS Tigers Unleashed - opinions needed (9/26/2018 2:13:29 AM)

Greetings Rosseau & pkpowers,
In speaking with HPS support they said that Scott is dealing with medical issues so contacting wodin would be the best course.

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