New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 The Road to Byzantium (Full Version)

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Gunner98 -> New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 The Road to Byzantium (1/2/2019 6:28:37 PM)

Here is the next scenario. 1st scenario in the Mediterranean series. Its big and requires Chains of War because there is a lot of cargo action.

In the zip file are some rough load tables for the Soviet forces you will be delivering:

Mediterranean Fury 1: Banging on the Bosporus.

13 Feb 1994, 1215 Zulu, 1415 Local

The opening day of World War Three; this is a companion to the Northern Fury series and the Northern Fury background document will give you much of the detailed history.

You are the Commander of the South Wester Direction HQ in Vinnitsa in Central Ukraine. You report directly to the Soviet High Command in Moscow and you have many responsibilities; however, today in the opening moments of the war you have one focus – Turkey.

You’ve been aware of the upcoming campaign for some weeks now, and your key staff for the past month, but your subordinate commanders have only had a week to prepare and the formations involved were only notified in the past days. Division commanders were told yesterday and soldiers were being rounded up even now, minutes before the fighting begins.

Your deputy is now at Yalta taking personal charge of the operation, you need to be in Moscow tonight to brief the President. His job, if not his life, depends on seizing the Bosporus in the next 48 hours, then reinforced by mechanized forces from the 32nd Army Corps (Crimea Corps), supported by the 24th Air Army and the Black Sea Fleet – the Dardanelles within the week.

There are many supporting activities which will be exposed as required, but rest assured – you are not alone in this fight. Even now the wheels are in motion to help you achieve what many have tried and failed in the past.

Take your hammer and bang on the door – the Russians are coming!

Ver 1.4

-fixed some Lua bits
-put in some NoNav Zones to try and help Turkish ships
-numbered the Spetz forces
-tweaked the briefing a bit
-moved the hovercraft closer and put in an AO to help
-a couple other minor bits.

Ver 1.5
-moved Turkish naval base to avoid pathing problems
-adjusted Turkish naval ROE
-disabled the 'Cleared' events
-Put some notes in the scenario description
-a couple other bits

Ver 1.6 uploaded

Ver 1.7 uploaded Name changed

Ver 1.8 uploaded

Maromak -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/2/2019 7:18:33 PM)

Thanks for another scenario. Is Turkish Rebels meant to be a playable side?

AndrewJ -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/2/2019 11:12:08 PM)

Ekranoplans! [X(]


I've always wanted to try these ever since I first learned about them back in the day.
This is going to be great!

AndrewJ -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/2/2019 11:29:24 PM)

I should really be working on something else right now. My lateness is all your fault. [:D]

Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/3/2019 1:09:50 AM)

Many apologies Andrew [8D]

Will fix the Turk Rebel side, thanks.


Maromak -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/3/2019 1:28:45 PM)

Hi B,

I noticed the attached Special Action error when selecting the Greece and Turkey option. Playing using the latest CoW build 998.16.


Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/3/2019 4:59:26 PM)

Bugger - I tested all of them. Thanks probably something I missed.


AndrewJ -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/3/2019 11:43:55 PM)

Some questions for our comrades in the intelligence bureau:

Have the Turks accelerated deployment of the Type 209-1400s (with towed array and Harpoon), or are they still relying on the Type 209-1200s? How many of each are they estimated to have at this point?

Reports on the Turkish air force indicate they were planning to introduce some HARM capability on their F-16s around 1997. Is there any indication they've accelerated this program? (Or the Greeks, for that matter?)

With respect to the Bosporus, am I seizing it to keep NATO from getting in, or to let me get out? (This will have an impact on how aggressively I try and mine the strait. It would be awkward to mine the channel only to have to clear it for use a couple of days later.)

Whicker -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 2:13:28 AM)

I'd like to see at least one home port for all the russian ships in case they get damaged. They can go to one of the other wp ports if needed I suppose. Also noticed none of the other ports have any magazines, no big deal I suppose given the time allotted, but maybe could re-arm a boat or two.

I'm finally 1 hour in... just about as excited as an excited person with a special reason to be excited.

AndrewJ -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 2:52:23 AM)

Another quick question: The Ka-29 RLD (AEW helicopter) on the Gorshkov has 'Nothing' as its loadout, but is at ready status, although still red. Should it be ready on an AEW loadout instead? Or in reserve or maintenance?

Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 2:52:32 AM)

Yes the port of Sevastopol will be added.


The first of the Type 209-1400 is due to arrive next year - no acceleration of the program. All six of the 209-1200s are in operation however.
The F-16 program is a tad delayed because of US actions to build up thier F-16 numbers. The Turkish built F-16s are built at the historic level but any advances will be allong historical lines or slower. No HARMS yet
You want to use the Bosporus eventually but need to be prepared as your fallback is to deny it. You have lots of minesweepers [:D]


Whicker -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 3:46:24 AM)

The path finding is an issue for the NATO boats leaving Gölcük Naval Base - they are about 20 miles from their base I think on their way to the straights and they are stuck on a corner. Which is ok for me as I am racing to mine the inside part. A couple minutes ago they were going 35kts now they are at 1kt and going in circles.

I think they are working on a fix for this, anytime there is shallow water subs and ships seem to seek it out rather than trying to stay in deeper water. I've been able to help this in the past by making no nav zones, but that is probably a bad idea for this as it is already so big.

Whicker -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 4:32:18 AM)

Could the SOF be named sequentially from left to right or something - so that when I get a message about them detecting it I could try to figure out where it is? as it is they all have the same name so it is a little difficult to know where which one it is.

2:11:48 PM - 2:11:48 PM - New aircraft spotted on A/C Hardened Aircraft Shelter (1x Medium Aircraft) by 22nd Spetsnaz Bde (Sensor: Mk1 Eyeball).

If #1 was on the far left, and #22 on the right if it said #3 I could have a decent idea where it is.

Those boats with the pathing issue are a bit of a problem, it almost looks like they want to make a loop - one has a path of coming out of the base, down to the straight, then up and to the right and then back to the base by going over land.

Andrea G -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 6:51:03 AM)

WOW Med at least [:D]

As soon as I finish the re-run of Hot Tamales I will sink into this nightmare.

Am I wrong or is the first scenario in the Furies Series to be playable from the russian point of view?

Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 9:57:45 AM)

Andrew - Yes AEW loadout, will fixt that

Ron - I never noticed the pathfinding before. In my test they seemed to have a decent path but I never paid it any real attention. Is there anything I can do? If a No Nave zone helps, I can put one in - probably two, one for each side of the strait, but as you say, I was avoiding them to ease system resources.

I'll number the SOF or indicate them in a better way, thanks for that

Andrea - yes the first in the series playable from the Soviets.



Whicker -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 4:52:08 PM)

if you make a blank scen with that base and a couple boats, then that mission and let it play at high speed I think you'll see all kinds of problems with them.

I've been able to make no nav zones to fix this, but you would need a bunch of them, basically the whole coast, though maybe the straights work better? maybe it is just the channel where the base is? not sure, I just have lots of issues with islands and coast lines.

CHM -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 6:27:02 PM)

Have only played a few minutes - after about 2 hours of planning! Am I to await a war declaration, or should I initiate hostilities?

SakiNoE -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 9:14:27 PM)



Have only played a few minutes - after about 2 hours of planning! Am I to await a war declaration, or should I initiate hostilities?

Technically the briefing says not to initiate hostilities on your own and must instead wait for 45 minutes before they begin. There is however a slightly workaround for this though; a bit of math can allow you to work out when you can, for example, fire your anti-ship missiles at NATO forces and have them arrive just after hostilities officially begin, therefore you haven't actually started anything with NATO yourself, you just an...ahem, well timed attack.

Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/4/2019 9:34:33 PM)

Well spotted SakiNoE

You have some margin of leeway with war start. The briefing gives you the clues:

War will start @ 1300Zulu in northern Europe.

You are not allowed to initiate hostilities before that.

It will likely take the Turks a few minutes, 5-10, probably 15 max before they realize that the rest of NATO is at war. Remember there is a Coup going on in Ankara.

So you can initiate at your descression between 1300 and ... sometime after, before the Turks go hostile against you.

Make your choices.


Whicker -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 1:03:39 AM)

I added the in game timer I posted about here:�

for a scen this big and slow it comes in handy.

AndrewJ -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 2:07:15 AM)

Do the hovercraft have the range to make it to the Bosporus?

If I've got the calculations right, the Pomoniks have a range of 300 nm at cruise speed (55 kts), and the Aists only have a range of 210 nm at 40 kts.

(The Boras have a ridiculous range of 4960 nm - they could cross the Pacific! Something is clearly wrong with that DB entry.)

The landing beaches are about 240 to 250 nm away, so only the Pomoniks could get there, and they couldn't get back. I don't think there's anyone they can refuel from, or anyone with a well deck to carry them?

EDIT: just tried a test run in an empty scenario. The range problem is real, as the calculations suggest.

AndrewJ -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 2:37:43 AM)

It looks like the only way the hovercraft could get to the beaches and back home again is if they came from southern Bulgaria, perhaps in the Atia area. However, that would probably have taken several days of travel to set up, which may not fit well with the pre-war storyline, and the fairly ostentatious hovercraft would probably have drawn more attention than normal ships. It might make for some interesting skirmishing along the coast, though, as the hovercraft try to come in from that direction without the support of the main fleet.

Alternatively, an oiler or two may be necessary. I tried with a Boris Chilikin, and the hovercraft will refuel. I'm not sure what refuelling assets the Russians realistically had in that theatre, though. (EDIT: or whether these hovercraft realistically can refuel alongside at sea.)

Whicker -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 3:21:31 AM)

yep - they just ran out of fuel for me - Fast 3 has 3 of the 5 out of fuel - MDKs.

Crap - Fast 1 just ran out too, just about made it to the coast. I thought they were missile boats, apparently it is a mix.

Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 3:22:43 AM)


Interesting - I didn't do the calculations but what I had in mind was them putt-putting for the first 12 hrs or so, then a high speed run in for the last 150-180 miles or so, then putting into Bulgaria to refuel.

Would that work or is it also a problem?


Whicker -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 3:25:29 AM)

and Fast 2 is out now too.

Problem for me is that when I click on the group I see a missile boat of sorts, didn't realize the hover craft were in there.

Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 3:28:08 AM)

Bugger - OK I'll have to sort something out.

The missile boats are a fast escort, thought that it was prudent.


Maromak -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 4:54:25 AM)



Have only played a few minutes - after about 2 hours of planning! Am I to await a war declaration, or should I initiate hostilities?

The Turks attacked one of my submarines nears the Bosporus after five minutes which start hostilities.

AndrewJ -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 12:09:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gunner98
...what I had in mind was them putt-putting for the first 12 hrs or so, then a high speed run in for the last 150-180 miles or so, then putting into Bulgaria to refuel.

Would that work or is it also a problem?

Unfortunately the hovercraft are extremely inefficient at creep speed. Fuel efficiency at creep is about a tenth that of cruise speed. Total range at creep is only about 30 nm. So creeping would be worse.

Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 12:14:37 PM)

Yeah I was just checking that, their best speed is 40knts while the Pomornik seems best at 55! I'm thinking of starting them outside the Romanian base of Mangalia. Could build that into the story line that they did a high speed run there the night before, wouldn't attract that much attention. Just need to see if that solves the problem or not.



Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for testing Med Fury 1 Banging on the Bosporus (1/5/2019 12:23:25 PM)

Ok so that works sort of, they can both make it @40knts from Mangalia to the beach, but only about half way back to Bulgaria. I'll put in some sort of refueling ship with the follow up convoy. I agree that they would probably not do a traditional UNREP but they could easily raft up and pass fuel.

Thanks for picking that up guys. Can you still play through in the editor or alternately I can build some Lua code to give them fuel and you can run that?


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