RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (Full Version)

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Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 2:58:11 PM)

No strategic bombing.

One Japanese 2 strength LND2 ground strikes the Communist in hex 77,136 (Mao).

Germany ground strikes the Paris defenders with one LND3 (3 strength).

France has one FTR2, and one FTR3 available for interception. Germany has one FTR2, and one FTR3 available for counter-interception.

Will France send up any interceptor?

Picture from Jul/Aug '40 Impulse #3 (Axis) - Ground Strike

Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 3:42:57 PM)

No thank you.

Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 4:28:51 PM)

The German bomber misses the target completely.

Although it is rumoured that they actually managed to hit one haystack. And that is impressive if you consider the fact that haystacks must be rare in a city as Paris...


Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 4:31:08 PM)


Shocking news from China. One Japanese bomber actually managed to hit the target. [X(]

Picture from Jul/Aug '40 Impulse #3 (Axis) - Ground Strike

Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 5:04:21 PM)

No rail movement.

Land Movement:

Germany, part one:
MIL (62,33) -> 62,32
INF Div (62,34) -> 62,32

Partisan (92,105) -> 91,105
MTN (62,33) -> 62,32

The two units in Korea move to Seoul.
Army group Terauchi moves westwards at full speed.
Yamamoto advance towards Changsha.
INF (76,133) -> 76,132
Minor adjustments to the lines.

Over to Germany for part two of the land moves, and the remaining portion of our impulse.

Picture from Jul/Aug '40 Impulse #3 (Axis) - Land Movement

peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 7:59:02 PM)

Land movement

In the North German forces relocate and advance slow between France lines and in the South they pass the France Alps unhindered(!)


peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 8:01:14 PM)

Land Combat declaration

Germany declares two attacks:
+13,4 (14,4B)(47:7) Hex (54,31) FR Mec Stack
+14 (19,5B)(50:10) Hex (55,30) FR HQ Stack

German AA included against FR Mec Stack

No German HQ Support

No German Ground support

Image from Jul/Aug 1940 Axis #3 Allied defensive ground support

Does France commit defensive ground support?

IF FR Art Def Ground support(Or Ftr3 Flys Def Ground support as Bomber) ON FR HQ Stack
Odds 11,7(+17,2B)(50:13)

IF FR Ftr3 also Flys Def Ground support as Bomber and it possibly pass GE Ftr2(6) and/or Ftr3(4) ON FR HQ Stack
Odds 10,3(+15,8B)(56:16)

IF FR Ftr3 Flys Def Ground support as Bomber and it possibly pass GE Ftr2(6) and/or Ftr3(4) but ON FR Mec stack
Odds 9,4(+10,4B)(47:10)

Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 8:08:13 PM)

Has Germany any AA included in any of the attacks?

peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 8:10:20 PM)

Yes, against the FR Mec stack so it could possibly shoot there during defensive ground support

Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 8:14:43 PM)

France sends nothing. Attack picture is not showing on my screen, but with those odds French can't do anything.

peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/27/2019 8:25:43 PM)

The night falls while the cannons are pounding and the caterpillars rattle from the German armors but the battle is decided tomorrow morning,when dawn comes (Axis HQ goes to sleep)

peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 4:31:14 AM)

Land Combat Selection & Resolution


peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 4:37:01 AM)

German attack on FR HQ Stack is good, note that FR HQI Georges was also destroyed due to no valid retreat hex.


peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 4:41:44 AM)

The first result changes the odds the FR Mec Stack, due to Out of Supply. The units are Doomed.


peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 4:43:28 AM)

The result:


peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 4:55:27 AM)

Air Rebase:

FTR2 Antwerp -> 54,29
LND2 51,32 -> 56,32
LND2 52,33 -> 54,31

FTR2 (83,143) -> 84,140

LND3 (74,39) -> Turin
NAV2 (Bardia) -> 73,37 (Sicily)

No reorganization

peskpesk -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 5:00:19 AM)

Western front 1940 J/A Allied #4


Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 6:51:19 AM)

How is HQ destroyed? Can’t it retreat 2 hexes?

Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 8:12:58 AM)

Right. Here is an explanation why the HQI was destroyed. Edit: It is the retreat priorities that dooms the French retreat attempt.

1) The units retreat according to the priorities listed below. Priority #1, and #2, is out because of enemy ZOC. However, priority #3 is viable since there is a hex in ZOC it can retreat into that doesn't cause overstacking and that is to the NE where the MECH is.
2) Then the rule that say that if the unit ends up in a hex that is still to be attacked, then it must continue retreating.
3) However, the only available retreat hex now is the combat hex. And retreating back into the combat hex is forbidden. Hence the unit is destroyed.

Note that this would be the fate if the unit was division sized.

If all adjacent French hexes would have been priority #4 hexes, then the MWIF rules would forced the German to retreat the units so that they could 'survive'.

Cut from RAC: 11.16.5 Resolving attacks
If the result includes an ‘R’, the attacker retreats all surviving defending land units 1 hex (even if
disorganized). You retreat units individually and you can retreat them into different hexes. You can’t retreat a unit into a hex it couldn’t move into.
If a unit could retreat into several hexes, you must retreat it according to these priorities:
1. a hex not in an enemy ZOC and not causing over-stacking.
2. a hex not in enemy ZOC and causing over-stacking.
3. a hex in an enemy ZOC containing a friendly land unit and not causing over stacking.
4. a hex in enemy ZOC containing a friendly land unit and causing over stacking.
[Clarification. A unit cannot retreat “back into” the hex from which it started its retreat. Note that #2 takes
precedence over #3, which can result in units being overstacked (and destroyed) even though a #3 retreat path exists which would not destroy any units. There are no overstacked hexes at the end of this step, because as part of this step, units are destroyed rather than remain overstacked - Nov. 29, 2007. The attacker may choose a retreat path of #4 priority hexes that results in a retreating unit being destroyed due to overstacking, even if an alternative path of #4 priority hexes exists that lets the units survive - Mar. 7, 2008.] [Deviation. If a unit can be safely retreated, then the attacker has to do so. This overrides and replaces the last sentence in the preceding clarification.]
Destroy a unit if it can’t retreat under any of these priorities. [Clarification. If overstacking causes units to
be destroyed, retreating units are destroyed - Mar. 7, 2008.]

If the unit ends in a hex which is still to be attacked, or where it is overstacked, continue retreating the unit
according to the same priorities (or destroy it if this is not possible).


Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 8:32:31 AM)


Let’s say SE of Paris is only 6-4 INF and division. Can Germany choose HQ to retreat hex with MECH or does HQ retreat safe?

Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 8:47:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mayhemizer_slith


Let’s say SE of Paris is only 6-4 INF and division. Can Germany choose HQ to retreat hex with MECH or does HQ retreat safe?

This is an answer which depends on whether you play WIF, or MWIF.

- In World in Flames, the boardgame; The German player can select the MECH hex and cause the HQ to be destroyed.

- In World in Flames, the computer game; There is a deviation that forbids the German player to retreat it to a hex where it will be destroyed if there is a hex of the same priority where it survives.

So, yes, if the hex SE of Paris had only a 6-4 INF and division, then Germany could not have retreated the HQ so it was destroyed.

Note that Germany didn't even get a chance to select the retreat hex in the attack above. MWIF selected it for him. And MWIF would have selected the hex in this example as well. Only time the attacker actually gets to decide on the hex is when there are multiple hexes of equal priority that the unit can be retreated into.

Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 2:44:02 PM)

Thank you again. Next time I do it differently.

I don’t think this matters much, I think Paris falls this turn.

Centuur -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 2:47:07 PM)

Nice, how you've trapped Georges...

Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 3:31:16 PM)

Losing initiative costed a lot for Allies.

Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/28/2019 6:12:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mayhemizer_slith

Losing initiative costed a lot for Allies.


Although the odds, I think, was slightly in favour of Axis when it came to winning the initiative.

And Axis were a bit unlucky in last turn ending early, and if it hadn't ended, the Germans might have taken advantage of the situation back then.

With that said I am not sure if what Axis won this impulse was worth the cost. Japan have had some interesting situation when we could have gone first but didn't because we wanted as good a chance of possible to win the initiative during this summer. So one could say that Japan paid for the French losses. [:D]

Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/29/2019 5:23:59 AM)

Odds for turn ending before new Axis impulse was about same as Axis winning initiative.

Turn ending with 3 or 4: 1-(0,7x0,6)= 58%

With half pass it would have been 65%.

Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/29/2019 6:32:50 AM)


But if we hadn't ended it. Then the initiative would have been at Axis +2 and a greater chance of winning the initiative this impulse. And at +2 we would probably have demanded a re-roll if we had lost the first initiative roll.

Anyway. I am not complaining about a short turn. I am just saying that events tie together. That is why I like MWIF a lot.


By the way. Am I correct in thinking that if it ends before 100% then you guys have a bit of luck, and if it ends after 100% we have a bit of luck? And that 100% is the neutral sweet spot that is actually extremely rare?

Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/29/2019 3:15:08 PM)

Some summer turns are long, some are longer (at least for French nothing seems to be short enough).

Odds for turn not to end during first three rolls (in J/A) is 0,9 x 0,8 x 0,7 = 50,4%

Odds for turn not to end during first five rolls is 15,1%.

Those very long turns are very rare. Or at least should be.

cfinch -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/29/2019 8:15:15 PM)

i read the aar with much anticipation as it has been a long time since i've played

I read this - Odds for turn not to end during first three rolls (in J/A) is 0,9 x 0,8 x 0,7 = 50,4%

and was wondering if my memory was wrong, each player rolls for turn end during the impulse but does it change so quickly in summer? I thought (assume GE gets impulse 1) it was ge - 10% to end, then UK 10%, then 20%/20% then 30/30 etc?
from the above it seems you would only on average get 2 impulses in summer as the GE in 40 (1st and 3rd) as even if it continues (50% per above) the allies will normally end it on impulse 4?


composer99 -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/30/2019 12:14:10 AM)

Unless there's a spate of bad weather and the turn advances quickly, you're usually very likely to get at least four impulses if you moved first, and three if you moved second.

The reason for this is that you don't start rolling to see if the turn ends straight away.

I've attached the initiative form from the game so you can see. On these long summer turns, the impulse advances one space along the "track" (in the tabletop game, there's an actual chart on which you move a counter to track this), so for several impulses, there's no chance of the turn ending, until you get to the point where a roll of -1 or less ends the turn. (Your entire side has to pass to make it possible to end the turn that early.)


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