The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (Full Version)

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Markiss -> The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/13/2020 3:29:47 PM)

Welcome to the latest iteration of the Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament!

This tournament is open to everyone. To join all you need is an opponent willing to have the result of your match recorded. If you don't have an opponent handy, just post your desire to play in this thread, and you will have one within a day or 2.

When you are ready to play, just announce the match in this thread. The usual format is "New Game, Player 1(Axis) vs Player 2(Allies)". Once the match is complete, just post the result in this thread, "Game completed, Player 1(Axis) vs Player 2(Allies), Allied victory, July 1945". That's all there is to it!

Your ranking and stats will be tracked automatically(from your perspective) at the top of this thread.

There is no "schedule", you can play whomever you like from whatever side you like, but playing the same person over and over is discouraged.

Rules and other boring stuff
1. We will use the same ELO system as before.

2. As previously, we will use the final rankings from the last tournament as the starting point for this one. New players will start with a ranking score of 1.000.

3. You may play as many games as you like, from whatever side you like.

4. All tournament games completed after April 27, 2020 will be included in this tournament. If you want your game included in the last tournament, I will remove it, but it is up to you to contact nnason to get it included in the final standings.

5. I am currently inclined to allow matches played in alternate scenarios or mods to be included in the tournament standings, as long as both players agree. I will, however, start a discussion below so players can weigh in with their opinions. Let me know what you think, we will go with the consensus.

6. To avoid the rankings being watered down with a bunch of "one and done" players, if you do not start or complete a match within a 6 month period, you will drop from the rankings. If you want to be reinstated, just ask.

7. If you commit to playing a tournament match, please honor your commitment. You are free to resign at anytime, but don't just stop sending turns without communicating with your opponent. If you have to miss some time, just let your opponent know, and all is well. If you ghost a match, however, victory will be awarded to your opponent. If you feel you have been ghosted, contact me. I personally feel 7 days with no turns or messages is enough time, but I will take each on a case-by-case basis. If you can later convince me you were in a coma or something, maybe I will remove your loss, but your opponents win will stay.

8. If anyone finds a hole in these rules to exploit, I reserve the right to close it.

Games started after April 27th to be included in this tournament:
Gavin Tael(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies), May 1942
Hartmann301(Axis) vs Gavin Tael(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), October 1944
Rannug61(Axis) vs Elveranomaslargo(Allies), Won by Elveranomaslargo(Allies), June 1945
Rannug61(Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Stalemate, May 1947
Gavin Tael(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Rannug61(Allies), July 1944
Markiss(Axis) vs nnason(Allies), postponed.
HamburgerMeat(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by HamburgerMeat(Axis), July 1943
Gavin Tael(Axis) vs Elveranomaslargo(Allies), Won by Elveranomaslargo(Allies), January 1944
El_Condoro(Axis) vs nnason(Allies), Cancelled
crispy131313(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Axis), May 1942
mdswift(Axis) vs crispy131313(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Allies), March 1945
Hartmann301(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), November 1943
HamburgerMeat(Axis) vs Elveranomaslargo(Allies), Cancelled
Markiss(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies), July 1943
crispy131313(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Axis), October 1942
The Land(Axis) vs Taifun(Allies), Won by Taifun(Allies), January 1942
mdswift(Axis) vs Finstro(Allies), Won by mdswift(Axis), August 1942
BPINisBACK(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies) December 1943
Hartmann301(Axis) vs mdswift(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), May 1947
Hartmann301(Axis) vs HamburgerMeat(Allies), Won by HamburgerMeat(Allies)
Hartmann301(Axis) vs elveranomaslargo(Allies), Won by elveranomaslargo(Allies), January 1942
Schnetzler(Axis) vs The Land(Allies), Won by Schnetzler(Axis), September 1942
MJY(Axis) vs Taifun(Allies), Won by Taifun(Allies), November 1942
The Land (Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Won by El_Condoro(Allies), June 1943
Gilber(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Gilber(Axis), July 1943
Scottydawg(Axis) vs cripsy131313(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Allies), June 1942
crispy131313(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Axis), April 1942
crispy131313(Axis) vs PJL1973(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Axis), March 1942
Gilber(Axis) vs Finstro(Allies), Won by Gilber(Axis)
Scottydawg(Axis) vs Rannug61(Alllies), Won by Rannug61(Allies) December 1943
Rannug61(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Rannug61(Axis), July 1943
Rannug61(Axis) vs Gavin Tael(Allies)
KorporalKeith(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Rannug61, November 1944
Taifun(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by Taifun(Axis), December 1941
Taifun(Axis) vs crispy131313(Allies), Won by Taifun(Axis), June 1943
Hartmann301(Axis) vs crispy131313(Allies), Won by crpisy131313(Allies), June 1943
El_Condoro(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Rannug61(Allies), December 1943
MJY(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by MJY(Axis), September 1942
Elveranomaslargo(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies), August 1940
Hartmann301(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), August 1943
mdswift(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by mdswift(Axis), May 1947
Scottydawg(Axis) vs The Land(Allies), Won by The Land(Allies), February 1946
Gilber(Axis) vs Fenndon(Allies), Won by Gilber(Axis), June 1944
El_Condoro(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), July 1944
Rannug61(Axis) vs KorporalKeith(Allies), Won by Rannug61(Axis), August 1941
El_Condoro(Axis) vs PJL1973(Allies), Won by El_Condoro(Axis), July 1943
Taifun(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies), December 1941
Scottydawg(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Markiss(Allies), October 1943
Hartmann301(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by Will985(Allies), May 1947
The Land(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies)
Gilber(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Gilber(Axis), June 1942
BPINisBACK(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by BPINisBACK(Axis), May 1945
El_Condoro(Axis) vs BPINisBACK(Allies), Won by BPINisBACK(Allies), November 1944
Taifun(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies). Won by Taifun(Axis), July 1942
Scottydawg(Axis) vs Hippoking30(Allies), Cancelled.
Hartmann301(Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), November 1943
El_Condoro(Axis) vs KorporalKeith(Allies), Won by El_Condoro(Axis), Nov 1944
Markiss(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Scottydawg(Allies), May 1945
Will952(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Will952(Axis), August 1946
Ktonos(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), June 1942
MJY(Axis) vs Etzel(Allies), Won by Etzel(Allies), March 1944
Fenndon(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Fenndon(Axis), October 1943
Will952(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), May 1944
Hartmann301(Axis) vs Finstro(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), August 1943
Scottydawg(Axis) vs KorparalKeith(Allies), Won by Scottydawg(Axis), Nov 1941
MarkusGeb(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by MarkusGeb(Axis), April 1941
El_condoro(Axis) vs KorporalKeith(Allies)
El_Condoro(Axis) vs BPINisBACK(Allies), Won by BPINisBACK, March 1945
Scottydawg(Axis) vs Finstro(Allies), Won by Scottydawg(Axis), April 1944
KorporalKeith(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Markiss(Allies), Feburary 1946
Hartmann301(Axis) vs KorporalKeith(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(axis), November 1941
nnason(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies)
Will952(Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Won by Will952(Axis), July 1943
Will952(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Will952(Axis), June 1943
Hartmann301(Axis) vs MarkusGeb(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), October 1942
El_Condoro(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by Will952(Allies), August 1943
Hartmann301(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), July 1943
Hartmann301(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by MJY(Allies), August 1946
MJY(Axis) vs Etzel(Allies)
JimWC(Axis) vs MarkusGeb(Allies), Won by JimWC(Axis), May 1942
Will952(Axis) vs The Land(Allies), Won by Will952(Axis), August 1942
Scottydawg(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies)
Scottydawg(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by Will952(Allies), August 1941
MarkusGeb(Axis) vs JimWC(Allies), Won by JimWC(Allies), June 1943
Hartmann301(Axis) vs Ktonos(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), November 1941
BPINisBACK(Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Won by BPINisBACK(Axis), October 1940
nnason(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber (Allies), October 1940
Hartmann301(Axis) vs PJL1973(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), September 1943
Will952(axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Will 952(Axis), July 1942
mdswift(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by mdswift(Axis), September 1943
El_Condoro(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), October 1944
Fenndon(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), July 1944
Rannug61(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Scottydawg(Alles), August 1944
Scottydawg(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by Will952(Allies), October 1943

Games started before April 27th, but finishing after, to be included in this tournament:
El_Condoro(Axis) vs Elveranomaslargo(Allies), Won by Elvaranomaslargo(Allies)
Hartmann301(Axis) vs captain10(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), October 1944

ELO Standings as of 10/12/2021

Fafnir 1,224.8
Gilber 1,119.9
Etzel 1,114.3
Taifun 1,094.1
Will952 1,076.9
crispy131313 1,071.0
Hartmann301 1,064.4
Elveranomaslargo 1,059.6
Rannug61 1,036.9
Ktonos 1,034.7
JimWC 1,030.8
HamburgerMeat 1,021.1
Schnetzler 1,015.3
mdswift 1,014.3
Fenndon 994.2
BPINisBACK 987.7
MarkusGeb 972.3
Nicholas_Wolf 961.1
The Land 952.9
Gavin Tael 951.7
Finstro 937.0
MJY 935.8
nnason 932.4
Scottydawg 918.0
KorporalKeith 905.7
PJL1973 878.8
Markiss 845.0
El_Condoro 832.0

These standings include games from the last tournament.

Grand Total of all games: Axis 44 Victories, Allies 44 Victories, 1 Stalemate.

HamburgerMeat -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/13/2020 7:30:58 PM)

Coming back to WiE after a long hiatus, any takers? I prefer Axis

HamburgerMeat -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/13/2020 7:44:55 PM)

Well that was fast.

New Game, HamburgerMeat(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies)

elveranomaslargo -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/13/2020 8:17:04 PM)

Markiss, Thanks so much for your generous effort! You are doing great.

New game started: GavinTael (Axis) vs Elveranomaslargo(josan)(Allies)

El_Condoro -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/13/2020 11:27:18 PM)

New game started (after Apr 27th, pretty sure): El_Condoro (Axis) vs nnason (Allies)

crispy131313 -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/14/2020 2:31:39 AM)

I've exclusively played my mod for years and have only played 1 match of the 1939 stock campaign before but I think I will take a stab here if someone would be up for a game. I'm OK with either side, if a game is set up just PM me the password.

Markiss -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/14/2020 2:45:30 PM)

Wow! Mod developers don't often offer themselves for matches. What an opportunity! If people are foolish enough to leave this offer unaccepted for 24 hours, I will play you myself.

And what a great segue into the subject of alternate scenarios and mods. I think it would be fine to allow games played in alternate scenarios and mods to count in the tournament standings. Any of the canned alternate scenarios should be fair and balanced, which is all that really matters. Any of the mature mods like crispy's Fall Weiss 2 I think would be acceptable as well. As with any match, both players would have to agree to have the match counted.

The only potential issue I see is if someone wanted to play a new, untried mod that was not yet fair an balanced. The tournament is not the place for experiments. Have these in a private match. Having a tournament match called-off because of a game glitch is not something I want to see. Nor do I want the loser of the match to complain that it was not fair, and not want to count the result. I don't want to have those arguments. If you want to play a mod, understand what you are getting into, and be willing to live with the results. Stick to the canned alternate scenarios and mature mods, and you will get a fun match. If you want to go for a walk on the wild side, that is your choice, just don't complain about it if it doesn't go your way.

Anyone else wish to chime in? I think we should be inclusive instead being purists, it will bring more people to the tournament, and will offer current players more variety if they want it. The developers may find more people to play their mods if the results count in the tournament. I think it is a win-win situation for everyone.

As long as the mod is based upon War in Europe, I think it should be allowed. After all, this is not a World at War or WW1 tournament, so we don't want to see mods based on those games in these standings, but outside of that, I think we should welcome mod players.

crispy131313 -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/14/2020 3:37:04 PM)



Wow! Mod developers don't often offer themselves for matches. What an opportunity! If people are foolish enough to leave this offer unaccepted for 24 hours, I will play you myself.

And what a great segue into the subject of alternate scenarios and mods. I think it would be fine to allow games played in alternate scenarios and mods to count in the tournament standings. Any of the canned alternate scenarios should be fair and balanced, which is all that really matters. Any of the mature mods like crispy's Fall Weiss 2 I think would be acceptable as well. As with any match, both players would have to agree to have the match counted.

The only potential issue I see is if someone wanted to play a new, untried mod that was not yet fair an balanced. The tournament is not the place for experiments. Have these in a private match. Having a tournament match called-off because of a game glitch is not something I want to see. Nor do I want the loser of the match to complain that it was not fair, and not want to count the result. I don't want to have those arguments. If you want to play a mod, understand what you are getting into, and be willing to live with the results. Stick to the canned alternate scenarios and mature mods, and you will get a fun match. If you want to go for a walk on the wild side, that is your choice, just don't complain about it if it doesn't go your way.

Anyone else wish to chime in? I think we should be inclusive instead being purists, it will bring more people to the tournament, and will offer current players more variety if they want it. The developers may find more people to play their mods if the results count in the tournament. I think it is a win-win situation for everyone.

As long as the mod is based upon War in Europe, I think it should be allowed. After all, this is not a World at War or WW1 tournament, so we don't want to see mods based on those games in these standings, but outside of that, I think we should welcome mod players.

Thanks Markiss I'd be happy to play a game. Id also think it would be great if Fall Weiss II would be considered tournament playable. I think there is always the risk with any mod that something unexpected could happen, but I think we have seen this even in the stock campaign as it has gone through it's many patches as well. For what it's worth there has been a great deal of community feedback that has tightened up the mod very well and I'm not aware of any errors. It's entirely out of my hands if that would come to fruition but I'm OK with the addition and would welcome future feedback to improve it.

As for our match please feel free to set up and and send me the password via PM, I'll accept the side I'm given!

Markiss -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/14/2020 7:27:27 PM)

Too slow guys! New Game, crispy131313(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies)

You had your chance...

mdswift -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/15/2020 8:54:43 PM)

I'll give it a shot! I'll take either side, just let me know your preference. Cheers

crispy131313 -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/16/2020 12:51:12 AM)

New Game, mdswift(Axis) vs crispy131313(Allies)

elveranomaslargo -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/19/2020 9:37:09 AM)

Is somebody up for a game? I am looking for fight hehehe

1939 scenario, I enjoy better as allied but open to axis. Who is the brave?

HamburgerMeat -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/19/2020 11:46:32 PM)

New Game, HamburgerMeat(Axis) vs elveranomaslargo(Allies)

Fafnir -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/21/2020 6:17:02 PM)

Looking for a game, 1939 scenario, would prefer allies.

Markiss -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/22/2020 12:52:05 AM)

Game Completed, crispy131313(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Axis Victory, May, 1942.

My Soviets were swept aside like school children. I am going to have to re-think my Soviet strategy, or maybe take up golf.

Markiss -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/24/2020 3:22:04 PM)

New Game, Markiss(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies).

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. At least I don't have to worry about being SeaLioned.

Fafnir -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/25/2020 10:40:38 AM)


New Game, Markiss(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies).

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. At least I don't have to worry about being SeaLioned.


Lock up your wife and children now,
it's time to wield the blade...

Well, the Axis may have to worry about Operation Wilfred and Plan R 4.

Markiss -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/25/2020 3:17:44 PM)

New Game, crispy131313(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Fall Weiss 2 mod.

Having failed to be competitive against crispy in the vanilla scenario, I have decided that it would be a good idea to challenge him in his own mod. Banzai!

No one having made any objections, this will be the first modified campaign match in the tournament standings.

Taifun -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/1/2020 5:18:36 PM)

Gentlemen and fellow Generals,

After a few months missing I am back and ready to play again. Looking for an Axis player (sorry but not ready yet to play Fafnir)... I promise an interesting duel [sm=duel.gif][sm=duel.gif]

Taifun -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/1/2020 8:47:24 PM)

New game started:
The Land (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Markiss -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/2/2020 1:35:39 PM)

I am going to be watching this one. If these 2 players each do what I think they are going to do, this will get wild early.

The Land -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/2/2020 2:10:01 PM)



I am going to be watching this one. If these 2 players each do what I think they are going to do, this will get wild early.

I think it might be going that way. It's October 39, there are panzers in Metz, but one German corps was surrounded and forced to surrender by the Poles after an incompetent maneuver in Silesia...

Will be interesting to see how it plays out :)

mdswift -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/8/2020 12:34:47 AM)

Anyone up for a game? In the middle of one vs. Crispy (I am Axis)... Oct '43 and I have not lost yet, but having fun. Tide has definitely turned and I am in the retreat. Can I hold out until '45? We shall see. In the meantime, if someone else would like a match, let me know. I am up for either side. You choose, start a game and let me know!

Finstro -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/8/2020 8:25:18 PM)

I will play mdswift...iŽd play allies pw coconut

Hartmann301 -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/8/2020 8:48:05 PM)

Game Completed, Hartmann301(Axis) vs GavinTael(Allies), Allies concede, October 1944

Markiss -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/9/2020 3:39:35 PM)

Game Completed, Markiss(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Allied victory, July 1943.

Fared a little better this time, seized London at one point and held Leningrad until the end of the game. But, ultimately, got flattened by the Soviet steamroller.

Hartmann301 -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/10/2020 11:04:41 AM)

Game Completed, Hartmann301(Axis)vs MJY(Allies), Allies concede, November 1943

Markiss -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/10/2020 12:06:32 PM)

Game Completed, crispy131313(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Axis victory, October 1942, Fall Weiss 2 scenario.

Knew this one was coming, but it was alot of fun. Love all the extra unit types, and the additional decision events give the game a chance to develop in new, interesting directions. Being able to buy an armored unit smaller than a panzer army is great, really opens up the possibilities strategy-wise. You are able to create less-expensive task forces that are still effective, allowing you to attempt things you could only dream of before. I would recommend Fall Weiss 2 to anyone!

Hartmann301 -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/11/2020 11:55:02 AM)

Game Completed, Hartmann301(Axis) vs captain10(Allies), Axis decisive victory, October 1944

BPINisBACK -> RE: The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (6/12/2020 7:55:58 AM)

I am available for a new game. Either side, i don't mind.

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