Markiss -> The NEW Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament (5/13/2020 3:29:47 PM)
Welcome to the latest iteration of the Official Strategic Command War in Europe ELO Tournament! This tournament is open to everyone. To join all you need is an opponent willing to have the result of your match recorded. If you don't have an opponent handy, just post your desire to play in this thread, and you will have one within a day or 2. When you are ready to play, just announce the match in this thread. The usual format is "New Game, Player 1(Axis) vs Player 2(Allies)". Once the match is complete, just post the result in this thread, "Game completed, Player 1(Axis) vs Player 2(Allies), Allied victory, July 1945". That's all there is to it! Your ranking and stats will be tracked automatically(from your perspective) at the top of this thread. There is no "schedule", you can play whomever you like from whatever side you like, but playing the same person over and over is discouraged. Rules and other boring stuff 1. We will use the same ELO system as before. 2. As previously, we will use the final rankings from the last tournament as the starting point for this one. New players will start with a ranking score of 1.000. 3. You may play as many games as you like, from whatever side you like. 4. All tournament games completed after April 27, 2020 will be included in this tournament. If you want your game included in the last tournament, I will remove it, but it is up to you to contact nnason to get it included in the final standings. 5. I am currently inclined to allow matches played in alternate scenarios or mods to be included in the tournament standings, as long as both players agree. I will, however, start a discussion below so players can weigh in with their opinions. Let me know what you think, we will go with the consensus. 6. To avoid the rankings being watered down with a bunch of "one and done" players, if you do not start or complete a match within a 6 month period, you will drop from the rankings. If you want to be reinstated, just ask. 7. If you commit to playing a tournament match, please honor your commitment. You are free to resign at anytime, but don't just stop sending turns without communicating with your opponent. If you have to miss some time, just let your opponent know, and all is well. If you ghost a match, however, victory will be awarded to your opponent. If you feel you have been ghosted, contact me. I personally feel 7 days with no turns or messages is enough time, but I will take each on a case-by-case basis. If you can later convince me you were in a coma or something, maybe I will remove your loss, but your opponents win will stay. 8. If anyone finds a hole in these rules to exploit, I reserve the right to close it. Games started after April 27th to be included in this tournament: Gavin Tael(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies), May 1942 Hartmann301(Axis) vs Gavin Tael(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), October 1944 Rannug61(Axis) vs Elveranomaslargo(Allies), Won by Elveranomaslargo(Allies), June 1945 Rannug61(Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Stalemate, May 1947 Gavin Tael(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Rannug61(Allies), July 1944 Markiss(Axis) vs nnason(Allies), postponed. HamburgerMeat(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by HamburgerMeat(Axis), July 1943 Gavin Tael(Axis) vs Elveranomaslargo(Allies), Won by Elveranomaslargo(Allies), January 1944 El_Condoro(Axis) vs nnason(Allies), Cancelled crispy131313(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Axis), May 1942 mdswift(Axis) vs crispy131313(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Allies), March 1945 Hartmann301(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), November 1943 HamburgerMeat(Axis) vs Elveranomaslargo(Allies), Cancelled Markiss(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies), July 1943 crispy131313(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Axis), October 1942 The Land(Axis) vs Taifun(Allies), Won by Taifun(Allies), January 1942 mdswift(Axis) vs Finstro(Allies), Won by mdswift(Axis), August 1942 BPINisBACK(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies) December 1943 Hartmann301(Axis) vs mdswift(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), May 1947 Hartmann301(Axis) vs HamburgerMeat(Allies), Won by HamburgerMeat(Allies) Hartmann301(Axis) vs elveranomaslargo(Allies), Won by elveranomaslargo(Allies), January 1942 Schnetzler(Axis) vs The Land(Allies), Won by Schnetzler(Axis), September 1942 MJY(Axis) vs Taifun(Allies), Won by Taifun(Allies), November 1942 The Land (Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Won by El_Condoro(Allies), June 1943 Gilber(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Gilber(Axis), July 1943 Scottydawg(Axis) vs cripsy131313(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Allies), June 1942 crispy131313(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Axis), April 1942 crispy131313(Axis) vs PJL1973(Allies), Won by crispy131313(Axis), March 1942 Gilber(Axis) vs Finstro(Allies), Won by Gilber(Axis) Scottydawg(Axis) vs Rannug61(Alllies), Won by Rannug61(Allies) December 1943 Rannug61(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Rannug61(Axis), July 1943 Rannug61(Axis) vs Gavin Tael(Allies) KorporalKeith(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Rannug61, November 1944 Taifun(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by Taifun(Axis), December 1941 Taifun(Axis) vs crispy131313(Allies), Won by Taifun(Axis), June 1943 Hartmann301(Axis) vs crispy131313(Allies), Won by crpisy131313(Allies), June 1943 El_Condoro(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Rannug61(Allies), December 1943 MJY(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by MJY(Axis), September 1942 Elveranomaslargo(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies), August 1940 Hartmann301(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), August 1943 mdswift(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by mdswift(Axis), May 1947 Scottydawg(Axis) vs The Land(Allies), Won by The Land(Allies), February 1946 Gilber(Axis) vs Fenndon(Allies), Won by Gilber(Axis), June 1944 El_Condoro(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), July 1944 Rannug61(Axis) vs KorporalKeith(Allies), Won by Rannug61(Axis), August 1941 El_Condoro(Axis) vs PJL1973(Allies), Won by El_Condoro(Axis), July 1943 Taifun(Axis) vs Fafnir(Allies), Won by Fafnir(Allies), December 1941 Scottydawg(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Markiss(Allies), October 1943 Hartmann301(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by Will985(Allies), May 1947 The Land(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies) Gilber(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Gilber(Axis), June 1942 BPINisBACK(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by BPINisBACK(Axis), May 1945 El_Condoro(Axis) vs BPINisBACK(Allies), Won by BPINisBACK(Allies), November 1944 Taifun(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies). Won by Taifun(Axis), July 1942 Scottydawg(Axis) vs Hippoking30(Allies), Cancelled. Hartmann301(Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), November 1943 El_Condoro(Axis) vs KorporalKeith(Allies), Won by El_Condoro(Axis), Nov 1944 Markiss(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Scottydawg(Allies), May 1945 Will952(Axis) vs Rannug61(Allies), Won by Will952(Axis), August 1946 Ktonos(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), June 1942 MJY(Axis) vs Etzel(Allies), Won by Etzel(Allies), March 1944 Fenndon(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Fenndon(Axis), October 1943 Will952(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), May 1944 Hartmann301(Axis) vs Finstro(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), August 1943 Scottydawg(Axis) vs KorparalKeith(Allies), Won by Scottydawg(Axis), Nov 1941 MarkusGeb(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by MarkusGeb(Axis), April 1941 El_condoro(Axis) vs KorporalKeith(Allies) El_Condoro(Axis) vs BPINisBACK(Allies), Won by BPINisBACK, March 1945 Scottydawg(Axis) vs Finstro(Allies), Won by Scottydawg(Axis), April 1944 KorporalKeith(Axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Markiss(Allies), Feburary 1946 Hartmann301(Axis) vs KorporalKeith(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(axis), November 1941 nnason(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies) Will952(Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Won by Will952(Axis), July 1943 Will952(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Will952(Axis), June 1943 Hartmann301(Axis) vs MarkusGeb(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), October 1942 El_Condoro(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by Will952(Allies), August 1943 Hartmann301(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), July 1943 Hartmann301(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by MJY(Allies), August 1946 MJY(Axis) vs Etzel(Allies) JimWC(Axis) vs MarkusGeb(Allies), Won by JimWC(Axis), May 1942 Will952(Axis) vs The Land(Allies), Won by Will952(Axis), August 1942 Scottydawg(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies) Scottydawg(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by Will952(Allies), August 1941 MarkusGeb(Axis) vs JimWC(Allies), Won by JimWC(Allies), June 1943 Hartmann301(Axis) vs Ktonos(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), November 1941 BPINisBACK(Axis) vs El_Condoro(Allies), Won by BPINisBACK(Axis), October 1940 nnason(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber (Allies), October 1940 Hartmann301(Axis) vs PJL1973(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), September 1943 Will952(axis) vs Markiss(Allies), Won by Will 952(Axis), July 1942 mdswift(Axis) vs MJY(Allies), Won by mdswift(Axis), September 1943 El_Condoro(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), October 1944 Fenndon(Axis) vs Gilber(Allies), Won by Gilber(Allies), July 1944 Rannug61(Axis) vs Scottydawg(Allies), Won by Scottydawg(Alles), August 1944 Scottydawg(Axis) vs Will952(Allies), Won by Will952(Allies), October 1943 Games started before April 27th, but finishing after, to be included in this tournament: El_Condoro(Axis) vs Elveranomaslargo(Allies), Won by Elvaranomaslargo(Allies) Hartmann301(Axis) vs captain10(Allies), Won by Hartmann301(Axis), October 1944 ELO Standings as of 10/12/2021 Fafnir 1,224.8 Gilber 1,119.9 Etzel 1,114.3 Taifun 1,094.1 Will952 1,076.9 crispy131313 1,071.0 Hartmann301 1,064.4 Elveranomaslargo 1,059.6 Rannug61 1,036.9 Ktonos 1,034.7 JimWC 1,030.8 HamburgerMeat 1,021.1 Schnetzler 1,015.3 mdswift 1,014.3 Fenndon 994.2 BPINisBACK 987.7 MarkusGeb 972.3 Nicholas_Wolf 961.1 The Land 952.9 Gavin Tael 951.7 Finstro 937.0 MJY 935.8 nnason 932.4 Scottydawg 918.0 KorporalKeith 905.7 PJL1973 878.8 Markiss 845.0 El_Condoro 832.0 These standings include games from the last tournament. Grand Total of all games: Axis 44 Victories, Allies 44 Victories, 1 Stalemate.