Bozo_the_Clown -> RE: 28 last week 1941 (1/3/2021 3:39:28 PM)
The game handles sieges and pockets very poorly. Once the city is cut off, the roughly 70 manpower points in the city produce nothing so the units just wither away due to attrition (approx. 5% per turn but probably increasing as morale goes down). Eventually, the units are just shells and rout. All the German player has to do is to keep in contact with Russian units and wait. It would be slightly different if those manpower points would produce ~3200 soldiers and those soldiers would get sent to the units in the pocket. Also, Osinovets needs to be a higher level port so that fortifications can actually make a difference and cause a delay. I have rage-quit multiple games because of Leningrad. And yet, I keep coming back.