RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (Full Version)

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Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 12:54:03 AM)

Impressive DL. Have to assume every base has an enemy sub in it.[;)]

ASW attack near Baker Island at 149,136

Japanese Ships
SS RO-67

Allied Ships
DD Dale
DD Monaghan

SS RO-67 is sighted by escort
RO-67 bottoming out ....
DD Dale fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Monaghan fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Monaghan fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub


ASW attack near Baker Island at 149,136

Japanese Ships
SS RO-67

Allied Ships
CL Phoenix
DD Downes
DD Tucker
DD Reid

SS RO-67 is sighted by escort
DD Tucker fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Reid attacking submerged sub ....
DD Reid loses contact with SS RO-67
DD Reid cannot establish contact with SS RO-67
Escort abandons search for sub


ASW attack near Baker Island at 149,136

Japanese Ships
SS RO-67

Allied Ships
DD Phelps

SS RO-67 is sighted by escort
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub


ASW attack near Baker Island at 149,136

Japanese Ships
SS RO-67

Allied Ships
DD Phelps

SS RO-67 is sighted by escort
RO-67 bottoming out ....
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Phelps fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub


ASW attack near Baker Island at 149,136

Japanese Ships
SS RO-67, hits 4

Allied Ships
DD Hull
DD Dewey

SS RO-67 is sighted by escort
DD Hull fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Dewey attacking submerged sub ....
DD Dewey loses contact with SS RO-67
DD Dewey loses contact with SS RO-67
DD Dewey fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Dewey fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Dewey fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 1:01:50 AM)

Fiji Area


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 1:14:23 AM)

Really not comfortable at all about turning on replacements for these troops. I think I should stockpile some, but things like engineers look real good to me.

I probably will switch the infantry that has engineers and bulldozers to combat to get them working at building forts.

I really hope I don't lose all of India to back here, but best plan on it.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 1:21:01 AM)





Dec 12th 1941

For some reason POW didn't disband into port before the air strikes and ate a torpedo from a Mavis...

I am fairly sure auto-disband feature happens at the end of the replay , after all the combat phases , at least in my tests it was like that.

You can do it, you need to use less than 1/2 a move (arrive at night), not refuel, and set disband into port with at least 1 point of movement left and no ops points expended. Even a sub attack might throw you off. So direct absolute.

BBfanboy -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 1:22:08 AM)

Look ahead a couple of months at the special convoys that arrive at CT as LCUs. I think one of them brings a nice batch of 25 pounders. Not sure if this mod altered the makeup of those pool additions.

Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 1:35:44 AM)

I really like using reserve no can get you out of tricky positions, lets you pick which units really get nailed during a retreat, etc. Very useful.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 1:46:52 AM)

Southern China


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 1:52:26 AM)



Look ahead a couple of months at the special convoys that arrive at CT as LCUs. I think one of them brings a nice batch of 25 pounders. Not sure if this mod altered the makeup of those pool additions.

Sweet...first convoy is supply and fuel only, but then the Matildas start rolling in, and the 25 pounders, and infantry, lots of goodness.[:)]


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 2:00:43 AM)

16-17 hexes from Iba...a long way for a Cat strike.

Once again Japan has very strong DLs...


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 2:11:06 AM)

Is it doable? Might have to watch the replay again.[;)]

Boise, Marblehead, and 6 Destroyers...


Jorge_Stanbury -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 3:02:40 AM)

I would say go for it, you will probably find no LBAs on day 1 and 2... then things will get more complicated after he reacts


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 1:37:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Jorge_Stanbury

I would say go for it, you will probably find no LBAs on day 1 and 2... then things will get more complicated after he reacts


I highly suspect some air against them, in the end I decide to send only Boise and a destroyer, saving Marblehead and her destroyers for later...

Sending the CV 8 hexes from Saipan...could be very dangerous. All cap set very low and at a very high percentage.

POW will end her turn in the ocean, with lots of LRCAP...hopefully she can survive it.

Mauritius is making a full speed escape run from Medan...Iboats are her main worry.

Really impressed at how strong Japanese naval search is.

Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 6:21:38 PM)

Mildly optimistic here...for the first time all game I haven't gotten a lightning fast turnaround, or a replay. I know he watched the turn...

Lets highlight what could go right or wrong:

Cap Trap over Prince of Wales, pretty much every ABDA/British & Friends fighters at a 1 or 3 hex range....

Cap trap over the two American carriers 8 hexes off Siapan...which is a size three runway so all planes are layered down low, with the exception of 4 floatplanes at 15K.

Boise making a near suicidal run to just north of Cam Ranh Bay supported by four subs, and three flying boat squadrons...based off very strong intelligence.

Massed low level night bombing run on the only Japanese runway on Java...

Floatplane strikes near Miri...

Cat strikes near Rabaul…

Several CAP traps over southern Luzon and Mindanao...

Eight destroyers in two squadrons at Cagayan with an AD arriving and disbanding into port...

Four destroyer squadrons hunting enemy subs at Baker Island...

Chinese bombers hitting isolated lone IJA brigade...with troops moving in from three directions to corner it.

Dutch light cruisers and destroyers hunting the Japanese hunters off northwestern Australia.

Two minefields laid closing the straits of Malacca down low.

So something had to go right, right? Just as easily, things could have gone wrong too...[:D]

Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 10:15:04 PM)

Dec 13, 1941

Looks promising for a Boise intercept...awfully long range though.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 10:17:40 PM)

Daytime arrives and no Boise intercept...oh well. Dutch cruiser force off Oz missed too, despite lots of reactions in the area.

Kates doing NavS are shot down over the Lexington...hope they didn't go too far.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 10:27:13 PM)

Uh, oh! That is a lot...


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 10:32:35 PM)

Sure enough, POW takes another torpedo.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 10:34:43 PM)

Well, the turn turned out pretty much how I thought...with most plots not materializing, but this sure does seem to put the nail into the coffin for the Prince of Wales. Now to do it all over again with the Repulse...

Mauritius got away with a bunch of high value luxury liners.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 10:52:36 PM)

Strikes out...

Fights off some Mabels…


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/16/2020 10:54:01 PM)

Down to less than one page of sunk shipping!



BBfanboy -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/17/2020 12:27:31 AM)



Down to less than one page of sunk shipping!



Gotta find glimmers of light where you can in the first few months as Allies.

RangerJoe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/17/2020 2:24:47 AM)

Well, once you kill of the majority, then there is only stragglers. [8|]

But I guess that the KB in the DEI early can really put a hamper on ABDA!

Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/17/2020 12:46:00 PM)

Boise is giving it one more chance for an intercept, and then heading back to Manilla

Lexington group is flank speeding thru the Marianas...

Several other offensive moves...and preparation for more tomorrow

Probably the last day of the Prince of Wales...

Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/18/2020 11:39:46 PM)

Dec 16th, 1941

Two days have progressed, Japan making progress...tied up irl, family wedding next week, my clan is coming home so the old homestead will be crowded with activities...

Boise went hunting, a risky move, skirmishes with destroyers, MTBs, and a SC SAG (sank 2) and then promptly ran out of fuel trying to leg it back to Luzon getting hit at range by some Mabels. There is an xakl that is headed to her to refuel...and got some fuel into them on the following day before being scared off by a MTB task force.

on the 2nd Day the Boise managed to evade a task force of several destroyers but has run out of fuel again. This time we will attempt to get the xakl to merge with the Boise.

So Boise is still in trouble...

Sboat hit a merchant off Tourane making some IJA troopers go for a swim..


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/18/2020 11:44:24 PM)

This will be tricky...


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/18/2020 11:47:57 PM)

Sboats doing good work..


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/18/2020 11:50:37 PM)

Prince of Wales eats 4 torpedoes over five attacks...we at least get some bombers.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/18/2020 11:58:49 PM)

Japan is really picking up speed...

Marblehead dodge five aerial attacks...


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/19/2020 12:02:21 AM)

Falling fast...


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (9/19/2020 12:09:21 AM)

Blundered here, as the Paratroopers dropped yesterday wiping out three squadrons of depleted torpedo bombers (string beans and swords). I don't know why I flew them there rather than Tavoy where other parts of those squadrons were. I bought back the swords as I think that squadron sticks around for the game, but it hurts my future defense of India.

I took too long getting reinforcements to Port Blair...I will attempt to retake it, but I am not hopeful since prep is 0....but perhaps with shore bombardments by the cruisers we can get some effective AV onto the beach. Low odds I bet...should I just give up here?


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