mind_messing -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (6/25/2021 2:49:31 PM)
ORIGINAL: Lowpe Looking at the Allied OB, trying to find those units that work great on Pacific Atoll defense. I normally like for Japan: 1 Artillery unit... 1 AA unit as a soak...for Japan I like the 20mm AA guys. 1 Eng unit for engineers, aviation support, minor flak, soak 1-2 combat units of infantry 1 armored car unit (these guys usually survive the bombardments and actually stop the attack) 1 cd unit Mines to around 6-9k troops. Early on I think the chance of Japan launching a counter attack to take an atoll is pretty high depending on circumstances elsewhere... Do you AFBs have any favorite units for atoll defense? What is your makeup? I seem to be swimming in CD gun units, but armored car units are scarce...perhaps NZ? Small AA doesn't seem to exist. Smaller infantry seems to be Australia or NZ or Can. From memory, there's plenty of USA artillery units floating around the West Coast to provide. Same with AA units. Engineer units are a bit of a bottleneck - worth prioritising the USN base forces for atolls where there's at least a 0(1) port or better to take advantage of the naval support squads. Army base forces aren't suited for atolls, but you can use the USAAF base forces pretty freely if you don't plan on using the port. Where you really struggle in my experience is with infantry units. The Allies don't really have LCU's akin to the IJN Naval Guards/SNLF that you can use as almost a modular garrison force. US Army regiments will eat up a lot of a 6k stacking limit, but would take a lot of effort for the IJ to move off (especially on an atoll). You don't get many battalion sized formations for the US Army - might want to look at replacing the detachments of the 298th Infantry (starts off on the Hawaii Islands) with bigger formations and use the 3 separate battalions for atoll garrison. Armoured cars - not many of those on the eastern side of the map IIRC. You could use the US tank units, but maybe the Oz armoured units might be a better fit. I wouldn't undersell the Allied AA either. The average USA AA regiment is stock full of automatic weapons, plus the 90mm guns may even get some CD fire going too. quote:
ORIGINAL: Lowpe Lets talk Clemson Destroyers for a bit...converting some to DE class? I go for a mixed approach. You get a bunch of APD's a couple months into the war, and they will generally suffice for your fast transport needs. I think you need this functionality less with the Allies than you do with Japan as the Allies have more and better air transport options. What you do need is escorts with semi-decent range. You can gather up enough KV's, SC's and the like to cover immediate needs, but there's a bit of a gap with the longer range stuff until the longer range PC and DE start to arrive. Most of my Clemson's end up as DE's. I do send a fairly hefty squadron (8 or so) off to the Indian Ocean. They get paired with the old RN BB's that operate in theatre. The RN always feel short of DD's to me, so that keeps some of the better RN destroyers for more active duties.