GloriousRuse -> RE: VERNICHTUNGSKRIEG!!!! HLYA(G) vs 821Bobo (S) All are welcome (4/4/2021 8:03:20 PM)
Well, I think the forums are more pro-defender than pro-soviet. The game has been very fine tuned, but the biggest remaining issues generally favor the attacker (multistack hasties are insufficiently penalized in time and efficacy, overly easy AFV maintenance allows extended overland moves away from support, comparative ease of getting logistics over river lines that means crossing the Dnepr or the Vistula doesn’t incur a delay while getting support infrastructure built up far side or have log canalized along the bridges) - we all like to root for the underdog. Once players get over the systems familiarization phase, the few remaining issues tend to make the early and late war defender that guy.