RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (Full Version)

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WYBaugh -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/2/2021 11:42:27 PM)



Sure, get vaccinated, then you don't get Covid-19 . . .

"How 350 vaccinated people caught COVID-19 in huge Cape Cod outbreak.
The report describes 469 COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts residents that were tied to the Provincetown outbreak. (Most of the other cases tied to the Cape Cod outbreak are from individuals living outside of Massachusetts.)

Of these, 346, or 74%, were fully vaccinated. About 46% had received the Pfizer vaccine, 38% had received the Moderna vaccine and 16% had received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Most breakthrough cases, 87%, were among men, with an average age of 42. (The authors note that the demographics of these cases likely reflect those of the people who attended the area's events, which "were marketed to adult male participants.")

About 80% of breakthrough cases experienced symptoms of COVID-19, including cough, headache, sore throat, muscle aches and fever, the report said. A total of five people were hospitalized, four of whom were fully vaccinated. Two of the four fully vaccinated patients had underlying medical conditions, the report said.

When health officials analyzed swab samples from 133 cases, they found that nearly 90% were infected with the delta variant. And when they analyzed samples from 211 cases, they found that the so-called CT value, a proxy value for viral load, was about the same among fully vaccinated people as those who were not vaccinated or partially vaccinated. . . . "

The take away from this research is that, hey guess what??? Masks are needed again because you can be tossing out the same viral load vaccinated as unvaccinated.

RFalvo69 -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/2/2021 11:48:55 PM)



This thread will be locked but I wanted to say thank you rustysi for saying what I would say.

Of course it will be locked: medicine and climate belong to the ballot box, not to labs and rational discourse. [8|]

WYBaugh -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/2/2021 11:51:04 PM)





This thread will be locked but I wanted to say thank you rustysi for saying what I would say.

Of course it will be locked: medicine and climate belong to the ballot box, not to labs and rational discourse. [8|]


ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 12:01:14 AM)

Deep State is buying time.

This ain't over, just getting started.

RangerJoe -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 12:35:50 AM)



As I know it's been said a million times, the vaccine does not prevent you catching covid. It prevents the person becoming so ill that they require hospitalization.

You get a flu shot, you can still get the flu.

According to the information in the article, the hospitalization rate was the same for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

Greybriar -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 12:59:26 AM)

Since news of the pandemic first reached me in the spring of 2020, I have done the following:
1. Quit eating out and bringing home food from the deli.
2. Stayed home except for necessary outings like doctor appointments.
3. Worn a KN95 mask on those rare occasions when I do go out and encounter other people.
4. Practiced social distancing.
5. Washed my hands after returning home, handling items from outside the home such as the mail or delivered packages, and frequently during the course of the day.
6. Been fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

I believe doing the above has prevented me from getting infected with Covid-19 and I hope my sharing will be helpful to others.

WYBaugh -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 1:00:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Greybriar

Since news of the pandemic first reached me in the spring of 2020, I have done the following:
1. Quit eating out and bringing home food from the deli.
2. Stayed home except for necessary outings like doctor appointments.
3. Worn a KN95 mask on those rare occasions when I do go out and encounter other people.
4. Practiced social distancing.
5. Washed my hands after returning home, handling items from outside the home such as the mail or delivered packages, and frequently during the course of the day.
6. Been fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

I believe doing the above has prevented me from getting infected with Covid-19 and I hope my sharing will be helpful to others.

Thank you Greybriar!

MrsWargamer -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 1:12:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Greybriar

Since news of the pandemic first reached me in the spring of 2020, I have done the following:
1. Quit eating out and bringing home food from the deli.
2. Stayed home except for necessary outings like doctor appointments.
3. Worn a KN95 mask on those rare occasions when I do go out and encounter other people.
4. Practiced social distancing.
5. Washed my hands after returning home, handling items from outside the home such as the mail or delivered packages, and frequently during the course of the day.
6. Been fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

I believe doing the above has prevented me from getting infected with Covid-19 and I hope my sharing will be helpful to others.

Yep, more or less the same.

I've been hearing that the majority, basically almost all the deaths from covid, have been people that were not vaccinated.
It has also been mentioned, a great many of the unvaccinated have been those who politically are against being vaccinated.

You want links?
Hey, I'm not going to pretend I can recall where I saw that information.
It's either true, and it shows why being vaccinated has merit, or it's not true. In which case I was vaccinated and for nothing. You can figure that one out on your own.
I won't miss the willingly unvaccinated considering their politics if that detail is also true. I don't really think it matters if it isn't true.

But I am with Greybriar and others like us.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 2:08:43 AM)

Haven't worried about it, whole things is overrated.

1) Unvaccinated, not even tempted to inject an unknown DNA manipulator into my body.
2) Been going to Church the whole time, once week, on Sunday.
3) Eat lots of natural foods only: Almonds Pecans, Walnuts, Potatoes, Black Beans, Avocado, Pineapple, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Cheese, Ham, Tuna, and lots of vinegar on boring worthless vegetables, salt, unsweet Tea, Coffee, Eggs
4) Golf, Basketball, Walk

Never eat the following:
1) Anything outta of a box, such cereal, granola bars, frozen processed crap, lunch meat
2) Don't drink alcohol, it's the Devil's juice. Only keep for pain relief, like weed.
3) Stay away from losers. This is just like 'Nam. You can look at ppl, and predict who will die. Avoid losers.
4) Don't waste more than 15 minutes reading or watching the news. Not healthy

Here's what I predict:

a) next few months, the Delta will be blah-blah & makers of the Jab, will claim victory, that they saved the planet
b) problem #2 will arrive before next US elections, increased computer gliches.
c) stock market / crypto gonna will rise some more, than take a big hit, like playing craps at the casino, shooter rolls "7", scrap some fake money
d) Great refresh will begin, with a real virus.

You got 12-months before 'The Purge'

MrsWargamer -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 6:41:43 AM)

Well, I'm not denying you your capacity to believe.

But there has never been a spec of proof God exists.
But considering what's in the Bible, and yes, I am an expert if that is even possible, as written, he's not the guy he's believed to be.

I wasn't born in sin, and I don't actually require Jesus, because when you consider God made everything as is claimed, I was never guilty of anything.
That's on the notion any of it is real of course.

Covid just happened. Just like everything else has just been happening, for 4.5+ billion years.
The Permian got the creatures then, which gave the dinos their chance, but **** happens and it happened to the dinos. We have been able to exist by the forces of chance. And we can be made to exit by those same forces.
We might stupidly stumble into a desertified planet which will do a nice job on our numbers indeed. It won't be a few millions, but a few billions.

But I'm not holding my breath.
I'm also not waiting for God or his son whom he killed himself oddly enough, to fix things.

I WOULD like my species to pull its collective head out of its arse though, and maybe actually be accountable for just long enough to demonstrate our supposed superior intellgence.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 1:30:34 PM)


No Politics? How about stop posting on this. Relax, you will be fine. The media is manipulating you.

Sadly, everything has become political. However, by the rules of this forum posting public health information, especially with citations, is not political. It should be possible for such information to be discussed on its merits.

Politics works in many ways. Some folks are inherently more likely to drop their guard and believe things they otherwise wouldn't believe because of politics. Other folks are more likely to reflexively disagree with something they would otherwise agree with because of politics.

In matters of life and death, such as a global pandemic, it's best to remember the tools of reason, logic and analysis which we all have and try to use them without political influence. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 1:33:33 PM)


Certainly the most important thing in that article was mentioned last, so I'll post it again for the benefit of all those that don't read the whole thing.

proper ventilation and filtration may be even more helpful (SN: 5/18/21). In the mannequin study, researchers also placed two HEPA filters in various locations around the room. HEPA filtration cut exposure to airborne particles by 65 percent compared with no filtration and no masks. When all the mannequins were masked and the HEPA filters were on, the average particle concentration was reduced 90 percent.

Businesses need to focus on new ventilation systems. This should have been true since this crap first started. Money needs to be directed at this issue rather than elsewhere.

Ventilation and filtration are indeed crucial tools to reducing indoor transmission for any airborne/aerosolized contagion, such as this virus. Even opening a window in a room helps. This is a good set of advice along those lines, which would reduce transmission in any indoor space - office, school or home.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 1:39:44 PM)


Why did you even start it?

Was it to keep the panic and hysteria going?

Remember that Fauci said that masks don't help - even when he knew that masks helped. So he is a liar. Just think, 60 percent of the white tailed deer in Michigan that they have tested so far have antibodies for Covid-19 - are all of those animals going to be killed?

The original poster's intent was clearly to help inform his fellow gamers, given that we are in the middle of a global pandemic and COVID 19 has just in effect upgraded itself to "COVID 21" or Delta.

I fully recognize that many of our "leaders" and institutions have not set politics aside and have been either wrong, or misinformed or misleading (generally for "noble" reasons).

However, a public health crisis like a global pandemic is in fact akin to a war. The virus does not care what our politics are, it simply hunts for new hosts. This is one of the situations where we as a society need to pull together and set politics aside. If our leaders won't do it, then we must do it ourselves and set a better example, not by turning reflexively to whatever the opposite politics are but by informing ourselves based on the best information, reason and logic we can muster.

The politicians will get through this, our goal should be to make sure civil society, reason and wargaming does as well.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: Delta Variant - please no politics (8/3/2021 1:47:58 PM)

One last post before locking this.

First, a general warning to all. Posting information with citations/references is not inherently political. Responding with politics to that information is political and violates the forum rules. If you want to disagree or debate, do so on the merits with your own vetted information, not based on politics. Let's have these debates with the kind of civility, reason and logic that we apply to our wargames.

Second, for those who may not yet be vaccinated. I personally hope that you will reconsider. I've done my own research on this and concluded that the vaccines are safe and effective, irrespective of politics. If you have concerns about them and would like to discuss, feel free to PM me and I'll engage.

My only interest is in making sure as many of our wargaming community as possible get through this without mortality, morbidity or any debilitating effects. I have already seen this virus wreak havoc on some within my extended family and among our development teams. I am against this virus, period.

I've attached a good report that summarizes the risks/benefits of the vaccines vs. COVID quite well, in my opinion.

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