RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (Full Version)

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Curtis Lemay -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 7:45:03 PM)

Nothing says "inclusion" like banning topics of discussion.

MrRoadrunner -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 7:54:46 PM)

And, here we go.


Erik Rutins -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 8:33:15 PM)


So it begins.

The threads containing pictures of women must be locked. How about the one on all things football next. It does contain pictures of women exposing their legs, and men also.

In the same vein, all pictures of men must be vilified, for they may be considered to glorify the masculinity of man. Especially those of men in uniform, without a shirt, or petting cats. Photographs or illustrations that glorify the art of warfare are especially heinous and many object to them, particularly women.

Well, I'm not as good at predicting the future as you are apparently, but I have no such plans. Think of this forum as the entry room of a house. Per the principles above and the reasoning and keeping in mind that the main point of this forum is not to share pictures of our favorite ladies, do you think a wargaming club that wanted to be welcoming to women would put pictures of scantily clad women on the walls of its entry room?

Are there other places to share pictures of your favorite ladies, including via PM? Yep.


- Erik

jwarrenw13 -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 8:38:23 PM)

This is a private forum run by a wargame company. I will judge Matrix/Slitherine on the basis of their game products, not on the basis of topics allowed or not allowed that are not related to their games. There are so many things in the world to be truly concerned about. This is not one of them.

OldSarge -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 8:43:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: jwarrenw13

This is a private forum run by a wargame company. I will judge Matrix/Slitherine on the basis of their game products, not on the basis of topics allowed or not allowed that are not related to their games. There are so many things in the world to be truly concerned about. This is not one of them.


gamer78 -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 8:52:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

We are unable to do regional pricing in our store at present. We do have some of that via Steam.

It is pity regional pricing is not planned. For the last past 5 years in Steam I've observed more games being translated to more different languages. I primaly observed Turkish market, also Russian market they both can benefit from regional pricing. Also simplified Chinese as a language choice is more common than before. There is more demand in games overall as the first choice entertainment.

Zap -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 9:24:38 PM)

The saying goes, "be careful what you wish for" Soon, you will be presented with the clarion call of the "principled" who have already pronounced wargaming is a glorification of war and war is evil, thus wargaming and wargamers are evil. You will be called upon to stop producing wargames, shut down your site. When that time comes will you be as courageous to do so? Or do you think you can satisfy the mob with a simple explanation "its a historical recall". Do you think that will satisfy them?

Erik Rutins -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 9:35:44 PM)


The saying goes, "be careful what you wish for" Soon, you will be presented with the clarion call of the "principled" who have already pronounced wargaming is a glorification of war and war is evil, thus wargaming and wargamers are evil. You will be called upon to stop producing wargames, shut down your site. When that time comes will you be as courageous to do so? Or do you think you can satisfy the mob with a simple explanation "its a historical recall". Do you think that will satisfy them?

I'm familiar with the slippery slope argument here. I'll refer back to my first post and say that I mean what I wrote there and I have no intention of going down the slope you described.

The entire purpose of us being here is to make strategy games, including wargames, many covering history. History should be presented as it is. So yes, that would be a red line for me if someone were to tell me that wargaming as a hobby is in some way inappropriate. I would argue that a lack of studying history and war is more likely to lead to more of it than less.

That's a separate question from how do we make wargaming less daunting for a larger audience. To me the answer is not to change history or turn wargames into something they are not, but rather to be good ambassadors and to keep everyone in mind when working, teaching or playing.


- Erik

ThomasJay -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 9:41:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kuokkanen



However, might I direct your attention to threads such as these:

If I was a woman and wandered to a strategy game forum, I might wander off somewhere else if the most popular thread in there is about objectifying women.

Are you sure thread in question is objectifying women instead appreciating them? [&:]
Okay, I might not understand the difference between the two [8|]

I think what needs to be considered is how prospective female gamers see that post more than the intent of the various posters. A very small sample size, but my 26 year old daughter saw it when she was sitting on the couch by me. Her reaction was it's gross old men and pathetic incels gawking at young women. How many can honestly say they'd feel comfortable reading and replying to that thread in front of girlfriends, wife , daughters or granddaughters?

operating -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 9:48:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


The saying goes, "be careful what you wish for" Soon, you will be presented with the clarion call of the "principled" who have already pronounced wargaming is a glorification of war and war is evil, thus wargaming and wargamers are evil. You will be called upon to stop producing wargames, shut down your site. When that time comes will you be as courageous to do so? Or do you think you can satisfy the mob with a simple explanation "its a historical recall". Do you think that will satisfy them?

I'm familiar with the slippery slope argument here. I'll refer back to my first post and say that I mean what I wrote there and I have no intention of going down the slope you described.

The entire purpose of us being here is to make strategy games, including wargames, many covering history. History should be presented as it is. So yes, that would be a red line for me if someone were to tell me that wargaming as a hobby is in some way inappropriate. I would argue that a lack of studying history and war is more likely to lead to more of it than less.

That's a separate question from how do we make wargaming less daunting for a larger audience. To me the answer is not to change history or turn wargames into something they are not, but rather to be good ambassadors and to keep everyone in mind when working, teaching or playing.


- Erik

I have no doubt you have good intentions, I'd hate to see You, I and others get pushed around with what is coming from the known and unknown. Can't put my finger on it, but it is happening.

Zap -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 10:02:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: operating


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


The saying goes, "be careful what you wish for" Soon, you will be presented with the clarion call of the "principled" who have already pronounced wargaming is a glorification of war and war is evil, thus wargaming and wargamers are evil. You will be called upon to stop producing wargames, shut down your site. When that time comes will you be as courageous to do so? Or do you think you can satisfy the mob with a simple explanation "its a historical recall". Do you think that will satisfy them?

I'm familiar with the slippery slope argument here. I'll refer back to my first post and say that I mean what I wrote there and I have no intention of going down the slope you described.

The entire purpose of us being here is to make strategy games, including wargames, many covering history. History should be presented as it is. So yes, that would be a red line for me if someone were to tell me that wargaming as a hobby is in some way inappropriate. I would argue that a lack of studying history and war is more likely to lead to more of it than less.

That's a separate question from how do we make wargaming less daunting for a larger audience. To me the answer is not to change history or turn wargames into something they are not, but rather to be good ambassadors and to keep everyone in mind when working, teaching or playing.


- Erik

I have no doubt you have good intentions, I'd hate to see You, I and others get pushed around with what is coming from the known and unknown. Can't put my finger on it, but it is happening.

At a rapid pace too, No aspect of life is being left alone.

gamer78 -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/2/2021 10:18:46 PM)

Football Manager 2022 will have women league in next version database, SI anticipated there are many female players will be interested. It is good choice. But after 30 years of 50 leagues around the world added to the database. But they waited first the game franchise become international not for some regional market. Wargame market should increase first that's what I'was saying...

Simulacra53 -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 6:47:40 AM)

Your forum, your company and you can do what you like.

But with all due respect this is just virtue signaling, period.

You may use that list of principles on the work floor as most modern companies seem to do, but to enforce it on a forum is just pedantic overkill.

You are not improving the world by being politically correct and appeasing one (minority) group over another.
If you have a marketing challenge jumping on the inclusion band wagon is not the best route to solve your dwindling number of buyers - unless you want to rewrite thousands of years of military history.

Inclusive customers demand inclusive games, remember that…

The road to tyranny starts with limiting what you are allowed to say.
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right and being occasionally offended is a small price to pay compared to the bloodshed and pain of most alternatives.

We do not have to agree, that’s the beauty of it.

That was my 2c.
Off the soap box.


Perturabo -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 7:13:00 AM)



Her reaction was it's gross old men and pathetic incels gawking at young women.

Does she realise that she won't be in 20s forever? No one volunteers to age, we were done in by our parents. Also, the thread doesn't feature young women, it features images, it's not a user photo thread.
I'm posting on a forum dedicated to Jungs typology and it has a thread like this where people of both sexes post. Though it's quite possible all qualify as "pathetic incels" (it sounds sort of ableist).

Also, MMORPGs have much more female players than wargames and everyone knows how cringe character designs in MMO games usually are.

warspite1 -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 9:40:11 AM)

So the Australian Beauties thread is no more….. As the starter of that thread I must say I am a little sad to see its demise, but fully understand this is Matrix’s forum and they can choose what is acceptable and what is not. But Matrix have left this thread open for people to post their comments and so I will take advantage of that.

Firstly I must say that the issues around diversity and inclusion being brought to the fore is a force for the good. I know from my own experience how seriously employers are taking the matter. About time too – things were changing, but not fast enough. Certain events in 2020 brought that home in stark fashion.

But I also recognise that in many areas, things are going too far and the message is being lost and distorted. This sort of nonsense, by people with their own warped agendas, simply plays into the hands of the knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who don’t want progress in the first place.

But the fact that there are problems does not mean that those with the right intentions and who are doing the right thing should not be encouraged to carry on making progress and seeking change for the good of all.

So when I saw Matrix make an announcement on the Derby House rules, my reaction was good for them – and I wish them well.

As far as the closure of the Australian Beauties thread is concerned (well done Karri) I must confess I have mixed feelings. Firstly, I can see the arguments for closing the thread; it’s in the General Discussion (GD) forum and presumably the first place new members and prospective members will see. So I take Erik’s entry room analogy and that it may be seen by some to set a certain ‘tone’.

That said, my personal opinion, on balance, is that the closure of the thread was an unfortunate decision. Threads continue if people post. If people post then there must be an interest in the subject. So there can be no denying that after almost 10 years, over 11,000 posts and almost 1.8m hits, the thread was of interest to many of the wargaming members of this community. I think most GD forumites have their own individual game site(s) they frequent, but also come to the GD forum for a bit of alternative chat – whether it be wargames in general, history, films and TV, sport, books or whatever.

In saying all that, it was clear from the number of actual posters, that it was not popular with all forumites – what thread is? But those who didn’t like it simply stayed away (or just viewed the thread and never admitted it), in the same way that they would stay away from other threads and forums that were of no interest. There are too few ladies on the forums, but those who were here didn’t appear to be turned off the forum because of that one thread. Indeed Rhonda (God rest her soul) even joined in at one point.

General Discussion is just that, and as Erik said, the Australian Beauties thread did not break any rules. How many times did moderators have to intervene in this 371 page thread? I suspect if I went back and trawled through that thread, there would be a few comments that, while not breaking any rules, would on reflection, perhaps be better suited to an all-male environment (and I can fully appreciate why that would be a problem). But we are literally talking about the odd post. Pick up any woman’s publication today. They are filled with the sort of pictures posted in that thread. The thread wasn’t meant to objectify women (I have a wife and two daughters, why on earth would I do that?) – it was a celebration of beauty. Instead of closing the thread, there could have simply been some tighter rules made on pictures and comments to ensure that nothing strayed ‘out of bounds’.

There are probably as many women involved in the Matrix forums now, as when I joined in 2008 – and that was four years before the Australian Beauties thread was started. Do Matrix really believe that the lack of women has anything to do with this one individual thread amongst the many hundreds and thousands to view? Does the fact that this thread is closed and will ultimately disappear from sight, mean women will come to the Matrix forum? No of course not, Erik and co are not stupid, but they want to do what they consider is the right thing and not turn away prospective customers.

My only request therefore is that they reconsider the closure of the thread in favour perhaps of some tighter regulation of what is posted.

But if not then, as far as the Australian Beauties page is concerned, goodbye old girl – it’s been a lot of fun. Thanks to those who supported the thread – and in particular the competitions that were held from time to time. I think a picture of one of the winners of a competition from back in 2013 is worth a post.

Winner of the Most Beautiful Old Girl Tarted Up for War (essentially WWI ships that were modernised and saw action in WWII), beating the Kongo in the final

But that is just my GBP £0.02 of the Queen’s sterling.

bayonetbrant -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 12:27:37 PM)



So it begins.

The threads containing pictures of women must be locked. How about the one on all things football next. It does contain pictures of women exposing their legs, and men also.

In the same vein, all pictures of men must be vilified, for they may be considered to glorify the masculinity of man. Especially those of men in uniform, without a shirt, or petting cats. Photographs or illustrations that glorify the art of warfare are especially heinous and many object to them, particularly women.



The saying goes, "be careful what you wish for" Soon, you will be presented with the clarion call of the "principled" who have already pronounced wargaming is a glorification of war and war is evil, thus wargaming and wargamers are evil. You will be called upon to stop producing wargames, shut down your site. When that time comes will you be as courageous to do so? Or do you think you can satisfy the mob with a simple explanation "its a historical recall". Do you think that will satisfy them?

Perturabo -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 1:05:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

That's a separate question from how do we make wargaming less daunting for a larger audience. To me the answer is not to change history or turn wargames into something they are not, but rather to be good ambassadors and to keep everyone in mind when working, teaching or playing.

I think that the main problem is that wargaming is sort of an odd masochistic hobby. Like it requires learning stuff and then after one learning stuff, one realises one can't really enjoy a game ever again, just grumble grumble grumble XD .
That is besides generally not being constructed to be constantly rewarding like most of games are. Like it's a fundamentally elite hobby.


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


So it begins.

The threads containing pictures of women must be locked. How about the one on all things football next. It does contain pictures of women exposing their legs, and men also.

In the same vein, all pictures of men must be vilified, for they may be considered to glorify the masculinity of man. Especially those of men in uniform, without a shirt, or petting cats. Photographs or illustrations that glorify the art of warfare are especially heinous and many object to them, particularly women.

Well, I'm not as good at predicting the future as you are apparently, but I have no such plans. Think of this forum as the entry room of a house. Per the principles above and the reasoning and keeping in mind that the main point of this forum is not to share pictures of our favorite ladies, do you think a wargaming club that wanted to be welcoming to women would put pictures of scantily clad women on the walls of its entry room?

Are there other places to share pictures of your favorite ladies, including via PM? Yep.


- Erik

I don't think having pinups in a gaming club or a workplace and the thread is comparable since in the first case people get exposed to them without their consent whenever they visit the place, while in case of thread people need to intentionally enter it.
Like the thread is sort of weird, but it's self-contained. Like in the end I don't see much difference between it and music thread or football thread or whatever.
It's also sort of weird since women are culturally encouraged to walk around in sexualized clothes, even in front of children and complain if they are expected by institutions to follow similar (unspoken) standards of decency as men and that thread pretty much features women as many appear in public.

To be honest, probably the the typical outcome of this kind of threads being around and imagery being in games isn't putting off women but encouraging e-girl behaviour. Like in fantasy wargaming scene, like 3/4 of female miniature painters are like LOOK I'M A GAMER GIRL, I HAVE SKIN AND TEETH!!! and putting themselves into miniature photos, wearing sexualized clothes in videos, etc. Ugh. It's just so obnoxious.

Like let's be honest, women are socialised to publicly expose themselves, but aren't socialised to play hardcore wargames. If the thread was the problem, then we'd have much more female hardcore wargamers than female MMO players since MMO games prominently feature hypersexualised female characters. It simply doesn't happen.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 1:20:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Simulacra53
You are not improving the world by being politically correct and appeasing one (minority) group over another.
If you have a marketing challenge jumping on the inclusion band wagon is not the best route to solve your dwindling number of buyers - unless you want to rewrite thousands of years of military history.

To be clear, our audience is not at this time dwindling. It has been increasing. Of course, we'd like for it to increase further, but more generally we'd like wargaming to be as welcoming to all as possible.


The road to tyranny starts with limiting what you are allowed to say.
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right and being occasionally offended is a small price to pay compared to the bloodshed and pain of most alternatives.
We do not have to agree, that’s the beauty of it.

In general, I agree with you. However, within a wargaming forum for a company I disagree. We've always imposed some limits and those limits have always been to make sure that conversations here remain civil and that we focus on what unites wargamers and strategy gamers around the world. There have always been other places for discussions about politics, religion, etc.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 1:31:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Perturabo
I'm posting on a forum dedicated to Jungs typology and it has a thread like this where people of both sexes post.


ORIGINAL: warspite1
That said, my personal opinion, on balance, is that the closure of the thread was an unfortunate decision. Threads continue if people post. If people post then there must be an interest in the subject. So there can be no denying that after almost 10 years, over 11,000 posts and almost 1.8m hits, the thread was of interest to many of the wargaming members of this community. I think most GD forumites have their own individual game site(s) they frequent, but also come to the GD forum for a bit of alternative chat – whether it be wargames in general, history, films and TV, sport, books or whatever.

In saying all that, it was clear from the number of actual posters, that it was not popular with all forumites – what thread is? But those who didn’t like it simply stayed away (or just viewed the thread and never admitted it), in the same way that they would stay away from other threads and forums that were of no interest. There are too few ladies on the forums, but those who were here didn’t appear to be turned off the forum because of that one thread. Indeed Rhonda (God rest her soul) even joined in at one point.

I completely understand your points on this. With that said, it's not actually the first time I've seen a complaint about that thread, I just previously stuck with the fact that it wasn't in violation of the forum rules and let it go. However, we really don't have many lady wargamers around here and when considering it in that context and whether I'd want that to be the first thread they come upon, I decided that closing it was the better option.

That's where the entry room analogy came up for me. I've visited a couple of workplaces before where the walls were covered in pin-ups and I'm sure the guys there enjoyed that but it can also be easily misunderstood. If you wouldn't want your wife or daughter to see it at your home or wargaming club, you probably shouldn't post it here. There are other forums for that.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 1:43:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Perturabo
I don't think having pinups in a gaming club or a workplace and the thread is comparable since in the first case people get exposed to them without their consent whenever they visit the place, while in case of thread people need to intentionally enter it.
Like the thread is sort of weird, but it's self-contained. Like in the end I don't see much difference between it and music thread or football thread or whatever.

It is different to some extent, but I don't think it's a big difference if it's typically one of the top threads and the most likely to be clicked on because it's near the top.


It's also sort of weird since women are culturally encouraged to walk around in sexualized clothes, even in front of children and complain if they are expected by institutions to follow similar (unspoken) standards of decency as men and that thread pretty much features women as many appear in public.

To be honest, probably the the typical outcome of this kind of threads being around and imagery being in games isn't putting off women but encouraging e-girl behaviour. Like in fantasy wargaming scene, like 3/4 of female miniature painters are like LOOK I'M A GAMER GIRL, I HAVE SKIN AND TEETH!!! and putting themselves into miniature photos, wearing sexualized clothes in videos, etc. Ugh. It's just so obnoxious.

Like let's be honest, women are socialised to publicly expose themselves, but aren't socialised to play hardcore wargames. If the thread was the problem, then we'd have much more female hardcore wargamers than female MMO players since MMO games prominently feature hypersexualised female characters. It simply doesn't happen.

I think broad generalizations about men or women are always likely to be incorrect. There are on average significant differences between men and women but the individual variations between people are greater and on that individual level, using group averages or tendencies as predictive is not useful. The culture you describe does exist for some part of society though and seems to come down to the warping effects of various kinds of social media where content is created to garner clicks and everything is about finding a way to go viral. We've also known for a long time that "sex sells" and this appears to be the latest version of that, basically catering to primal instincts and the lowest common denominator.

The previous decades of social media, reality TV and the internet haven't done great things for our culture in my opinion. When I see teenagers with smart phones and unrestricted internet access, I do worry about the effects on their development and what kind of incentives they will learn from those developing years spent online absorbing the warped version of reality that exists there. The internet, as with the real world, has many places that kids should never go and chasing fame, fleeting as it is, may be appealing for some but is often a disastrous and unrewarding lifestyle for most.


- Erik

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 2:51:53 PM)

Not sure what Kentucky Derby rules are, maybe no doping the contestants & horses? Certainly, I can still bet Super and Trifectas on the Panzer games. Nothing says unity like singing "My Old Kentucky Home" before the Derby:

Oh, the sun shines bright
On my old Kentucky home
'Tis summer,
The old folks are gay
Well, the corn top's ripe
And the meadow's in the bloom
While the birds make music
All the day
Weep no more, my lady
Oh, weep no more, today
We sing one song
For my old Kentucky home

For my old Kentucky home
Far away.
Well, the young folks roll
All around the cabin floor
They're merry, all
Happy and bright
By 'n by hard times will
A-come a-knockin' at my door
Then my old Kentucky home
Good night
Weep no more, my lady
No, weep no more, today
We sing one song
For my old Kentucky home
For my old Kentucky home
Far away.
Weep no more, my lady
Oh, weep no more, today
We sing one song
For my old Kentucky home
For my old Kentucky home
Far away.
For my old Kentucky home
Far away

More than excited that Wargames, Panzer Generals & Matrix has open their arms to the New World. Apex-Legends one of my favorite, motivated me to become a top player.

Aurelian -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 3:11:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kuokkanen



However, might I direct your attention to threads such as these:

If I was a woman and wandered to a strategy game forum, I might wander off somewhere else if the most popular thread in there is about objectifying women.

Are you sure thread in question is objectifying women instead appreciating them? [&:]
Okay, I might not understand the difference between the two [8|]

Being married to one who made her living being photographed for the world to see, she never felt objectified. And certainly didn't see that thread as anything other than appreciation.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 3:11:29 PM)




ORIGINAL: Kuokkanen



However, might I direct your attention to threads such as these:

If I was a woman and wandered to a strategy game forum, I might wander off somewhere else if the most popular thread in there is about objectifying women.

Are you sure thread in question is objectifying women instead appreciating them? [&:]
Okay, I might not understand the difference between the two [8|]

I think what needs to be considered is how prospective female gamers see that post more than the intent of the various posters. A very small sample size, but my 26 year old daughter saw it when she was sitting on the couch by me. Her reaction was it's gross old men and pathetic incels gawking at young women. How many can honestly say they'd feel comfortable reading and replying to that thread in front of girlfriends, wife , daughters or granddaughters?

What gives your daughter the right to judge people based on age? Please have her write-up a written document, more than an outline, explaining in details what is right & wrong. And remember, no religion, politics or personal opinions are valid.

There's now 55 genders, therefore, have your daughter bias clarify based on relativity.
Have a totally different experience here. I spoke to my friend's gender #27 offspring, who I've introduced to Strategic Command - World at War. #27 is a gamer. #27 was interested in the Aussie thread. #27 was not always a #27, previously, was stuck/forced to be as a #2, progressed to #13, found happiness at #27.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 3:15:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: ElvisJJonesRambo
What gives your daughter the right to judge people based on age? Please have her write-up a written document, more than an outline, explaining in details what is right & wrong. And remember, no religion, politics or personal opinions are valid.

There's now 55 genders, therefore, have your daughter bias clarify based on relativity.
Have a totally different experience here. I spoke to my friend's gender #27 offspring, who I've introduced to Strategic Command - World at War. #27 is a gamer. #27 was interested in the Aussie thread.

You're trolling this thread, rather than discussing in good faith. You've been warned about trolling before. As an adult, I assume you are capable of discussing in good faith, so I'll give you one last chance before applying some time off from the forum to think it over.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 3:17:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aurelian
Being married to one who made her living being photographed for the world to see, she never felt objectified. And certainly didn't see that thread as anything other than appreciation.

I agree it can be seen as appreciation and I'm sure it was intended as such. My reasoning is explained above in that such a thread can certainly also create a negative first impression. For a family friendly forum trying to be as welcoming as possible, focused on discussing strategy and wargames, that appreciation is best shown elsewhere.


- Erik

Aurelian -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 3:25:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


ORIGINAL: Aurelian
Being married to one who made her living being photographed for the world to see, she never felt objectified. And certainly didn't see that thread as anything other than appreciation.

I agree it can be seen as appreciation and I'm sure it was intended as such. My reasoning is explained above in that such a thread can certainly also create a negative first impression. For a family friendly forum trying to be as welcoming as possible, focused on discussing strategy and wargames, that appreciation is best shown elsewhere.


- Erik

True. I'm disappointed it's closed, but, I see where you're coming from and support the decision.

I know of a site. I can post the link if you're OK with it.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 3:27:55 PM)

As a general note, I get that there is a lot of pent-up frustration related to political, social and cultural issues. We see that everywhere these days and there are many strong opinions, plenty of negative emotions and the disagreements seem to only be escalating. I would ask that this thread remain focused on the premise put forth in the original post. In other words, don't bring outside baggage in here that doesn't belong and don't project any other gripes you may have onto us. Our position is set forth in the first post. If you have questions or disagreements with that, have at it but keep it civil and in good faith.

If your issue is with things that are not in the first post, this is not the place for that. This thread is open for now to discuss that first post and the issues therein. This forum in general is still not the place for discussing politics or other issues which divide us, but rather focusing on what unites us as strategy and war gamers.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 3:38:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


ORIGINAL: ElvisJJonesRambo
What gives your daughter the right to judge people based on age? Please have her write-up a written document, more than an outline, explaining in details what is right & wrong. And remember, no religion, politics or personal opinions are valid.

There's now 55 genders, therefore, have your daughter bias clarify based on relativity.
Have a totally different experience here. I spoke to my friend's gender #27 offspring, who I've introduced to Strategic Command - World at War. #27 is a gamer. #27 was interested in the Aussie thread.

You're trolling this thread, rather than discussing in good faith. You've been warned about trolling before. As an adult, I assume you are capable of discussing in good faith, so I'll give you one last chance before applying some time off from the forum to think it over.


- Erik

I'm with your Matrix decisions.
Been an advocate for gender neutral gaming for years.
My partner was developer on Stronghold Crusader.
I've NEVER used gender on this Forum.
Statistically speaking from a marketing standpoint, you've made a good move.
Females are gaming more than Males from a Dollar/Cents point of view.

We're all Earthlings, it's just games.

Curtis Lemay -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 3:49:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

That's where the entry room analogy came up for me. I've visited a couple of workplaces before where the walls were covered in pin-ups and I'm sure the guys there enjoyed that but it can also be easily misunderstood. If you wouldn't want your wife or daughter to see it at your home or wargaming club, you probably shouldn't post it here. There are other forums for that.

With all due respect, Erik, your "entry room" analogy is off the mark a bit. People accessing this board are not being assailed by pinups upon entry. That doesn't happen till they actually open the AB thread - which, at least, is not misleadingly titled.

So, a better analogy would be a business that had a party going on down the hall, in a separate room. No one need enter that room just to do business here.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Regarding the Derby House Principles Announcement (10/3/2021 4:38:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay
With all due respect, Erik, your "entry room" analogy is off the mark a bit. People accessing this board are not being assailed by pinups upon entry. That doesn't happen till they actually open the AB thread - which, at least, is not misleadingly titled.

So, a better analogy would be a business that had a party going on down the hall, in a separate room. No one need enter that room just to do business here.

I accept that and I also clarified it a bit further and thought it over some more in that context. Whether it's the entry room or one of the first rooms you walk past though, it seems to end up about the same to me. I'm sorry if I'm a stick in the mud on this, but I've explained my reasoning above.


- Erik

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