AlbertN -> RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG (12/10/2021 8:12:50 PM)
T59 - New 'concept' of offensive operation Here I am being sarcastic in the title but that's pretty much what I can do. 3-4 turns to refit and restock and build CCPs with 3 Panzer Divisions. (The one you saw in Smolensk previous turn before to be moved. That last turn I moved AND air resupplied even if well behind my own lines) Infantry opens up a hole in already a feeble spot (Pretty much 4 German divisions jumped on a single Soviet one), opened up the gap and the 3 panzer divisions and a motorized one from the 3rd Panzergruppe slipped in. The 3 panzers reached for Sonkovo, hit a Soviet infantry corps of fresh formation I assume (it was only 6-6) and anyhow in clear fields. Still had to deliberate attack it. It had a HQ stacked on it. Then the same division that retreated from the 4 infantries got routed by the panzers. Losses on my end are minimal there BUT if now I sum up the CV of all 3 panzer divisions I get to 15. Considering the start was 66 roughly. Between fatigue accrued, CCP spent - the operational tempo seems iffy. If there was just a tiny wee bit of resistance from the Soviet end. And I still expect the pockets to be broken, I feel. The Soviets will issue some mobile forces with Admin Movement and shank one of the exhausted Panzer Divisions. @IDGBIA - I personally have not felt the initial Gun Buff Up thing bad. Nor excessive. I've a rather historical vibe of the situation here in general. Simply Stalingrad is traded for Leningrad pretty much. I've some more game bagged I think - even if no PvP game went past the Summer/Autumn '41 except this one, and my courteous and fair opponent is at his first MP game, only with vsAI experience. - Now I admit I cannot safely say it was the 'sweet spot' because there are better players around, and players that play also very differently than I. But I do not think there was either enough testing with the new artilleries - at least testing that I could have read here in terms of AARs - to determine it was imbalanced. Right now I do not feel this was an intended 'nerf the Germans' - since it factually hits Soviets too. But it translates in that. Plus there is a LOT of damage and kills that are not seen. As I've learnt above better of the 'Transit Pool', and it seems there is also a 'Disabled Pool' that is mentioned in the manual but there are no specific references to when and how those elements return. The combat reports unveil in their 'quick perspective' what is factually destroyed right off the bat. (And there is the mysterious button at the bottom of the combat reports to show the 'damaged (destroyed)' stuff that is still alien to me). So when there was the artillery buff it is not that the Germans were not losing troops but the 'loss' was not evident and manifest. Because it was not that magic number in yellow-orange that pops up, very visible, in your battle report. The real damage the Germans suffered is damaged things that gets whisked away from units, and sent to the Transit Pool. It is the attrition of troops adjacement to the enemy. It's pretty much under the radar, but it's there. So ultimately I feel changes were made far too hastily, in a rather quick way (as numbers here shown) when at least for me the ground game seemed definitely closer to be okayish. Without descending in item by item 'does it work'. The general pulse of the game -to me- (and I underline I cannot speak for MSAG here) felt right. But the best checking out is done through PvP (from my perspective at least, AI does not count for balancing stuff - One can just up 100 to 110 or 120 if they want vs AI) and through a wider base. Alas I am about to start a new game where I am also the Soviets ... but I suspect it won't be a long lived game in this case due to current patch. [image]local://upfiles/36315/7285B2C29F3245FF88E65B71F2712FB3.jpg[/image]