mdiehl -> RE: Russians/Manchuria - Impact? (5/3/2004 7:03:23 PM)
The program also had an interesting hypothesis about an Axis invasion of Madagascar to cut off the United Kingom from the Dominions. I am not sure if such a strategy would be effectve in World at War since I don't know the supply model. If only Joel, Gary, and company would create a game with the WiTP engine spanning the entire globe with all the Axis and Allied nations spanning from 1939 - 1945. War gamers could rejoice for all manner of alternate strategies could be tested. The Madagascar thing was a wonderful Axis theory. The problem in its implication is that the Axis powers each expected the other powers to accomplish the deed. For the EuroAxis to invade Madagascar, the Germans and Italians would have had to first seize Gibralter and then South Africa and defeat the UK in Ethiopia. Given the logistical limits that the EuroAxis faced just trying to keep DAK supplied, this strikes me as impossible even if the Brits mostly allow the Axis to do what they will. From the Japanese side, to get at Madagascar requires that Japan conquer southern India... which probably also requires that they successfully invade Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Again, the logistical effort in sustaining such a move would have been basically impossible to mount for Japan, even if all the UK put in the way was modest resistence. The third option of course was to try to negotiate with Vichy to allow Axis vessels, a.c., and men to deploy to Madagascar. In practice I think this still mean "Axis == Japanese" and it would have been substantially beyond their logistical ability to maintain much there. Maybe some raiders and subs though. Anyhow, that's why the UK invaded Madagascar... to prevent Vichy from caving in, again, to Axis "diplomacy."