Adnan Meshuggi -> RE: WitP Copy Protection (6/4/2004 7:09:13 PM)
Hm...i bet you canīt stop piracy... one side could say saw of their fingers (are you an Taliban ? Hey, Marines, here is one of these .... BANG... and Mr. Frag left this continuum to visit an higher level [:)]) because they steal others say everything should be free (okay, give me your money, i share it with you Damien Thorn) Honestly, if you want something, you have to buy it. But - like FarCry, a demo you can test the game is perfect. I tested the game and i will buy it (in a few months if it is cheaper) A game like WITP will be copied often, but the people who just copy it will not pay it - so they are no loss. The total bs about licence.... if i give money for a product i want the right to use it as often as i want. Also i say, if these terrorists from Microsoft and other companies who give a **** about workable or stability want money from me, they have to do some work. I buy a product, not an alpha version. In a few years you not longer will own your own things, but you will licence them... and if this licence is run out, you are a criminal.... that make me sad and angry. So please do not mix the criminals (the people who crack a software, sell it or wouldnīt buy a progam) with the collectors... they collect anything but would never buy one part of it (yes, it is criminal, and yes, it isnīt right that they own things they hadnīt paid for, but they have not the money and the will to buy for example the game so they do not damage the profit of a company. in earlier years i tested a lot games, but even as a kid i bought the games i liked (nearly all gg-games, even if they were allways quite expensive!) because they had depht and a long playable time... today a game has 40 hours of time to play, 30.000 bugs, 14 patches before you could play it and next to cool graphic nothing worth to look for... i wouldnīt buy such games - 15 years ago, i had bought some such games (i was tricked (yeah i am a stupid guy) but i learned). I think for a game like UV or WitP, the people work such a long time, it is okay to give money and not to trick. The big companies who throw in just bad progammed games with so much bugs you canīt play it, i feel not sorry. And if these companies try to punish the right of owning things, i fight against em (i never bought a music cd after they started their campagin a few years ago - sometimes i get one for christmess or similar, but no money from me for these .... errr selfcensored. The same with Microsoft. I use only such products i got for nothing/that were in a package of my new computer... from me no extra cent for them) But honestly, if Matrix want to protect its rights i understand and accept it. As long as the performance does not suffer it is okay... i suggest that everybody MUST be logged as a poster and has to recive a special number (that is locked to the person). If someone break the rule, he will be named offical here and some of the guys who were at the marines visit the pirate (so everybody is happy and Mr. Frag could chop off some heads (instead of fingers) [:D] Peace brothers.... i just want the game... just say how much.