AmiralLaurent -> RE: Army Disaster on Java is this a bug (2/1/2005 1:32:02 PM)
ZOC is a concept widely used in wargames... where units don't share hexs, so using them is simpler than in WITP. Also most wargames will use units of the same size (roughly) and have stacking limits, so you will never see a squad of paras block 8 divisions in an open plain, as you can in WITP. There are 4 cases of ZOC management: _ the hex is in friendly ZOC _ the hex is in enemy ZOC _ the hex is in no ZOC _ the hex is in ZOC of both sides. The problem start with this last case. Seems to me that WITP considers that these hexes are as closed as an enemy ZOC for both sides. Then there is another problem in the game that all land move is done around bases. You can't go to the next hex, even if you have 3 divisions guarding it with no enemy troops around and a road to go there. You can go only if you hold a base in this direction. My solution would be to add a base with max airfield size 0 (a dot) to every hex of road/rail on the map. I guess it would be possible then to retreat more easily, while paras may be dropped on roads, so may also block every path but that is their goal. Units will still not go in the wild mountains but will have more liberty to advance or retreat along road & rail. Another proposal is to have each unit having a chance to establish ZOC. Let's say 1% per assault point (modified), if you fail the test, there is no ZOC. Or that the side with the most ASS points is holding the ZOC of the hex. So only one side will control any hex. And small units may establish roadblocks, but only in empty hexes.