ChezDaJez -> RE: Army Disaster on Java is this a bug (2/1/2005 6:50:04 PM)
It's too abstract a model to allow this. 1,000,000 men can be stopped by 10. Ridiculous. At the very least, the defeated units should be allowed into the enemy hex. If they suffer a subsequent retreat result NEXT TURN from the enemy units present in the retreat hex, then fine, I can live with that. But at least give the unit/s a chance. Why does everything have to be resolved in one turn in this game? How long is it? I would have to agree with that. I could see a surrender to a much smaller unit if that unit was firmly entrenched around a critical choke point such as the only bridge out of town but surrender shouldn't happen as a general rule. At the very least, let there be opportunity fire against the retreating unit to see if they can enter. Chez