RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (Full Version)

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Feinder -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/1/2005 8:48:09 PM)

You don't really need "backup players" per se. If you get a situation where one player is gone for a week (or in the case of my brother, some knuckle-head severed the cable line), another player can run his forces (assuming that everyone has a reasonable idea of what is going on, and they certainly should).

But yes...
1. All players should keep a copy of the file that is "just before I sent it" (and just before ended the turn if you're the last one to touch it).
2. You should always send completed turns to -all- players on the opposing side. This insures that the turn can be worked on by the first ready opponent, and you don't get the situation where the one guy that got the file, is the one on vacation.
3. All players should keep everyone appraised of expected outages, and designate a team-mate to complete their turns, before the outage.
4. Oh, and always use the same file-name to pass around. We always use "004". It just keeps things straight, since many players have more than one game going on.

Dave & I vs. Kurt & Parker started a team game, way back in v1.21. At one-day turns, we're still going at it (it's nearing the end of February in-game). It's a LOT of fun.

Good luck with it, and feel free to ask if you have any questions or issues.


Cap Mandrake -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/1/2005 8:49:55 PM)

Thanks for the advice Feinder

Tom Hunter -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/1/2005 9:22:58 PM)

Sorry for the gap in reply I was away on business for a day.

I am game for the allies

I can command the whole team but I am perfectly happy leaving that task to some one else.

I would rather split forces by nationality than by command area. There is a close correlation at the start of the game but that changes over time. That is mostly a detail to be worked out among the allied players.

SoulBlazer -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/1/2005 9:39:40 PM)

I still think it might be a good idea to have just ONE player hanging around....not only could that person be used if someone has to drop alltogether, but he/she could also be a 'judge' if we run into a problem.

Scott and Nomad -- PLEASE e-mail me at so we can start talking about how we want to organize our moves in the game. I also still need Scott to indicate which forces he would like to command (Central/North Pacific, South Pacific, or West Pacific).

Let's use Turn slot 20 for our main game save and 21 for backups.

Let's also continue to talk in this thread about group things so that we can have it active.

Finally -- I would propose Sec 15 with the following option changes -- sub doctrine for both sides is turned off, allied repair advantage is on, and reinforcement rates are variable.

If all goes well, I'd like to have the game start and the first Japanese player start working on his turns by tommorow night or Thursday.

testarossa -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/1/2005 10:20:11 PM)

As per my PM to you I'm ready to be a back up if somebody from the team will get hit by a bus or fall in love,[:D].

GMT -8, Please send me combat saves so i can follow the game.


Cap Mandrake -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/1/2005 10:25:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tom Hunter

Sorry for the gap in reply I was away on business for a day.

I am game for the allies

I can command the whole team but I am perfectly happy leaving that task to some one else.

I would rather split forces by nationality than by command area. There is a close correlation at the start of the game but that changes over time. That is mostly a detail to be worked out among the allied players.


Take the Allied command if you have a predictable schedule. I am afraid I wont be able to keep up the pace that most seem to want, so I may have to cede movement authority to the CIC when I get busy at times.

The nationality command idea is interesting. 1) Perhaps US/Canada 2) Indian/Brits 3) Dutch/Aussies/NZ?
Not sure what to do with the Chinese as some are assigned to SE Asia command and some to China Command. And what about the AVG operating with the Chinese?

As for rules...I assume we are talking about Dec 7 surprise, non-historical. I like the highly variable thing.
What about the one port attack limit on turn one house rule often used to prevent the slaughter of US subs at Manila?

mike charley 7 -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 12:03:00 AM)

excellent !!

cant wait, Send me info.


Tom Hunter -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 12:15:27 AM)

Cap. Mandrake just gave me a vote for allied team captain.

Do we have other allied team members?

I am thinking back to a six on six game of Fire in the East where I commanded the Russians without actually commanding any armies if we have enough players interested in allied I might operate that way.

Who have we got other than me and Mandrake?


mike charley 7 -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 12:32:34 AM)

mike charley 7 REPORTS

mike charley 7 -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 12:45:00 AM)

Where do iI begin

SoulBlazer -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 4:14:46 AM)

Right, I forgot to ask about that -- my gut instinct is to have the December 7th attack off but surprise on. What do you guys think?

I've heard from Nomad in E-Mail, now I need Scott to e-mail me.

Cap is in charge of the Allied forces. The two Allied players need to e-mail him at the addy allready given.

Tom Hunter -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 4:21:59 AM)


If I scroll up it looks like Cap was asking me to take allied command. If he wants it its his, I just want to avoid confusion.


SoulBlazer -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 5:52:00 AM)

Sorry, I missed that comment. [:'(]

Okay, you Allied guys do whatever you want. ;)

scott64 -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 6:25:18 AM)

Mountain Time Zone
Jap, I will take any zone

AmiralLaurent -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 11:33:50 AM)

Hi all,

I'm actually playing a team game (you can find the story in the AAR section '3 vs 3 PBEM starting'). Two teams of three, we do a turn (all 6 players) every one or two days.

I'm the frist Japanese player (in play order) and so the turn is played on my computer after the last Allied player sent it to me. I then sent the combat replay and report to all 5 other players , and then the playable turn to the 2nd and 3rd player (the 3rd will only watch it and wait for the 2nd player to have done the turn).

As for dividing the map, I think it's better that everybody has something to do rather than follow historical commands. Also if you give all players something to do on the frontline, that means they will have to fight in same areas and so suffer of coordination problems.

Our Japanese side is divided into 3, roughly called :
_ Southeast Asia
_ Central Command (China, PI, DEI)
_ Pacific

Well, troops landing in Amboina were under Pacific command, while those landing in Kendari and Menado were under Central command. On the other hand Central took Brunei while Southeast took Kuching. In both these areas, ships and planes are used by both commands (sometimes at both times) and I can swear you several operations have been delayed/cancelled or have failed because of this. You have to be slower in this areas, as you have to coordinate with the neighbour.

As for Allied team, I would like better the following division:
_ British
_ Dutch + PI + Australia
_ Pacific Command + China

It would be less efficient than an ABDA command but would be more fun. Two players may want AVG, two may want Force Z and so on.

Tom Hunter -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 4:11:07 PM)

Here are my suggestions for division of command. I left out some information I shared with the other Allied players because it talked strategy but the main points are all here.

Organize around the combat commands that we are going to have for the
duration, not the ones that go away. That means Central Pacific, South
Pacific, South West Pacific and South East Asia. The rear area commands Oz,
Russia and USA go as follows; Russia to who ever wants it unless its invaded
in which case we give it to the player who is least active, Oz to SW Pacific
and West Coast to who ever is not very busy remembering that as CinC I am
going to want to have a big say in the logistics. At the start each one of
us takes one of the 3 soon to be dead commands in Singapore, Philipines, and
Dutch East Indies. South East Asia gets Singapore and Malaya. SouWestPac
starts with the Philipines and takes over the Dutch after the Dutch are
gone. CenPac starts with the Dutch but gives them up to SW Pac when the
Netherlands East Indies is gone, or down to just fragments. This leaves 3
other commands, China, USA West Coast and South Pacific. I figure USA West
Coast is an administrative command and our least busy guy can move it or me
if we are all busy.

Right now we have the following allied players:

Tom Hunter
Captain Mandrake
Mike Charley 7

I am open to the idea of a 4th allied player though I suspect it will slow the game down which all of us ought to consider.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 8:47:12 PM)

Soulblazer, et al.

We still need to firm up scenario settings and any house rules. Especially the One Port attack limit on turn 1 if surprise is used (the Japs cant attack everywhere in the Pacific at dawn and still hope to achieve surprise as it spread over may time zones). Alternatively, we could disable the surprise and allies the Allies to take pre-emptive or protective action on turn 1.

I would prefer scenario 19a, with the autoupgrade of Wirraways to P-51's and P-38's and the May 1942 B-29 production surge.

SoulBlazer -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 10:01:22 PM)

Sorry guys, I DID have to work today. [:D]

Okay, thanks for everyone's thoughts and comments.

AmiralLaurent, how you suggest that things be e-mailed and so was exactly what I was thinking. :)

Allied players -- if you want to add a forth player to help your load, go right ahead. I know testarossa was looking to get in.

This is part of a e-mail that I just sent to my two felow Japanese players:

Hello Guys,

I am sending this note to both of you. Unless the matter is of a personal matter, PLEASE send any team messages to BOTH of us from now on.

I am going to take control of the Japanese Home Defense forces in this game. This means the islands of Japan, the islands just north of Japan, the three Jima islands off Japan (including Iwo Jima), Okianawa and the small islands north of it (but NOT the islands south of it), and Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea. You can clearly see the border so that we know what is in command of what.

Per request, Nomad has control of the Pacific-NG-Philipines forces. That means all the islands in the Pacific, including carriers currently docked north of Japan, as well as the entire islands of the Philipines and NG. Finally, I'm going to give him Formosa as that's a important forward base island for him.

That leaves Scott in command of the China-DWI-Indochina forces. He will command all of China (including Hong Kong), as well as India and all of Indochina (Burma, Malyasia, etc.) as well as all of the Dutch West Indies. I'm also going to divide Australia in half and give the western half to Scott and Nomad has the eastern half. I don't think we're going to invade it or anything, just raid it. :)

If you don't think the workload is evently disturbted, or you want or don't want something assigned to you, please ask.

Also, in this e-mail I'm going to use the word 'forces' to lump ships, planes, and troops together.

You can operate forces in another players theratre, but please tell the other player first what are you doing with it so he does'nt get confused and move your units by mistake. :) Also, do NOT operate forces in another players theratre unless you ask first.

Being in command of the home islands, it will be my job to see that new forces are allocated evenly to both of you, seeing as to how the war is going. You can make requests of me, which I will do the best I can to honor.


So now you know how we decided to divide our forces are.

Game Settings -- I propose December 7th surprise ON, Historical First Turn OFF, Variarble forces and reinforcements ON.

And I think that Cap's House Rule is fine by me. :)

But Cap -- I don't have that secnario. Nothing past 16 for me. What is this sec you're talking about and what is so good about it?

Tom Hunter -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/2/2005 10:08:41 PM)

I'll vote for scenario 15. I am guessing (from the line about boosted B29 production in 42) that there is no scenario 19 and Soulbinder just got caught.

We are still working out who will command what but we are close. I am waiting for a decision from Mike Charely 7, Capt. Mandrake will take CenPac and I will take what is left. You guys can start your turn once you know which scenario and house rules we are using, we will have our commands sorted out by then anyway.

"I am going to take control of the Japanese Home Defense forces in this game. This means the islands of Japan, the islands just north of Japan, the three Jima islands off Japan (including Iwo Jima), Okianawa and the small islands north of it (but NOT the islands south of it), and Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea. You can clearly see the border so that we know what is in command of what. "

Good, we will kill you last.

Some time in 2009 or 2010 I think.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/3/2005 12:14:36 AM)

Yes...about the B29 surge..I was joking, there is no scen 19a. Sorry[:o]

15 is good by me. Also good to hear about the agreement on the one port attack limit on turn one. A very sensible rule in my estimation.

Tom...on your sub question...I would be willing to direct the US and Dutch subs (as I would already "have" Pearl and Surabaya. As long as I dont have to do the Chinese [8D]

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/3/2005 1:35:55 AM)

You know..there is a whole lotta agreein' goin' on.

If things are going so swimmingly, maybe we could just cancel the war and negotiate a draw or something.

mike charley 7 -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/3/2005 7:13:25 AM)

I tend to agree alot when i know absouloutley nothing ! :)

mike charley 7 -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/3/2005 7:51:56 AM)

Before the game is sent can someone send email with the rules and regs that are scattered in this post so that everyone is on the same sheet of music. Also indicate team members.

SoulBlazer -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/3/2005 11:20:33 PM)

Mike, there's you, Cap, and Tom Hunter with the Allies. You three should be talking in e-mail to work out who will command which forces.

For the Japanese it's me, Nomad, and Scott.

Sec is 15, rules are Allied and Japanese sub doctrine is both off, Dec 7th surprise on, historical first turn off, variable reinforcements, house rule in effect as described above.

Allied players -- we're ready to get started on our end. As soon as you indicate that you're ready, I'll start the game and run my first phase and then send off the files to get this going. :)

SoulBlazer -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/3/2005 11:23:21 PM)

Also, let's make sure all of our e-mail addys are in this thread as well so we can send out the reports to each other.

Mine again is

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/3/2005 11:23:37 PM)

Here is my take (correct me if I am wrong):

Scen. 15
Japs Sub Doctrine: Off
Surpirse: On
Historical: Off
Allied Damage Control: On

House Rules:
1) Limit of one Jap port attack on turn one
2) No players with IQ>120
3) No dogs, no alcohol before 10 AM, no loud music before 1 PM
4) If you have a girl in the apt., turn on the red hula-dancer light in the kitchen window.
5) No stealing Ketchup, milk, etc..this means you! (drinking directly out of someone else's milk carton warrants the death penalty)
6) The matches in the bathroom are there for the benefit next person to use the loo. Use them. It is up to your judgement how many matches to light. A good rule is light one more match after you cant smell anything bad as people are often immune to their own smells.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/3/2005 11:26:04 PM)


Check with Tom (CinC) but I think we are ready. And for what we are about to receieve........

SoulBlazer -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/4/2005 12:21:17 AM)

Okay, as soon as Tom posts here to give the okay I'll start the game up.

Here is what I have for everyone's e-mails:

Scott1964: s.kime(at)comcast(dot)net
Nomad: kdamon(at)wyellowstone_dot_com

Tom Hunter:
Cap Mandrake:
Mike Charley: NEED YOUR E-MAIL!

So I also need Mike's e-mail addy before I can get started also.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/4/2005 3:28:40 AM)

the requested email is:

SoulBlazer -> RE: Intrest in a Team Game? (3/4/2005 3:35:11 AM)

Good. :)

Now I'll just wait for confirmation from the Allied C-in-C to get this game going.

Oh, we also talked and have intrest in doing a AAR. Does anyone want to take point in writing it? [:D]

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