RE: War Report (Full Version)

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Cap Mandrake -> RE: War Report (10/27/2005 6:24:06 PM) guys are really moving in Malaysia [8D]

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report (10/28/2005 3:55:36 AM)

Some of that is a function of the Allies' retreat to Singapore. I hope I'm wrong, but I forsee a fairly lengthy seige of Singapore.

The main reason for our success in Malaya is of course because Gen Mantill is simply a highly skilled leader and continues to outsmart his enemies. [:D]

FeurerKrieg -> War Report (10/30/2005 6:29:03 AM)

War Report 1/15/42
Another quiet day due to bad weather.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force

Feurer Krieg Area Report
The loaded task forces for Operation Enrai have assembled and fueled up for departure. The planned OOB has mostly been followed with some minor destroyer swaps. Also the BB Hiei and CL Abukuma were swapped for the CL Jintu and BB Kirishima in order to make the best ship speed matches.
The task force commanders have assume their places aboard their flag ships.
In the surface fleet, V. Admiral T. Kamatsu is commanding from the old battleship Ise with the safety that its heavy armor provides.
R.Admiral I. Shibasaki commands the landing force task force from the destroyer Nakaze.
The carrier strike force is being commanded by the highly promising R.Admiral Tamon Yamaguchi, from his flagship carrier Shokaku.
Tamon Yamaguchi, upon being given his opportunity to serve the Emperor in the South Pacific.

After his less-than-stellar performance at Pearl Harbor, V.Admiral Chuichi Nagumo has been put in command of the carrier escort force and runs the task force from the flagship carrier Kaga. Hopefully his careful actions will help in keeping the landing forces covered with a solid CAP.
After a poor showing in Dec 41, Adm Nagumo is placed in command of a fleet carrier on escort duty.

All task forces have been ordered south, the carrier strike force is to rendezvous with the replenishment fleet waiting at Jaluit, the other task forces are to head to Makin to rendezvous with the tranports that are currently loading the Maizuru 2nd SLNF at Tarawa.

Sub Ops:
No action to report.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Ryujo Maru 49/58/0 (Tarakan)
AP Tatumiya Maru 85/71/1 (Jesselton)


FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report (10/31/2005 9:19:19 AM)

War Report 1/16/42
Poor weather continues...
Mersing fell today after having been evacuated by the British several days ago.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force
C5M Babs - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
A pair of Alf's attacked the AK Nevadan at Lunga, one of them hit , hopefully further damaging the cargo ship.

Sub Ops:
No action to report.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Ryujo Maru 49/67/0 (Tarakan)
AP Tatumiya Maru 85/89/0 (Jesselton)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report (11/4/2005 8:53:51 AM)

War Report 1/17/42
Weather improves and more planes take to the skies.
Bettys from Legaspi sink the AK Latouche at Davao.
Large air raids are launched on Singapore. Several Sonia are lost to the heavy flak from the city's defenders.
A push on Manilla reduces the city's defenses to nothing, allowing for further offensive action in the near future.
After many attempts, the SS Tarpon is finally damaged south of Takao.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force
Ki-51 Sonia - 10
Ki-21 Sally - 2

Feurer Krieg Area Report
SBD sightings south of Lunga seem to indicate the presence of a US CV. Also, several large ships were spotted by the Glen flying from I-19. To be safe, the floatplanes and tender at Munda will move to Shortland throughout the night. They will still be able to launch strikes at ships at Lunga and Tassaforonga from Shortlands, while being closer to the Nells and Zeros at Rabaul. Nell's at Rabaul have had their attack range limited to 11 to prevent unescorted strikes since there may be better Allied CAP floating around.

Sub Ops:
The RO-60 was hit and sunk by Destroyers southwest of Canton island.
The I-19 (a Glen sub) bravely attacked a taskforce believed to contain one or two US CV's. Unable to penetrate the escort screen, the I-19 put a torpedo into the DD Benham and then successfully evaded the Allied DD sweeps.
Another spotter sub, the I-19, goes beyond the call, hitting a destroyer on Jan 17, 1942.

Due to the large escort forces in the area, the dense coverage of the submarines has been ended and the subs will spread out to avoid being destroyed by carrier based naval airstrikes and the heavy escort. They will remain close so that once the CV leaves, they will be able to close in and cover the supply lines to Lunga again.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Ryujo Maru 49/66/0 (Tarakan)
AP Tatumiya Maru 85/94/0 (Jesselton)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report (11/6/2005 8:51:05 AM)

War Report 1/18/42
Air strikes on Singapore, another failed assualt at Tuegugaro.
Bettys in the PI sunk another AK at Davao, the Kanlaon II this time.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force
Ki-21 Sally - 1
Ki-46-II Dinah - 1
Ki-48 Lily - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Wildcats flying CAP over Lunga today were spotted by high flying Mavis recon mission. The bigger recon picture seems to indicate they were flying LRCAP from carriers. The carrier group moved a bit farther southwest from Lunga, and the transport(s?) at Lunga have headed south, presumably for Noumea.
The Fiji/Canton reserve transport fleet has picked up the remainder of its escorts at Makin Island and will head to a waypoint about 240 miles northwest of Baker to hold there until the first bombardments of Canton Island begin, hopefully within a week.

Sub Ops:
All quite today.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Ryujo Maru 50/67/0 (Tarakan)
AP Tatumiya Maru 85/97/0 (Jesselton)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report (11/7/2005 7:54:34 AM)

War Report 1/19/42
Standard air raids. A large ground assult was launched on Homan today. Although casulties were heavy, progress was made through the base's outer defenses, bringing victory another step closer.
The AP Tatumiya Maru expired today before reaching a friendly port.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force
Ki-15 Babs - 1
Ki-27 Nate - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
A US CV force seems to still be lingering south Lunga. A MSW manged to located some of the mines at Lunga. Two ML are on station a few hundred miles to the northwest. If the Allied ships leave the port open for a couple days, the ML will run in and drop off a sizeable field.
Enrai continues. KB refueled at sea today, and will go to Makin tomorrow for a final topping off before heading out to the open seas north of Canton Island. The surface group, the primary invasion force and the Kaga escort group topped off the fuel tanks at Makin today and will make for waypoint #1 tomorrow.
Operation Enrai map diagram.

Sub Ops:
East of Canton the I-171 was located by Allied DD's and seerly damaged by depth charges. The sub is taking on water and is unlikely to make it back to Makin.
Also, the AP Manuda, hit several days ago by the I-160 was reported to have sucumbed to the ocean while enroute to Australia.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Ryujo Maru 50/67/0 (Tarakan)
SS I-171 60/85/0 (Canton Island)


MarcA -> RE: War Report (11/7/2005 10:48:34 PM)

Weekly Assessment of Operations on Mainland Asia: 13th Jan to 20th Jan, 1942

General mantill

With the greatest repects I submit my assessment of operations on mainland Asia for approval by the high command

Superficially this week may appear to have been quiet but the reality is that huge artillery battles have raged across China, from North to South while our forces race into position for the assaults on Mandalay and Singapore.

Singapore: Our troops captured Johore Baru, surrising an Australian brigade in the city and shattering it before it could escape. Our troops have since been concentrating at Jahore Baru and this very night the order has been given for the assault on Singapore to begin. We expect resistance to be stiff and the battle to take approximately 4 weeks, assuming the weather allows some air missions. Our Sonias in theatre have been ordered to Burma as they are too vunerable to the air defenses in Singapore.

Burma: Our troops crossed the Irrawady bend and are now approaching Manadalay via land fromt he West. Simultaneously 2 divisions arrived in Pagan and will assault across the river when the time is judged appropriate. Current intelligence estimates 6 units in Manadaly, one of which will be a base force and one an Indian division smashed in the race to reach Manadaly. We estimate resistance to be light. All divisions have been oredered to make all haste North to cut the Burma road to China. Contact with chinese corps is a possibility.

As reported last week heavy resistance was met in the air above Akyab. Knowing where our enemy was allowed us to concentrate our forces and under naval and air bombardment heavy losses were infilicted on the British airforces, who were forced to flee Akyab. Owing to the limited range of British bomber aircraft we do not feel the british present a signifcant air threat in theatre at this time.

China: Our forces have managed to surround many units in Homan. Intelligence indicates 7 corps, 3 of which were mauled prior to entering the city, a base force and up to 3 HQ units. Retreat is now impossible and rescue unlikey with several divisions gaurding the northern road from Sian. While the encirclement was completed the force in Homan have been under relenetless air and land bombardment. The assault on Homan began today with heavy losses on both sides. However the professionalism of our troops has meant they are still in fine shape to continue the attack.

It is estimated that the fighting effciency of the forces in Homan have already be reduced by at least 20% and the battle maybe over in as little as one or two weeks.

Unfortunately, on the eve of the assualts on all these major strongholds the weather has once again closed in over the Asian mainland. However, the ground troops of the IJA should be more than a match for there opponents even without combined forces support.


FeurerKrieg -> War Report (11/10/2005 8:15:42 AM)

War Report 1/20/42
Mostly quiet. Jessleton and Puerto Princessa both captured.

Non-Ops Air Losses
F4F-4 Wildcat - 1

Imperial Air Force
A6M2 Zero - 2

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Lovely weather (thunderstorms) over Operation Enrai. With the thunderstorms rolling in, our chances of detection will hopefully go down. Otherwise, the elements of the Operation continue to move into place. Staging points have been moved a little further forward to take advantage of the bad weather and get closer to the target.
At long last the Zeros and Nells at Rabual launched on a naval attack to hit ships docked at Lunga. The 3 plane CAP over Lunga of F4F-4 were not able to slow the bombers, since they were busy with the Zeros. The Nells managed to put three torpedos into the AP Koolama, sinking the ship. They also put one torp into the AK Steel Mariner. The US CV continues to linger and is visible in the scoreboard picture below.

Sub Ops:
The RO-63 was hit by depth charges south of Lunga. It has a fair chance of making it to Rabaul where a sub tender will assist with immediate repairs.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-171 60/90/0 (Canton Island)
SS RO-63 37/71/0 (Lunga)

AP Ryujo Maru in port at Taan.


FeurerKrieg -> War Report (11/13/2005 5:53:20 AM)

War Report 1/21/42
Another solid attack on Homan brings the city closer to capitulation.
At long last Tuguegarao fell, which should help the Phillipines campaign.
ASW groups continue to hunt the Tarpon, but the sub continues to elude them, even with its heavy damage.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force
Ki-46-II Dinah - 1
A6M2 Zero - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Thunderstorms do their magic and keep the Enrai forces covered. The surface group was spotted, but Adm Kamatsu insists only an outlying destroyer was spotted so it may appear to the Allies to not be major force coming towards it. Adm Kamatsu has been ordered to make full use of tomorrows forecast and steam in full speed for a daylight bombardment of Canton Island. The landing forces have also been ordered to pick up the pace and alter to a more direct course to Canton Island.
Landing forces have spent the past three weeks planning for the upcoming landings.

The Reserve/Fiji group made it to Baker without incident and will load up the 3 Nav Gd units there throughout the night and then move west under cover of bad weather (which is again forecast for tomorrow.) It will then meet with the repleshment force to refuel before heading south to await the outcome of the initial landing on Canton.
KB will begin to move straight south since it it is certain at least one US carrier would be coming from the west if the Allies attempt to intervene. Also, if things progress on to Fiji, KB will be in a better position to interdict any forces coming from Noumea.

Sub Ops:
I-171 is nearly at its end and still far from Makin, unlikely it will make it back.
RO-63 is fairing better and will hopefully make it to Rabaul.
The DD Benham was reported sunk today, having been hit by the I-19 four days ago.
The DD Benham doesn't make it home.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-171 60/94/0 (Canton Island)
SS RO-63 37/72/0 (Lunga)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report (11/14/2005 7:54:44 AM)

War Report 1/22/42
Severals actiosn today.
Large airstrikes on Singapore in support of the crossing of the Johore Straight. Although casualties were significant, they were acceptable and the siege forces are firmly in place on Singapore Island at the outskirts of the city.
Large strikes against Mandalay as the Imperial Guards take up positions.
Moderate strikes against Manila as the airforces that had been pounding Tugeugaro change to a new target. San Marcelino was also occupied today.
Three B-17's shot down over Miri today while attempting to bomb oil wells.
Lastly, bombarment forces hit Akyab again, although the DD Kiji was damaged by a mine.

Non-Ops Air Losses
B-17C Fortress - 3
PBY Catalina - 1

Imperial Air Force
Ki-48 Lily - 2
Ki-21 Sally - 2
G4M1 Betty - 2
Ki-49 Helen - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Tranport ships spotted moving west from Lunga. Possibly moving to land troops further up the Solomons chain, perhaps not. In any case, another Daitai of Nells has arrived in Rabaul today courtesy of GHQ AlexCobra. If the weather lifts, the Nells will be ready to attack anything from Port Moresby to Lunga.
Operation Enrai fired its first shots today as the bombardment forces arrived at Canton late in the afternoon. A dozen B-17's from Canton Island braved the rough weather and attacked the battleships Ise and Hiei, as well one of the heavy cruisers, but no bombs hit their targets. Some shore guns hit some of the bombardment group, but they all were deflected by the heavy ships armor. The bombardment itself seemed to have caused a fair amount of casulties, although the airfield could have been hit harder. The force will stay on station and strike again tonight and tomorrow.
The large guns of the battleship Hiei return to action, firing large shells at the Canton Island defenders.

The landing forces are approximately three days away and are coming in at full speed.
KB is in place directly between Canton and the (believed to be) two US CV task forces near Lunga. Also, four enemy submarines were spotted just outside of Canton Island by float plane ASW patrols flying from the bombardment group, none were hit however.

Sub Ops:
THe RO-33 was hit by many depth charges today south of Lunga, sinking rapidly.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-171 60/98/0 (Canton Island)
SS RO-63 37/73/0 (Lunga)
DD Kiji 42/43/15 (Akyab)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report (11/19/2005 4:35:17 AM)

War Report 1/23/42
Air strikes continue on Mandalay, Singapore, and Manilla. A large strike of 135 Sallys hit Kunming, inflicting serious damaged to the resources there.
Zeros over Miri fought off most of the B-17's today, allowing only 3 to get through.
Three minesweepers went in too close to Singapore and got blasted by the coast guns there. All three were sunk quickly.

Non-Ops Air Losses
B-17C Fortress - 2
PBY Catalina - 2

Imperial Air Force
Ki-21 Sally - 2
Ki-48 Lily - 1
G3M Nell - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Bombardments continue at Canton Island. Some ships spotted near Palmyra, could possibly be another CV force. KB is within striking distance of Canton Island, and sub recon has been ordered at full speed to a position northeast of Canton to provide early warning of any major naval forces heading to Canton that might threaten the landing force. Also, a seaplane tender has anchored at Baker and a Mavis patrol unit has transferred into the island to provide greater aerial recon.
B-17's on Canton attempted to fly today, but the bad weather covered our forces well. All told 2 B-17's managed to launch, and those missed the CL Kiso.
All quite near Lunga, but CV forces seem to still be sitting in place.
Emirau Island's port facilities opened an additional section today, allowing for faster loading and unloading of ships.

Sub Ops:
The I-171 expired near Baker today.
The I-162 successfully sunk the tanker Angelina northwest of Maumere today. The I-162 will remain on station.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS RO-63 37/76/0 (Lunga)

I-171 expired near Baker.
DD Kiji in port at Rangoon.


FeurerKrieg -> War Report (11/19/2005 9:54:51 PM)

War Report 1/24/42
A powerful ground assault on Honan forces the Chinese to retreat across the river towards Sian. Another major base captured by Gen Mantill's China offensive.
A ground assault on Manilla made progress today as well, reducing the city's fortifications to neglible and allowing Japanese force to begin entering the urban areas.

Non-Ops Air Losses
PBY Catalina - 3
B-17E Fortress - 1
P-40B Tomahawk - 1

Imperial Air Force

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Bombardments at Canton Island today found the airfields, destroying 3 Catalinas, 1 B17 and 1 P40B. No air attacks were launched from the island.
The Hiei's guns and others of the bombardment force, wreck havoc on Canton Island's airfield.

A few miles west of Canton Island, the DD Rathurne and a cargo ship were attacked multiple times by Alf's, Val's and Kate's from the Kaga TF. The Rathburne was sunk, but the cargo ship was spared. It will likely be located and sunk tomorrow.
The DD Rathburne, sunk near Canton Island, 1/24/1942.

Jake Floatplanes from the bombardment force hit the SS S-35 near Canton today as well.
The bombarment fleet will move out of visual sight of the island while the landing force closes in to conserve ammo.

Sub Ops:
The I-168 attacked the AK Adm Halstead twice today with the second attack being decisive and sinking the ship. This action was in the open ocean between Pearl Harbor and Palmyra. A couple DMS escorts were spotted as well.
A convoy has been spotted heading for San Francisco, subs have been ordered to attempt an intercept.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS RO-63 37/70/0 (Lunga)


FeurerKrieg -> Art Update! (11/23/2005 8:49:28 AM)

I installed Elf's latest set of planetops and I finally put in the alternate sub & naval air attack screens that someone did (was it Sarge? I can't remember). We had a good turn today, so the next post will be pretty long with several screenies to show off the new art.

Thanks much ELF! It looks so much better when the Zeros and Betties aren't the same size. [:D]

FeurerKrieg -> War Report (Don't miss today's report, its a good one!) (11/23/2005 10:17:11 AM)

War Report 1/25/42
Outside of my theater it was largely quiet today.
A reasonable sized force of Betties and Zeros attacked the CL Danae at Batavia. The Zeros did well against the defending CAP, but the Betties all missed their mark.
Zeros at Miri again turned away several B-17s, thus reducing that raid to little effect.

Non-Ops Air Losses
F4F-4 Wildcat - 4 (+22 lost in Ops, see below)
CW-21B Demon - 1

Imperial Air Force
G3M Nell - 6
A6M2 Zero - 6
G4M1 Betty - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
The Operation Enrai landing forces are preparing to land tonight. As they closed with the island, the SS-18 was detected by the escorting ships, and hit with one depth charge dropped by the PG Saiko Maru.
The bombardment forces have been ordered to make a run tonight to coincide with the landing of assault forces. Recon shows a light defending force, so the Fiji/Reserve group has been ordered further south in preparation for the assault on Suva.
Alfs & Vals from the Kaga found the AK Boreas which they missed yesterday and proceeded to drop several 30kg & 250kg bombs onto the unfortunate ship. Although sinking was not confirmed it is highly unlikely the ship will make it back to a friendly port considering it is approximately 300 miles southwest of Canton Island.
While we await word of the first landings at Canton Island atoll, there is even bigger news to report from the Rabaul area.
The Allies for unknown reasons decided to send the Lexington a couple hundred miles further north, bringing it well within range of the Zeros and Nells at Rabaul. The extra unit of Nells that just arrived two days ago proved its worth today, and their Zero escort performed admirably as well.
16 Zeros and 31 Nells launched from Rabaul with intentions to attack reported "large ships, possible CA or CV" spotted by Alf planes flying search patterns out of Shortlands. They found the Lexington approximately 420 miles south of Rabaul, covered by a force of 27 F4F-4 Wildcats. The Zeros, although outnumbered did well enough to keep most of the Wildcats off the Nells. The Nells that were attacked did a good job of fending off the fighters as well.
Upon entering their attack runs, enemy flak was significant and several bombers were shot down, or so damaged they did not return home. In any case, the brave bomber crews put no less than five torpedoes into the valuable US Carrier. While the carrier was not reported sunk, the ships was burning heavily and it is hard to imagine that any of the Allied fighters were able to safely land.
Nells attacking the Lexington, 1/25/1942.

The Nells and Zeros will remain on alert to attack tomorrow, although it is unclear if the crews will be able to fly considering the amount of injuries that were sustained (ie - morale is very low!). The weather is expected to be rough as well, so it may be possible for the CV to escape. If it is spotted without its escorts, subs near Lunga will be ordered to attempt a finishing off mission.
The US CV Lexington, seen here with a list after being hit by 5 torpedoes from Nells based at Rabaul.

The two Minelayers that have been lingering near Buka will now head out towards the open water north of Lunga, and prepare to run in and drop a large field of mines while the Allied CV presumably is out of action. It is possible another CV is in the area, but if it is spotted the ML's will abort their mission.

Sub Ops:
The convoy spotted yesterday was intercepted successfully today. The I-20 put one fish into the TK Dannedaike and then successfully evaded the escorting ships. Two other subs have been ordered to stay put in case the damaged tanker is left behind, especially since these escorts do not seem to be as effective as the usual.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS RO-63 37/71/0 (Lunga)

Some air pictures to show off Elf's latest and greatest. I really like the Alf, great job Elf!


TheElf -> RE: War Report (Don't miss today's report, its a good one!) (11/23/2005 8:45:42 PM)

Thanks F.K.,

They look even better on Sarges combat Screens! Keep'em coming![:)]

FeurerKrieg -> War Report (11/24/2005 10:02:09 AM)

War Report 1/26/42
Many air attacks launched on Allied ground forces today. B-17s also attacked destroyers and an AP near Cagayan with no success.
Betties from Legaspi however successfully located a cargo convoy south of Davao and hit a total of six AK's, sinking two immediately.

Non-Ops Air Losses
SBD Dauntless - 34
TBD Devastator - 15
I-16c - 1
I-153c - 1

Imperial Air Force
Ki-48 Lily - 3
Ki-21 Sally - 2
G4M1 Betty - 1
Ki-15 Babs - 1
Ki-49 Helen - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Assault forces have successfully landed on Canton Island. There was a bit more forces than recon had indicated, but the local commander insists that our hardened soldiers will secure the island within one or two days at the most.
A couple ships took hits from coastal guns during the landing, but nothing catastrophic. The initial combat went well, with the engineers from the base force helping to punch through the minor fortifications that had been built at the island. The shock troops inflicted significant casulties and have set up a secure, albeit small, beachhead. All the troops are on the island and most of them are near fully supplied. More supplies will be unloaded through the night for another solid assault on the island tomorrow. Also, the bombardment force has been ordered in for one more shot before it heads to Makin to reload the big guns and then head to Suva. Also, Vals on board the Kaga have been given orders to strike ground targets in support of the assualt tomorrow.
The Allied units present are the 27th USA/C Div, the 78th USA Cst AA, and the 114th Base Force.
Also, the SS S-27 was hit by a Jake floatplane, and the SS S-23 was hit by multiple depth charges in the shallows around Canton Island.
Near Rabaul Alf spotter planes confirmed the sinking of the Lexington today with all planes still on board. Certainly this is a significant blow to the Allied naval forces in the area, considering this Carrier was sunk with LBA which allowed us to avoid divulging the location of the KB.
Crew of the Lexington being rescued before the ships sinks, 1/26/1942.

It would appear that the Saratoga and Enterprise may both be in the vicinity as well, as two large TFs were spotted, one heading to Noumea and one to Port Moresby.
Also today, a barge enroute to Goodenough Island was hit by a 250lb bomb dropped by a Wirraway fighter, instantly destroying the small craft and killing its passengers. Zeros at Rabaul have been ordered to fly over the barges tomorrow to look for easy Aussie pilot kills.
The Nells at Rabaul have been sent to Truk for R&R while the US Carriers are retreating away from the area. A few days at the more temperate base of Truk should help get them back in action in no time.

Sub Ops:
Mostly quiet. Some subs have been sent back to Makin from Canton Island to refuel and head to Suva.
The RO-53 made it into port at Rabual today.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Kunimitsu Maru 40/0/13 (Canton Island)
DD Nokaze 32/0/3 (Canton Island)


Alikchi2 -> RE: War Report (11/24/2005 11:13:21 AM)

Yes, nice work Elf! I agree on the Alf, it looks fantastic [8D] As do the combat screens.

How are you enjoying the team game, Feurer Krieg? Looks like you guys are hitting them pretty hard..

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report (11/24/2005 11:27:51 AM)

There are plusses and minuses. As you can tell from my posts, I'm really able to focus on my area and be very aware of what assets are where and such.

However there are times that I wouldn't mind being able to change production or grab some units without needing to check with GHQ. Wait, maybe that is a plus actually since I'm hoping to simulate the real life limits that commanders had placed on them.... hmmm.

I guess I'd say the team thing is pretty fun! [:D]

I am in another PBEM that is non team and so I do have some degree of comparison. Without question they are both enjoyable, but for different reasons.

FeurerKrieg -> War Report (12/4/2005 1:50:33 AM)

War Report 1/27/42
Air strikes continue at Mandalay, Manilla and Sian.
The Allies attempt to defend Mandalay.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Buffalo I - 4

Imperial Air Force
Ki-21 Sally - 1
Ki-51 Sonia - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
A small assault force has landed on Goodenough Island and should secure the place tomorrow.
Even with the advantage of numbers, a second charge on Canton Island was not successful. Our units there are still in good shape, and perhaps would eventually win the fight, but due to the need to capture the island and move on to Suva to meet the objectives of Enrai, the reserve force of 3 Nav Gd units has been ordered to land assist in securing the island. If all goes well, the island will be captured, and the units reloaded in time to meet up with the bombardment group which is enroute to Makin to reload.
Also the Allied AK Boreas was confirmed sunk today.
The AP and DD that had fires from the Canton Island landing have extinguished the fires and have no flooding.

Sub Ops:
The I-170 was found by some Allied DD's north of Palmyra and heavily damaged by depth charges. It is pretty far from a friendly port so it is unlikely to make it home.
The I-25, near Java, attacked the AK Meroendoeng on the surface at night, hitting with several torpedos, deck gun and AA gun shells.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
I-170 45/85/0 (Palmyra)


Alikchi2 -> RE: War Report (12/4/2005 3:23:02 AM)

Good to see this AAR again.. sounds like you guys are still cleaning up. [:)]

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report (12/4/2005 10:21:36 AM)

Yes, we had a delay due to Nomad's departure. I should mention that Chris Scruggs (not sure of his forum name, if he has one) has taken over the Allied CBI command from Nomad. Updates should be more regular now that Chris has gotten up to speed.

January is almost over! I get to compile more spreadsheets!

EDIT: Chris Scuggs = niceguy2005

FeurerKrieg -> War Report (12/6/2005 11:51:37 PM)

War Report 1/28/42
Air strikes on Chungking, Manilla, and Akyab. The strike on Chungking was particularly effective, destroying several aircraft on the ground. Two AK's confirmed sunk south of Davao.
A deserted Mandalay has fallen and General Mantill's forces continue the drive to cut off the Burma road supply line to China.
The last British soldiers help to evacuate some citizens from Mandalay.

Non-Ops Air Losses
IL-4 - 5
Blenheim IV - 5
SB-2c - 3
P-40B Tomahawk - 2

Imperial Air Force
Ki-48 Lily - 3
Ki-21 Sally - 1
G4M1 Betty - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Forces rested on Canton Island, and will do the same tomorrow. The reserve forces will move into staging positions tomorrow and then unload the following day to coordinate their attack with the forces already on the island.
Goodenough Island captured today and another barge was sunk by a Wirraway fighter.
The Minelayers successfully dropped 240 mines at Lunga in the night without being engaged by a MSW & DD force also at the island.

Sub Ops:
The AK Meroendoeng was confirmed sunk today.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
I-170 45/87/0 (Palmyra)


FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report (12/10/2005 1:45:23 AM)

War Report 1/29/42
Plenty of action today.
Airstrikes launched against Singaport, Manilla, Akyab and several places throughout China.
An assault was launched on Wuchow which made some progress.
The Allied SS Tautog was hit by depth charges near Takao.
B-17's hit an AP near Cagayan, and T.IVa's hit a PG at Miri. More Japanese troops have been landed at Cagayan to assist with the battle in progress there.
The Allied AK Empire Moonrise was hit at Akyab.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Wirraway - 11
T.IVa - 3
Blenheim I - 1
Brester 339D - 1
SBD Dauntless - 1

Imperial Air Force
Ki-48 Lily - 2
B5N Kate - 1
Ki-15 Babs - 1
Ki-21 Sally - 1
Ki-51 Sonia - 1

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Shortly after midnight the I-173 spotted a large task force moving towards Canton Island from the southeast. Upon moving in closer, the I-173 was able to ID the CV Yorktown, CA Salt Lake City, CA Chester, and 8 escorting DD's. Unfortunately if was then detected and hit twice by depth charges.
Expecting an imminent attack, Adm Nagumo on the Kaga put the Zeros on alert and although F4F wildcats were spotted flying over Canton, they did not engage. Rather, because of weather or the Zeros on CAP, the SBD's flew farther west and attacked the unprotected Reserve landing group that was preparing to unload tomorrow. Several smaller ships and APs were hit. Casualties could have been worse, but due the large amount of tranports used in relation to the amount of troops casualties were acceptable.
SBDs dive to attack ships of the Reserve Landing group near Canton Island.

No strikes were launched by the cautious Nagumo which is probably good as they would have been outnumbered by F4F's. Alf floatplanes did however spot the Enterprise as well.
With the recon reports of two Allies CVs within 100 miles of Canton Island, it is clear the Allies have taken the bait and presented an opportunity for Yamaguchi to strike. Nagumo and Yamaguchi will rendezvous tomorrow to allow a better CAP coverage of the IJN carriers, and all aircraft have been put on naval attack orders.
If the Allies stick to their pattern they will remain for one more day to try to get the Kaga or sink more landing craft. If they do this, then weather permitting, the full force of the KB will be able to go up against two Allied CVs. Even if the Saratoga shows up, odd will still be in our favor.
The landing force, while beat up, will move in and unload under cover of night. The damaged ships will then be split off and sent back to Makin Island for emergency repairs.
So far, the only ship lost at Canton is the MSW Toshi Maru #1.
Zeros at Rabaul flew a sweep pattern over Port Moresby and were rewarded when 33 Wirraways came out to fight. The Zeros dropped 11 Wirraways with no losses to themselves.
A downed Wirraway burns at New Guinea.

Sub Ops:
The I-173 as mentioned was damaged by the Yorktown and Enterprise escorts.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
I-170 45/91/0 (Palmyra)
PC Toshi Maru #3 99/69/49 (Canton Island)
I-173 49/65/0 (Canton Island)
AP Teiryu Maru 87/60/49 (Canton Island)
PC Shonon Maru #10 68/50/46 (Canton Island)
PG Koei Maru 75/46/45 (Canton Island)
AP Seizan Maru 73/25/49 (Canton Island)
AP Siraha Maru 67/23/28 (Canton Island)
AP Meigen Maru 28/12/11 (Canton Island)
AP Tatuwa Maru 15/8/16 (Canton Island)
PG Tatsumiya Maru 49/7/13 (Miri)
AP Montevideo Maru 15/4/11 (Canton Island)
AP Kunimitsu Maru 60/1/2 (Cagayan)


FeurerKrieg -> Op ENRAI a SUCCESS!! (12/13/2005 12:10:27 PM)

The Allies bought in hook, line, and sinker. Big long post coming up tomorrow, but I'm off to sleep. Maybe the Emperor will give me another medal? [&o]
RIP Adm Spruance....


Alikchi2 -> RE: Op ENRAI a SUCCESS!! (12/13/2005 12:33:23 PM)


Congratulations! A glorious victory for the Emperor! [:D]

Poor Gary..

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Op ENRAI a SUCCESS!! (12/13/2005 5:52:12 PM)

Wow. Nice plan. Nicely executed. Maybe Hawaii will get some decent sushi bars.

FeurerKrieg -> War Report (12/14/2005 5:44:00 AM)

Lots to report today. The Battle of Canton Island will be reported in a seperate post later tonight. As for the rest...

War Report 1/30/42
Plenty of action on all fronts.
Air raids continue against Lashio, Akyab, Singapore, Manilla, and various land units across China. A large raid of 160 Sally bombers hit Chungking, damaging many resource production centers in that area.
In another of Gen Mantill's string of victories, Sian was taken as the last Chinese unit was forced out by overwhelming odds. The city was captured with both resource and oil production intact and and plenty of factories still usable. Also, some I-16c, I-153c and P-40B aircraft were captured and will be studied to assist in combating the Allied air units.
Several P-40B aircraft captured at Sian.

Also, southeast of Kweilin several Chinese units stumbled into two solid divisions of Gen Mantill and shock attacked. The Japanese forces took very few casulties and inflicted massive losses on the charging Chinese.
Betty and Nell bombers put four fish into the AK Empire Moonrise at Akyab, sinking the ship quickly.
Additional troops have been landed at Cagayan, and that port's capture is imminent.

Non-Ops Air Losses
SBD Dauntless - 73
F4F-3 Wildcat - 54 (+2 ops)
TBD Devastator - 15 (+15 ops)
SOC-3 Seagull - 1 (+8 ops)
B-17E Fortress - 7
I-153c - 4
P-40B Tomahawk - 4
I-16c - 3
PBY Catalina - 2

Imperial Air Force
A6M2 Zero - 12 (+3 Ops)
B5N Kate - 11 (+1 Ops)
D3A Val - 7 (+1 Ops)
Ki-21 Sally - 1
E7K2 Alf - 1 (+1 Ops)

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Little else to report in my area besides the actions at Canton Island. Ground forces there will rest for just under a week and then load up to hit Suva.
GHQ has passed down orders to bypass Lunga and put all available forces into capturing Noumea once Suva has been captured.
We will then move west to work over PM and take Lunga back, as the situation allows.
One important note - the last Cruiser that took part in the Battle of Wake Island entered Tokyo yesterday. So all told, the total cost of capturing Wake island was 4 PCs, 1 PG, 1 MSW and 2 APs. All the CA, CL and DD involved have safely made it back to port, and will be ready for action within the next 6-12 months.

Sub Ops:
The I-157 was discovered by several DD's northwest of Soerabaja today and hit by many depth charges, sinking instantly.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
CV Kaga 74/56/49 (Canton Island)
I-170 45/89/0 (Palmyra)
PC Toshi Maru #3 99/89/26 (Canton Island)
I-173 49/69/0 (Canton Island)
AP Teiryu Maru 99/76/19 (Canton Island)
PC Shonon Maru #10 78/62/17 (Canton Island)
PG Koei Maru 89/62/18 (Canton Island)
AP Seizan Maru 88/35/18 (Canton Island)
AP Siraha Maru 70/26/8 (Canton Island)
AP Meigen Maru 36/17/7 (Canton Island)
AP Tatuwa Maru 15/0/4 (Canton Island)
AP Montevideo Maru 18/6/5 (Canton Island)

PG Tatsumiya Maru in port at Brunei.
AP Kunimitsu Maru, flood and fires under control.


FeurerKrieg -> (LONG) Canton Island AAR (12/14/2005 11:57:59 AM)

A good battle deserves a good story, right?

The Battle of Canton Island, Jan 30, 1942.

Late Jan 29, 1942, upon receiving reports of two US CVs just east of Canton Island, Adm Yamaguchi ordered the Kido Butai to make flank speed to an area approximately 60 miles south of Canton Island. Admiral Nagumo on the Kaga would also make for the same approximate location and the carriers would field a solid combat air patrol of Zeros through the day while they would both launch strike attacks if the US CV's were located in the vicinity on Jan 30. Orders had been relayed via Alf floatplane flying from Nagumo's task force to the KB to avoid any radio detection.

Spirits were high as an Operation that had been planned since over a month before seemed to have a solid chance of succeeding in two of its three stated objectives. The KB set of around midnight, 000 hrs on the 30th. After about 2 hrs of traveling, the heavy cruiser Tone reported problems with its boiler #2. The fleet was forced to stop for approximately 90 valuable minutes while repairs were effected. The KB was underway again by 0330 hrs, but it was clear it would not reach the rendezvous point until after dusk the following day. Due to radio silence orders, Yamaguchi was not able to warn Nagumo to sail further west to meet the KB, this would have consequences the following day.
The five carriers of the Kido Butai.

Meanwhile, the Reserve landing forces made for the eastern side of Canton Island (see map) and began to disembark against significant coastal gunfire around 0400 hrs. Since two days before, the South Seas Detachment, and the 29th Base Force had secured their position on the southwestern corner of the atoll, putting their mortars and heavy guns within range of the Allied positions on either end of the airstrip. The 2nd Maizuru SNLF force had spent those two days securing the southeast corner of the island, and had not located any significant Allied forces. They had presumably retreated northwards to solidify their position at the airstrip, where the AA guns were positioned.
Positional map of Canton Island.

At dawn, the guns of the S.Seas Detach and the Base Force began to trade shots with the guns of the 27th USA/C Div and also with some of the AA guns of the 76th Cst AA Regiment, which were being used to bring fire down up the Japanese invaders. While this firing was going on, the Nav Gard units, having completely unloaded within 3 hrs, began a slow crawl up the northeast side of the atoll towards the positions just east of the airstrip.

At sea, the sun rose, and carriers on both sides began launching aircraft. While the Allied forces were not yet aware of the proximity of the KB, they launched a strike of 16 SBD Dauntless dive bombers which attempted to locate enemy ships near Canton Island. Due to cloud cover, the Dauntlesses were unable to find their targets and began to head for their base carriers. After a short time, scouts from either the Yorktown or Enterprise, it is unclear which, spotted the Kaga making a large holding pattern approximately 75 miles south of Canton Island. The Allies began to prepare a strike to attack this valuable target that they had come to Canton Island to claim in the first place. Also, Alf float planes spotted the Allied carriers, and although the Adm Spruance (in charge of the Allied TF) believed it was from the Kaga, it was in fact flying from KB. It immediately headed back to report.
Both sides worked hard to launch aircraft for the pivotal battle ahead.

On the island itself, the Nav Guard units, rested, fresh and fighting against tired and battered US forces were making progress. Around 1100hrs they were close enough to the airstrip to call in accurate mortar & Art fire from the SS Detach unit. Using this accurate fire, they managed to hit the main radio houses remaining at the airstrip, knocking out all ability for the US forces present to radio to the nearby carrier fleet. Sensing the possibility that the island may fall to the Japanese, the local Allied commander ordered all remaining aviation fuel dumped to prevent it from falling into enemy hands, another decision that would have consequences later that day.

About this time, the 2nd strike force prepared by the Allied had taken off and was on its way to attack the Kaga. At that same moment, the Alf spotter was just returning to the KB and reporting on its findings. Yamaguchi ordered his first strike to begin launching and forming up. Five carriers of the IJN began spitting out planes as fast as their crews could manage.

As the first strike from the US CVs was nearing the Kaga, the first wave of Dauntlesses had returned and was landed, refueled and sent off to also attack the Kaga. However, due to some navigational confusion, the force headed on a bearing much farther west than intended.

The initial strike found the Kaga at approximately 1000hrs. The strike of 14 SBD Dauntlesses and 15 TBD Devestators was met by approximately 10 Zeros, with more being launched to intercept. In the end 19 Zeros took part, but several were not able to get to altitude before the strike hit home. 2 SBDs and 5 TBD were reported destroyed, and many more damaged. Never the less about 2/3 of the strike was able to unleash their ordinance on the Kaga. Of the entire strike, 2 torpedoes found their mark, hitting the Kaga and starting fires in the lower decks. Admiral Nagumo, cautious as ever, immediately ordered as many aircraft aloft as possible and ordered them to find nearby bases to land in case things got worse. Damage control did its best, but within a short while the flight deck was no longer safe to use. A couple Kate torpedo bombers made it to Baker island, several Zeros landed at Tarawa, and a pair of Zeros managed to get airborne with fuel tanks aboard to continue to provide some degree of CAP. The Vals, which had been planned to launch last in any strikes, were not able to get off the Carrier before fires and smoke rendered the deck unusable.
The Carrier Kaga burns after taking two torpedoes.

Around 1030hrs, Admiral Yamaguchi ordered his first strike away to attack. The strike consisted of 38 D3A Vals, 42 B5N Kates, 33 E7K2 Alfs and an escort of 45 A6M2 Zeros. The aircraft were flying in at 9,000 ft, with the escorts above around 11,000 ft. After the strike was on its way, CAP aircraft were rotated on all carriers, and by 1100 hrs, approximately 40 fresh Zeros swarmed the skies above the KB.

At 1115 hrs, the relaunched strike of 16 SBD bombers spotted a large TF and made to attack. As they neared their target, they spotted not one Kaga, but five fleet carriers of the IJN! Having traveled farther west, they had found the KB. As they prepared to attack, the Zeros on CAP at 14,000 ft dove down and devastated the strike group, nearly all the bombers were splashed, with two or three escaping and making their way back towards the US CVs. Once this threat was put down, Adm Yamaguchi ordered a second strike force to launch and form up.

Around 1130 the first strike from the KB found its target. Many F4F-3 Wildcats were airborne, and seeing the strike coming Adm Spruance ordered as many more as possible to launch. The Zeros increased speed to attempt to clear the skies before the bombers arrived and a tremendous air battle raged between 45 Zeros and 52 Wildcats. Within 10 minutes, nearly half of the fighters from both sides were reported downed. The remaining Zeros did their best to keep the pressure on the Wildcats, now slightly outnumbered, so that the bombers could make their runs. Diving down from 9,000 feet, nearly all the attack planes escaped the CAP (2 Kates, and 1 Alf having been shot down) however the flak put up by the US Carrier group was intense and damaged many planes, even destroying some. However, there were just too many planes for the flak to block them all and by the time the strike force was headed for home several Allied ships were burning wrecks.

This first strike had hit both the Yorktown and Enterprise as well as the CA Salt Lake City, CA Pensacola, and the CL Phoenix. Upon hearing word via radio of the success the strike had had, and the disablement of the Allied CAP, Yamaguchi began to fire off smaller strikes at a rapid pace. The next strike hit the Allies at 1220 consisting of 8 zeros and 22 Vals. The Zeros easily brushed aside the spent force of 9 Wildcats remaining, and the Vals hit both CVs and the Pensacola. Another strike arrive ten minutes after of 4 Zeros, 22 Vals, and 24 Kates, this one only facing 4 remaining Wildcats, 3 of which were shot down. This strike hit both Carriers and also hit the CA Chester with a torpedo. The last first round strike arrive around 100 hrs, consisting of 22 unescorted Kates. Three Wildcats managed to try to hit the Kates, but could only damaged them since they were nearly out of ammo. These Kates, unable to located the Enterprise, which had by now sunk, managed to put another torpedo into the Yorktown.
The Yorktown (top) and Enterprise burn after taking hits.

Aboard the Allied Carriers, it was clear they were not going to survive the day as soon as the first strike started landing hit after hit. The last remaining armed Wildcats took off first and headed for the Canton Island airfield. Next various Wildcats, TBDs and SBD were also ordered to takeoff from both carriers and head to Canton. Several didn't make it off, but the ones that did flew to Canton and landed. Upon landing, they found they learned of the perilous situation the airfield was in. Although not able to refuel, several of the loaded SBDs did have enough fuel remaining to reach the Kaga and return to Canton. They launched this strike around 0130 hrs and found the Kaga quickly. The two remaining Zeros managed to knock down 5 SBDs, but against 22 bombers they could only do so much. The Kaga was then rocked by several 1000lb GP bomb hits, which although stoking large fires, and penetrating the flight deck did not do a catastrophic amount of damage. The two Zeros, now very low on fuel, could not reach Tarawa and instead flew to land on the Shokaku. Nagumo was ferried over to the CS Mizuho and flown by Alf floatplane back to Tarawa, to fly on back to HQ at Makin to prevent his being lost at sea on board the Kaga. The SBDs, also very low on fuel had no choice but the land on Canton, and with no fuel remaining there (having been dumped earlier) were stranded.

Gunfire continued on Canton Island throughout the day. Upon hearing the fate of the carriers, morale was at a major low among the Allied defenders. The Nav Gd units were making a constant advance from the east as artillery fire from the south was called down onto every position that caused difficulty to the advance. Using the radios on the aircraft, the ground forces were now able to communicate with the carrier fleet, but the news they were getting was distressing - it seemed that Yamaguchi was not finished for the day yet.

After gathering up all the aircraft that were returning from strikes, Yamaguchi order one last large strike prepared. Having sat in the middle of the ocean for nearly a week waiting for this moment, he was not about to let any more ships than possible slip away. A small group of Alf planes left first, to verify the location of the Allied ships. This group found them around 1545 hrs. These 17 floatplanes proceeded to report no sign of the Yorktown or Enterprise, both of which had by now sunk. They did report on the locations of other ships in the area however. At 1600, the rest of the strike force arrived and took targets based on the Alfs prior reports. This strike of 49 Zeros, 63 Vals, 75 Kates, and 23 Alfs mercilessly pounded any large ships they could find. The CA Chester and Pensacola were pounded repeatedly along with the DD McCall and DD Craven which received a torpedo and a bomb hit respectively. The CA Chester and Pensacola were both spotted slipping under the waves rapidly. Later interrogations on Canton Island would reveal that Adm Spruance was reported as going down with the CA Pensacola.

On Canton Island, the Allied defenders continued to be stuck between the guns of the SS Detach on the south, and the advance of the Nav Gd units on the east. Hearing of the fate of the Task Force and Adm Spruance, the Allied unit's morale and hopes fell dramatically. Having few large caliber guns left, and no hope of intervention in the near future, the local Allied commander signaled for a surrender as dusk arrived. The Japanese forces assumed control of the airfield and the engineers of the 28th Base Force moved up from the southern side of the atoll to begin work on the airfield immediately. Several planes were captured intact and will certainly assist with the Japanese research and doctrinal review efforts.

The Kaga is still able to move, although slowly, and she is headed for Makin. Crews on board are bravely fighting fires to attempt to save the ship, but there is a high probability she will not make it.

SUMMARY of Battle:
Ships hit/damaged:
CV Kaga, .......Torpedo hits 2, Bomb hits 6
CV Enterprise, Torpedo hits 8, Bomb hits 14 (sunk)
CV Yorktown, .Torpedo hits 4, Bomb hits 6 (sunk)
CA Pensacola, Torpedo hits 3, Bomb hits 2 (sunk)
CA Chester, ...Torpedo hits 8, Bomb hits 6 (sunk)
CA Salt Lake,. Torpedo hits 2, Bomb hits 0
CL Phoenix, ....Torpedo hits 0, Bomb hits 2
DD McCall, .....Torpedo hits 1, Bomb hits 0
D Craven, ......Torpedo hits 0, Bomb hits 1

A/C Destroyed
A6M2 Zero........12......0..........0..........3
B5N Kate............2......9..........0..........1
D3A Val..............0......7..........0..........1
E7K2 Alf..............1.....0..........0..........1
F4F-3 Wildcat.....46.....0.........8..........2
SBD Dauntless...17......4.......52..........0
TBD Devastator...2......3.......10.........15
SOC-3 Seagull.....0......0.........1..........8
B-17E Fortress.....0......0.........7..........0
PBY Catalina........0.....0..........2..........0

AlexCobra -> RE: (LONG) Canton Island AAR (12/14/2005 2:20:30 PM)

Memo from the High Command.

The Emperor is very pleased with Adm. Feurer Krieg's actions in operation Enrai. He wanted me to commemorate the victory with this:

Order of Golden Kite 4th class

This is very highly valued award, but I feel you deserved it on 100%. The order itself, as the papers and money will be delivered to you as soon as possible. So I suppose you'll provide some aircover for the next plane from Osaka[;)].

Alex Cobra out.

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