FeurerKrieg -> War Report (12/21/2005 8:33:58 AM)
War Report 2/2/42 Multiple ASW attacks on Allied subs between the PI and Taiwan, but no success. The Chinese actually challenged one of Gen Mantills China airstrikes, sending up 5 I-16c against 29 Nates, 8 Oscars and 151 Sally bombers. The I-16's were all downed with no damage to our forces, and the Sallys proceeded to demolish the runways there.[image]http://bfeurer.home.comcast.net/ichang1.jpg[/image] Chinese pilots get clobbered over Ichang. Airstikes against assorted ground units in China, and Manilla as well. Lastly, an assault was launched on Wuchow and made little progress at this point. Most likely it was a probing attack, but Gen Mantill will have more details in his report. Non-Ops Air Losses Allies I-16c - 7 SOC-3 Seagull - 1 CW-21B Demon - 1 Imperial Air Force D3A Val - 27 B5N Kate - 22 A6M2 Zero - 0 (5 ops) G3M Nell - 3 Feurer Krieg Area Report The CV Kaga sunk today with its entire Val compliment on board. Elements of the Zeros and Kates did make it off the carrier, so those units may be reformed given some time. Never fun to lose a carrier, however it was the slowest of our fleet carriers. Nells and Zeros launched two strikes today with some hitting Lunga and some hitting Gili Gili. The strike at Lunga hit the AP St. Mihel with two torpedos and the AVD Ballard with 1 torpedo. The St. Mihel later sunk. The attack on Gili Gili saw the AK Demodocus take two torpedos. Alf's also attacked Lunga, but no hits were landed. Recon reports the Allies have finished a small airstrip on Lunga. They will now be able to provide some level of CAP to ships there. For now this is okay as Lunga is not to be assaulted until after Noumea, if/when it falls. Adm Yamaguchi, as planned, finished off the CA Salt Lake City, with Vals' putting 21 250kg bombs into the ship before it sunk. The sinking of the SLC, to the best of my knowledge, means that we performed a clean sweep of the Allied TF. 3 CA, 1 CL (more like a CA), 7 DD, 2 CV. Add to that one AK and one DD sunk by Kaga earlier.[image]http://bfeurer.home.comcast.net/CAslc.gif[/image] The CA Salt Lake City, sunk 2/2/1942. Repairs continue at Canton, and the runway there is nearly useable. Fuel is enroute, current supply stocks are sufficient. Lastly, four Destroyers have been ordered back to the Home Islands for AA & ASW upgrades. Sub Ops: The I-170 expired before reaching Kwaj. The first sub with a kill credit to fall victim to Allied ASW. The AK Lousianan, hit yesterday by the I-25, sunk today. In the same area, the I-158 attacks the tanker Semiramis today, hitting with one torpedo, and causing its oil cargo to ignite. At-Risk Damaged Ship Report I-173 49/66/0 (Canton Island) PC Shonon Maru #10 87/78/1 (Canton Island) AP Seizan Maru 99/73/4 (Canton Island) AP Siraha Maru 72/37/0 (Canton Island) AP Meigen Maru 37/18/0 (Canton Island) AP Chihaya Maru 50/25/3 (Cagayan) CV Kaga sunk enroute to Makin Island. SS I-170 Sunk enroute to Kwaj. [image]local://upfiles/17027/3F37028A6EB3495CA1D076E87BA35E57.jpg[/image]