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FeurerKrieg -> War Report (3/15/2006 5:26:57 AM)

War Report 2/19/42
Aside from the South Pacific, it was mostly quiet today. Airstrikes northwest of Wuchow met a few I-16c and the escorting Nates made short work of them. Other airstrikes at Hsinyang and Palembang. The Allies again hit Tarakan.
Units were landed at Menado along with a bombardment by battleships.
Another assault on Clark continued to gain ground.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
The bombardment forces hit Suva hard in the morning, and the KB planes hit the NZ Brigade hard in the daylight. The first push on Suva met with reasonable success, although the base is not secure yet. Casualties were about even, which works to our advantage since we have about 3-1 odds. Outer defenses were breached as well. More airstrikes by KB and another bombardment, along with a charging full assault are planned for tomorrow and will hopefully take the island. Cargo ships with large quantities of supplies also arrived and will ensure our troops have the ammo they need tomorrow.

Sub Ops:
Quiet today.

Non-Ops Air Losses
I-16c - 3

Imperial Air Force

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report


FeurerKrieg -> War Report (3/20/2006 2:46:05 AM)

War Report 2/20/42
A good day for the Empire in all major areas.
Standard airstrikes all around, but a large one occured at Akyab. 47 Zeros and 125 assorted bombers were met by 35 fighters of the AVG. Several Zeros were lost, as well as some bombers but the strike did get through and inflict some damage.
Zeros at Miri continue to inflict damage on the Dutch oil bombing runs.
The big news is at Singapore - after a 3 month campaign, the British have surrendered and the valueable port city, repair yards and resource center now belong to the Empire of Japan! Over 65,000 enemy soldiers were captured and will be promptly put to work repairing the battle scarred port facilities.
British at Singapore march under a flag of truce.

Another high point was at Menado where the naval landing forces secured the base, opening the way for further expansion into the DEI.
Japanese landing forces securing the streets in a village at Menado.

An assault on Clark saw a further weakening of the defensive position there.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Operation Enrai has come to a close with a solid push into Suva which routed the defenders to the other side of Fiji Island. Naval bombardments and a solid strike by KB aircraft all but assured that the NZ Brigade could not resist the SS Detachment and the NLF forces. The airfield is in surprising decent condition, with expansion of the airstrips already under way. Contruction groups are already enroute to finish the expansion to allow Nells to operate with full torpedo loadouts. For now, a Daitai of Zeros and Nells have flown in to begin interdicting any Allied shipping in the area.
Local huts at Suva will be used to house Japanese soldiers until proper housing has been established.

The bombardment force has reloaded from the AKs that brought in supplies and will begin shelling the defenders at Nandi to prevent them from organizing a defense. The ground forces at Suva will rest for half a week and then move out to clear the island. Tankers and cargo ships are both enroute with supplies and fuel.
Alfs from Munda and a Zero/Nell force from Rabaul attacked allied ships at Lunga today. The DD Cushing was sunk, and 2 cargo ships were hit by torpedoes.
The KB will take a route northwards to Truk that will allow it to pass near to Lunga in case any Allied ships remain there to be sunk. For now, the KB will not take on the LBA of Noumea, that will wait until Komorabi in in full swing.
Regarding Komorabi, the 38th Division has been released from Wuchow by Gen Mantill and the 6th Armored reserve has been release by GHQ. Both have been added to the Order of Battle and will load up in the next 2-4 days to head for Truk.

Sub Ops:
The AK Liran was reported sunk today, it had been hit several days ago by the I-166. Also, a Glen flying near Trincomalee was shot down by flak today. The sub carrying it has been sent back to Rangoon to take on a replacement aircraft and pilot.

Non-Ops Air Losses
P-40E Warhawk - 5
P-40B Tomahawk - 5
Brewster 339D - 2
CW-21B Demon - 2
Martin 139 - 2

Imperial Air Force
A6M2 Zero - 10
G3M Nell - 4
Ki-48 Lily - 3
Ki-21 Sally - 2
E13A1 Jake - 2
G4M1 Betty - 2
Ki-49 Helen - 1
Ki-51 Sonia - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 2/21/42 (3/29/2006 5:52:57 AM)

War Report 2/21/42
Relatively quiet today. Allied airstrikes against Myitkyina and ships at Menado. Only a couple other airstikes here and there.
The 191st Chinese Division came across the river between Changsa and Hengchow today and was summarily punished for the incursion by a large IJA force at the crossroads.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
The large convoy at Lunga drew more attacks from Rabaul and Munda, but the Nells and Alfs failed to land any hits today.
In the event this convoy lingers, a small plan has been formed to possibly do some minor damage. Fast destroyers from Makin and Truk have been ordered to rendezvous 360 miles northeast of Lunga. A slow CL has also been sent, along with the CS Mizuho and its 20 Alf planes. The KB has been ordered on a more northwestern course that will take it very close to Ndini. Once the Destroy & cruiser forces meet up, if the Allied convoy is still at Lunga, they will move in for a night surface combat. If the Hornet comes around to attack our 'vulnerable' detroyers, the KB will be there to pounce on the American carrier group. Most likely the Allied force will leave before we get there, but since the KB is on its way to Truk anyways it doesn't hurt to take a stab.

Sub Ops:
The I-2 missed while targeting a Destroyer near Los Angeles. It received some damaged from depth charges, and it is tough to say if it will make it home. It is a long trip to Tokyo from LA.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
I-2 19/56/0 (West Coast US)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 2/22/42 (4/3/2006 10:11:52 AM)

War Report 2/22/42
Much more air action today.
The first strikes to be launched from the newly conquered Singapore airfields were small groups of Kates which attack the CL Tromp and Java at Palembang. No hits were scored.
Sallys hit enemy troops at Hsinyang, and Zeros and Betties did well against Hurricanes over Imphal.
Other strikes included Wuchow, Yenen, Manilla, and Clark.
The Allies launched srikes at Tarakan, Myitkyina and Miri. The Miri strike was definitely showing signs of stress, as most of the bombers took off after seeing a couple of their comrades shot down. Only a couple planes made it through to bomb the oil production facilities there.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Alfs again attempted to hit ships at Lunga with no success. The enemy convoy is still in place as KB and surface forces draw closer.
The large ships at Suva bombarded the other side of the island and caused a fair amount of damaged, destroying several Allied patrol planes on the ground.

Sub Ops:
Nothing of interest today.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Martin 139 - 6
Brewster 339D - 5
PBY Catalina - 5
CW-21B Demon - 4
Hurricane II - 3
Wirraway - 2

Imperial Air Force
A6M2 Zero - 2
Ki-43-Ib Oscar - 2
G4M1 Betty - 1
B5N Kate - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
I-2 19/52/0 (West Coast US)


FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 2/23/42 (4/8/2006 10:06:28 PM)

War Report 2/23/42
Many airstrikes again today.
Sallys bombed Akyab by moonlight for a second night in a row. Other strikes at Yenen, near Wuchow, and Palembang. Kates from Singapore hit a cargo ships at Palembang as well.
The Allies launched smaller strikes at Tarakan, Salamaua, and Menado.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Alfs at Lunga scored a couple hits today on the AK Empire Steelhead and the AK Empire Ocean. Nells and Zeros from Rabaul attacked at well, putting a torpedo into the DD Selfridge.
The DD Selfridge, c. 1930.

The KB is now within range of the shipping lane from Lunga to Noumea. The fleet has been ordered to sail west at full speed to bring them in range of the area. Whether the Allied ships stay at Lunga or not, they will be within range of the KBs planes by tomorrow.
The Allies did spot KB today with a Catalina patrol plane. The Catalina likely radioed its sighting report in, but the pilot did not make it back as Zeros on CAP shot it down.

Sub Ops:
The I-2 is slowly bringing flooding under control and some hope remains that it will make it home afterall.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Hudson I - 1
PBY Catalina - 1

Imperial Air Force
G4M1 Betty - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
I-2 19/46/0 (West Coast US)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 2/24/42 (4/15/2006 6:21:01 AM)

War Report 2/24/42
Thunderstorms continue to dampen action in China and Burma.
Airstrikes launched at Manilla, Clark, and Palembang. Alfs from Rangoon took some shots at a ship near Akyab, but no hits were landed.
Allied air units hit Tarakan, Salamaua and attacked the battleships at Menado.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
The action of the day was near Lunga. As planned Admiral Yamaguchi moved into position south of Lunga. However, what was not planned was a convoy carrying a large portion, if not the entire, 12th Australian Brigade.
Although orders had been given to target destroyers and personnel transports at Lunga, spotter planes radioing back to Yamaguchi indicated there appeared to be a loaded convoy heading northeast towards the island. Not wasting the opportunity to sink valuable Allied cargo in deep water, Yamaguchi altered the orders of his strike force.
At approximately 0900, the main strike force of 88 Kates, 58 Vals, and 15 Alfs (escorted by 25 Zeros) launched to find the convoy. It was located a short time later, approximately 150 miles west of the KB, and 90 miles southeast of Guadalcanal.
As the Zero's circled, they spotted no enemy air cover, and no armed ships defending the convoy. It was a good day to be a Japanese bomber pilot. The cargo ships were mercilessly pounded by many torpedoes and 250kg AP bombs. Subsequent strikes launched later in the morning and afternoon confirmed all seven cargo ships sunk.
Radio intercepts throughout the day indicated that the 12th Aus Bde had been onboard the cargo ships and with no friendly ships in the area (the ships at Lunga had problems of their own), none of the Bde that had been onboard were rescued.
While Yamaguchi's fleet was doing it work, the CS Mizuho, rendezvoused with the surface units from Makin and Truk northeast of Lunga. With the small fleet brought together, travel was stopped and 16 Alf floatplanes were launched towards Lunga.
The CS Mizuho.

Thus it was that throughout the day, Alfs from Munda, Nells and Zeros from Rabaul, and more Alf's from the Mizuho attacked the Destroyers and cargo ships at Lunga. Several hits were landed, including a torpedo hit on the DD Dunlap. While the 30 kg bombs of the Alf's were not fatal, they caused sufficient damage that we are confident our surface force of one CL and 4 destroyers will be able to move in tomorrow and finish off any ships that do not flee the area. If they attempt to flee south, they will be hit by Yamaguchi, if they flee east they will be hit by the Mizuho (which will move to the southeast through the night), and if they flee west, the Nells at Rabaul will get them.
Airstikes in the south Solomons.

Sub Ops:
The I-2 continues to bring flooding under control as it heads west for the Home Islands.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force
A6M2 Zero - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
I-2 19/38/0 (West Coast US)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 2/25/42 (4/16/2006 12:19:10 PM)

War Report 2/25/42
Much more action in the air today.
Japanese airstrikes launched at Manilla, Clark and Yenen. Also, several Betty's attacked ships near Balikpapan, and Kates attacked ships near Palemang. The CL Danae was hit at Balikpapan, and the CL Java was hit at Palembang.
The Allies launched a strike at Miri, which was met by many Zeros. Most of the enemy planes were damaged or shot down, and the two that did get through caused no damage.
IJA forces assaulted Yenen with little progress. The news was better in the Phillipines though, as Clark field was secured and several Allied units retreated towards Bataan. Clark airfield does have some significant damage, but our dedicated Japanese engineer units will have it up and running in no time. The surrounded Chinese units at Hsinyang continue to take heavy losses as well.
Japanese engineers also completed work on the expansion at Singapore. Major facilities are now online there. (It is a size 9 port now.)

Feurer Krieg Area Report
A strike by Allied bombers at Biak was met by Oscar defenders. Several of the escorting Brewster fighters were shot down, but the Hudson bombers stood up well to the weak Oscar MG's. Still the enemy bombers were distrupted enough that they were not able to hit their target.
Near Lunga, the Allied ships present did not attempt to leave. Due to skillful execution by the local air commanders, three separate strikes all converged over Lunga at the same time. The strike consisted of 8 Zeros, 48 Kates, 44 Vals, and 45 Alfs. Several ships were hit repeatedly.
Multiple strikes are coordinated into one.
At that point in the day, the DD Dunlap, DD Jarvis and a couple cargo ships were confirmed sunk.
The DD Jarvis seen dead in the water after torpedo attacks off Guadalcanal.

Late in the afternoon, the CL Kashima and its destroyer group arrive and finished off the DD Selfridge and heavily damaged the DD Ellet and the cargo ships Empire Steelhead and Empire Ocean. In the action though, the Ellet mananged to land a hit on the DD Hayashio causing some fires on deck. Although the damage was minor, it did cause enough concern that the Allied ships were allowed to slip away to the northeast. It is unlikely they will be able to survice the trip back to Noumea.
Remnants of the ships at Lunga are chased off by the Kashima.

Admiral Yamuguchi is now very low on fuel, but has just enough to return to Rabaul, where plenty of fuel is on hand. The KB will head to Rabaul immediately, refuel and then go to Truk for aircraft replacements and minor repairs. From there it will set out on Operation Komorabi.
Lastly, the battlegroup at Suva again bombarded Nandi causing heavy casualties. The ground forces at Suva have been ordered to march to Nandi to finish securing the island. With KB heading to Truk, an additional group of Zeros has been flown to Suva to provide cover for the surface fleet there.

Sub Ops:
All quiet.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Brewster 339D - 10
Martin 139 - 6
CW-21B Demon - 3

Imperial Air Force
A6M2 Zero - 2
G4M1 Betty - 4
B5N Kate - 1
Ki-36 Ida - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 19/37/0 (West Coast US)
DD Hayashio 8/0/13 (Lunga)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 2/26/42 (5/5/2006 8:06:03 AM)

War Report 2/26/42
Many airstrikes again today. The Allies took more losses over Miri and scored no hits. Also Blenheims were over Myitkyina, but did little damage.
There were Japanese airstikes at Yenen, east of Mandalay, and Hengchow. Additionally, wave after wave of Japanese bombers took aim at the pocket of Chinese defenders near Hsinyang.
G4Ms out of Singaport attacked the CL Tromp and Java near Muntok. The Tromp was spared, but two or three torpedoes hit the Java inflicting serious damage to the ship.
West of Hsinyang, the 1st Chinese Tank regiment was hit hard and forced to retreat back to Ichang.
Russian built T-26 tanks of the Chinese 1st Tank Regiment.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
The DD Ellet was confirmed sunk near Lunga. As the KB and the other Japanese ships in the area headed to Rabaul, the Mizuho launched an Alf strike and found the Empire Steelhead and put many 30kg bombs on target. With over a half a dozen submarines in the area, it is unlikely that the last two cargo ships will escape from Lunga, even if they don't sink due to the bombing damage.

Sub Ops:
All quiet.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Brewster 339D - 3
Martin 139 - 1
CW-21B Demon - 1
PBY Catalina - 1

Imperial Air Force
G4M1 Betty - 4

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 19/34/0 (West Coast US)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 2/27/42 (5/11/2006 10:40:32 AM)

War Report 2/27/42
A fair bit of action today.
Oscars and Kates found the CL Tromp at sea at Palembang and managed to put two bombs into the ship, causing heavy damage. Additionally, airstrikes were launched at Singkawang and Manilla. The Manilla strike was quiet large, over 160 aircraft, as most of the offense ground units in the Luzon move into position around the important city.
The Allies came to Miri again, and scored no damage. They also launched limit strikes against our ground forces in Myitkyina.
Japanese reinforcements landed at Tarakan today.
In China, the Allies evacuated Wuchow. Japanese forces restored order today and claim the city for the empire. Several I-16c aircraft were captured on the ground.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Quiet as KB and other ships refuel at Rabaul and then head for Truk to assemble for Operation Komorabi. The KB was bone dry as it pulled into port, and used up over 40,000 fuel to refuel. More tankers have begun loading up fuel to replace what the KB has used. There is still enough in Rabaul to refuel the TFs on their way to Noumea.
Emily recon reports that the Allied airfield at Lunga continues to grow. A late day strike to slow the Allies construction progress has been ordered for the Nells/Zeros at Rabaul if no ship targets are found at sea tomorrow.

Sub Ops:
The RO-66 found the limping AK Empire Steelhead and put two torpedoes into the ship to finish it off. The assist adds the RO-66 to the kill board.
East of Trincomalee, the I-25 Glen equipped sub, already known for hitting cargo ships west of Java, found an isolated ML, the Gouden Leeuw, and hit with one torpedo, cause a large amount of damage to the relatively small ship. Upon return the port the captain of the I-25 will be recognized for his continued skill and contributions to the war effort, although he will be asked again to not take such risks with his valuable scouting ship.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Brewster 339D - 6
I-16c - 5
Martin 139 - 1
CW-21B Demon - 1

Imperial Air Force
B5N Kate - 2
Ki-43-1b Oscar - 1
G4M1 Betty - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 20/33/0 (West Coast US)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 2/28/42 (5/14/2006 2:56:16 AM)

War Report 2/28/42
Poor weather kept the air activity lower today. Strikes continued at Manilla.
Wuchow was secured as Gen Mantill's armies continue their march across China.
Battleships Mutsu, Hyuga and Yamashiro pounded the coastline near Tarakan befure an initial ground assault which gained little ground owing to low levels of supplies. An assault against Singkawang had little effect also.
North of the Phillipines, the SS Thresher was located by a pair of destroyers and hit multiple times. Although not confirmed sunk, the sub is likely heavily damaged.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
The Allies launched a strike against Noemfoor, but the Oscars on station there distrupted the attacked and downed a few of the escorts.
Nells from Rabaul caused some light damaged at Lunga.

Sub Ops:
Nothing to report.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Brewster 339D - 4
Hudson I - 1

Imperial Air Force

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 20/31/0 (West Coast US)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 3/1/42 (5/18/2006 10:19:54 AM)

The analytics department continues to work on the February statistical report, it should be completed soon.

War Report 3/01/42
Large scale airstrikes were launched across China, with a massive attack by 170 Sally bombers at Yenen. Even with the heavy bombing, a strong attack by IJA units gained little ground.
The 62nd Chinese Corp was forced to retreat back to Ichang, further ensuring the isolation of the Chinese units at Hsinyang.
In the Phillipines a major offensive against the city of Manilla made great strides. The city's fall is very near. Reinforcements continue to land at Tarakan, while the units already present keep the pressure up on the Dutch defenders.
A couple Allied subs were discovered by ASW forces, but managed to escape unharmed in both instances.
The Allies launched limited strikes, but were again back over Miri, losing another trio of fighters and scoring no hits with the Martins.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
The KB has pulled into Truk for R&R. All air units have been filled out and some new pilots have been brought on board a couple of the carriers. A few of these are quiet green, but with luck they will learn much from the veterans they are surrounded by.
The Reserve Armored unit will arrive at Truk in approximately 2 days. Once it is unloaded, the final OOB will be drawn up and task forces assembled. The 38th Division will likely arrive at Truk a couple days after the main fleet sails, but it will unload and rest for a couple days before heading south to Noumea.
A Daitai of Bettys have been flown in to Biak. Although the base is not equipped with torpedos, the Bettys will still be able to inflict some damage on any careless Allied transports in the areas north of Australia.
Also, engineers have been disembarked at Tarawa to assist with the airfield construction there. Another unit has left the Gilberts to head for Canton Island. More are on the way, and over the next month island all across the Pacific will see a significant strengthing of their defensive abilities.

Sub Ops:
Nothing to report.

Non-Ops Air Losses
CW-21B Demon - 2
Brewster 339D - 1

Imperial Air Force

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 20/25/0 (West Coast US)


cantona -> RE: War Report 3/1/42 (5/18/2006 2:26:26 PM)

great and inspirational AAr guys

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 3/1/42 (5/19/2006 10:32:22 AM)

Thanks! Always good to know there are readers out there. [:D]

cantona -> RE: War Report 3/1/42 (5/19/2006 10:37:11 AM)

one question though, are float planes THAT effect as anti-ship aircraft?

Monter_Trismegistos -> RE: War Report 3/1/42 (5/19/2006 7:16:38 PM)

I also feel that your AAR is brilliant. I love the idea of "At-Risk Damaged Ship Report".

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 3/1/42 (5/19/2006 9:57:22 PM)

Thanks for the comments!

The damaged ship list is handy, it helps me keep track of what our real losses are from any given engagement. Take Wake for example, although it seems bad at first, I think all that we actually lost were APs and some small gunboats. All the capital ships made it home for repairs and a return to action someday.

Sorry the posts have not been as well illustrated lately, I've been busy with work and kids. Summer is coming though, hopefully I'll have more free time then.

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 3/1/42 (5/19/2006 10:07:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: cantona

one question though, are float planes THAT effect as anti-ship aircraft?

Against unarmored ships they are pretty handy. Given that they can operate with no airfield they can be put pretty far forward. If cruisers show up, then they don't work so well, but against Destroyers and cargo ships, as was case at Lunga, they can certainly get some penetrating hits. In the case of DD's, they can give some system damage that slows them down, and makes them less effective in a surface engagement.

turkey1 -> RE: War Report 3/1/42 (5/21/2006 8:06:00 AM)

Feurer krieg

I was wondering what happened to the Iron storm II game you were playing with Alikchi

He hasn't posted an update the AAR for quite a while.

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 3/1/42 (5/21/2006 10:13:01 AM)

He just up and vanished. He was half way through the report for December 8th, and then never came back. I haven't seen an email, PM or anything from him.

TheElf -> RE: War Report (5/22/2006 7:49:09 AM)

Yes, Feurer, I'm glad to see you back at it.

FeurerKrieg -> War Report 3/2/42 (5/23/2006 6:36:39 AM)

War Report 3/02/42
Another great day for the Empire.
The typical activities occured. Allied Brewsters and Martins shot down over Miri. Assorted airstrikes in China.
East of Borneo a small flight of T.IVa's attacked the battleship Yamashiro, but no hits were scored, and all the T.IVa's went home with varying degrees of damage due to the large ship's ample AA batteries.
In the Phillipines, the order was given to make a strong push against Manilla. In the morning a massive airstrike targeted the few remaining strongpoints and severly limited the defenders abilities to hold their positions. In all, 13 Vals, 21 Kates, 23 Nates, 25 Sonias, 26 Sallies, and 54 Helens took part in the attacks. Right on the heels of this aerial bombardment, the Japanese infantry and armored units charged into the city easily overwelming the battle weary defenders of Manilla. Nearly 25,000 Phillipino and US soldiers were captured.
Japanese tanks on victory parade through Manilla.
Several units surrendered at Manilla.

The Americans weren't the only ones to see defeats today though.
On orders from Gen Mantill, Betty bombers in Singapore were ordered to fly to Palembang and attack targets of opportunity. They were told to be on the lookout for Dutch light cruisers in the area since the Java and Tromp had been damaged prior and were believed to still be in the vicinity.
The first wave launched consisted of 31 Betty's and 8 Kates escorted by 27 Oscar fighters. Nearing Palembang a convoy of ships was spotted and attacked immediately. Nearly all of the ships were hit by at least one torpedo, the tanker Manvantara taking 3. The AK Poelau Tello was only hit by a bomb. By the time the bombers turned from home, the AK's Langkoeas, Kota Radja, and Tjikandi were all burning near the port. The Tjikandi was later confirmed sunk.
Shortly afterwards, a small group of Betties flew south again, hunting for cruisers. The Java was found and hit with one torpedo. As the second wing came in for attack the ship was already sliding beneath the waves.
The Dutch CL Java sunk 3/2/1942.

Later in the afternoon a final strike of 37 Betties was launched. Flying farther south this time, they located the CL Tromp and managed to devastate the ship with 4 torpedoes. It promptly rolled over and gave up the ghost.
Another Dutch CL, the Tromp. Also sunk 3/2/1942.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Nells against hit the airfield at Lunga, more accurately this time, destroying a Catalina on the field. Allied Beuforts attacked Salamaua. The lead elements of ground forces from Suva began taking positions outside of Nandi base.

Sub Ops:
Nothing to report.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Martin 139 - 2
Brewster 339D - 2
PBY Catalina - 1

Imperial Air Force
Ki-21 Sally - 3
G3M Nell - 2
Ki-15 Babs - 1
Ki-46-II Dinah - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 20/23/0 (West Coast US)


FeurerKrieg -> Feb 1942 Statistics (5/28/2006 11:11:40 AM)









FeurerKrieg -> War Report 3/3/1942 (5/28/2006 11:42:02 AM)

EDIT: Do to some file emailing issues and what not, we ended up redoing 3/3/42, so I've deleted this old post to make way for a revised 3/3/42 post.

Also, we welcome another new player into the game as NiceGuy, Chris had to bow out. Commander Jorge Chacon will be taking over for him in the CBI theater.

Also note I have started to upgrage my ship art using Fremen and other's great artwork.

FeurerKrieg -> War Report 3/3/1942 (6/22/2006 9:40:40 AM)

War Report 3/03/42
The most notable action of the day was shortly after midnight. The battleships Mutsu, Hyuga and Yamashiro encountered two British light cruisers, the Glasgow and the Enterprise in the Celebes sea while enroute to Davao. A battle quickly ensued as the ships closed range. Two of the escorting Japanese destroyers took some 4.5, 5, 5.5 and 6 inch shells hits and took significant damage from them. The battleships all took many hits, but the shells were not able to overcome the battleship's armor. The Enterprise took the most damage in the battle, falling victim to one torpedo as well as a hit from a 16.1 inch shell.
The British Cruisers Enterprise and Glasgow versus...

The Battleship Mutsu and company.


Numerous ASW attacks on the Trusty and the Trout had no luck.
Japanese aircraft at Clark Field began pounding their new target - the holdouts at Bataan.
In other areas the air was quiet.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
The Armored Reserve regiment arrive and is mostly unloaded at Truk. Units continue to prepare for the assault on Nandi. The newly based Bettys out of Biak also spotted the CL Glasgow from the battle the night before about 250 miles east of Kendari, but poor weather scrubbed a planned attack on the ship.
Lae airstrip was expanded today, allowing room for more fighers once they are available. Several ships have successfully undergone minor repairs at Truk. While the troop convoys get organized, all ships will receive immediate attention to repair ship systems to prepare for the upcoming mission to Noumea.

Sub Ops:
The I-3 managed to hit the AK Mormacwren in the shipping lanes between the West Coast US and Pearl Harbor.
Another convoy spotted enroute to Pearl Harbor, will attempt an intercept.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 20/15/0 (West Coast US)
DD Sawakaze 41/37/19 (Celebes Sea)
DD Mikazuki 29/10/6 (Celebes Sea)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 3/4/1942 (6/29/2006 10:24:54 AM)

War Report 3/04/42
Light cruiser Enterprise confirmed sunk in the Celebes Sea today.
In the Malaya slot, the SS Truant put a torpedo into the IJN ML Hatsutaka, sinking the ship almost immediately. The SS Trout north of Luzon attacked a minesweeper, but its torpedoes did not detonate.
Airstrikes launched at Lashio, Ledo, and Hsinyang. Ships at Akyab were hit by escorted Bettys from Rangoon. Although the escort lost several planes, the AK Empire Johnson was hit with multiple torps and confirmed sunk. From Borneo, Bettys struck at ships near Batavia, hitting the AP Buyskens.
Overall a more expense day in the air.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Units at Truk continue to organize.
Allied remnant at Gasmata seems to have finally ceased to exist.

Sub Ops:
All quiet.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Brewster 339D - 1
Mohawk IV - 1

Imperial Air Force
A6M2 Zero - 7
G4M1 Betty - 6
Ki-21 Sally - 3
Ki-48 Lily - 1
Ki-51 Sonia - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 20/10/0 (West Coast US)
DD Sawakaze 49/33/8 (Celebes Sea)
DD Mikazuki 30/3/2 (Celebes Sea)


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 3/5/1942 (7/3/2006 5:44:15 AM)

War Report 3/05/42
Allied planes returned to Miri for the first time in a couple days, losing a few fighters for their trouble. Hudsons took aim at a cargo ship in the Malaya slot, but missed on both attacks.
The Empire's airstrikes were limited to China, with strikes against Chinese ground forces northwest of Wuchow, and at Yenen. The empty Kweilin base was captured, along with some damaged SB-2C's that had been left behind.
A damaged SB-2c is examined after capture.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Forces for Operation Komorebi have stated loading up today. The OOB is presented in the next post, along with plans for the operation.
The Fiji surface group bombarded Nandi throughout the night and our ground forces made significant gains during the day. A strong charge attack has been ordered for tomorrow, which should topple the defenders.
Near Canton Island, elements of the 61st Nav Gd unit secured Sydney Island.
Allied Beauforts hit Salamaua.

Sub Ops:
I-23 was spotted by an AVD east of Noumea, but it slipped away unmolested.

Non-Ops Air Losses
SB-2c - 6 (ground losses at Kweilin)
Brewster 339D - 3
CW-21B Demon - 2
PBY Catalina - 1

Imperial Air Force
No losses.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 20/11/0 (West Coast US)
DD Sawakaze 53/35/4 (Celebes Sea)

DD Mikazuki secured from flooding and fires.


FeurerKrieg -> Komorebi (7/3/2006 7:42:19 AM)

Operation Komorebi

Expected OOB

Total Assault Value of initial landing group is 1,088. With the 38th Division and reserves, makes approx 1,500.

More plans, more risks. Hopefully this plan will minimize them as much as possible.
As shown below, the plan is for the KB (in two TF's) to proceed to WP1 while the bombardment group approachs from Suva. WP1 is five hexes from Luganville and Noumea both, which puts it outside of torpedo bomber range, and also away from some of the shortranged fighters and bombers that may be around.
The bombardment group will be covered by Zeros from Nandi/Suva to the limit of their range. It will then cross the area of no air cover in the night phase, and be covered by Zeros on LRCAP from KB the next day.
As the bombardment group approachs Noumea, the KB will move towards WP2 to put extra distance between itself and Noumea and Luganville. From WP2 it can cover both the surface group as well as the landing group.
The bombardment group will hit the airstrips at Noumea at night, hopefully causing enough damage that airstrikes against the invasion force landing at Koumac the next morning will be weakened.
As soon as the bombardment force has delivered its shells, it will retreat towards Rabaul as fast as it can manage to get away from enemy air attacks.
The KB will provide Zeros for air cover for the surface force until it is out of range of Noumea and Luganville. Also, it will be providing LRCAP over the invasion task force as well. Once the surface group is away from danger, the LRCAP over the invasion group will be strengthened.
As soon as Koumac has been secured, KB will retire and Zeros will be flown in from Rabaul & Suva to provide close CAP support while the 38th Division moves in to unload. The land units will then begin moving south on Noumea.

Goals of this operation:
1) Secure Noumea
2) Rebase the Southeast Surface Fleet to Rabaul (then to Truk for refit)
3) Minimize risk to the KB so that it can be redeployed to Singapore in support of future Chandpur operations.

To that end, cargo and personnel ships will be considered expendable in this operation, and to a lesser extent, so will surface capital ships, as both will not be required in the theater until the Americans begin to counterattack since this is the last large operation of the South Pacific. The KB however is needed by Gen Mantill for his next large operation.

It is expected that most of the initial landing force can be unloaded in two days, with supplies continuing to be unloaded for a few more following days. That is the period where shipping losses are the most likely to occur. Glen subs are being deployed around the area so that any enemy carriers that appear will be spotted in time for the KB to react appropraitely, which likely means retreating. Unless the enemy makes a significant error, targets of opportunity will not be pursued.

John 3rd -> RE: Komorebi (7/3/2006 9:21:05 AM)

Just jumped into reading this AAR.  It is excellent!  I am about to start one "From Here it SEEMS Like..." and I might use a couple of your techniques. 

Keep up your good work and BANZAI!

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Komorebi (7/3/2006 10:47:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Just jumped into reading this AAR.  It is excellent!  I am about to start one "From Here it SEEMS Like..." and I might use a couple of your techniques. 

Keep up your good work and BANZAI!

Glad you like it! I hope you get time to read from post #1, all these AARs do take time to read though. In any case, feel free to 'borrow' techniques all you like, I've borrowed a few myself. [:D]

FeurerKrieg -> 3/6/42 War Report (7/4/2006 9:58:29 AM)

War Report 3/06/42
Allied planes again at Miri, again they are turned back with losses. Although airstrikes had been ordered in Burma and Sumatra, bad weather kept the planes grounded. Recon/Intel shows no fighters at Chandpur to protect the bombers based there, so dual strikes have been ordered against the airfields there tomorrow.
In China numerous airstrikes against ground force continued. An assault on a Chinese division northwest of Wuchow was repulsed, although just slightly. Another division is on it way and should arrive within the next few days to push forward and hopefully trap a large group of Chinese forces west of Kweilin. From there it will be bypassed, held in check by the 37th Division. See map below.
Plans to surround pocket near Kweilin.

Betties and Kates from Singapore and Borneo continued to hit a convoy at Palembang, geneating some success today. Two AKs and one TK were sunk and others damaged.
In the Phillipines, strikes against Bataan continued. Our forces at Cotabato drove the American and Philipino defenders out of the base, forcing them into a broken retreat through the jungles towards Butuan.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
All land units at Truk are loaded, another day will be spent topping off every free cargo space with supplies. The invasion TF will leave tomorrow. KB will leave a couple days later since it sails faster at cruise speeds. The extra couple days will hopefully allow for some more minor repairs to occur.
Near Canton Island, Gardner Island was checked and secured today, again by elements of the 61st Naval Guard.
On Fiji, after several days of retreat, resistance, and pounding from our capital ships, the Allied forces present surrendered at Nandi to our forces. Nearly 6000 Allied soldiers were interred. The Island of Fiji is nearly secured. The 6th NLF will be dispatched to check a small beach on the northern side of the islands to ensure no Allied spies are in the area. The various Naval Gd, NLF and SNLF forces present will march back to Suva to rest briefly before loading up to secure Tongatapu, Ha'apai, Pago Pago and Upolu. This is planned to be completed by the end of the month. While those areas are being secured, the South Seas Detachment will remain in Nandi to effect repairs on the facilities there, as well as provide a reserve force if needed at Noumea.
More construction engineers have been requested from GHQ. Having met with success in our initial goals of seizing the islands in the deep south Pacific, now it is time to build them up quickly and force the Americans to take losses they cannot politically maintain as they attempt to make their way across the ocean.
After Noumea, the expansion area of the Empire will swing to Gen Mantill in India and Gross Admiral Alex in the SRA.

Sub Ops:
Sub laid mines at Midway made an impact today as the DD Crane was damaged by a Type 88 Mine. Some research will be needed to find which sub will get credit if that destroyer sinks due to the damage (which is unlikely).
Another convoy was spotted off the west coast US, attack subs will again attempt to score some hits.
The Glen sub stationed between Pearl and Palmyra has been ordered to Makin for refuel and rebase southeast of Canton Island as we prepare for defensive perimeter hit and run attacks against convoys bound for Australia and New Zealand.
After the conclusion of Komorebi, more spotter subs will be sent to the far south to spot for our carrier and surface raiders.

Non-Ops Air Losses
CW-21B Demon - 3
PBY Catalina - 3 (captured at Nandi)
Martin 139 - 1
Brewster 339D - 1

Imperial Air Force
No losses.

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
SS I-2 20/3/0 (West Coast US)
DD Sawakaze 61/46/5 (Celebes Sea)


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