RE: 2nd Month of War (Full Version)

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John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/14/2005 7:37:54 PM)

February 6, 1942

No serious SS activity.

Air Lots of thing shappening here.

Changsha is struck by 2 raids and a total of 35F with 81B inflict 85 Cas and 18 Res Damage

Akyab is raided by 24Z and they shoot down 1Ftr

Singapore is hit again by 27F and 86B doing 54 Cas and lots of damage to facilities. Lose 9 planes...

Sweep Soerabaja, lose 2Z for only one ABDA Ftr

I raid Clark and Manila everyday but just wanted to note today that Clark was hit by 7F and 40DB doing 84 Cas.

ABDA Air attempts several small strikes and manages a bomb on an AK at Meral. I am transferring a Daitai of Oscars there to put a stop to this nonsense...

Capture Kuala, Sum

China BIG Things!
Changsha I attack again, get the 0-1 result, don't touch the Forts, BUT inflict nearly 1-1 in Cas. Totals--Japanese 8869 and 230 Guns Chinese 5280 and 148G. His artillery is headed downhill FAST! I have lowered his artillery from nearly 1100 guns down to about 700. I think his supply is running low or out. I will pick up the pace of my attacks to about every other day and start rotating the troops doing the hitting.

Hsinyang Wolfpack is feeling the pressure at Changsha and is trying to draw my attention away from there. He is attacking (thus using more of his limited supplies) at Hsinyang with 9 Chinese Corps. My defences there are only 3 Brigades and 3 Support units and Forts of 6. His initial attack caused 306 Jap and 874 Chinese casualties and drew down the Forts by 1. LET HIM ATTACK! I have two rested divisions at Wuhan that now get the roder to march there. They should stall him indefinately while I reduce Changsha.

Bombard Singapore for 264 Cas The air-land Bombardment here is really drawing down his forces. I am inflicting about 1000 casualties every three days. I am not in ANY hurry to take this place. It is isolated and will fall. The questions is where to send the troops once it does fall...

Will attack again at Darwin tomorrow.

4BB pound the HELL out of Darwin for 764 Casualties.

KB2 is now SE of Ceylon. Tomorrow Akagi and Kaga's fighters will sweep Trimcomalee and Columbo while 3 Daitai of Betty's do a port attack! That should be fun...

THE KB1 is reconstituted at my new base of Noumea, NC. Hiryu, Soryu, Shokaku, Zuikaku, and Shoho are together again. Break out the party hats and let us go cruising! Got to wait for supplies and fuel though...they will arrive in about two days. Good chance to rest everyone.

1DD did hit a mine as they swept Noumea's minefield clear...

castor troy -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/14/2005 8:39:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Thank you for the vaulable insight into my opponent and his style. I will consider this an intelligence success to recon the 'head' of my opponent!

He has made several allusions about your campaign and the landings you made in India. They have him concerned.

What do you think about the India Campaign? I think I am content with taking most of Burma but those industrial cities in western India do look somewhat tempting! Might try to win in China and then head towards India...

Thanks again for the thoughts and insight!

India is a target that can be done if you conquer it BEFORE the Allied offensive in the pacific begins. The airforce in India is not really dangerous for me and Iīve got air superiority. Weīll see how it goes further.

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/15/2005 12:21:35 AM)

What have you done in that theatre? I have thought about it before but think China is the better target. Then again...I don't know...

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/17/2005 6:34:21 PM)

Wolfpack and I had fairly incompatable schedules this weekend and we only got four turns in. As I told him, things continue to develop strongly in favor of the Japanese. The 'fall back and don't defend ANYTHING with ANYTHING strategy' is fully in force and I am getting frustrated by it. I like cheap, easy victories but this is TOTALLY unrealistic! I KNOW I just used a the word 'realistic' to describe the game...

February 7 1942

I now have about 20 SS active in the IO. They are divided into 3 patrol lines starting from the southern tip of India and work back to the west about 6 hexes.

Near the same amount are deployed NE of Palymra in the SE Pacific.

73 Betty's raid Trimcomalee, Cey and do a rather nice job--2MSW, ML, 2PG, 5AK, 2AP damaged. I lose 1B and have 16 damaged.

Singapore Raid 27F and 49B do 28Cas and damage facilities

China X-Roads gets 12F and 43B doing 115Cas

Clark gets 6F and 59DB causing 80 Cas

ABDA has about 10-15 bombers left and they are THORN in my side. They put 1TT into an AK.

Sweep Soerabaja with 20Z and bag 3F for 1Z.

Landing at Woodlark Island

Landing more troops at Darwin, Aust--IMPORTANT notes--I thought they were takinga long time to unload. Found out that after the last CD attack 3 days ago, the TF stopped unloading. The note said that it was but it REALLY wasn't. I re-issued the landing order and PRESTO!--the tropps are landing again. Get a 2-1 attack, lose 393J for 267Brit/Aussie. It will fall next round...

Bombard Singapore for 135 Cas

Bombard Changsha for 152 Cas

Wolfpack's counterattack at Hsinyang (trying to draw pressure off of Changsha) gets a 0-1 result. I lose 586 troops to his 1503. I have two more brigades moving there from Wuhan.

KB2 Sweeps Ceylon and bags 2F

I lose 2AK in different locations--one near Rangoon and other near Balikpapan

February 8, 1942

No SS action

Nail Chungking with 35Z and 107 Sally! 11 Hurricane raise to fight and my Zeros shoot down 6 for 1Z and 5B. The raid does 26 Resource in damage.

On this day, my Rangoon Betty's change targets to Columbo. 64B appear over the target--I lose 5B in exchange for damage to 1MSW, 2AP, and 5AK. They will rest for a day or two.

Hit Darwin with 19B and cause 91 Cas

Clark is raided by 5F and 62DB causing 53 Cas

Woodlark Island Falls

DARWIN FALLS! Getting a 6-1 yields 223J Cas for 2581 POW. Immediately begin planning to take next city down the coast. Send one of the two Inf Div in pursuit of the fleeing remnants.

Bombard Singapore for 104 Cas

Bombard Changsha for 172 cas

Numerous TF of Base Forces, Engineering troops, and supplies are on their way to Noumea for use as a staging base.

A convoy leaves Kwajelein headed for Pago-Pago...

Pull KB2 back south away from Ceylon to rest planes for a day or two. Will make one more swipe at Ceylon and then head for Rangoon for R&R.

Tankers arrive at Noumea so my ships can refuel. All 5 CV there have refilled their pilot and plane complement.

Febraury 9, 1942

KXII puts a TT into an AP at Batavia.

41F and 68B hit Singapore and do 188 Cas

61F and 88B hit Changsha and cause 36 Resource damage. I am pretty certain that Changsha is VERY short on supply...

Soerabaja gets 24Z and 107 Betty/Nell. Hit the AF pretty hard--lose 1Z and shoot down 4F

Clark gets 46DB causing 29 Cas

Attack Clark and lose 270J for 157 American

Landing at Bali and Goodenough Island

Bombard Singapore for 113 Cas

REST Changsha Troops--I want to make a REAL attack. They get two days to standdown. Attack scheduled for February 11th--all troops there are now into their high-60s for prep points.

Send a BB TF towards Brisbane.

A ML sinks at Trimcomalee Harbor.

Order KB2 towards Ceylon and then home to Rangoon.

February 10, 1942

No SS activity

Changsha hit by 69F--including Zeros--and 88B doing another 36 Resources damage. Changsha is down 2/3 now in its' resource production...

Hit the China X-Roads with 12F and 36B causing 88 Cas

ABDA's meager Bomber force gets another hit on an AP. They don't do enough--generally--to sink a ship but they are damaging 3-4 a week.

Landing at Sabang, Sum and LUGANVILLE (no troops there--that is a BIG surprise...)

I have a new troops concentration beginning at the Crossraods in China--I kick out of there one Chinese Corps causing 48J for 90Chin Cas. This force is an Army HQ, 2 Inf Div, and 2 Brigades. They will serve as a tripwire for anything coming from that direction.

Bombard Sing for 46Cas

Bombard Clark for 12Cas

Take Goodenough Island

TF leaves Sapporo, Jpn bound for Dutch Harbor, Alaska!

TF approaching Efate

KB2 sweeps Trimcomalee and Columbo with Ftrs--finds NONE--and heads for Rangoon.

Construction--Lingayen AF goes to 2.

KB Notes: CV Junyo is almost finished and I plan to create my 3rd KB TF:
KB1 will be Shokaku, Zuikaku, Zuiho, and Shoho (204 Planes--82Z, 48V, 72K)
KB2 will be Akagi, Kaga, Ryujo, and Hosho (206 Planes--80Z, 48V, 71K)
KB3 will be Hiryu, Soryu, and Junyo (178 Planes--59Z, 59V, 59K)

Each of these TF should be able to handle 2 US CV without TOO much trouble. In June, I will re-appraise this organization based on events...

Hiyo and Ryuho will soon be complete. They will be added to these existing units.

Assignments--KB2 will stay in Indian Ocean, KB1 in SE Pacific, and KB3 in North/Central Pac.

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/18/2005 6:14:43 PM)

February 11, 1942

SS Nothing noted of importance.

Air Very busy day...

Sweep Dacca, Ind from Mandalay with 24Z vs 9 Hur--lose 1Z for 2Hur

Raid Trimcomalee, Cey
KB2 Sweeps with 24Z and finds 8Buffalo--shoots down 3 for no losses.
Betty Raid sweeps in after that and hits the port with 85B--lose 2 planes and CREAM the base.

Hit Soerabaja, Java with 22Z and 78B--for no losses--shoot down 3 Buf and damage AF pretty well.

Flying from Darwin:
24Z sweep Wyndham and find nothing.
20B hit the retreating Sparrow Bat doing 40 Cas

Hit Clark, Phil with 49DB and do 51 Cas

Rested planes at Kuantan and Wuhan.

I found out from Moses yesterday that when you have troops in a contested hex, that hex does NOT produce supply. Did not know that! Wasted all those hits against Changsha... My LBA will concentrate on his AF and Troops at Changsha and my other two smaller bombing groups will continue resource raiding.

Capture Luganville (no resistance) and Sabang, Sum

Landing at Woodlark Ilse

Deliberate Attack at Singapore--Fort 7--2457 Jap Cas for 2201 UK/Ind/Aus Cas and nearly 20% of their artillery. Thing I will rest these troops a couple of days and begin, in earnest, the reduction of Singapore.

Deliberate Attack at Changsha--Fort 8--10329 Jap Cas for 6896 Ch Cas and almost 25% of their artillery. Forts are not coming down here but he is losing more and more artillery that CANNOT be replaced. Things will start to give soon. Am rotating out 4 tired Divisions at about 2/3 strength and am bringing in 3 full-strength Divisions, a 3rd Engineer Reg, and a Tank Regiment. Will attack again in two days then then start alternating attacks until I give up or I CAPTURE the town.

Efate Invasion Force will land in about 2 days. I expect, as usual, no opposition...

Wyndham Invasion Foroce is loading from Darwin to hit there--An Inf Division and a Brigade should easily be enough.

Pago-Pago Invasion Force is well on the way.

Dutch Harbor Forve has left Sapporo. They will be escorted by 1BB, 3-5CL, and 12DD.

After a few more days of rest, my Noumea forces will move to Suva and take that. I'll use a Division and Engineer Regiment.

Already detailed Invasion Force status

Mentioned KB2 Fighter Sweep over Trimcomalee. They are headed for Rangoon. Once there, they will detach Zuiho to join up with KB1 (Shokaku/Zuikaku/Shoho) at Noumea.

I have a BB Bombardment Group approaching Ceylon and they are attacked by 12 Blenheims, destroy 1, damage 8, and take no damage.

I have another BB Bombardment Group headed for Brisbane, Aust. They should be there in 2 turns.

Coming back to KB Notes:
KB1 will be Shokaku, Zuikaku, Zuiho, and Shoho (204 Planes--84Z, 48V, 72K)
KB2 will be Akagi, Kaga, Ryujo, and Hosho (202 Planes--82Z, 48V, 72K)
KB3 will be Hiryu, Soryu, and Junyo (178 Planes--59Z, 59V, 59K)

Hiyo and Ryuho will soon be complete. They will be added to these existing units. Hiyo(51 Planes)will join KB3 and Ryuho(30 Planes) will join KB1. Any strikes launched from these three units will fall under the 200+ Strike Coordination rule and so they should be good.

Assignments--KB2 will stay in Indian Ocean, KB1 in SE Pacific, and KB3 in North/Central Pac.

PLANNING Since Wolfpack won't fight, I need to bring the fight to him. Have commissioned to Combined Fleet operational study over feasiblity of a combined sweep of KB1 (South) and KB3 (North) of Hawaii in an attempt to SINK some ships! Study is to check on fuel feasiblity study and cost-benefit analysis...tentative name of operation to be Eastern Wind.

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/19/2005 6:15:25 PM)

February 12, 1942

No major sub activity. Move my IO SS are completely filling the coastline for five hexes from the southern tip of India back towards the west. They fill-in from the coastal hex out three hexes into the ocean. Should bag more of Wolfpack's ships fleeing Ceylon.

Yenen is raided by 12F and 45B doing 12 Resources damage
Changsha is hit by the largest Japanese Raid yet--66F and 126B do 38 Cas and PLASTER the AF

Manila hit for 31 Cas
Clark hit by 5F and 68DB. They do 68 Cas. I order these DB to upgrade to Lily.

Singapore is hit by 20F and 67B that do 137 Cas

Soerabaja gets 22F and 70B. They inflict 19 Cas, plaster the AF and destroy 2 planes.

Darwin Air hits the retreating units with 21 B and inflict 66 Cas

This day is probably the most sorties I have flown yet. Everyone flew with the exception of my Rangoon Bomber Force.

Those DAMNED ABDA Bombers (ALL FIVE of them! [:@]) hit a Bali AK with 2 Bombs

Landing at Bali and Gili-Gili

Capture Kiriwina

Bombardment Changsha for 210 Cas

Bombard Singapore for 59 Cas

Bombard Clark for 37 Cas

My pursuing Inf Div catches up with the fleeing Darwin Forces and is ordered to Shock Attack--Pursue.


My BB Bombardment TF is approaching Columbo, Cey and draws 10F and 52 Bombers! While I panic some, I am reminded that this is the FIRST time I have been in this area and these planes have NO experience. At a cost of 3 planes and 18 damaged, THEY SCORE NO HITS! I breath a sigh of relief...

THE KB2 STRIKES!!! Wolfpack finally chooses to abandon his Ceylon Bases after my Bombardments and Betty Air Strikes. Though returning to Rangoon, the KB2 is close enough to attack! It launches 3 strikes:

Raid 1: 17V and 22K Damage 3PG and 1AP Morning--no losses
Raid 2: 10V and 40K Damage 2MSW, 6AK, and 1AP Morning--no losses
Raid 3: 40Z, 25V, 56K Damage 7AK and 2AP Afternoon--no losses

After my victorious Sea Eagles fly for home, they see 2MSW, 3PG, 2AP, and 5AK SINK! Twelve ships in one day! YUMMMMMMMMMY! More to follow these...

Due to fuel issues, I detach Akagi and Kaga to continue home. Zuiho, Ryujo, and Hosho, with 74 planes, move back SW of Ceylon to launch another day's strikes if Wolfpack continues west.

Subs wait there as well!

My BB Bombardment Force is given orders to patrol around Columbo in case he tries to return there...

Let the burning pyres of dead ships continue on tomorrow........BANZAI!

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/20/2005 8:45:08 PM)

February 13, 1942

SS My subs continue to redeploy:
1. My IO Line is now set into three lines of 4 SS.
2. I have nearly 20 SS in 3 lines beginning a move from Palymra towards Hawaii.

Air Another busy day.
Changsha 68F and 135B BLAST the AF and do 81 Cas--Change them to Ground Attacks

Singapore 26F and 40B hit AF and do 40 Cas

Soerabaja hit bt 22Z and 60B destroying 4 planes, 14 Cas, and damage to AF

ABDA 3F and 7B hits the same AK with 4 Bombs

Landing at Bali, Efate, and Wyndham, Aust

Capture Gili-Gili, NG

Bombard Changsha for 131 Cas

Bombard Clark for 58 cas

Bombard Singapore for 77 Cas

My remaining CVs in the Ceylon region launch one strike of 22K and sink 2 more AK.

My Bombardment TF hits Columbo, Cey and meets passive and active resistance. The CA Suzuyu hits a mine and SINKS...grrrrrrrrrr...this is my first serious naval loss and it comes FROM A MINE! A DD also hits a mine. Continuing in for the bombardment, a good amount of CD responds and damages 2 CA minorly. They inflict 210 Cas and damage 3 more AK. As the TF heads for Rangoon, it is hit by 12F and 38B. BB Kongo takes one minor bomb.

PT Boats strike at Lingayen Gulf! Six PTs attack a convoy unloading supplies. Two of the PTs are sunk and they manage to inflict damage on 5 of 6 MSW/PG.

A decent round where I sink 2AK and damage 3 more. I imagine that a couple of more will sink over the next day or two.

Loosing a heavy cruiser SUCKS. It would have been OK if this had happened in HONORABLE battle! OK...we'll see...

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/25/2005 9:49:23 PM)

February 14, 1942

SS I have yet to figure out how Wolfpack is handling his Subs. They seem to move back-and-forth from Ceylon to Singapore. I hit two of them this round by LBA. I have three operational ASW Groups of five ships working this path.

Raid Yenen with 12F and 47B They are intercepted by 9 Hurricanes. Shot down 1 and do 13 Res
Raid Changsha with 11F and 89B and do 203 Cas

Raid Manila and inflict 20 Cas
Raid Clark with 5F and 68DB for 31 Cas

Soerabaja hit by 22Z and 71B. Shot down 3 Planes, hit AF, and do 16 Cas

Hit Singapore with 29B and get the AF.

Landing at Wyndham, Aust

Capture EFATE!

Bombard Changsha for 97 Cas Set troops to rest for next assault.

Bombard Singapore for 152 Cas

Bombard Clark for 78 Cas

Set troops to attack at Wyndham, Singapore and Clark.
1. I think Clark is doable even though I only have a Division, Brigade, and Tank Regiment. Prep is over 70 and they are rested.
2. Wyndham isn't gaurded by much so that should be easy.
3. Singapore is ripe for the picking. Not very much AA and higher numbers killed to Bombard give me the clue to GO!

4BB hit Wyndham for 299 Cas

SURFACE Fight! My Brisbane Surface Sweep encounters a number of tragets. My 2BB, 4CA, 1CL, and 5DD cause CHAOS! I sink an AP and 3MSW. 4DD attack and it is like the Light Brigade all over again. My TF sinks ALL of them but they manage to put 2TT into Hiei! This could be bad. We'll see if she can make it into Noumea...

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/26/2005 12:48:14 AM)

February 15, 1942

No major SS activity. My PH patrol line just swept through the SE area of Hawaii and is moving NE.

Yenen--After spotting those Hurricanes yesterday, I get REAL mean! Send 26Z and 44B to Yenen. They shoot down 6 Hurricanes for no loss and do 13 Resources damage.

Soerabaja gets 30B vs. 2F--destroy 2 planes and hit AF.

Manila gets an AK hit and 54 Cas
Clark gets 6F and 65DB doing 29 Cas--Will rest these planes and upgrade to Lily

Hit Darwin Survivors with 51B and inflict 148 Cas

Deliberate Attack at Singapore yields what I HOPED. Forts DROP from 7 to 6 and Casualties are even 2142 Jap for 1915 Allied

Bali is locked up at 1-1. Sending more troops.

Deliberate Attack at Clark and TAKE IT! Get 4-1 with inferior forces. I lose 288 Jap for 655 US.

Capture Wyndham, Australia! Now headed for Broome...
Darwin survivors hit by 16th Div. Get 12-1 and lose 45 Jap for 172 Allied

Set Changsha to Attack. I think it is ready to start going down like Singapore...

I lose an AK from earlier Darwin CD damage.

BB Hiei, who is limping away after taking those 2TT near Brisbane yesterday, is jumped by 30+ bombers. She gets hit by 4 500lb bombs and they get the broom out to sweep off the damage. Ship is in serious trouble though--nearly 50% flotation damage and it is a long way from Noumea...

castor troy -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/26/2005 1:19:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

February 15, 1942

No major SS activity. My PH patrol line just swept through the SE area of Hawaii and is moving NE.

Yenen--After spotting those Hurricanes yesterday, I get REAL mean! Send 26Z and 44B to Yenen. They shoot down 6 Hurricanes for no loss and do 13 Resources damage.

Soerabaja gets 30B vs. 2F--destroy 2 planes and hit AF.

Manila gets an AK hit and 54 Cas
Clark gets 6F and 65DB doing 29 Cas--Will rest these planes and upgrade to Lily

Hit Darwin Survivors with 51B and inflict 148 Cas

Deliberate Attack at Singapore yields what I HOPED. Forts DROP from 7 to 6 and Casualties are even 2142 Jap for 1915 Allied

Bali is locked up at 1-1. Sending more troops.

Deliberate Attack at Clark and TAKE IT! Get 4-1 with inferior forces. I lose 288 Jap for 655 US.

Capture Wyndham, Australia! Now headed for Broome...
Darwin survivors hit by 16th Div. Get 12-1 and lose 45 Jap for 172 Allied

Set Changsha to Attack. I think it is ready to start going down like Singapore...

I lose an AK from earlier Darwin CD damage.

BB Hiei, who is limping away after taking those 2TT near Brisbane yesterday, is jumped by 30+ bombers. She gets hit by 4 500lb bombs and they get the broom out to sweep off the damage. Ship is in serious trouble though--nearly 50% flotation damage and it is a long way from Noumea...

Oh well, Brisbane! I lost three of my carriers because of my trip to Brisbane!! Rule for Japanese: donīt go chasing Wolfpack too far away of your own ports! [;)]

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/26/2005 5:48:58 PM)

Thanks Sir! Do you still have an AAR going? Did you have one with Wolfpack?

He claims that he has 'drawn the line' and will fight at some point. My job is to try to keep him off-balance and use his 'line' to defeat him! "The first step in avoiding a trap is knowing it exists."

I am thinking about being crazy and going after Australia... With having taken NO SERIOUS casualties, I might have the combat power to do it.

Other suggestions might work to...

John 3rd -> ASW System Blows Chunks! (10/26/2005 6:18:27 PM)

February 16, 1942

Today is a GREAT example of how the ASW System within WitP has issues. I have a SS line of 6 Subs moving from south of Hawaii NE at 3-5 Hexes a day. Two of them were spotted yesterday. Wolfpack dispatchs 3ASW TF out and SINKS 2 of my Subs! I-175 and I-26 take 4DC each and down they go! Figuring that the hexes are 60 miles across, just HOW does that happen?

To add insult to injury, I-158, which was damaged twice due to LBA near Ceylon, sinks as it approaches Rangoon.

My LBA hits a Dutch SS near Batavia

Yenen 46Z and 22B hit this town. The Hurricanes are (were) still there and two more are shot down as well as 2 Resources damaged.
Changsha 16F and 14B hit the AF.

Singapore is hit by 30B and the Air Field gets it and 43 Cas are inflicted. Lose 3 Bombers...

Darwin survivors get 47B and lose 170 Cas

Since my Singapore troops got a 1-1 last round they decide to attack again (I forgot to tell them NOT too...) No progress--521 Jap for 370 Brit

Changsha Deliberate Attack nets 0-1 and I find the Forts are now NINE (9)! How can that be? I have been hitting the Air Field, resources, and troops everyday...9573 Jap for 4767 Chin. He has 650 Guns and I destroy 65 of them (another 10%). I don't know...

Try a Deliberate Attack at Khota Bharu. I have a Brigade, Eng Reg, and 2 smaller units versus his 2 depleted Brigades and a BF. Get 0-1, Fort 4--343 Jap for 142 Brit. We'll leave that for a bit...

Capture Myitkyina, Burma

Will be landing at Pago-Pago next round.

4BB bombard Derby and inflict 148 Cas.

KB1 (Yamaguchi) with Shokaku, Zuikaku, and Shoho are sweeping the area between Australia and New Zealand to see if anything is there.

KB2 (Nagumo) with Akagi, Kaga, Hosho, Ryuho, and Zuiho reach Rangoon for a rest. I will send Zuiho to Noumea to link up with KB1.

KB3 (Kakuta) is on its way home to Japan and will be Hiryu, Soryu, and Junyo.

I need some ideas and thoughts---I am thinking of several new ideas with Wolfpacks 'don't fight until later' strategy.

Basic Strategy--Finish taking the SE Pac and NW Aust, make my Aleutians moves (DH and Anchorage) and then SIT, raid, and fortify.

1. Massively reinforce Burma and go after eastern India.
2. Try to capture Australia
3. Go after New Zealand
4. Take Ceylon

Wherever I go, it would be nice to gain resources and industry. This makes me lean towards 1 and 2. Additionally, this would be primarily an Army fight. The Navy and Naval AF could stay in the Pacific looking for the US Navy while I build-up bases and supply.

Need to force a fight with Wolfpack and try to sink a couple more of CV so they can join Lexington and Enterprise. Don't need invasion forces for that, just need to find his forces.

CHINA--Changsha is going nowhere and I contemplating a withdrawal to Wuhan and doing something different. Any ideas here? I have drawn some planes up there from Burma-India and been shooting them down... Definitely will keep up my Resource Attacks to weaken him more over time.


castor troy -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/26/2005 6:32:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Thanks Sir! Do you still have an AAR going? Did you have one with Wolfpack?

He claims that he has 'drawn the line' and will fight at some point. My job is to try to keep him off-balance and use his 'line' to defeat him! "The first step in avoiding a trap is knowing it exists."

I am thinking about being crazy and going after Australia... With having taken NO SERIOUS casualties, I might have the combat power to do it.

Other suggestions might work to...

no, I havenīt had one due to lack of time. But our game is still going and weīre in 12/42 now.

Australia is a tough nut, even more than India I think. But if your fast enough you could do it perhaps. If it takes until 43 youīre lost I think. Thatīs the difference between Australia and India. India canīt be reinforced that easy but Australia can. But good luck to you!

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/26/2005 7:02:51 PM)

Good Thoughts Sir!

I know that he has already lost a decent amount of aircraft there in Burma/India/Ceylon. It should be fairly simple to get command of the air. Going to have to think about this more.

He has allowed me to take everything south of and including Myitkyina, Bur. I need to grab Akyab fairly soon.

Cannot do any of this until Singapore falls. Since that should be fairly soon, it never hurts to begin planning...

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/27/2005 7:04:19 PM)

February 17, 1942

Sink Dutch Sub KXVII near Batavia, Java

Air Action
Changsha, China
47F and 57B hit the AF and inflict 11 Cas
16F and 49B do 166 Cas
20F and 29B do 83 Cas

Singapore 17B hit the AF and 4 are shot down.

Darwin Refugees are hit by 40B and 79 are Cas

Land and CAPTURE Pago-Pago! Land with 2 SNLF and a BF and destroy 12 planes and take 1823 POWs.

Bombard Singapore for 153 Cas

Bombard Changsha for 70 Cas I begin to pull troops out of there. Pick my 7 weakest divisions and a couple of artillery units. They will fallback to Wuhan and rest some.

CHINA: I think I will abandon my Changsha attack. Just cannot make ANY headway. I do not understand it. Will pull back enough troops to move them towards Hong Kong and start a Southern China Offensive. If I am going to lunge into India, this could be a major help. Supporting Operations and all that...

No major developments.

All KB2 CVs are in Rangoon resting up some. I'll let them stay for a week before doing another sortie.

KB1 is now between Auckland, NZ and Australia. It has not been spotted. I will swing it towards Australia tomorrow and see if I can pick anything off...

BB Hiei lools like it will sink. She is about 50% of the way from Brisbane to Noumea and is down to 8 knots and at 59% Flotation.

Will get CV Junyo in two days. Think I will send her to Saipan to rendezvous with Hiryu and Soryu. They can then cover the Dutch Harbor landing.

Sortie the Dutch Harbor Cover Force of 1BB (Nagato), 3CL, and 8DD from Sapporo, Jpn. They will meet up with the Invasion Force that is just below Kiska right now. Send another force of 9DD to Kiska for fuel and then they will raid Anchorage. These are the 3000 miles DDs with short fuel legs.

Will begin loading Suva Invasion Force next turn from Noumea. Once I have Suva, ALL SE Pacific targets are captured and I will begin to form the Outer and Inner Defense Perimeter. Weird to be saying that in mid-February!

moses -> RE: 2nd Month of War (10/29/2005 8:09:04 PM)

Abandon Changsa!! Nooooooo!! You have to be hurting him badly there. The only way he rebuilds forts so fast is that he has his whole army there. You are destroying his artillery which he can never replace as long as you keep the pressure on. You should have 4 eng regiments in the hex by now which will should reduce the forts with each attack. He can't replace the morale of his troops which must be in the 20 and 30s by now.

Changsa is producing no supplies and each turn he is burning supply to repair and build forts. His troops are being progressivly destroyed . Why pull out? I would love for China to fight me like this in Changsa. He will destroy his whole army there.

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/1/2005 6:34:08 PM)

Maybe this is why I have issues with China. I see my casualties and think I can't keep it up! If you think so, then I will keep on trying. I pulled six divisions back to Wuhan to refit them. They have been there for five days. I will leave them two more days, move them back, and make another attempt. You are correct about force composition--except I think I have 3 Engineer Regiments.

My aerial bombardment continues to punish him. Chungking, Yenen, and Wuhan are all at less then 50% resource production and are approaching 50% HI. I'm enjoying that! My Daitai are all in the 80s for experience...

moses -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/1/2005 7:09:32 PM)

i would love to see his supply situation right about now. How is it going as far as closing the Burma road? If its closed is he attempting air resupply. You might have some big fat targets whereever his C47's are located.

What are the combat values at the end of your attacks in Changsa? At the end of the attack it gives the adjusted attack and defence value. Is this getting close to 1 to 1.

When involved in our game I pulled units back and let them rest for several weeks to recover. There is no rush because he has no ability to recover as long as you keep pressing him. Eventually his artillery will be at zero and his casualties will rise.

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/1/2005 7:41:44 PM)

I have the Burma side of the road--yes. Not sure about his transports.

Just spent an hour typing my AAR Update (during my planned hour) and the STUPID site logged my off so I lost the ENTIRE UPDATE! Hate that...[:@][:@] Is there ANYWAY to save the material lost? I already know the answer...

So, in other words, just keep up the aerial and ground bombardment, wait a few weeks and hit him again, or should I keep attacking even though I have those units in Wuhan?

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/1/2005 8:10:04 PM)

Since I just lost an hour's work, I will post this AAR Update in groups of 2-3 days...

Here we go for the SECOND time today:

February 18, 1942

No major SS activity.

Yenen 35Z and 49B shot down 4 Hurricanes and do 5 Resource damage
Raid 1: 17F and 58B do 23 Cas and nail the AF
Raid 2: 13F and 43B do 101 Cas lose 1Pl
Raid 3: 32F and 25B get 88 Cas

45B hit the Darwin Refugees for 73 cas and lose 1Pl

Landing at Kai Island, and Menado, Sula

Bombard Sing for 133 Cas

Bombard Changsha for 172 Cas

CVL Zuiho leaves Rangoon for Noumea to link up with KB1--Sho/Zui/Shoho

February 19, 1942

I-164 is damaged by LBA near Ceylon

I think I have figured out what Wolfpack is doing with his SS. I constantly see groups of 4-6SS in the same hex moving north or south through the Malacca Strait. He has got to be bringing in supply or hauling out unit fragments. Set-Up 3ASW DD TFs to block the Strait. See if I can do some damage. Also switch a Sally group to ASW.

Yenen--Zero Sweep--23Z vs 6Hur--shot down 3Hur
Raid 1 47F and 60B hit AF and do 31 Cas
Raid 2 14F and 46B inflict 69 Cas
Raid 3 2F and 23B do 91 Cas

Darwin Refugees (known after this as DarRef) get 44B and lose 99 Cas

ABDA Strike of 6B put 1TT into an AK.

Sweep Dacca, Ind with 24Z and shot down 2Hur

Deliberate Attack @ Singapore and FINALLY drop Forts to 5--get 1-1--1511 Jap for 1840 ABDA.

Capture Menado, Sula and get 2728 POWs

Capture Bataan, Phil for 1745 POWs

Capture Kai Island

Bombard Chang for 85 Cas

DarRuf hit by 16th ID and lose 168 Cas--13-1

Bombard Menado for 184 Cas

February 20, 1942

No SS Activity

Yenen sees 8Z and 45B and loses 7 HI
Raid 1 41F and 93B do 43 Resource Damage and hits AF
Raid 2 3F and 17B do 47 Cas
Raid 3 15F and 37B get 102 Cas
Raid 4 7F and 6B cause 42 cas

Chandpur, India is hit by 34Z and 101B and NAILS the AF

Singapore gets 27F and 25B doing 119 Cas

Manila is hit by 12B for 28 Cas

DarRuf get 33B and lose 42 Cas

Oooopps! Forget to rest my Singapore troops and they attack. Not too bad--0-1--461 Jap for 254 ABDA.

Capture Tongatapu Island and get 2055 POWs

Landing at Norfolk Island--I want this island! I will raise the AF to 3-4 and use it to recon Australia, New Zealand, and ZAP any convoys trying to get through the area.

Bombard Chang for 31 Cas

KB1 approaching Sydney, Aust

February 21, 1942


Yenen gets 8Z and 37B--shoot down 1Hur and do 8 Resource damage
Chungking--change targets--75Z and 148B shot down all 9 Hurricanes and inflict 31 Resource damage.

Sing hit by 17B, lose 2Pl, and do 33 Cas

Manila gets 6B and sees 33 Cas

DarRef hit by 48B and lose 94 Cas

ABDA Strike! 5F and 6B put 2TT into an AP at Bali! HATE THESE GUYS!!!

Capture Norfolk Island

Landing at Bali, Kragen, Java, and Aru Island

Sing Bomb gets 82 Cas

Chang Bomb yields 171 Cas

KB1 in action! The Aussies fling 10 Wirraways and 12 Beauforts against 36Z. Down fall 8Wir and 3Beau. The remaining 9 all drop their bombs on Zuikaku and THANKFULLY none hit!

For some reason only a small strike arrives over Synday of 12K versus 5Wir. I lose 1K and miss 3DD...

Choose to stick around another day. Might be a mistake...

Lose an AP and MSW to earlier damage.

Will post through February 25th in a while. Got to teach Economics!!!

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/1/2005 9:43:25 PM)

February 22, 1942

No SS activity. My 3 DD ASW TF have taken station in the Strait of Malacca.

Chungking 52Z and 134B damage 20 Res

Merak, Java sweeps Badoeng with 29 Oscars and they shoot down 5 of 10 Demons

ABDA Strike! 7F and 5B put a TT into an AP.

Sing is hit by 13B, lose 2Pl, inflict 13 Cas, and hit AF

DarRuf get 34B and lose 38 cas

DarRuf hit by 16th ID get 114-1 and take out 86 Cas

Capture Aru Island, Bali (FINALLY--1200 POWs), and Kragen, Java

Land at Broome, Aust

Bombard Chang for 136 Cas

Bombard Sing for 69 Cas

Lose BB Hiei from the 2TT from Brisbane Raid! [:o] She sinks just 4 hexes from Noumea...

KB1 and Sydney, Aust
20F and 8B attack KB1 36Z are on CAP Down fall 13F and 1B! I lose 3Z. They all attack Zuikaku again and MISS! KB1 Strikes with 26Z, 20V, and 23K vs. 31F. I lose 4Z, 5V, and 2K for 11F and sinking 2MSW. SPOT 116 SHIPS IN PORT! Holy Cow!! Found WHERE Wolfpack has retreated too in atleast one area...don't like the losses so I return them to Noumea.

4BB Bombard Broome, Aust and do damage--find out that there are NO troops there!

Rabaul goes to Port of 5

DH Invasion Force is now well on its way. Cover Force there with 1BB, 3CL, and DDs.

February 23, 1942

No SS Action

Yenen gets 8Z and 44B doing 9 HI Damage
Rest Chang Planes

Merak, Java Oscars attack and shot down 2 Demons for no loss.

DarRuf get 34B and lose 54 Cas

New Guinea troops (those kicked out of PM) get attacked by 32B for 58 Cas

ABDA Strike! 4F and 3B hit an AP for 3bombs

FIGHTER BRAWL OVER DACCA, INDIA! 72Z vs 46 P-40s/Hurricanes--things start well as plane-after-plane falls to Zeros but then balances out--lose 15Z for 21F. Range and eghaustion a factor I think. Will rest them and try again in a few days.

Bombard Sing for 151 Cas

Bombard Chang for 62 Cas

Capture Broome, Australia

February 24, 1942

No SS Activity--I see a group of SS appraoching my ASW TFs...

Chungking hit by 54Z and 154B--lose 1 of each--shot down 2 Hurricanes and hit 54 HI
Rest Yenen Planes

Badoeng is hit by 2 groups of fighters--Oscars and Zeros--shot down 5F.

DarRuf 41B do 47 Cas

Soerabaja swept by 24Z and they shot down 2 Brewsters.

16th ID hits DarRuf and does 106 Cas

Bombard Chang for 66 Cas

Singapore Attack--Drop Forts to 4--get 4-1 1515 Jap vs. 2118 Allied. THE END IS COMING!

Hanoi, Indochina AF goes to 2

February 25, 1942

No SS activity

Yenen hit by 8Z and 44B hitting 12 HI
Chungking hit by 51Z and 155B--lose 1Z--shot down 3Hur and do 36 HI

ABDA Strike! 3B hit an AP with 3Bombs

SINGAPORE FALLS! Shock Attack--Forts to 3--816 Jap for 86,444 POWs!!!!! YUMMYYYY! [8D][8D]

Chang Bombard for 52 Cas

Landing at Macassar and Tenimbar

Bombard Macassar for 46 Cas.

NOW--the strategy thread that has been running in the War Room comes to fruition. I have troops to rest and then use for new targets!

moses -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/1/2005 11:18:26 PM)

The frequency of attacking in Changsa is dependant on what kind of odds your getting. I know that you're getting 0-1. But the adjusted attack and defence values are very important.

If you have an adjusted attack value of 2000 and he has an adjusted defence value of 5000 then you have a long fight ahead and should just bombard and maybe attack every 5 or 6 days to speed the reduction of his artillery.

If you have 3000 to his 3400 then victory is just around the corner. A shock attack will put you over the top if you are willing to take the risk. More likely a couple more deliberate attacks will give you 1 to 1 odds. Once you have one to one its all over because you no longer take the disruption penalty and so can attack every other day or even every day.

If you have 500 to his 5000 something is seriously wrong and you need to reconsider the whole attack. Rest, bombard for a long time and bring in more troops.

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/2/2005 1:20:34 AM)

Deal! I will try a Deliberate Attack tonight and see what results I get. This will be written down and I will put it out to you for imput.

I will shift my aircraft back to Changsha since I have been hitting Chungking REAL hard!

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/2/2005 7:43:45 PM)

February 26, 1942

SS The fall of Singapore made Wolfpack pull his SS back. My ASW TFs will stay where they are for a few days in case he tries to move them back in.

Resting planes at Wuhan and Chenting.
First Southern attack occurs when 25F and 20B hit Kumming and damage 4 Res

Dar Ref hit by 32B doing 34 Cas

PM Ref hit by 32B doing 41 Cas

Dacca, India FTR SWEEP 72Z vs 2 Hurricane--both Hurricanes shot down. Where did AVG go?

ABDA Strike! From Derby, Aust 3B fly out and put 1TT into an AP.

Landing at Makassar, Sula

Capture Tenimbar

Bombard Macassar for 31 Cas

Bombard Chang for 96 Cas--Order Deliberate Attack for tomorrow--see what happens...

Will start landings at Dutch Harbor and Suva tomorrow. Invasion and Cover Groups moving in. Change Cover Group assignments to bombardment.

KB1 will dock at Noumea tomorrow and then rest some.

KB2 has slipped into the IO for a raid. I am sending them to the south portion of the map and then due north to come in on the western side of India. Perhaps I can surprise something...

KB3 Hiryu/Soryu passing Saipan en route for Tokyo and meeting Junyo. They will stay in Japan for a week or so and repair minor system damage. Once that is done, they head for Kwajelein.

PLANNING I am waiting to finish the month before publishing detailed operational planning for the next phase of the war.

Orders already given:
1. 16th ID returning to Darwin after chasing Darwin Survivors will assualt Palmyra. Planning already begun. APs on the way to pick up unit and a large Base Force.
2. 2nd ID will capture Suva withina day or two. It will then begin operational planning for Johnson Island.
3. Singapore Victors resting for next week or so. Some will be sent to Java and others (the bulk) will travel to Kwajelein for 'eastward' operations.

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/5/2005 1:04:00 AM)

February 27, 1942

Wolfpack has moved all of his subs elsewhere in the IO. My carefully planned ASW Groups appear to have nothing to do. I will leave then there for a few more days and return them to Saigon.

Shift my Betty's in Rangoon to ASW Attack at 30%. See if that helps with my Sub hunting.

Yenen is hit with 8Z and 66B They hit the AF and did 8 Resource hits.

My Bombers hit Khota Bharu from Kuantan 144B nail the forces there (about 10,000 troops) doing 49 Cas and severe AF damage.

Manila is hit by 10F and 36 DB. They hit intense FLAK and lose 9 [:@] planes!

Landing at Macassar, Dutch Harbor and Suva

Deliberate Attack at Changsha and make NO progress--Fort 9--221,000 vs. 166,000. I lose 9747 Jap for 5217 Chinese. Knock his artillery down again from 668 Guns by 115.

BB Bombardment at Dutch Harbor causes 67 Cas

BB Bombardment at Suva destroys 4 Planes and 552 Cas

KB2 has slipped into the IO without being noticed. They are heading out for trouble.

I will do a monthly update after the next turn!

moses -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/5/2005 4:22:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Deliberate Attack at Changsha and make NO progress--Fort 9--221,000 vs. 166,000. I lose 9747 Jap for 5217 Chinese. Knock his artillery down again from 668 Guns by 115.

Adjusted attack and defence????? Still taking out one sixth of his guns is good. How many do you have?

John 3rd -> RE: 2nd Month of War (11/7/2005 9:22:44 PM)

I didn't get the exact values. My internet chose to kick off at that moment and reduce the game. I got most of the stats but not that. I will attack again in about 5 game turns and get the specifics at that point.

Am moving 3 Artillery Regiments, an Armored Regiment, and a rested Inf Div back for the next attack. Have 6 Inf Div that will move back for the assault after that. Am taking the LONG view and we'll see if it works as you CLAIM it will!

John 3rd -> RE: John III vs. Wolfpack: The Japanese Version (11/7/2005 9:54:54 PM)

Wolfpack was rather unavailable for the weekend so we only got three turns in. I will cover those turns and then do an end-of-February status report.

February 28, 1942

Subs Numerous Betty attacks on SS near Rangoon.

Yenen 8Z and 65B do 8 HI damage
Kunming 17B no damage--lower altitude from 10,000 to 5,000Ft hadn't noticed altitude...

Dar Ruf 29B do 28 Cas

PM Ref 29B do 39 Cas

Capture DUTCH HARBOR! 195-1 MSW is scuttled and 766 POW Gained

Capture Macassar, Sula and gain 2080 POW

Landing at Suva

Bombard Changsha for 33 Cas

Bombard Dutch Harbor for 14 Cas

Bombard Suva for 1 Plane and 205 Cas

Dili-Dili, TI AF expands to 2

March 1, 1942

SS Seawolf sinks from LBA damage at Diamond Harbor
More Betty attacks on SS near Rangoon

Yenen 26Z and 64B for 9 HI
Changsha 90B paste the AF and do 23 Cas
Kunming 29F and 13B do 1 Resource Damage

Dar Ref 14B for 17 Cas

PM Ref 23B for 30 Cas and lose 2 Planes!

ABDA Strike 3B hit an AK with 3 Bombs

New Britain My Infantry catches up with his forces fleeing Rabaul 30-1 Attack 141J for 51Allied

Bombard Chang for 60 Cas

CAPTURE Suva, Fiji 50-1 63 Jap for 118 US and 6 Planes His forces (an Art Reg and BF) retreat to Nandi ad mine pursue.

Starting to move troops from Singapore to differing locations. One Inf Div to Java and one Inf Div-Eng Reg-Tk Reg heading for Kwajalein for operations around Hawaii.

Hiryu and Soryu reach Toyko and get a rest. They will stay in port about 10 days and then leave with Junyo for Kwajalein.

Toboali goes to Port 2.

HAWAII OPERATION--Am now watching for his bases to grow. Lahaina gows to Sz-4 AF.

March 2, 1942

I-162 near Bombay makes 2 attacks and sinks AK-Bhima with 3TT

Changsha 88B hit AF and cause 49 Cas
Kunming 29F and 17B do 6 Resources damage

Batavia is hit from 10,000Ft with 73 Betty hitting AF and causing 6 Cas for 1 Plane

Manila gets 16F and 23B doing 93 Cas and 1 Plane

PM Ref get 34B lose 1 Plane

Attack at Naga, Phil and get a 2-1 attack, reduce Fort to 2--lose 142 Jap to 36 Phil

New Britain 26-1 92 Jap for 34 Allied

Batavia--3 Brigades have moved into the hex and started a bombardment--there are 2 Brigades and 8 support units there.

Bombard Chang for 181 Cas

Sho-Zui-Shoho return to Noumea and get a rest.

Lunga moves to AF-4

John 3rd -> Three Months of War Summary (11/7/2005 11:21:13 PM)

Wolfpack and I now have three months of WWII in the book. There has been a HUGE swing in Victory Points since the February report. Let me cover the statistics to begin with:

Score Japan 11,765 to Allies 4,049 Near the Magical 4-1...

Ships Sunk
Allied 143 VP 1898 Warships--2CV, 1BB, 6CL, 20DD, 16 PT, and 8SS
Japan 55 VP 542 Warships--1BC (Hiei), 1CA (Suzuyu), 3DD, and 8SS

My losses have come up but are not bad whatsoever! Suzuyu was lost due to a freak mine blowing it up! 53 Warships to 13 is a GOOD exchange! Need to find more and SINK them...

Industry Totals

Supply 1,964,614
Fuel 3,717,680
Manpower 809 (205,258)
Hvy Ind 13,680 (65,706)
Resources 17,201 (1,630,518)
Oil 2,323 (1,709,379)

Naval Shipyards 1,262 (22)
Merchant Shipyards 967 (7)
Shipyard Repair 884
Armament 588 (35,561)
Vehicles 132 (443)
Aircraft Engines 1,392
Aircraft Assembly 798 (134-Rd)

ANYONE HAVE COMMENTS ON THESE STATISTICS??? The big picture sometimes eludes me with industry...

My warships are moving along nicely--I got Junyo and Shoho without any issue. Yamato's numbers are coming down nicely. I have accelerated the "Moon-Class" DDs, Taiho and 1st two Unryu's, and will begin a slow expansion of Naval shipyards and repair facilities.

My 1st AR/MLE/etc... and support ships will be finished within a few days. They will help on the repair and supply fronts. I should be getting in a batch of these ships about every month...

Overall Picture:

Things contuinue to be bogged down in Changsha. I was going to bug-out but Moses convinced me to keep it up. I will give it another month. My bombing offensive continues with good success. He has lost a lot of fighters over China and seems to have pulled them out. I am bombing Kunming, Yenen, Changsha, and Chungking. This will be kept up for the rest of the month going after resource centers.

I have all of Burma with the exception of Akyab. This has been done at no cost. My fighters and bombers are regularly attacking targets there. It is not my intention to take anything more in this region. I will start a bombing offensive there as well with the intention of hitting Resources and HI.

I have ALL of it except for Java. Java will fall within the month. I have almost all of NW Australia. Supplies are rolling without issue. The Philippines are limited to just Clark and Naga. They can wither for all I care.

SE Pacific
There is no major island that I do not have. Luganville, Efate, ALL of New Caledonia (Noumea), Suva, Canton, Pago-Pago, Norfolk and Baker have all fallen.

Northern Pacific
I have Kiska and Dutch Harbor. Operational Planning is rolling along for the capture of Anchorage. Once I have that, then I am done to the north.

Operation Eastern Wind
After that long thread discussion of strategic planning in February 1942, I have opted to make an attempt to take Hawaii. I already have divisions planning on capturing Palymra, Christmas, Johnson, and Hilo as initial objectives. I hope to have several of these prior to the Invasion Bonus ending.

I will begin a gradual transfer of Zeros and Betty's to Kwajelein and Baker to support this.

The ENTIRE KB will be used in several sweeps around Hawaii in an effort to force more US Navy ships to battle and start the encirclement of the objective.


moses -> RE: Three Months of War Summary (11/8/2005 2:48:06 AM)

As your official China advisor I recommend you stay in Changsa to the end. With all the damage you are doing to his industry I suspect his supply situation is getting very bad. Plus a lot of supply is burned when it transfers by road to Changsa.

One key point to consider is that it does not really matter where you fight as long as you are fighting and forceing him to burn as much supply as possible. Changsa is a great place as it is closer to your supply sources than his and is clear terrain.If you leave Changsa to fight elsewhere he will just shift to meet you and you will be fighting the same battle somewhere else.

His supply situation must be getting bad which means his offensive capability is wanning. You can start to shift forces that were needed for defensive duties to Changsa to up the force ratio.

As for Hawaii be careful with the initial invasion. The key is to get a foothold somewhere easy and then build up a couple airbases. I would not attack Oahu for a long time until it had been bombed to the stone age. See WITP_Dude vs. Zeta AAR for direct attack on PH. Very frightening.

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