RE: Eastern Wind is Underway! (Full Version)

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John 3rd -> RE: Eastern Wind is Underway! (12/8/2005 9:09:07 PM)

March 24, 1942

Things be happening!

SS My SS cordon continues to move into position near Johnson, Midway, and Palmyra.

Kunming 3F 15B damage 3 Resources
Yenen 24Z 79B damage 9 Res
Chungking 54Z 145B hit AF and PASTE it! For 1 Plane, I destroy 7 Hurricanes and 18 other aircraft plus do 54 Cas. COOL! Will do it again tomorrow...

Akyab, Bur 14F 12B hit AF 9 Cas

Manila 9F 40DB 17B Lose 1P, hit AF/Port and do 38 Cas

Nandi, Fi 13B get 55 Cas

At the Crossroads Hex in Australia, I spot 1st Aussie Corps HQ and the 1st and 2nd Inf Div! [:@] WOW! That is some firepower. My bombers at Darwin immediately go after them. 77B do 108 Cas.

Bombardments at:
Hsinyang, CH 71 Cas He counter Bombards for 6 Jap Cas
Changsha, CH 78 Cas

Shock Attack at 36,87 on Sparrow Btn for 13 Cas Order Inf Div to stay there. One hex from Aussie troop concentration.
Shock Attack at 20, 89 4th Mixed Reg vs. 2 BF 17 Jap for 28 Aussie

Nandi, Fi Shock Attack 1-1 Forts 0 300 Jap for 191 US/NZ Grrrrrr...will wait for South Seas Force to unload and then will FINISH them.

Capture Merauke, NG--That is the last base in NG that I do not have.

Land and CAPTURE Palmyra!!! [8D]
It only has the 115th US BF with a Fort 2. They are forced to surrender and so 1927 US become POWs. I lose only 57 Soldiers! I destroy 6 Catilinas. The base is Port 1 and AF 4--Plenty big enough for my planes. Immediately transfer 1 Daitai of Zeros, 2 Daitai of Betty, and 1 Group of Emily there: 90 Planes.

ON-THE-FLY I organize one SNLF to load on 4 AP to take Christmas Island.

Bombard Nandi with 2CL and 4DD--161 Cas

Shift the Palmyra Bombardment Group (Haruna) to support Midway Invasion Force.

With taking Palmyra so easily, I order KB3 to refuel at Canton and then it will do a southwards sweep towards Hawaii.

KB1 should be closing in on NE Hawaii tomorrow or day after.

Eastern Wind Thoughts:
One down (Palmyra) and two to go. My Midway and Johnson Island Forces are 3 and 4 days away. They have not been spotted so we'll see if there is ANY reaction!

CV Hiyo will be finished in about a week. She will then join up with her sister (Junyo) in KB1 at Dutch Harbor.

Saw that I get 4 new Inf Div in China in a few weeks. That will be nice.

John 3rd -> RE: Eastern Wind is Underway! (12/9/2005 5:12:49 PM)

March 25, 1942

A glorious day for the Imperial Japanese Army!

SS No major developments.

Air Today was a very light day for aerial operations. Bad weather afftected many missions.

Yenen 24Z and 81B 20 Resources Transfer 1B Daitai to Wuhan to strengthen attack there.
Bads weather cancelled all other flights today.

Manila 8F 20B 35DB Destroy 1 Plance, loss 1 plane, do 19 Cas, and hit AF/Port

All Java missions cancelled due to weather. Transfer 1B Daitai to Darwin to strengthen attacks upon Aussie ground forces.

Continue landing at 29,76 Timor to finish off last fragments there.

Landing at Gardner Island and capture it.

China Bombardments
Hsinyang 78 Cas
Changsha 225 Cas

Shock Attack at Bandeong, Java! 2-1 Attack Fort 2 Capture City and defenders surrender!!! For a loss of 445 Japanaese troops, I capture 17,307 POWs and destroy 8 planes! [:D][:D] BANZAI!

Order all Java troops on to Soerabaja!

Order 2nd Parachute Regiment to make an assault drop on the town SSW of Soerabaja. Recon shows just a BF present. Want to cut off that retreat option.

Nandi, Fi Shock Attack! 3-1 Capture Base, lose 644 Japanese, and capture 8,411 US/NZ Troops! FINALLY...I get to use that 2nd Inf Div for Eastern Wind! The Sendai had been held up there for almost a month. Will send it Kwajalein.

STF hits Daimond Harbor and sinks two PT Boats for no loss.

Mutsu Bombardment Group hits Kodiak, Ala, destroy 1 plane and do 115 Cas. Order them to hit Kodiak again since my landing froce is approaching there. Kodiak Force to land there tomorrow.

All other Eastern Wind Forces moving according to plan.
KB1 Is going to be between Hawaii and the West Coast of USA tomorrow and will start raiding.
KB3 Refueled at Canton Island and is now going to do the same thing from South of Hawaii.

THOUGHTS: I grabbed nearly 26,000 troops this day. The VP score differential is growing rapidly. I haven't taken the Philippines yet and we are nearly at 4-1. The battle continues to go massively my way. Wolfpack keeps saying that I will run into a stonewall (perhaps like at Fredericksburg?!)sometime soon. I haven't seen it yet...

Kiska goes to Lvl 3 AF and Port
Saipan Lvl 4 AF
Hsinyang Lvl 2 AF

castor troy -> RE: Eastern Wind is Underway! (12/13/2005 5:19:10 PM)

Hey John,

I need an update on your AAR! Paul just mentioned in his last email that his Allied life in WITP is very depressing as Iīm advancing in India and he lost another 2 carriers in his other PBEM going. So I suppose YOU sunk his remaining carriers. Am I right here?[:D]

John 3rd -> RE: Eastern Wind is Underway! (12/15/2005 8:36:45 PM)

Hey Castor! Paul and I have been cranking out the turns and I have been unable to keep up with things due to my wife being in the hospital. Nothing TOO serious (we hope). She is pregnant with our 2nd kid and having some issues.

This may take several posts to get fully caught up. The long and the short of it is that the operational concept of Eastern Wind, ie. drawing out his CVs has WORKED, and I am in ever better shape then before.

Lets see how far I can go before class starts:

I had captured Palmyra on March 24th and had invasion fleets sailing towards Johnson and Midway.

March 26, 1942

SS Nothing big.

Kunming 24F 38B 16 Resources Damage
Chungking 54Z 159B Change tactics and hit AF--13 Planes destroyed, 96 Cas, and 6 Resources

Taung Gyi 41 B-17 14 Resources

Manila 9F 37DB 16B 12 Cas, AF/Pt

Australian X-Roads 20B 55 Cas 53B 82 Cas

Parachute Landing at Malang, Jv 1-1 10J for 12D

Changsha 60 Cas
Hsinyang 72 Cas

Timor SHOCK ATTACK! 10-1 Finish off fragments--1345 POW--Timor now clear.

Chinese Deliberate Attack at Hsinyang 0-1 Fort 9 1041J for 5219Ch Nice to see HIM attack!

Aussie Attack at Crossroads (36,88) 2 Inf Div and 3 Bird Bat vs. 1 Jap Inf Div 154J for 588 Aussie

Bombard Kodiak for 12 Cas

KB1 ACTION! My KB1 (Hiryu/Soryu/Junyo) is 10 hexes NE of Pearl Harbor and stumbles on a convoy! Let the RAIDING begin--Four waves of attack planes go in and score on numerous AK. For the loss of 2V/2K, I sink 4 AK and damage twice that number! [:D] More will go down tomorrow!

KB3 With the fall of Palmyra, I have them stop at Canton and refuel to support Johnson Island group.

There is a B-25 Squadron working out of Anchorage and it launches two strikes at my Kodiak shipping. They hit Nisshin with 1Bomb. Nothing too serious...

Engineering Hanoi AF3

March 27, 1942

SS SS Laury hit by LBA near Rangoon.

China Nice Resource destruction round in China!
Yenen 24Z 55B 6 Resources
Kunming 24F 28B 4 Resources
Chungking 53Z 153B 40 Resources

Taung Gyi 38 B-17 do 5 Res Set Fighters from Mandalay for a little surprise...

Manila 9F 36DB 22B lose 1 Plane 20 Cas and AF/Pt

Aussie X-Roads 25B 36 cas 48B 47 Cas

26 B-25 from Anchorage damage an AK near Kodiak

Johnson Island Invasion Group spotted about 2 days from target.

Occupy Banks Island

Landing at Kodiak Find an American RCT and BF there. Don't land with enough troops--will have to do a build-up.

Paras still landing at Malang, Jv

Landing at Pamakasan, Jv

Hsinyang 125 Cas
Changsha 255 Cas

KB1 Continues its attack upon the survivors of that convoy! Four strikes bore in and for the loss of just 1V/1K, I SINK 10 AK!!! [8D] BANZAI!

Lose 2 AK to earlier damage in DEI.

Since the Johnson Island Invasion Group has been spotted, I vector my Haruna Group to assist incase Wolfpack attacks there.

KB3 Leaves Canton to support Johnson Island Groups

Cooktown AF3
La Foa AF2

March 28, 1942

SS Nada...

Yenen 23Z 38B 8 Resources
Kunming 23F 43B 10 Resources
Chungking 52Z 157B 36 Resources

Taung Gyi 31 B-17s are intercepted by 13 Oscars/16Z Shot down 6-17 and damage 15 more for 1Ftr of each! Not too bad.

Aussie X-Raods 81B 69 Cas

Landing at Pamakasan, Jv

Parachute Attack at Wyndham, Australia CAPTURE it!

Landing and CAPTURE Christmas, Island

Landing at Malang, Jv

Deliberate Attack at Naga, Phil Forts 0 47J for 139 US

Deliberate Attack at Pamakasan, Jv 1-1 Fort 2 to 1 367J for 20D

Hsinyang 13 Cas
Changsha 348 cas

Deliberate Attack (19,82) Australia 17-1 8 Aussie Cas

Disengage KB1 from NE Hawaii: 3 AK sink from that convoy!

Closing in on Johnson Island...

John 3rd -> RE: Eastern Wind is Underway! (12/15/2005 9:04:12 PM)

March 29, 1942

SS Nada...

Yenen 24Z 54B 12 Resources
Chungking 53Z 157B 30 Resources

Manila 9F 46DB 23B Lose 1P 115 Cas and hit AF/Pt

Anchorage Strikes at forces near Kodiak, Ala 29 B-25 hit 2APD and 2AK. Lose 1 APD.

Palmyra Launchs a Betty Strike of 10B for at a Cruiser Force. It loses 2Pl and scores no hits! [:)]

Naga, Phil 2-1 92J for 139US Does not fall YET!

Attack at Pamakasan, Jv 0-1 300J losses. Hold off on attacks there until I can reinforce it.

Hsinyang 102 Cas
Changsha 252 Cas

Malang, Jv 1-1 Forts drop to 0 34J for 8D

Another AK sinks from my KB1 Raid.

My Johnson Island Invasion Force gets attacked by a large US TF--9CA, 6CL, 10DD!!! [X(] I have a heart-attack!!! Expecting to lose 15-20 ships, I thank goodness when they RUN AWAY! I lose CL Katori and 1 MSW--3MSW and 1PG are damaged. My BB Escort Force CHOOSES not to engage! Ooooppppps... I get DAMNED lucky here!

KB1 is rapidly closing the distance. Won't get there for two days though...

Bombard Kodiak, Ala 139 Cas

Hsinyang AF 3
Rangoon AF 5

John 3rd -> American Carriers at Johnson Island! (12/15/2005 10:06:36 PM)

March 30, 1942

SS Patrol Line of eight SS established between Pearl Harbor and Johnson Island.

Yenen 23Z 51B 8 Resources
Kunming 20F 22B 2 Resources

Taung Gyi 22 B-17 do 4 Resources Am noticing that Wolfpack may fall into operational patterns. He keeps hitting the same things....hmmmm...wonder if I can use that?

Manila 9F 43DB 22B Lose 1 Plane, do 48 Cas, and hit AF/Pt

Palmyra Betty Strike! 14B attack the CA Group and putt 1TT into CL Honolulu! Lose 2 planes.

Two seperate Landing at Kodiak begin to raise the troops levels there. CD hits 3 APD.

Landing and CAPTURE Johnson Island! AP hits a mine there. 16J for 1513 US POWs and 5 Catalinas.

Land and CAPTURE Jarvis Island.

Bombard Changsha 261 Cas

He appears to be withdrawing from Hsinyang, CH again...

Thank goodness for my Kodiak Landings this round! Wolfpack attacks with his RCT and BF: 0J for 359US! Probably would have kicked me off if those forces handed come in this round.

My Paratroopers finally take Malang, Jv 5-1 57J for 27D

HOLY COW! This is a wild-and-Crazy Day...

Night Battle at Johnson Island: 1BC (Haruna), 1CA, 1CL, 4DD vs. 9CA, 7CL, 10DD. Battle lasts two gunnery rounds with the Japanese getting surprise on the opening round. SINK CA Indianapolis, heavily damage 2 more CA, and 4 DD. BC Haruna and CA Maya damaged (but not badly).

My Bombardment Group decides to bombard INSTEAD of join the fight! [:@] Mutsu/Nagato do 162 Cas and NOTHING to Allied TF...grrrrrr

Just when I am celebrating the decent results form the surface fight, I have ANOTHER heart attack when my forces are jumped by CVs Yorktown and Saratoga! They appear one hex east of Johnson. In a series of strikes, hit Haruna, Maya, 2DD, a MSW, and do 405 Cas on the Island itself. YIKES...

Lose DD Hayate and Oite, 2 MSW, and 1AP. Haruna and Maya now in sinking condition. Could be worse...

BRIGHT SIDE---KB3 will arrive tomorrow and have not been spotted. I set CAP @ 60%, Vals at Range 5 (no search), and Kates at Range 4 (so I have TTs). TOMORROW will see the second carrier battle of the war! Shokaku, Zuikaku, Zuiho, and Shoho vs. 2 US CV.

The whole goal of Operation Eastern Wind goal is to draw out the American Fleet and here is a CHANCE!

March 31, 1942

SS My SS line strikes! I-169 puts a TT into CA Northampton. I-72 spots Yorktown and Saratoga moving away from Johnson. Eight other SS await cripples from the battle.

Yenen 19Z and 50B 7 Res
Chungking 54Z 173B 29 Res

Taung Gyi His normal B-17 run is hit by Fighters! 17Oscars/15Z vs. 26 B-17 Lose NO Fighters and shot down 2 Bombers plus damage to 6 more.

Manila 38F 38DB 22B Lose 1 Plane, destroy 1PBY, 56 Cas, AF/Pt

Aussie Crossroads 59B 81 Cas 34B 48 Cas

Johnson is hit by--GET THIS--142 B-17s!!! [&:][&:][&:] Boy--THAT is realistic. ANYWAY, they do 214 Cas and NAIL AF.

More troops Landing at Pamakasan, JV

More troops Landing at Kodiak, Ala

Bombard Changsha 237 Cas

Attack and CAPTURE Akyab, Burma 2J for 156 Brit

CARRIER BATTLE!!! The CVs spot each other at a range of 3 and the US CTF reacts by closing a hex.

Americans launch two strikes:
Wave 1: 9 F4F 28 SBD 12 Dev vs. 48Z My CAP has a field Day! I lose 3Z and down goes 6 F4F 10 SBD 6 Dev--the remainder bore in. The first strike hits Shokaku 2 Bombs, Zuikaku 1 Bomb, and Shoho 2 Bombs.

Wave 2: 14 F4F 33 SBD vs. 45Z CAP loses 4Z but shots down 10 F4F and 5 SBD. The Wildcats prevent my Zeros from getting heavily into the SBDs and I pay for that! Results: Shokaku 3B (5 Total), Zuikaku 1B (2 Total), Shoho 1B (3 Total), and Zuiho 1B. All FOUR of my decks are hit....grrrrrrrrr...

My dismay at this point is RAPIDLY tempered by the counter-strike!!! Japanese Strike Force: 36Z 46V 72K vs. 31 F4F. I will lose a total of 10Z, 6V, 12K and shot down 10 F4F. My planes NAIL the US CVs---Yorktown 2B and 5TT!!! Saratoga 3B and 3TT!!!! [8D][8D] BANZAI!

Afternoon Attacks:
1. 11Vals hit CA Chester with 4B
2. 7K hit CA Portland with 1TT
3. 4 Betty (Palmyra) miss CV Saratoga! DAMN...

Total aircraft shot down during battle: Japan 36--17Z, 6V, 13K--that isn't TOO bad. US 47--26 F4F, 15 SBD, and 6 Dev--decent as well.

Carrier Status:
Shokaku Sys 31, Flot 22, Fires 21 SERIOUS!
Zuikaku Sys 13, Flot 0, Fires 12 OK Send BOTH back to Kwajalein ASAP!
Shoho Sys 67, Flot 62, Fires 48 I will lose her for certain--Order to Johnson to dock.
Zuiho Sys 46, Flot 11, Fires 28 Bad--send to Palmyra to dock ASAP as well.

CRAZY NOTE: I did not lose a single plane on the attacks to my CVs. All of Zuiho/Shoho's planes diverted to either the CVs or Johnson. Immediately transfer 27Z from Johnson to Palmyra.

How about that?? Thoughts???

US Carrier Status April 1, 1942
Enterprise, Lexington, and Yorktown All sunk!
Saratoga Sinking condition...
Wasp and Hornet Haven't seen.

Mike Solli -> RE: American Carriers at Johnson Island! (12/15/2005 10:18:50 PM)

What's your carrier status now?

castor troy -> RE: American Carriers at Johnson Island! (12/15/2005 10:34:54 PM)

John, all the best to your wife (donīt know whatīs "gute Besserung" in English [:)])!

Looks good overall! Congrats on your attacks! As I said before, be aware of his 4E bombers. Not realistic but thatīs how the game is. 03/42 and there are enough of these monsters to sink or damage everything that can be penetrated by 500lb bombs.

John 3rd -> RE: American Carriers at Johnson Island! (12/15/2005 11:27:36 PM)

Thanks Castor! Good luck on your developing offensive with Wolfpack in India!

Thanks for the question Mike. My CVs Status: I am in GREAT shape!

Operational Heavy Carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, Soryu, and Junyo. Slightly damaged: Zuikaku Moderately Damaged: Shokaku I just got Hiyo and am waiting on her airgroup to fill out.

Light Carriers--Operational Ryujo and Hosho Moderate Damage: Zuiho Sunk: Shoho

I have 11 of 12 possible Japanese CVs and he only has 3 left.

Mike Solli -> RE: American Carriers at Johnson Island! (12/15/2005 11:39:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Thanks Castor! Good luck on your developing offensive with Wolfpack in India!

Thanks for the question Mike. My CVs Status: I am in GREAT shape!

Operational Heavy Carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, Soryu, and Junyo. Slightly damaged: Zuikaku Moderately Damaged: Shokaku I just got Hiyo and am waiting on her airgroup to fill out.

Light Carriers--Operational Ryujo and Hosho Moderate Damage: Zuiho Sunk: Shoho

I have 11 of 12 possible Japanese CVs and he only has 3 left.

Wow. That's great. I have another question for you (although it's pretty meaningless after the recent CV battle). Why did you team up the Zuikaku and Shokaku with the slow CVLs? That brought down the max speed to 5 per phase rather than 6 per phase. I tend to team together Hiryu, Soryu, Shokaku and Zuikaku (the fast carriers) while use the rest for the slow groups.

Keep battering him while you can, but watch out for your air groups. So far so good!

John 3rd -> Carrier Action (12/15/2005 11:48:23 PM)

April 1, 1942

SS NOTHING! My SS are the best way to hit his cripples. I hope the DAMNED ASW model doesn't go TOO beserk!

China Sian 24Z 43B 4 Resources
Bad weather affected the other attacks. My planes could use the break anyway.

Taung Gyi 11O/14Z vs. 18 B-17 Lose no fighters, shot down 2 B-17s and damage 5 more.

Manila 38F 45DB 21B Lose 2 Planes, 59 Cas, AF/Pt

X-Roads 64B 55 Cas 35B 31 Cas

Landing at Pamakasan, Jv

Landing at Midway! AK hits a mine, CD hits 7PG & 3AP...ouch but not terrible. Shock Attack! 1-1, Forts 3 to 2, 263J to 120US. There is a BF and Marine CD unit here. Might be a little close...

Soerabaja, Jv Deliberate Attack 1-1, Lower Forts from 6 to 5, 394J for 342D--a promising start to ending things in Java.

40,74 west of Amboina 134-1 261 POW and Island is now clear of enemy.

Pamakasan, Jv Shock Attack 0-1 252J for13D I am out of supply there and am sending some.

Changsha 189 Cas
X-Raods in Australia 17 Cas

Johnson Island Load 6AP with an SNLF unit and 10th Spec BF to bolster Midway Attack

Lose DD Mochizuki and a MSW.

BB Haruna and CVL Shoho dock at Johnson but I expect to lose them.

Lihu, Hawaii Sz 3 AF

John 3rd -> 4 Months at War Summary (12/16/2005 1:15:24 AM)

I would prefer to do this once Phase One of Eastern Wind is done but I always post these summaries as of the 1st of each month.

Current Totals:

Score 4-1
Japan 15,998
US 3,992

I have not finished off Java yet (that will be soon) and ALL those VP await me in Manila when I destroy the troops there. Could VERY easily go to 5-1...

Allied Ships Sunk: 174 2,556 VP Major Units Sunk: 3CV, 1BB, 2CA, 6CL, 25DD, PG 6, AS 2, MSW 19, SS 8, PT 21, and 80+ AP/AK/AO/TK.

Japanese Ships Sunk: 74 652 VP Major Units Sunk: 1BB (Hiei), 1CA, 1CL, 8DD, 1APD, 11MSW, 5PC, 8SS, and 38 AP/AK/AO/TK. Very lite losses but will lose Shoho and Haruna within a day or two.

Supply 1,892,411
Fuel 3,489,791
Manpower 815 (252,720)
Heavy Ind 13,795 (85,737)
Resources 18,712 (1,739,368)
Oil 2412 (1,721,895)

Naval Shipyard 1,282 (14)
Merchant Shipyard 969 (0)
Shipyard Repair 960

Armament 611 (41,449)
Vehicles 134 (234)
Aircraft Engines 1405
Aircraft Assembly 964+(98-Rd)

March was a VERY good month and April should be better!


John 3rd -> RE: 4 Months at War Summary (12/16/2005 1:29:41 AM)

Sorry that I did not see your note until I started my summary. You ask a good question. I was seeking striking balance with my three CV TF. This was the layout of my forces:

KB1 Soryu, Hiryu, Junyo, and (soon to be) Hiyo 76Z, 76V, 76K=228 Total
KB2 Akagi, Kaga, Ryujo, and Hosho 82Z, 48V, 71K=201 Total
KB3 Shokaku, Zuikaku, Shoho, Zuiho 84Z, 48V, 78K=210 Total

I didn't look at speed. I wanted three balanced TF that could easily hold their own against up to 2CV. It seemed to work in this case. KB3 did that but I will lose one CVL for 2CV. Pretty good exchange in my opinion.

With KB3 out for a while, I will probably stick to the two as organized and use them to raid around Hawaii. I will get Ryuho in about 3-4 weeks. That should raise KB3 back to its original power level.

Pilot experience is GREAT! In our two CV Battles to this point, Shokaku/Zuikaku has been in both of them. To those CVs go the credit of 3 American CVs!!! [:D] I had to rebuild their airgroups after the first battle but this time, I did not lose very many planes. Those squadrons XP should actually GO UP from this fight!

KB1 and KB2 look very good. All Daitai XP in the high-60s/70s/80s.

The Americans will only have 2 CV (3 if Saratoga survives but after 3Bombs and 3TT, she will be out for a while...) in the Pacific for the rest of the year and I intend to take full advantage of that by killing AP/AK and anything else that gets in the way.

Any other good questions?

castor troy -> RE: 4 Months at War Summary (12/16/2005 4:04:21 PM)

Whatīs about your BB at Johnston? Any chance it will make it? What port size? Can you airlift a naval HQ in? This would increase port size by 2. Can you even disband it to port or is port size smaller 3? Since Iīve seen in PzBs game what surface combat groups are able to do if there isnīt a counterpart I always tried to keep my heavies at all cost and decimate the Allied surface combat TFs as much as possible. I even prefer losing 3 CVs than 3 of my Jap BBs. BBs can still strike hard when out of range of torpedoe bombers or uber 4E bombers dropping 2000 lb bombs. But CVs are just victims in late 43 and later.

John 3rd -> RE: 4 Months at War Summary (12/16/2005 5:04:33 PM)

I docked CVL Shoho and BB Haruna at Johnson KNOWING they will sink. They did not have the speed to make it to a real harbor. Johnson is only Sz-1 Port.

Shokaku and Zuikaku made it to Kwajalein with no issue.

I am airlifting a Naval HQ to Palmyra where Zuiho is because her flooding is slowly going up. That will take it from Sz-1 to Sz-2. I also changed the Captain to one with higher inspiration.

I hate this game with that issue. Flooding drives me insane! There should be a check to see if the crew STOPS it. Once that is done, then the ship shouldn't flood anymore. I hate watching the ship's flotation % slowly climb knowing and KNOWING nothing can fix it!

In the recent CV battle, Saratoga was hit by 3 Bombs and 3 Torpedos. She was 8 hexes from Pearl Harbor. Did she make it back to port? Of course...

John 3rd -> RE: 4 Months at War Summary (12/16/2005 5:14:39 PM)

Finshing that rant about Saratoga, Zuiho was hit by ONE 1,000lb bomb and I might lose her...

John 3rd -> Hate the ASW System! (12/16/2005 6:47:25 PM)

April 2, 1942

SS As I feared, the DAMNED ASW Model strikes! [:o] In a sixty mile hex, two ASW TF unerringly find three of my subs and sink two of them.

I-168 Sinks w/2DC
I-23 Sinks under 6DC
I-174 Attacked but not hit.


China Sian 23Z 34B 2 Resources
Other planes grounded due to weather.

Taung Gyi 11 O/10Z vs. 3 B-17 All 3 damaged.

Manila 38F 38DB 18B Destroy 1 PBY, 35 Cas, AF/Pt

Soerabaja 56B 129 Cas

Aussie X-Roads 58B 105 Cas 39B 77 Cas

Landing @ Midway CD/Mines Damages an AK, 2AP, 2PG 3-1 Attack! Forts 2 to 0 202J for 154US

Soerabaja, Jv Deliberate Attack! 1-1, Forts drop to 4, 134J for 439D

Changsha 197 Cas
36,88 35 Cas


Dock Shoho at Johnson. She is in the mid-70s in Sys/Flot Damage and a lot of fires. She will sink.

Dock Haruna at Johnson. All those 1000lb Bombs have her in mid-60s for everything and fires. Same verdict.

Zuiho headed to Palmyra and is at Sys 64, Flot 28, Fires 10. Should make it but with this flooding system, WHO KNOWS!

Lose a PG and MSW to earlier damage at Midway's CD.

April 3, 1942

The carnage continues near Pearl Harbor! The world's GREATIST ASW Groups sink I-6 with 5 DC.

Order all remaining SS to clear the area and move NE of PH. What a mess...

Kunming 3F 18B Lose 1 plane and do 2 Resources damage
Bad weather again effects other attacks.

Manila 38F, 51DB, 22B Lose 1 plane, 18 Cas, and AF/Pt

Johnson Island 144 B-17 [X(] [8|] strike! INSANITY... Lose 2 Emily, 1Mavis, and 148 Cas. Move my two recon Daitai back to Kwajalein.

Kodiak 24 B-25 hit and do 108 Cas

Soerabaja, Jv 85B do 129 Cas

Midway 7 F4F strafe my troops.

Soerabaja, Jv Deliberate Attack! Fort 4 to 3 and 175J for 169D. Should fall and free up troops pretty soon!

Midway Shock Attack! Fort 0 and 216J for 110 US

Changsha 178 Cas
36,88 77 Cas

Bombardment of Midway with 1CA, 1CL, and 4DD do 251 Cas

April 4, 1942

SS Moving them AWAY from the Pearl Harbor kill zone...

Sian 24Z 32B 3 Resource
Chungking 54Z 150B 8 Resources
Kunming 21F 33B 5 Resource

Manila 38F 43DB 22B 29 Cas and AF/Pt

US Attacks
Johnson 74 B-17 AF, 18 Cas, and 2 B-17s shot down
Kodiak 25 B-25 64 Cas
Akyab 21 B-17 60 Cas

Soerabaja, Jv 58B 44 Cas

Aussie 36,89 88B 78 Cas

Land and Capture Washington Island, Line Islands

Changsha 26 Cas
36,88 24 Cas
Soerabaja 8 Cas
US @ Kodiak 8 Jap Cas

Midway Deliberate Attack! 1-1, Fort 0, 84J and 197 US. Order a rest for a day or two and then will take island.

CVL Shoho sinks, lose an AK

Shokaku (38 Sys/32 Flot)/Zuikaku (17 Sys) dock and disband at Kwajalein

Zuiho's flooding is up to 37 and she will dock at Palmyra tomorrow.

Carrier Air Groups: Interesting note--I lost hardly any planes from Shoho and Zuiho. I still have 19 of 20 Kates and 33 of 36 Zero. That is nice to have only lost a few. We'll see beyond that.

Ron Saueracker -> RE: Hate the ASW System! (12/16/2005 6:54:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

April 2, 1942

SS As I feared, the DAMNED ASW Model strikes! [:o] In a sixty mile hex, two ASW TF unerringly find three of my subs and sink two of them.

I-168 Sinks w/2DC
I-23 Sinks under 6DC
I-174 Attacked but not hit.


China Sian 23Z 34B 2 Resources
Other planes grounded due to weather.

Taung Gyi 11 O/10Z vs. 3 B-17 All 3 damaged.

Manila 38F 38DB 18B Destroy 1 PBY, 35 Cas, AF/Pt

Soerabaja 56B 129 Cas

Aussie X-Roads 58B 105 Cas 39B 77 Cas

Landing @ Midway CD/Mines Damages an AK, 2AP, 2PG 3-1 Attack! Forts 2 to 0 202J for 154US

Soerabaja, Jv Deliberate Attack! 1-1, Forts drop to 4, 134J for 439D

Changsha 197 Cas
36,88 35 Cas


Dock Shoho at Johnson. She is in the mid-70s in Sys/Flot Damage and a lot of fires. She will sink.

Dock Haruna at Johnson. All those 1000lb Bombs have her in mid-60s for everything and fires. Same verdict.

Zuiho headed to Palmyra and is at Sys 64, Flot 28, Fires 10. Should make it but with this flooding system, WHO KNOWS!

Lose a PG and MSW to earlier damage at Midway's CD.

April 3, 1942

The carnage continues near Pearl Harbor! The world's GREATIST ASW Groups sink I-6 with 5 DC.

Order all remaining SS to clear the area and move NE of PH. What a mess...

Kunming 3F 18B Lose 1 plane and do 2 Resources damage
Bad weather again effects other attacks.

Manila 38F, 51DB, 22B Lose 1 plane, 18 Cas, and AF/Pt

Johnson Island 144 B-17 [X(] [8|] strike! INSANITY... Lose 2 Emily, 1Mavis, and 148 Cas. Move my two recon Daitai back to Kwajalein.

Kodiak 24 B-25 hit and do 108 Cas

Soerabaja, Jv 85B do 129 Cas

Midway 7 F4F strafe my troops.

Soerabaja, Jv Deliberate Attack! Fort 4 to 3 and 175J for 169D. Should fall and free up troops pretty soon!

Midway Shock Attack! Fort 0 and 216J for 110 US

Changsha 178 Cas
36,88 77 Cas

Bombardment of Midway with 1CA, 1CL, and 4DD do 251 Cas

April 4, 1942

SS Moving them AWAY from the Pearl Harbor kill zone...

Sian 24Z 32B 3 Resource
Chungking 54Z 150B 8 Resources
Kunming 21F 33B 5 Resource

Manila 38F 43DB 22B 29 Cas and AF/Pt

US Attacks
Johnson 74 B-17 AF, 18 Cas, and 2 B-17s shot down
Kodiak 25 B-25 64 Cas
Akyab 21 B-17 60 Cas

Soerabaja, Jv 58B 44 Cas

Aussie 36,89 88B 78 Cas

Land and Capture Washington Island, Line Islands

Changsha 26 Cas
36,88 24 Cas
Soerabaja 8 Cas
US @ Kodiak 8 Jap Cas

Midway Deliberate Attack! 1-1, Fort 0, 84J and 197 US. Order a rest for a day or two and then will take island.

CVL Shoho sinks, lose an AK

Shokaku (38 Sys/32 Flot)/Zuikaku (17 Sys) dock and disband at Kwajalein

Zuiho's flooding is up to 37 and she will dock at Palmyra tomorrow.

Carrier Air Groups: Interesting note--I lost hardly any planes from Shoho and Zuiho. I still have 19 of 20 Kates and 33 of 36 Zero. That is nice to have only lost a few. We'll see beyond that.

You are not using the fixed ASW routines are you?

John 3rd -> RE: Hate the ASW System! (12/16/2005 7:27:43 PM)

I am using the standard version of 1.7. I know they have talked about working on lessoning the danger with 1.8. Is that true?

It is CERTAIN death for a SS to be found. Not at all historically accurate...I KNOW...don't compare the game to history! [:D]

invernomuto -> RE: Hate the ASW System! (12/16/2005 7:45:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

I am using the standard version of 1.7. I know they have talked about working on lessoning the danger with 1.8. Is that true?

Yes, true. The entire ASW model has been reworked. From what I've seen, the new model seems very good (less sunk subs, more damaged).


John 3rd -> RE: Eastern Wind is Underway! (12/16/2005 7:56:40 PM)

April 5, 1942

SS Am re-establishing an SS line NE of Pearl Harbor. Perhaps I can get a second chance at Saratoga once he has her pumped dry...

Yenen 28Z 38B Hit AF, destroy 2 planes, and 14 Cas
Changsha 111F 89B 140 Cas Will start pounding Changsha again and ready another Inf attack
Kunming 20F 29B 6 Resources

Manila 38F 39DB 22B Lose 1 plane, 45 Cas and AF/Pt

Johnson Island 70 B-17 Yaaaa... 37 Cas and AF

Soerabaja, Jv 19B 11 Cas 39B 105 Cas

36,89 Aust 97B 67 Cas

30,28 Burma 20B 42 cas

Landing more troops and supplies at Kodiak. Should take it with this round of reinforcements.

Changsha 99 Cas
Aust: 36,88 27 Cas 19,89 11 Cas

I sent a bombardment TF towards Kodiak with Mutsu and she is attacked by 12 and then 22 B-25 from Anchorage--shot down 1 plane and Mutsu brushes off 2 bombs.

Bombard Kodiak for 118 Cas

Lose 2 PG from Johnson/Midway Operations

Forgot to mention that on April 5th, CV Hiyo joined the fleet. As soon as her Air Group fills out, I will send her to Dutch Harbor and join KB1.

Engineering Lingayen AF 3

April 6, 1942

SS My other SS Group meets up with the survivors from Pearl Harbor interdiction. I begin to spread out a fan of 14 SS in three lines NE of Pearl Harbor. I will have them about 8-10 hexes NE of the base.

Yenen 23Z 37B Hit AF and destroy 3 planes
Kunming 21F 35B 7 Resources
Changsha 114F 68B 146 Cas

Manila 38F 59DB 22B 78 Cas and AF/Pt

US Strikes
Johnson Island 65 B-17 43 Cas
Akyab 24 B-17 126 Cas

Soerabaja, Jv 21F strafing get 16 cas

36,89 89B 90 Cas

Landing @ Pamakasan, Jv Deliberate Attack. 0-1 136J for 41D

Landing at Kodiak

Midway SHOCK ATTACK! 2-1 CAPTURE IT!!!! 232J for 1934 POW A Marine CD Btn and BF surrender. AF 6 and Port 2 are NOT damage and I capture nearly 20,000 supply! [:D] Immediately move two Daitai of Betty, 1 Daitai of Zero, and 1 Chutai of Emily there.

Soerabaja, Jv SHOCK ATTACK!!! 17-1 Fort drop from 3-1 201J for 6773 Dutch POWs! VICTORY!! [:)] [:)] I will let me 2 Ing Div, 4 Brigade, and support units rest a little while and then send most of them to Lingayen where we can deal with some guys named Dugout Doug...

Changsha 224 cas
Kodiak Exchange Attacks 12J for 3 US
36,88 14 Cas
19,89 17J for 8 Aussies

As thought...BB Haruna sinks, an AP, and 2 PG also go down.

Zuiho is docked at Palmyra but Flotation keeps I start to transfer by air a Naval HQ to help. I also chance the Captain to one with higher Inspiration/Leadership. See if that helps.

Bombard Kodiak for 103 Cas

Send Zuikaku back to Japan for repairs. She has a System damage of 17. Shouldn't take too long to repair.

Shokaku will need a few more days to be pumped out at Kwajalein.

April 7, 1942

SS Nothing

Kunming 20F 29B 4 Resources
Ichang 24Z 6B AF

Manila 72F 33DB 22B Destroy 1 Catina, sink one AK, 5 Cas, and AF/Pt

Akyab 4 O/6Z vs. 33 B-17 Lose 1 O and damage 5 B-17

Aussie X-Raods 40B 25 Cas 59B 46 Cas

Anchorage B-25s hit a DD with 1B on a reinforcement run to Kodiak

Changsha 87 Cas
Kodiak 9J for 68US Exchange Bombardments
19,89 33J Cas

Raid Anchorage with a CL-DD TF. Catch and destroy 1 PT Boat.

Lose 1PG

Zuiho's Flotation takes an alarming jump from 39 to 57! [:(] Hope the Naval HQ helps to save the ship...I HATE THE FLOTATION DAMAGE SYSTEM WITHIN THIS GAME...

John 3rd -> ASW and Flotation Issues (12/16/2005 8:01:05 PM)

Am glad to hear it will be downgraded! I assume that 1.8 will be loadable into existing campaigns like 1.7--RIGHT?? [&:]

Forgot to mention that Wolfpack lost one of his damaged ships at Pearl April 6th. CA Portland sank! That makes 3CA sunk from the earlier battle.

Any thoughts on my damaged and (apparently) sinking CVL? ONE 1,000lb Bomb and the TOTALLY inept (hear sarcasm here) Japanese damage control cannot save the ship??!! Grrr...

castor troy -> RE: ASW and Flotation Issues (12/16/2005 8:34:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Am glad to hear it will be downgraded! I assume that 1.8 will be loadable into existing campaigns like 1.7--RIGHT?? [&:]

Forgot to mention that Wolfpack lost one of his damaged ships at Pearl April 6th. CA Portland sank! That makes 3CA sunk from the earlier battle.

Any thoughts on my damaged and (apparently) sinking CVL? ONE 1,000lb Bomb and the TOTALLY inept (hear sarcasm here) Japanese damage control cannot save the ship??!! Grrr...

Nothing to say except that Wolfpack sank 3!!! of my fleet carriers with 6 bombs! 6 bombs for 3 fleet CVs isnīt that bad, isnīt it? But the fanboys told me that thatīs normal and historical (full flight deck,....). But it nearly NEVER doesnīt happen to Allied CVs. Well those donīt have full flight decks, etc. No critical hits were scored on my CVs. They started with floatation dam about 20-25 and all three sank one by one! Thatīs WITP! Like 4E bombers as best ship killers from 6000 feet! Thank you fanboys!

John 3rd -> RE: ASW and Flotation Issues (12/16/2005 8:42:51 PM)

Castor--You are PREACHING to the choir!

I ignited a firestorm in the CHS 'Zero Bonus' thread. How dare we leave something that actually BENEFITS the Japanese player...

How many times did Japanese CVs take one or two hits from 1000lb bombs and continue on? I think Shokaku took 3 at Coral Sea, Zuiho took 2 at Santa Cruz, Sho or Zuikaku took 4-5 at Santa Cruz...grrrrrr....

jwilkerson -> RE: ASW and Flotation Issues (12/16/2005 8:47:32 PM)

High inspiration ship captain saved Soryu in one of my games .. she was 70s flotation and I wrote her off as she was several turns from port ... but she made it .. and her CPT was very high inspiration ... so I try to make sure I have good inspiration ship CPTs ...

Of course quickly getting back to ports with ARs and Fleet HQs and lots of levels is the best idea .. but have a high inspiration CPT also if you can ...

Also matters whether the hits are "criticals" or not ... I've had several bombs bounce off Hiryu ... but also had 1 bomb sink a carrier as well ...

John 3rd -> RE: ASW and Flotation Issues (12/16/2005 8:49:59 PM)

I think the Ship Captain that I put there is in the 70s for inspiration. We'll see if that helps.

John 3rd -> April 1942 (12/19/2005 6:41:20 PM)

April 8, 1942

SS Nothing

Changsha 22B AF
Kunming 21F 33B 3 Resources

Manila 80F 69DB 18B 6 Cas, AF/Pt

Pamakasan 7F 28B 26 Cas

NW Akyab, Burma (30,28) 16B 32 Cas

Changsha 93 Cas
Kodiak 4J--89US
Aust (36,88) 12 Cas (19,89) 9J-4Aus

Java--With the fall of Java, I have the following units available: 56th Inf Div, 21st Brig, 23rd Brig, 35th Brig, 56th Brig, 2nd Para, 14th Tank, 14th Mortar, and 4th Engineer. I think that I will let them sit a few more days and then load up the ID, 3 Brigades, the Tk, and the Eng Regiments and send them to the Philippines. I will leave one Brigade, 2nd Para, and 14th Mtr to finish off issues within the DEI.

Lose 3 AP from Johnson and Midway Invasions.

Shokaku is pumped out at Kwajalein and send her home for repairs.

Change the Captain of the Zuiho to a higher Inspiration/Leadership Number to TRY and save her!

Form a TF around CV Hiyo (1BB, 2CA, 8DD) and send them to Dutch Harbor to join KB1.

Form up KB2 at Singapore (Akagi, Kaga, Hosho, Ryujo) and send them to Kwajalein.

I got my first "Moon-class" DD today and sent it with Hiyo! I love those AA DD...have all of them on accelerated construction to strengthen my CTF AA.

Flotation Status of ships at Palymra: Zuiho Flot 52 (down a little--good sign) and Maya Flot 76. Send two AR from Kwajalein to help.

Engineering: Noumea AF 4

Production Note: I just realized that I did not have enough Nakajima Engines being produced for my Zeros! The A3 is coming on line and I forgot to increase/change my engine production to budget for it. Shift two Mitsubishi Engine plants (150 Eng) over to Nakajima...

April 9, 1942

SS Nothing

China Changsha 14B hit AF. The WEATHER has been terrible over China and I have had a lot of strikes called off.

Akyab YIKES! AVG Fighter Sweep. 42 P-40 vs. 6 O/3Z--shoot down 2-40 and lose 2O/1Z. If he wants to do this, I will try to arrange a HOT party for him. I have 3 Daitai of Zeros in Burma. Transfer another to Burma from China and put all on LR CAP over Akyab. We'll see...

Manila 60F 68DB 18B Lose 1 plane, destroy 1 Catalina, 21 Cas, Af/Pt

Pamakasan, Jv 7F 54B 108 Cas

Aust X-Roads 90B 122 Cas

NW Akyab (30,28) 24B 47 Cas

Anchorage B-25s strike Kodiak shipping! 12Z vs. 30 B-25 Morning/8Z vs. 21 B-25 Afternoon. Total for day: 5 B-25 Shot Down and 9 Damage for 2 Zero. He hits 3 MSW and 3 AP--for light to moderate damage.

Capture Pamakasan, Jv! Shock Attack!! 9-1 99J for 3,448 POW.

Re-Capture Dadjangas, Phil 27J for 138 US

I am now reconning nearly every Hawaiian Base everyday

Changsha 297 Cas
Kodiak 54 Cas
Aust: (36,88) 45 cas (19,89) 9J-6Aus

Lose 3 MSW at Kodiak

Lose 1PG and 1AP from Johnson Island/Midway Operations

Fotation Watch at Palmyra: Zuiho 50 (down 2) and Maya 71 (down 5).

Engineering: Hilo, Hawaii AF5

April 10, 1942

SS Nada...

Changsha 243 Fighters and Bombers attack: Hit AF and do 383 Cas! That is more like it!
Kunming 21F 21B 7 Res

Akyab, Burma FURBALL! Two separate fights...37 B-17 vs. 37Z/37 P-40 vs 39Z. Totals for day: 7 B-17 are shot down with 20 Damaged [:D] and 5 P-40 with 2 Damaged for a total of 25Z. [X(] Ouch! Hmmmmm...not what I had in mind.

Aust X-Roads 25B 96 Cas 73B 87 Cas

Kodiak 6Z vs. 14 B-25/10Z vs. 16 B-25. Totals 5 B-25 shotdown and 3 Damaged for only 1Z. That is better! Have 2AP/1AK hit by bombs...

Kodiak Shock Attack! 0-1 Fort 4 530 Jap for 97 US. to get serious here. Begin loading 1st Mixed Brigade to land there. Combined Fleet will support next attack.

Changsha 132 cas
Aust: X-Roads 31 Cas (18,39) 14 Jap Cas

Lose 1AP from Kodiak attacks.

An American AK sinks between Hawaii and US West Coast.

Flotation Watch: Zuiho 54 (up 4) and Maya 70 (down 1)

John 3rd -> April 1942 (12/19/2005 7:16:21 PM)

April 11, 1942

SS A Glen spots shipping NE of Hawaii.

Changsha A total of 253 Fighters and Bombers hit doing 123 Cas and AF damage
Kunming 18F 29B 8 Resource

Manila 66F 67DB 18B Destroy 1 PBY, 13 Cas, AF/Pt

Aussie X-Roads 88B 36 cas

30,28 Burma 4F 16B 16Cas

Landing at San Jose, Phil

Landing 1st Brigade at Kodiak

Landing at Lombok, Jv

Changsha 132 Cas
Kodiak 4J for 19 US
Aust: 36,88 for 15 Cas and 19,89 for 7 Jap Cas

Lose 1PC from Midway/Johnson Invasions

Naval Bombardment of Kodiak 2BB (Mutsu/Nagato) 162 Cas

Form BB TF from Kwajalein of 3BB, 1CA, 3DD to support Kodiak attack and Anchorage Invasion.

Flotation Watch at Palmyra: Zuiho 58 (up 4--hmmmmm) and Maya 66 (down 4) Wish that was reversed.

NOTE: I have decided to invade Anchorage, Ala. Tried to do this and failed with Moses because I did not have enough troops and no pre-invasion bombardment. This time I will NOT fool around! 2 full Inf Div, a Reg of Artillery, a large BF, and an Eng Reg with 5BB should do it.

I feel dispersed right now. I need to CONCENTRATE my forces on my new operations. Casualties have been realitively lite to this point and I want to keep it that.

I will finish Kodiak and then take care of Anchorage. This will serve to protect my Northern flank. I have enough political points now to change a Chinese Inf Brigade to North Pacific. That Brigade plus the 1st Brigade will garrision Anchorage and Dutch Harbor. Dutch Harbor will convert into a SS Base. I figure he will bomb Ancharge frequently so I will use DH as my main base...

Those Invasion Forces will then transfer back to Kwajalein for future operations.


April 12, 1942

SS I-22 (28,128) South Australia hits an AK with 1TT

Kunming, CH 18F 32B 9 Res

Manila 68DB 22B 36 Cas, AF/Pt

Johnson Island B-17 Raid 121 B-17 do 287 Cas

Aust X-Roads 98B 84 Cas

30,28 Burma 3F 19B 67 Cas

Kodiak AMERICAN FIGHTERs APPEAR! 11Z vs 36 P-40 23 B-25/10Z vs. 30 P-40 14 B-25. Total for the day: 6Z for 10 P-40 and 3 B-25. 3AP and an APD hit...DAMMIT!

Landing at Lombok, Jv Shock Attack! 1-1 Forts drop 2--1 111J for 15D

Landing at Kodiak, Ala

Landing at Nauru Island and CAPTURE it.

43,53 SW Manila 46-1 a Phil Div retreats into Manila 8J for 123 Phil
Capture San Jose

Changsha 421 Cas! [:D] Think it is time to launch an attack there. Finally got my 4th Eng Reg there as well as 2 Inf Div and 2 Brigades from Wuhan who have been resting.
Kodiak 18J for 45 US
Aust: (36,88) 12 Cas and (19,89) 20 Jap Cas

Load up 25th Army HQ, an Inf Div, 2 Brig, 1 Art Reg, and 1 Eng Regiment from Soerabaja, Jv for Lingayen, Phil. I let them rest nearly 2 weeks. Time to finish some guys named MacArthur!!!

Flotation Watch at Palmyra: Zuiho 67 (up 8---getting bad...) and Maya 66 (same). I cannot do anything for Zuiho! 2 AR will arrive tomorrow or the 14th. Perhaps that will help. SO FRUSTRATING!

April 13, 1942

SS Nothing

Changsha, CH 7B hit AF

Manila 65F 68DB 22B 31 Cas and AF/Pt

Johnson Island 23 B-17 do 113 Cas

Aust X-Roads 84B 209 Cas

Lombok 4F 28B 30 Cas

Akyab, Burma 10Z vs. 40 P-40 and 21B from Calcutta Lose 4Z for 7 P-40 and 2B. They hit an AK with 6B.

Landing at Lombok, Jv Shock Attack! 2-1 41J for 35D Forts drop to 0.

Landing at Amchitka, Aluetians

Changsha 145 Cas
Kodiak 18J for 37US
Aust (36,88) 122 Cas and (19,89) 6J for 4 Aus

Form KB1 to attack Kodiak with DB and Kate. They will sit three hexes SW of Kodiak so LBA cannot interfere.

Form my 2BB TF to hit Kodiak as well.


Flotation Watch: Zuiho 69 (up 2) and Maya 78 (up 10--ouch!)

moses -> RE: April 1942 (12/19/2005 7:45:24 PM)


Changsha 421 Cas! Think it is time to launch an attack there. Finally got my 4th Eng Reg there as well as 2 Inf Div and 2 Brigades from Wuhan who have been resting.

I hope this goes well. I don't know whats holding China up in your game.

I always watch the artillery ratio. If you have a large ratio of artillery you tend to cause large casualties. i.e. 1000 pieces against 1000 and hardly anyone gets killed. 1000 vs. 100 and you wipe the enemy up. Doesn't make a lot of sence but thats what I see.

John 3rd -> RE: April 1942 (12/19/2005 7:52:37 PM)

Sir Moses--MOST esteemed China Advisor!--I have good thoughts with this attack. It will be ordered tonight.

I did notice something last turn. Morale for my units surronding Changsha, in general, there seems to be hovering in the mid-40s/50s. Would THAT be an explanation for things?

Supply is still low but OK.

Artillery should be monstrously different. I think that I will field nearly 3000 pieces to his 500. We'll see...

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