v1.2 Patch News (Full Version)

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Erik Rutins -> v1.2 Patch News (10/11/2005 8:24:31 PM)

Hello everyone,

We've decided to put the latest update up as a limited public beta for a few days before giving it the final green light. We want to make sure we haven't missed anything as this update includes some major changes and improvements to Crown of Glory. The update will be available shortly in the Members' Club. If you register there with your Crown of Glory serial number, you will be able to download it as one of the registered downloads.

The beta update is comprehensive and will install on top of either v1.00 or v1.10. I will be creating a new sub-forum for limited public beta feedback. Please let us know how it works for you and what you think. This will help us decide if we need to make any more tweaks or fixes before making this official.

Thanks and enjoy!


- Erik

Update: The patch is now available via the Members' Club

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/11/2005 8:28:18 PM)

Here are the patch notes for v1.2.13 beta:

Western Civilization Software
Crown of Glory V1.2.13
ReadMe File

v1.2.13 Change List (October 9, 2005)

Changes 1.10->1.213


Waste is now a reduction in the amount of resources produced by provinces a nation controls. Waste is calculated based

on the total number of provinces a player controls; provinces with Court developments at a level greater than or equal to

5 do not contribute toward waste. Waste is 3% per province controlled in excess of twenty provinces; so, for example,

controlling 35 provinces results in a 30% loss of production due to waste: 45% = 3% x (35-20).

Province under protectorate do not contribute toward waste.

Provinces with Culture development levels greater than or equal to 5, and provinces with Courts greater than or equal to

7, are not affected at all by a nation's level of waste.


Prisoners of War
* POW's cannot be liberated when they are located in enemy territory.
* POW's no longer require upkeep or support costs.
* POW's do not lose casualties due to foraging

Detailed Combat
* Light cavalry no longer begins detailed battle fatigued, even when called as reinforcements or when part of an

army/corps that is force-marching. Same rule for lancers. Regular Cavalry no longer enters battle fatigued when called

as reinforcements.
* Skirmishers now have +20% bonus when attacking out of rough terrain (instead of the 1/2 penalty they previously had)
* Halved the chance of capturing an artillery unit in detailed combat; artillery captured after quick combats now have a

50% chance of being destroyed instead of captured.
* Rule change: infantry under charge by cavalry now have a chance to become disordered *before* the charge is resolved.

This only works for infantry in line/column formations. Base chance is 10% for infantry in column, 20% for infantry in

line. This chance is increased by 25%-Infantry Quality*2.5, by 10% per off-axis attack (i.e. +30% when charging from the

rear), and decreased by 15%x the morale bonus of the commander attached to the defending infantry unit. A commander with

the "stand against charge" special ability always reduces this chance to the minimal amount (5%). The chance is halved

if the defender is not in clear terrain.
* Changed retreat behavior in detailed combat: units now simply retreat toward their back line, ignoring any enemy units

* Howitzers now do only -12% instead of the -50% of combat damage.
* Howitzers do not suffer any return fire in detailed combat.

Other Rule Changes
* Now only get 20 horses when a cavalry unit surrenders.
* Raised labor stockpile cap to 150
* Decreased the morale bonus of barracks to .1 per level of barracks
* Moved query for upgrades and empire to end-of-turn (to fix PBEM bug)
* Treaties that involve the Surrender clause will no longer automatically become cancelled when the signatories are at

war. This allows players to offer negotiated surrender terms during a war.
* Can no longer choose protectorate/surrendered units for treaty clauses (such as Lend Unit and Remove Commander).
* Units now lose 1.5 morale when they surrender, but no lower than 1.2 morale. This *CAN* reduce infantry to militia

status and guard to regular infantry status. (Note that the morale loss in detailed combat is not lost until after the

battle is resolved.)
* Reduced build time for high levels of barracks/factories now properly applied to all appropriate unit types, not just

basic infantry/cavalry.
* Can no longer choose provinces that are surrounded by water/same-nation territory in the cede-province clause.
* Nations are automatically set at peace with their revolt units if there are no such units in existence; if there are

units, then the nation is automatically made at war with its revolt.
* Spontaneous new commanders now appear on a sliding chance scale related to the total level of casualties in the battle:

36% for casualties > 30,000; 24% if > 20,000; 12% if >10,000; otherwise 8%.
* Protectorates now get their own feudal levy independently of the protecting-nation's own feudal levy.
* Rule change: Subsidizing now only has 1/4 the normal effect for money given over 60 in any turn.
* Rule change: morale bonus for new ships is now given by barracks level / 20 + docks level / 5.
* Rule change: morale bonus for new artillery is now given by barracks level /20 + factory level / 5.
* Rule change: docks level >=7 now doubles merchant income received at the port by the player owning that port
* Rule change: decreased the labor cost for roads from 4xroad level^2 to 2xroad level^2.
* Rule change: decreased the horse cost of farms from 2xlevel^2 to level^2.
* Rule change: decreased the cost of banks from 5xlevel^2 to 3xlevel^2.
* Military groups (armies, corps, fleets) no longer receive auto-join orders from the cities from which they are created;

this helps prevent such units from being destroyed in enemy territory.
* Increased morale gained by fighting in a battle to .15. There is still only a 50% chance a unit will receive this

bonus. This morale bonus is increased to .30 for units that have lower than 4.0 morale. Any unit with militia-level

morale or lower does not gain morale in this way.
* Diplomat Charm ability now modifies attitude between 1 and 2xInfluence+1.
* Diplomat Goodwill ability now modifies attitude between 1 and Influence+1.
* Regional bonus unit production is now spread throughout the region (rather than all built at capital.)
* Capital of multi-province minors will now automatically move to a liberated province within the minor country if the

current capital is in a province controlled by a nation.
* Players forming a protectorate from a minor power now have the option to adjoin that minor power to a nearby

protectorate of that player's nation.
* Liberate treaty clause now liberates all conquered provinces belonging to the original player of the province specified

to be liberated.

* Users can hit the Backspace key to undo unit orders on the strategic map. Unit orders subject to undo are:
Support Move
Transfer (unit strength)

Orders are undone in the reverse sequence in which they were given. Only the last 500 orders given in a turn can be


* Hitting spacebar in detailed combat now clears quick-resolve for all local players
* Added a Merchant Ship income report to the Economic Report

* AI no longer rallies garrison from its capital
* Changed AI valuation of liberate treaty clause
* Detailed combat AI should withhold most cavalry charges unless target is also adjacent to an enemy infantry/artillery
* AI players now skip turn when they don't own any provinces

* Now sets violate neutrality when trespassing during peace turns
* No longer counts container-type-units against the limit of attached units
* No longer shows zoom buttons (+/-) on the Development Advisor minimap.
* Fixed bug of AI diplomats getting stuck in water locations
* Fixed bug in army/corps use-forage order. Divisions attached to armies/corps should now correctly forego supply if the

corps or army to which they are directly attached has the order to forage.
* Fixed bug involved in detailed combat opportunity charges.
* Fixed bug involving morale when transfering strength between units
* Fixed column headings in Policy screen
* Fixed minor save game bug
* Fixed save game bug involving zero draft sizes
* Fixed bug re regional bonus troops being built when player does not control entire region.

* changed Algerian capital to the right province
* fixed problem with Andalusia's capital
* fixed problem with Karlskrona's capital
* Corrected spelling "Landwehr" in data file
* Corrected typos in maxim text
* Corrected negative glory for Britain's control of Egypt
* Fixed bug involving spontaneous commanders
* Fixed bug involved in glory limit in game setup
* Decreased national intrinsic morale by 1.0 for all nations in all scenarios.
* Raised the French national intrinsic morale by .5 in the 1796 scenario.
* Finland now begins 1792, 1796, and 1805 scenarios conquered by Sweden. (Formerly it has been a protectorate.)
* Increased treaty cost of Remove General from 750 to 1250.

v1.10h Change List (August 1, 2005)

Changes 1.00->1.10

* Compatible with save files from v1.00

- New Features -

* Added save/restore features in single-player detailed combat
* Added tooltip manual text to choose-upgrade dialog
* Added tooltip info in Relation Adviser
* Added some right mouse button info in attachment box
* Now shows current move orders as very faint arrows
* Added no jiggle option for detailed combat (chit view only)
* Added two additional options for scenario length (20 and 23 years)
* Added five new levels of glory requirement (6000 - 10,000)
* Increased maximum number of upgrades for each nation to 40

- Adjustments -

* Increased AI run away from detailed combat threshhold
* Tweaked detailed combat AI parameters
* Lowered victory points for surrender to 4000 (2000 for limited surrender)
* Decreased glory awarded for winning a war
* lowered reinforcement maximums:
In home territory, maximum reinforcement is 2000 strength / month
In neutral territory, maximum reinforcement is 1000 / month
In enemy territory, maximum reinforcement is 500/month
* Increased "Artillery Drivers" movement bonus to +3
* Decreased penalty for retreating into enemy territory with no friendly depot
* Lowered combat casualties during night turns
* Increased chance to get new commander to 16% and lowered the casualty requirement to 2,000.
* Enemy units now only disrupt (have a chance to destroy without winning a battle) depots that are located in enemy

* In the absence of other criteria, armies should now retreat towards the capital of the team leader.

- Bug Fixes -

* Fixed occasional PBEM save problems
* Fixed occasional Detailed Combat crash issues
* Fixed save/restore bug which lost units under production
* Fixed highest-glory victory screen bug
* Fixed options available from popup menu
* Removed most cost requirement for "Mixed Order" upgrade
* Checks to make sure nations are still at war when processing a surrender or limited-surrender order
* Fixed bug when Checks whether victory points have been exceeded by cost of terms of surrender when clicking "OK" in

treaty construction screen
* Fixed bug involving flanking bonus casualties in charge combat
* Land combats will no longer take place in sea zones
* Fixed surrendered Napoleon special ability bug
* Can now no longer read the orders of inactive players
* Fixed bug involving bonus corps created when nationed are set to a power+ level.
* Fixed bug involving feudal levy and nations whose provinces are completely conquered
* Should now no longer be able to transfer strength to or from surrendered units

rich12545 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/12/2005 2:53:01 AM)

Maybe I'm going blind in my old age but I went over there and couldn't find it.

Barrold -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/12/2005 3:28:11 AM)

Neither do I. What is the definition of "Shortly"?


Barrold -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/12/2005 3:46:40 AM)

Nevermind I found it in the members downloads area.


Hakkapeliitta -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/12/2005 9:45:10 AM)

Seems that the patch - server is rather busy, no luck downloading in the first few hours of trying... Rather big size (¨30mb) of the patch might be partly to blame for this. Any chance for alternative link for download?

David Heath -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/12/2005 10:27:47 AM)


We only have one server for this currently.


Moltke71 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/12/2005 3:21:52 PM)

OK, I give up. I'm already a member. Where do I put the serial number? Went to member downloads; could only find 1.1.

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/12/2005 3:59:23 PM)

Ok, I just double-checked the process that was working fine yesterday and it looks like something broke overnight. It should be possible to get it by going to "Registered Downloads" in the left Members' Club sidebar, but while I see it it's not downloading for me either. We'll fix ASAP.


- Erik

Moltke71 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/13/2005 2:31:39 AM)

Still nada.

Doobious -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/13/2005 2:54:58 AM)

It worked for me about 30 min ago...

Moltke71 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/13/2005 3:52:01 AM)

Then I need directions. I'm registered, am in Members, enter my serial # and still only see 1.1.


Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/13/2005 4:35:58 AM)

It's working - did you click on "Registered Downloads" in the sidebar once logged in?


- Erik

Moltke71 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/13/2005 4:56:12 AM)

Yes. When I click on the name of the patch, I'm taken to the game overview page. When I click on "downloads", I only see two old files.

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/13/2005 5:06:33 AM)


I just realized something - are you using a Press/Media serial number? It's possible Alex only added this download for DR serial numbers. I'll check with him in a minute and fix if so.


- Erik

Moltke71 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/13/2005 5:13:36 AM)

Nice catch! Press number.

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/13/2005 5:18:55 AM)

OK, try it again now Jim.

Moltke71 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/13/2005 5:24:08 AM)

That did it! Thanks.

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/14/2005 11:53:29 PM)

Hi everyone,

The v1.2.14 Limited Public Beta is now available. Please see the limited beta feedback forum for more details.


- Erik

mattyb -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/20/2005 10:42:46 AM)

just looking at the limited beta feedback, are we gonna have that same crash problem with the mpf file or whatever it was graphics fault ,because the v1.1 upgrade fixed it with the laptop, and there are no video driver updates for the laptop, please tell me it aint so

ericbabe -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (10/20/2005 4:57:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: mattyb

just looking at the limited beta feedback, are we gonna have that same crash problem with the mpf file or whatever it was graphics fault ,because the v1.1 upgrade fixed it with the laptop, and there are no video driver updates for the laptop, please tell me it aint so

To which laptop are you refering? COG runs fine on the several laptops on which we have tested it. I'm typing this on a laptop and COG is running as a background application as I'm typing this.

There was one person running the limited beta version who experienced difficulty when installing the codecs, but I believe he got it working after a re-install. Is this the issue to which you are refering? I don't believe we've had any issues with video drivers lately -- though we have found in our in-house testing that one of our Windows 2000 machines crashed when we initialized DirectX when the video card did not have up to date video drivers.

Hakkapeliitta -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (11/8/2005 3:58:41 PM)

Any news/ETA on 1.2 official patch?

Arboris -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (11/10/2005 1:53:17 AM)


I am also interested on an ETA of the official 1.2 patch.

As soon as it's released you have a sale. I just discovered this game a few days ago and have been engrossed reading this forum. I have to tell you that Ralegh's efforts on this game's behalf have played a large part in my interest. The game looks amazing and the attention to detail is stunning.

Thank the lord that there are still a handful of developers that put this much effort and depth into their titles.



ericbabe -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (11/11/2005 8:56:22 PM)

We've released a 1.2.15 to the beta testers. It could be the final release but I haven't received enough feedback on it yet to say with certainty.

nachinus -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (11/12/2005 4:35:13 PM)

That's great! I'm currently playing some few turns experimenting things just for learning the game. When 1.2 is out, I'll start my first serious campaign game. :)

canuck64 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (11/17/2005 7:08:47 PM)

Can't seem to get it now, has it been suspended for download pending the full patch?

ptan54 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (11/18/2005 5:27:23 AM)

I can't download it either.

Mus -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (11/20/2005 2:46:23 AM)

Could we have the 1.2.15 beta until the official 1.2 patch is out?

I hope it corrects the issue with the AI not doing their military upgrades as it is in 1.2.14. That bug is making me not want to play right now.

Spartan07 -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (11/22/2005 6:49:29 PM)

Or even just a reply

1LTRambo -> RE: v1.2 Patch News (11/23/2005 4:06:46 AM)

Yes it has been 11 days. Feed back is gooood!

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