RE: War Report - 25th of July, 1922 (Full Version)

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Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 25th of July, 1922 (12/26/2005 2:30:39 AM)

I can crop them okay in Photoshop but can't work out how to paste them together.

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 5th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 2:43:03 AM)

What I did was to create a blank template picture, and then put all the little bits together on it (imagine somebody working at a light table with little bits of photographs).

Then I took the other screenshot image I'd done (the one with the scores on it), cropped it, and then pasted the image I'd made of the bits into it. The result is what you see.

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 6th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 3:03:39 AM)

After the excitement of the last couple of days, we've settled back down a low roar. It will hopefully be punctuated by a few positive signals intercepts concerning sinking American ships over the coming turns...[:D]

Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 6th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 12:33:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

After the excitement of the last couple of days, we've settled back down a low roar. It will hopefully be punctuated by a few positive signals intercepts concerning sinking American ships over the coming turns...[:D]

Looking at my updated damage figs this is quite possible[:(]


Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 149978 troops, 864 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 42889 troops, 268 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied ground losses:
312 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 7th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 1:47:04 PM)

Grmbl... The Imperial battleship Mutsu sank tonight on its way back from Wake. Unfortunately, her pumps were not able to keep up with the progressive flooding caused by the damage from the action of the last two days. On the other side, American destroyer Montgomery also sank.

Lots of points for my esteemed opponent, but we can only hope that some more American ships join the Mutsu and the Montgomery on the ocean floor.

Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 7th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 3:07:30 PM)


Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 178789 troops, 875 guns, 214 vehicles

Defending force 43144 troops, 270 guns, 0 vehicles

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 0

Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese ground losses:
4256 casualties reported
Guns lost 91
Vehicles lost 5

Allied ground losses:
1163 casualties reported
Guns lost 33

Hopefully, later on today I will post my thoughts so far.

My condolences to the crew of BB Mutsu

I am hopeful the remainder of my ships will get back safeky to port

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 8th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 3:17:52 PM)

The grind continues. Enemy submarines have appeared at the Pescadores, Takao and Bataan. Our ASW forces have been alerted to engage these pirates. Elsewhere, artillery bombardments of enemy positions in Manilla continue.

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 9th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 4:19:03 PM)

Whilst Bill is busy with RL duties, I'm posting another turn.

Today, the Imperial Navy repaid the Dutch for their complicity in the attack on Truk several days ago, when a battle squadron bombarded the Dutch port of Tarakan.

Elsewhere, British submarines made their first appearance in this war. The K-16 was engaged at the Pescadores, whilst the L-2 was attacked at Takao. The latter incident resulted in at least 4 hits or close misses, but no sinking could be confirmed.


Terminus -> RE: War Report - 10th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 8:42:23 PM)

Today, Imperial Intelligence Wireless Intercept picked up an SOS message from the American destroyer Bulmer, reporting that she was sinking approximately 200 miles east of Wake.

Elsewhere, Royal Navy submarine L-16 was engaged in the waters off Bataan, and the artillery bombardment of Manilla continued.

Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 10th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 11:04:08 PM)

Sorry I haven't posted Combat reports for a few turns. Here is the latest:


ASW attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Sawakaze
DD Nokaze
DD Akikaze
DD Kawakaze
DD Hamakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16

Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 112143 troops, 718 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 41962 troops, 254 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied ground losses:
260 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Bill Durrant -> Some thoughts so far: (12/26/2005 11:37:21 PM)

Hopefully this won't give too much away to Terminus:

Well WPO is certainly a different game tactically to WitP. The lack of Aircraft allows a bit more latitude in movement around the map and TFs can go undetected.

My basic plan has been to try and set up a number of strong points in each sector (as detailed below) which are able to assist each other should an attack come. Of course there are some exceptions......

SE ASIA & French Indo China
Well there are plenty of troops here and I have a number of strong points. Supply and fuel is fine and transport is ready should LCUs need to be sent anywhere of distance. A number of surface combat TFs are at the ready. Most subs have a poor range so they are running around as best as can. Whilst on this point the subs are not much use for combat so throughout the map they are being used as screening forces and intel gatherers.

Same as above regarding land forces. I used the CLs and DDs to be a pain in the ass and remind the Japs that they can't roam free. Supply as always in China is not easy but beyond my total control

Again some strongpoints set up. My Japanese foe will find some bases he can walk into whilst others will fight tooth and nail. Supply and fuel okay.

AUS and NZ
Using these as support points for any future plans in the South west Pacific Area. Supply and fuel not great. There is a shortage of TKs and AOs across the board.

The only place I really treated as a lost cause from the outset. There are just not enough ground forces available to reinforce it sufficiently. As a delaying ploy I moved all LCUs to Manila, spent supplies fortifying and put my best leaders in command of the defence. So far this tactic has worked pretty well but it is only a matter of time before a large number of prisoners are taken. Supplies are dwindling but not as fast as I thought they would. Thought there was no point in pouring in extra supplies that a) might not get through or b) if they did would eventually go to feed the Japanese. I never expected Manila to hold on this long

Again there are a chronic lack of LCUs available to reinforce this area. However this area also provides my two greatest assets. Supplies/Fuel from the West Coast and plenty of BBs. I have tried to use these assets to continually remind the Japanese of my presence in the Pacific. It is diffcult to assess how I am doing on this front as very few ships are getting sunk but I presume there is some substantial damage out there on both sides. LCUs will be available soon.

Usual vehicle for pouring supplies, troops and ships into the war.

Again I am trying to build up some strong points. The beauty being that they will rarely get surrounded and will need to be removed by invasion or the good old fashioned blockade.

I am really enjoying this game. My thanks to my opponent Terminus who is just about the perfect PBEM partner.

Oh and my thanks to Tankerace - hope you are on a handsome commission[;)]

Terminus -> War Report - 11th of August, 1922 (12/26/2005 11:50:53 PM)

The war goes on.

British submarine K-16 attempted an attack on the destroyer Kagero at the Pescadores in the pre-dawn darkness of the 11th, but her torpedoes missed. At the break of dawn, our ASW group located the K-16 and attacked with depth charges. A large oil slick floated to the surface, and no further contacts were made today.


Elsewhere, the siege of Manilla grinds on. It has lasted a month and a half now, and shows no immediate signs of ending.

Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 11th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 12:31:59 AM)


Sub attack near Pescadores at 47,43

Japanese Ships
DD Kagero
DD Amatsukaze
DD Kiri
DD Kuwa
DD Minekaze

Allied Ships
SS K-16

Sub attack near Pescadores at 47,43

Japanese Ships
DD Amatsukaze
DD Kiri
DD Kagero
DD Kuwa
DD Minekaze

Allied Ships
SS K-16, hits 1

ASW attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Sawakaze
DD Nokaze
DD Akikaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16

Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 128440 troops, 812 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 42334 troops, 260 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied ground losses:
298 casualties reported
Guns lost 6


British submarine K-16 attempted an attack on the destroyer Kagero at the Pescadores in the pre-dawn darkness of the 11th, but her torpedoes missed. At the break of dawn, our ASW group located the K-16 and attacked with depth charges. A large oil slick floated to the surface, and no further contacts were made today.



Terminus -> RE: War Report - 12th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 12:35:12 AM)

TeeHee...[:D] Apparently the K-16 is commanded by the renegade Lieutenant Colonel Jizaburo Senda. We've been looking for this traitor for quite some time, and will redouble our efforts.

More submarine action this turn, but from a Japanese boat this time, as US minesweepers Finch and Avocet were torpedoed off the port of Soerabaja by Imperial submarine No. 57. Both ships, but especially the Avocet, were heavily damaged, and our submarine escaped unscathed.


Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 12th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 1:07:42 AM)


ASW attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Sawakaze
DD Nokaze
DD Akikaze
DD Kawakaze
DD Hamakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16

Sub attack near Soerabaja at 22,65

Japanese Ships
SS No. 57

Allied Ships
MSW Finch, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
MSW Bittern
MSW Avocet
MSW Heron

Whilst on this point the subs are not much use for combat so throughout the map they are being used as screening forces and intel gatherers.

ASW attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Sawakaze
DD Nokaze
DD Akikaze
DD Kawakaze
DD Hamakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16

ASW attack near Soerabaja at 22,65

Japanese Ships
SS No. 57

Allied Ships
MSW Bittern
MSW Avocet
MSW Heron

TF 1033 encounters mine field at Midway (95,61)

Allied Ships
DD Spriston, heavy damage

Sub attack near Soerabaja at 22,65

Japanese Ships
SS No. 57

Allied Ships
MSW Avocet, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
MSW Bittern


Whilst on this point the subs are not much use for combat so throughout the map they are being used as screening forces and intel gatherers.

Why didn't I keep my big mouth shut!

Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 129469 troops, 825 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 42559 troops, 265 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied ground losses:
401 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 13th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 2:33:37 AM)

The American fleet units at Soerabaja made their hurt feelings towards submarine No. 57 known today, with a spectacularly unsuccesful depth charge attack. [:D]

At the Pescadores, the K-16 attempted an attack on one of our minelayers which was resowing the defensive minefield in the area, but was equally unsuccesful.


Emulating Bill, here are some of my thoughts on the game so far:

At sea, I'm moderately pleased with my performance to this point. The Imperial Navy has been able to deliver land forces to their destinations everywhere I've attempted it, and the loss rate has been acceptable.

The surface engagements we've fought have been largely inconclusive (with one or two exceptions), which helps pull my satisfaction in the other direction. Still, I have to conserve my main battle line, since I won't get as many new capital ships as the Americans and British. Aside from the loss of the Mutsu, which was very irritating because I couldn't sink a 1st line US battleship in return, my battleships and -cruisers are still largely fit for fight.

Under the sea, it's been about what I'd expected after many a beta cycle. Submarines are largely good for scouting only; their firepower simply isn't great enough. However, on the flip side of that coin, they've proven surprisingly difficult for ASW forces to combat, as witnessed by the loss of only a single boat so far.

On land, the BIG THING (tm) is, of course, Manilla. Bill did exactly the right thing when he saw me securing my lodgments on northern Luzon, and withdrew all his forces into a hedgehog defence of the capital. That particular siege is nearing the two-month mark, and has, by my estimation, at least another month to run. Aside from Manilla, I'm pretty pleased with the performance of the Imperial Army. They've done what they were meant to.

Oh, and Bill? Thanks for the kind words, but I'm most certainly NOT the "perfect" PBEM partner.

Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 13th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 2:45:04 AM)


TF 1013 encounters mine field at Midway (95,61)

Allied Ships
DD Schley

Sub attack near Pescadores at 47,43

Japanese Ships
ML Yenoshima Maru

Allied Ships
SS K-16

ASW attack near Soerabaja at 22,65

Japanese Ships
SS No. 57, hits 2

Allied Ships
DM Rizal
DM Hart

ASW attack near Pescadores at 47,43

Japanese Ships
DD Amatsukaze
DD Kiri
DD Kagero
DD Kuwa
DD Minekaze

Allied Ships
SS K-16

ASW attack near Soerabaja at 22,65

Japanese Ships
SS No. 57

Allied Ships
MSW Bittern
MSW Heron

ASW attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Nire
DD Tsubaki
DD Tachikaze
DD Shiokaze
DD Yakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16

Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 134843 troops, 858 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 42526 troops, 268 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied ground losses:
266 casualties reported


Terminus -> RE: War Report - 14th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 10:52:09 AM)

Aside from submarine action at the Pescadores and Bataan today, the Imperial Navy bombarded enemy positions on the island of Cebu today.


Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 14th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 11:43:31 AM)

Hey with that Inspiration level no wonder he managed to bag a couple of MSW[:(] But glad to see he's heading home[;)]


Sub attack near Pescadores at 47,43

Japanese Ships
DD Amatsukaze
DD Kiri
DD Kagero
DD Kuwa
DD Minekaze

Allied Ships
SS K-16

Sub attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Nire
DD Tsubaki
DD Tachikaze
DD Shiokaze
DD Yakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16

ASW attack near Pescadores at 47,43

Japanese Ships
DD Amatsukaze
DD Kiri
DD Kagero
DD Kuwa
DD Minekaze

Allied Ships
SS K-16

Naval bombardment of Cebu Island, at 42,58 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

14 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
Japanese Ships
CL Niitaka
CL Chitose
CA Iwate
BB Satsuma
BB Aki, Shell hits 2
BB Settsu, Shell hits 4

Allied ground losses:
101 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Port supply hits 3

Sub attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Sawakaze
DD Nokaze
DD Akikaze
DD Kawakaze
DD Hamakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16

Sub attack near Pescadores at 47,43

Japanese Ships
DD Kiri
DD Amatsukaze
DD Kagero
DD Kuwa
DD Minekaze

Allied Ships
SS K-16

Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 163956 troops, 883 guns, 215 vehicles

Defending force 42546 troops, 273 guns, 0 vehicles

Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese ground losses:
5827 casualties reported
Guns lost 63
Vehicles lost 3

Allied ground losses:
1973 casualties reported
Guns lost 49

The boys at Manila are still doing me proud

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 15th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 4:25:43 PM)

The American destroyer USS Dent sank at Midway today, another victim of the battles of Wake.

Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 15th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 9:29:16 PM)


Sub attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Nire
DD Tsubaki
DD Tachikaze
DD Shiokaze
DD Yakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16

ASW attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Nire
DD Tsubaki
DD Tachikaze
DD Shiokaze
DD Yakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16, hits 2

Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 127934 troops, 756 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 40544 troops, 227 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied ground losses:
257 casualties reported
Guns lost 4

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 16th of August, 1922 (12/27/2005 9:51:53 PM)

The Royal Navy submarines which had previously invaded my territorial waters have now mostly turned for home, the only exception being the one at Bataan. It seems to still be there, but my destroyers couldn't find it today.

Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 16th of August, 1922 (12/28/2005 1:32:43 AM)


Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 128987 troops, 774 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 40765 troops, 231 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied ground losses:
180 casualties reported
Guns lost 1



Terminus -> RE: War Report - 16th of August, 1922 (12/28/2005 3:00:14 AM)

Bring it; I need the Victory Points! [:D]

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 17th of August, 1922 (12/28/2005 11:25:13 AM)

The French population of Saigon got a rude awakening today, when an Imperial Navy battle squadron showed up to inform them that the decision of their political masters to interfere in the war will not be without cost to them.

A small squadron of French anti-submarine vessels foolishly tried to interfere and were blown to pieces for their trouble. The bombardment of the port area followed.

At Bataan, RN submarine L-16 attempted a surfaced approach on one of our destroyers during the night. Her torpedoes failed to detonate, and she was subsequently coned by the searchlight of the destroyer Nokaze and engaged whilst still on the surface. The torpedo launched against her unfortunately missed, but one 12cm gun hit on her conning tower was observed before she dove under the waves.


Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 17th of August, 1922 (12/28/2005 11:55:43 AM)


The French population of Saigon got a rude awakening today, when an Imperial Navy battle squadron showed up to inform them that the decision of their political masters to interfere in the war will not be without cost to them.

The act of an inadequate power desperately seeking some solace - la guerre n'est pas finir! (I'm sure our French readers will correct me[:(])


Sub attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Nokaze
DD Sawakaze
DD Akikaze
DD Kawakaze
DD Hamakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16, hits 1

Night Time Surface Combat, near Saigon at 31,46

Japanese Ships
CA Ikoma
BB Kashima
BB Hizen
BB Iwami
BB Suwo
CA Kasuga
CL Kuma
DD Hakaze
DD Nashi
DD Take
DD Kuri
DD Tsuga

Allied Ships
SC Ch106, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
SC Ch107, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
SC Ch111, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
SC Ch112

Naval bombardment of Saigon, at 31,46

Japanese Ships
CL Kuma
CA Kasuga
CA Ikoma
BB Suwo
BB Iwami
BB Hizen
BB Kashima

Allied ground losses:
515 casualties reported
Guns lost 7

Port hits 4
Port fuel hits 2
Port supply hits 1

ASW attack near Bataan at 42,51

Japanese Ships
DD Nire
DD Tsubaki
DD Tachikaze
DD Shiokaze
DD Yakaze

Allied Ships
SS L-16

Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 146545 troops, 890 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 40959 troops, 241 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied ground losses:
237 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 18th of August, 1922 (12/28/2005 12:37:28 PM)

Nothing to report today...

Bill Durrant -> RE: War Report - 18th of August, 1922 (12/28/2005 1:21:03 PM)


Sub attack near Midway at 95,61

Japanese Ships
SS No. 30

Allied Ships
MSW Oriole
MSW Thrush
MSW Eider
MSW Partridge
MSW Cardinal
MSW Tanager

ASW attack near Midway at 95,61

Japanese Ships
SS No. 30

Allied Ships
MSW Thrush
MSW Eider
MSW Partridge
MSW Oriole
MSW Cardinal
MSW Tanager

Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 147641 troops, 913 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 41227 troops, 240 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied ground losses:
332 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Lots of troops still heading towards Manila - think the end will be soon

Terminus -> RE: War Report - 19th of August, 1922 (12/28/2005 2:26:35 PM)

Another quiet turn. I wish I could share Bill's view about Manilla falling soon...[:@]

BossGnome -> RE: War Report - 19th of August, 1922 (12/28/2005 2:44:50 PM)

la guerre n'est pas finiE...[;)]

Enjoying this AAR you guys... btw, could we get an update on the general level of victory pts, number of ships sunk, etc etc?

am I still in this game, or did Bill kill me off already? I'm commanding one of the bigger french ships... the desaix i think...

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