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RE: House Rules - Why and What for...?

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RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 12/11/2009 3:29:45 AM   


Posts: 3052
Joined: 9/12/2002
From: Valrico, Florida
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But to get some clarification...

You still think these rules are a good core to start with?

I haven't started my GC yet with my WitP opponent. Been waiting on Patch 2 (and maybe a hotfix?).

But we are now itching to start the GC knowing it will be a while before Patch 3.

Thats why I am wondering.


x-Nuc twidget
USN 87-93
"Going slow in the fast direction"

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Post #: 31
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 12/11/2009 4:12:26 AM   

Posts: 10525
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But to get some clarification...

You still think these rules are a good core to start with?

I haven't started my GC yet with my WitP opponent. Been waiting on Patch 2 (and maybe a hotfix?).

But we are now itching to start the GC knowing it will be a while before Patch 3.

Thats why I am wondering.

We will probably abandon our HR against ASW air and ASW TF when we load patch 02. Otherwise our HR will stand.


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Post #: 32
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 12/11/2009 8:06:36 AM   

Posts: 6391
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ORIGINAL: Jonathan Pollard

A major bone of contention in a multi-player PBEM game that never got off the ground was a proposed house rule prohibiting sailing past Singapore to invade the west coast of Malaya while Singapore was British-controlled.

Just an AI comment,

In WITP the AI would destroy itself trying to do this, havent seen it in my AE games, yet.


Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

(in reply to Jonathan Pollard)
Post #: 33
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 12/11/2009 9:35:00 AM   


Posts: 3052
Joined: 9/12/2002
From: Valrico, Florida
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Thanks JW.

Anyone else have HR that are not on this list that are worth considering?


x-Nuc twidget
USN 87-93
"Going slow in the fast direction"

(in reply to JeffroK)
Post #: 34
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 12/11/2009 10:09:18 AM   

Posts: 3386
Joined: 10/26/2006
From: Jerez, Spain, EU
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1.- KB must return to metropolitan port (or Saipan/Kwajalein/Truk/Palaos) after PH attack.
Only one exception: If Wake Island hold on by the marines against the first IJN/IJA invasion
attempt then the IJ player can redeploy two carrier with their escorts to support a second
invasion attempt.

2.- Maximum aircraft per airfield level is 50 x level AF +10%. (i.e. an airfield with level 3 can operate with 165 planes). HQ counts to this maximum (9.4 AE Rulebook). AF with level 0 can operate with a maximum of 36 FPs.

3.- There is a limit on MAX "non" chinese 4E bombers Sqdns can be stationated in China. They must
be US Sqdrns and operate only out level 6+ AF.

4.- 4E Bombers can not fly naval attack mission under 10.000 feet.

5.- All PT in the same hex must be in one TF.

6.- No Sub Invasions. No airdropping 1 squad via airdrop or similar gamey tactics.

7.- Malacca strait must not be crossed by IJN surface ships until Singapore is in IJA hands.

8.- No ships or submarines can be send to a target hex out of range. (Exception: TFs meeting with
AO´s replenishment TF).

9.- Japanese player must to pay to move Kwangtung forces out of Machukuo.

10.- Thay forces can not move out of 3 hexes of their national frontier.

11.- We can only airdrop a unit on a target if it has at least 40 Prep Points on the target it´s

12.- No strategic bombing over China.

These are the H.R. that I usually take in my games.
Best wishes



(in reply to Knavey)
Post #: 35
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 12/12/2009 12:04:34 AM   


Posts: 3052
Joined: 9/12/2002
From: Valrico, Florida
Status: offline

I understand all but numbers 2 and 8. What are the reasons for these? I thought 2 was addressed in AE. It is something I would have used in WitP.


x-Nuc twidget
USN 87-93
"Going slow in the fast direction"

(in reply to Fletcher)
Post #: 36
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 12/12/2009 12:35:59 AM   

Posts: 10525
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ORIGINAL: Jonathan Pollard

A major bone of contention in a multi-player PBEM game that never got off the ground was a proposed house rule prohibiting sailing past Singapore to invade the west coast of Malaya while Singapore was British-controlled.

Just an AI comment,

In WITP the AI would destroy itself trying to do this, havent seen it in my AE games, yet.

Although we had to fix this almost monthly for two years - we would fix it - and it would come back - and we would fix it - and it would come back - seemed like never ending cycle. Probably will come back again one day!


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(in reply to JeffroK)
Post #: 37
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 12/28/2009 1:22:48 PM   


Posts: 579
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You guys are all nuts with all these house rules. Just play the game man. The only rule I might be inclined to agree to is Manchurian limits based on load cost and not Assault so that the Japanese can't move all their freakin artillery into China unless paid for of course. :-)

(in reply to Knavey)
Post #: 38
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 12/28/2009 11:39:58 PM   


Posts: 579
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My solution to the China Manchuria Garrison problem,

Okay, so since the assault point rules are not working I am working on a formula which I think should work.

At game start there is 11,000 approx assault points in Manchuria and they say you must have at least 8,000 or else risk and early entry of the Russian Super Power. So, that is 8/11 must stay. Therefore, I will take account of and add up all units load points starting in Manchuria and multiply times 3/11 which is the amount of units I can move out without restrictions.
This at least would stop the Japanese from moving unlimited amounts of artillery into China plus 3000 assault points of other units. I also think this would be more fair than completely blocking the Japanese altogether from moving any units what so ever which is so, so very unhistoric without penalty.

Comments anyone?


(in reply to treespider)
Post #: 39
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 3/12/2010 8:01:12 PM   


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Post #: 40
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 3/12/2010 9:53:58 PM   
mike scholl 1


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ORIGINAL: findmeifyoucan

You guys are all nuts with all these house rules. Just play the "game", man.

Problem is that not everyone wants to play "Candyland". Some players have a perverse notion that they would like to simulate WW II in the Pacific.

(in reply to findmeifyoucan)
Post #: 41
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 3/12/2010 10:28:53 PM   

Posts: 7937
Joined: 7/24/2007
From: The Big Nowhere
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ORIGINAL: treespider

What House rules are you using?

In addition to providng your rule please explain why you use that particular rule.


Przemek and I really only have 2 house rules and they both relate to the border issue.

1. Korean and Kwantung Army Units cannot leave unless PP are paid. I plan on modding the GC to permanently Restrict a number of the Artillery and support units to help prevent the wholesale evacuation of manchuria of these support units since they do not count much towards the garrison limt. Perhaps someday Garrison Requiements can will be fulfilled by Load Cost.

2. Thai Units stay in Thailand.


So what House Rules are you using and why?

I basically only ask for 4 house rules...and actually 3 of the three are more guidelines than full rules.

1. Any unit moving out of restricted commands must pay PP before movement. (IE Kwangtung, China, West Coast, General Defense etc).
2. Only 1 group of 1e, 2e or 4e LBA on ASW patrol per base. (Floats and Amphibians do not count against this number)
3. Only 1 group of 4e below 6k altitude on naval interdiction per base.
4. Only 1 group on aerial mining mission per base.

So I don't really prohibit any tactics, but I basically just ask that you keep things reasonable. Putting 300 B-17s in one base attacking at 100' on the naval attack mission is a no no...putting 3 groups in 3 seperate bases at 100' naval attack doesn't bother me, for example. And since I play Japan mostly, the ASW rule actually has more affect on me.


Distant Worlds Fan

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Post #: 42
Shipwreck Rules - 3/13/2010 12:11:43 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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Here are the rules we are using in the 2x2 Shipwreck:


1. 1st turn can have multiple port attacks, but ONLY from carriers. Manila and Singapore may have Fighters up and on CAP. Cannot transfer new Squadrons reflecting prior knowledge.

2. PPs to move out of national borders (Japan - Manchuria, Thai) and (Allies - India, China)

3. No strategic bombing (Oil, Resources, HI, LI, etc.) until July 1943

4. Manila subs can form TF based on a date/time stamp (use the last digit in a pre-determined e-mail). Since this may be the second port attack, the last digit in the time (hh:mm:ss) is used to determine how many subs can form TF

5. Japan will follow restrictions Juan suggests on conversions: Japan should only have two BB or CVL conversions at any one time, and four CA or CVE conversion at any one time.

6. Non-historic 1st turn, +/- 60 day reinforcement, PDUs ON, orders for TF formed already

7. Offensive operations in jungle and mountain hexes on the Burmese front should be stopped from early-June to early-December, allowing R&R and unit rotations, and give both players on the front a much less bloody (and much more interesting) experience. This would mean:

- No deliberate or shock attack in the jungle hexagones in the designated area
- Bombardment attacks are still allowed
- Movement into friendly or empty hexs are still allowed
- No offensive air ops from or against the Burmese front hexagones (recon still allowed)
- No offensive carrier operations in the Gulf of Bengal against Burma (other naval ops, including bombardment, are still allowed). Striking either Bengal, Northern India or Malaya from carriers in the Gulf is still allowed, of course.

Hexagones would be corresponding to everything above the "Thailand" label within Burmese and Thailandese borders + the few jungle hexagones going 3 or 4 hexagones into "India" (Kohima, Ledo, Imphal area)

8. Night Bombing must have 50% Moonlight through the end of 1943. Starting January 1, 1944 Night Bombing may occur in any condition.

9. Aircraft Limitations:
a. TB2D-1 Skypirate and FD-1 Phantom should only operate from land bases or Midway class CVBs.

b. A7M Sam and B7A/-D Grace should not be operated from Japanese CVE's.

c. Combat altitude could be fighters only from:
Dec 1941- May 1942 20,000
June 1942-Dec 1942 25,000
1943 28,000
1944 31,000
1945 Whatever

All other Aircraft below 20k (except Recon)

10. Four-Engine Bombers:
a. 4e bombers restricted to 10k or higher for naval attacks (does not include PBY/Mavis type patrol craft)

b. 4e bombers CANNOT bomb troops


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to Knavey)
Post #: 43
RE: House Rules - Why and What for...? - 3/13/2010 9:57:26 AM   
castor troy

Posts: 14330
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ORIGINAL: treespider


ORIGINAL: scott1964

No city bombing until 1944
Realistic Burma withdraw
No sub invasion
No unit fragment to cut off retreat

With new ZoC rules and the fact that you are no longer pinned in a hex by the presence of enemy units...this little nugget isn't that necessary. Dispatch a portion of the defender into the fragments hex and punt it.


No naval 4E bombing under 10k
PP cost to move Kwantung Army Units
No Japs around the Allied incoming points from off map. 10 Hexes away.

How can you tell which hex is the incoming point from off-map?

because it´s always the same hex the TFs are coming in when they go to the same location. For example, all TFs enter the map at the same hex when going to San Francisco, going to Karachi, etc. I had this same hr before starting my PBEM but we dropped it because we thought TFs would not enter at the same hex, just to find out they DO enter at the same hexes all the time.

this is the rest of the hrs in my PBEM:

no new Allied TFs on turn 1
only one Japanese port strike
cease fire in China until 1 Feb 42
no strategic bombing in China
no Allied strategic bombing of occupied Allied territory at any time, Allied strategic bombing only allowed on Japanese held territory of 12/7/41
no Allied 4E bombers on naval attack below 10.000ft from 6/42 on. Valid for Army 4Es, not valid for USN heavy bombers at any time
no moving out of Japanese troops from China or Kwangtung without paying PPs. Moving out units without paying PPs allowed if one (or both) theatre(s) have been knocked out completely (something that has to be agreed on if it happens as knocked out doesn´t necessarily mean that all bases have to be conquered), in this case, all garisson requirments have to be met though (not the 8000 av for the Kwangtung garisson but all BASE garisson requirments)
as realistic R&D is turned OFF and I don´t exactly know how effectively it can really get, no overabuse of this function. Means not producing any aircraft earlier than 4 months of their normal arrival as it would be quite off to see Shidens or whatever super advanced ac a year earlier (or even earlier)

edit: damn it, I just realized that I´m breaking a rule in my game as we´re already in 6/42 and I´ve used my 4Es on nav attacks below 10.000ft. Sorry Rainer, this will be changed immedietely.

< Message edited by castor troy -- 3/13/2010 10:06:38 AM >


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