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RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock

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RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/21/2015 2:13:42 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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Does he have Shermans yet? Or is he still using Grants/Lees? Can´t remember when the M4s start arriving. Those things are pretty much unstoppable! (I love them! )

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Post #: 5851
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/21/2015 2:25:35 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Does he have Shermans yet? Or is he still using Grants/Lees? Can´t remember when the M4s start arriving. Those things are pretty much unstoppable! (I love them! )

I wish there was just a little bit of fluff in the combat reports to let me know. I have been told that the 1st Provisional has M4s..and that is a tough unit.

I have no clue...massed artillery is the answer, heavy terrain, forts, AA. Can't do that many places -- and the darn things get disabled in the fight first, and then need to be destroyed. Lousy two step process.

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Post #: 5852
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/21/2015 4:41:49 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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Ah, I forgot you can´t see that! Terrain, forts and arty will certainly help against them!

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Post #: 5853
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/21/2015 7:06:03 PM   
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Matrix Hero

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I agree-- even when you feel like all you do is put out fires as the JFB, every now and then you get a smashing little victory in to throw the Allies off balance. Maybe sink a few CV's on a hit and run or something. Always fun and keeps you going


April 18th, 1944

The war is going badly, and it starts off with the invasion of Paramushiro. I wonder at the Allies methodical conquest of the Kuriles.

Anyhow, there are some solid guns there and actually a little bit of decent troops. And supply. And a functioning port. Lookout! Japan is going to show that they still have some teeth.

We maul 3 destroyers and damage a CL, and the Pennsylvania with several nice hits on the superstructure that start fires -- most hits bounce. Still, in the overall scheme of things pretty trivial.

Even during the darkest days, Obvert told me there would be days like today. Little victories that make you a happy JFB. Continue perusing the AAR dear reader and you will be thrilled (to a little degree) - your secret JFB hearts will go a twitter.


John 21:25

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Post #: 5854
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/22/2015 11:53:21 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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April 19, 1944

In the storms of the Kuriles, small Japanese ships strike at the Allied invasion fleet. Four or five engagements are fought, numerous collisions, but the torpedoes are wild today hitting only a few of the Allied ships. 2 MTBS are reported sunk, but the confusion, collisions, cause much havoc on the Allies.

Four to five Allied ships are sunk, the largest being a small destroyer.

The invasion puts a wrinkle in the Allied attack: 1-7 odds and the 33rd division is further weakened.

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Post #: 5855
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/22/2015 11:57:31 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Over Honshu, the Allies return to Tokyo and close the runways. Both sides lose 20 planes...

And a quiet day in Bangkok...Allies are massing their troops to bull their way thru. The Japanese digging in to hold them.

The 33rd Division is now on the plains, and will pull back to join the 14th (up to 150 AV) at Vientiane. The 14th will make the road SE of Uttaradit and will head for Vientiane too.

Battambang line is digging in. More troops unloading at Tourane...

Allied carriers are pushing down close to Singers.

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Post #: 5856
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/23/2015 12:44:21 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Got a turn away...working on a big surprise for the Allies.

Counterstroke. I think everything looks good for tomorrow...

Jocke will have to wait on his turn till after Sunday I think; his turn is too complicated, what with all the movement of troops to Hokkaido in that game.

No more free time till Monday I think in reality.

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Post #: 5857
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/23/2015 6:54:12 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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Jocke will have to wait on his turn till after Sunday I think; his turn is too complicated, what with all the movement of troops to Hokkaido in that game.

How dense do you think I am?

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Post #: 5858
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/23/2015 11:09:33 AM   
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Matrix Elite Guard

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No one answer that!


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Post #: 5859
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/23/2015 11:14:36 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Just so you don't think I am ignoring Jocke, I woke up extra early in the hotel, watched the sunrise over the mountains, and cranked out the turn while the ladies where getting ready for the day.

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Post #: 5860
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/23/2015 11:40:13 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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ORIGINAL: Encircled

No one answer that!

Hey! Be nice!


Just so you don't think I am ignoring Jocke, I woke up extra early in the hotel, watched the sunrise over the mountains, and cranked out the turn while the ladies where getting ready for the day.

Excellent use of the half a day it usually takes for them to "get ready"!

PS. Writing this from my newly installed wallmounted pad in the kitchen. Nerdgasm!

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Post #: 5861
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/23/2015 11:51:21 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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We need a picture of that!

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Post #: 5862
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/23/2015 11:58:34 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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We need a picture of that!

I´ll get one up tonight! Now I can read the forum while cooking dinner!

EDIT: Here you go!

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< Message edited by JocMeister -- 8/23/2015 2:40:23 PM >

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Post #: 5863
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/24/2015 3:57:57 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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April 20th, 1944

No night bombing. Lots of good MTB fights in the Kuriles, more collisions, delays, etc. Nothing big hit.

Allies go for the oil at Shikuka, and suffer some horrendous disablements. Certainly not due to the 30AV of troops defending. Perhaps this will slow him down a little.

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Post #: 5864
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/24/2015 3:59:43 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Over Honshu, the deathstar and more show up. Allies lose 1 for every 2 Japanese planes. Bombers focus on runways, this time Yokohoma.

Is this the invasion fleet sailing in for a beach near Tokyo?

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Post #: 5865
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/24/2015 4:01:25 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Allies break the jungle holding position, and are into the central plains with some small units.

I was hoping for one more day...and also the troops pursuing not being able to right away.

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Post #: 5866
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/24/2015 4:31:51 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Over Honshu, the deathstar and more show up. Allies lose 1 for every 2 Japanese planes. Bombers focus on runways, this time Yokohoma.

Is this the invasion fleet sailing in for a beach near Tokyo?

Are there other TFs there besides the CVEs? CVEs says almost certainly an invasion, however I've used them to help have overwhelming CAP in the "Deathstar Hex".

If it's an invasion, that looks like the plains hexes to me. Sendai, Iwaki... I guess it's the easiest place to invade, but it's also the easiest place for you to pound the troops that make it ashore.

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Post #: 5867
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/24/2015 5:14:10 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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I don't think it is a major invasion, but it could be a shot at an island or two. There are at least two BB in the a fair amount of invasion shipping (two divisions worth.

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Post #: 5868
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/25/2015 12:31:52 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Ok, turn is away. The next week should be fairly ugly...

Set up a CAP trap near Singers...

Poised for a counterstrike...but my target disappeared on me.

I may rush the Deathstar with a large group TFs comprised of destroyers, mtbs, etc. A lot depends upon how well they setup today.

Signs of activity in the mtns with the Chinese. Not too worried there yet.

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Post #: 5869
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/25/2015 1:27:58 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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April 21, 1944

No night bombing. Lose at least one Iboat, several damaged moving out to interfere with the Allied task forces off Honshu.

Over the skies, we inflict 130 losses on the Allies: Jugs, Liberators, SBD, Hellcats, Lightnings hardest hit. We lose mostly Jacks, Georges and Franks about 60 all told. Maebashi runways closed...he is really targeting runways so I suspect he is invading somewhere.

No DL on the islands.

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< Message edited by Lowpe -- 8/25/2015 2:28:36 PM >

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Post #: 5870
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/25/2015 1:31:31 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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In the Kuriles, Shikuka falls...escort carriers here. Paramushiro holds and maintains fort levels inflicting some losses on Allies in a 1-4 attack.

Over in Thailand, the Allies bomb, often from 3000 feet. They have total control of the skies sweeping with Jugs and Spits.

At Uttaradit, the 14th Division made it to the dirt road to the SE (they had an effective 50AV), and the Allies shock attack.

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Post #: 5871
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/25/2015 1:32:49 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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On the road to Battambang, after heavy bombing the Allies crash into the Japanese lines...

Two Allied divisions, 255th Indian Tank, several mountain guns attack. Odds 1-225.

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< Message edited by Lowpe -- 8/25/2015 2:35:37 PM >

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Post #: 5872
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/25/2015 2:12:30 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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I can't see the Allies going for a dinky Japanese Island, so I suspect he will land here. Or it is simply a dry run designed to inflict massive losses on my strike planes.

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< Message edited by Lowpe -- 8/25/2015 3:13:08 PM >

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Post #: 5873
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/26/2015 5:49:18 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Turn is sent. What will it bring? Invasion Honshu? Invasion Japanese Island? Huge Cap Trap? Bluff and heavy bombing?

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Post #: 5874
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/26/2015 6:23:57 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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Turn is sent. What will it bring? Invasion Honshu? Invasion Japanese Island? Huge Cap Trap? Bluff and heavy bombing?

An invasion would certainly be fun to watch. Might even buy you more time VP wise!

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Post #: 5875
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/27/2015 1:00:56 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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April 22, 1944

No night bombing....

Allies invade the Japanese Islands...they will take them as there are plentiful AFVs in the invasion force, and no AT weapons on the islands or nor much.

Just not enough troops to garrison everything.

Allies lose 47 planes for 11 for Japan. I had been worried about an invasion from Tsu to the east, and had set my strike planes accordingly.

An IJN destroyer squadron ran in to protect the beaches, but then retreated away.

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Post #: 5876
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/27/2015 1:02:25 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Thailand, the great escape continues.

Battambang looks to be a good blocking position for now as they tie up lots of Allied firepower, but the Allied tanks will be running across the plains shortly.

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Post #: 5877
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/27/2015 1:08:42 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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IndoChina - I hope you are able to get into Vietnam and don't have to try a Dunkirk to get your troops out. If he controls the skies, then it will be hard. Don't know how he is using his B-25 attack bombers, but they are great at sinking transports.


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Post #: 5878
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/27/2015 2:01:39 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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Probably wants to use the islands as fighter bases. Can you suppress them from the air or sea?

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Post #: 5879
RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock - 8/27/2015 3:01:00 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Probably wants to use the islands as fighter bases. Can you suppress them from the air or sea?

Probably not.

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