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ALL GERMAN TYPOS here thanks

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ALL GERMAN TYPOS here thanks - 11/29/2015 7:02:10 AM   

Posts: 429
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From: Germany
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Read this post first, thanks

- - -

First, I am enjoying the game a lot!

But seeing some conversation (reports), I am not sure, what is intended and what is a simple typo.

AG Farben (wrong) = IG Farben
Armeegruppe Nordwärts = Heeresgruppe Nord
Kommandante = Oberbefehlshaber
Cdr = Kdr
... and so on.

Is this intended to make sure, that we take everything with a grain of salt or is here a correction needed?

Vic, a very good approach and really fresh air in the genre.

< Message edited by lancer -- 12/4/2015 3:12:46 AM >
Post #: 1
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 7:04:30 AM   

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yes if something is missed or not correct, report it, and i'm sure Vic & C will sort it

< Message edited by zakblood -- 11/29/2015 8:04:58 AM >

(in reply to Meteor2)
Post #: 2
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 8:14:31 AM   


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Also, it's Königsberg (or, at least, Koenigsberg) not Koningsberg. Koningsberg just sound too... Dutch!

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 3
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 8:17:03 AM   


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Hi Meteor,

AG Farben is deliberately wrong to avoid connections with it's unsavoury activities. Zylon B, etc.

The others you mention are there to accommodate non-German speakers. It'd be nice to go for full realism here but it's not much good if nobody understands what's being said so there is some fudging involved.

However there are doubtless other typos or spelling mistakes present despite my best efforts as there is a lot of text.


< Message edited by lancer -- 11/29/2015 9:19:03 AM >

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 4
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 9:57:15 AM   

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ORIGINAL: lancer

The others you mention are there to accommodate non-German speakers. It'd be nice to go for full realism here but it's not much good if nobody understands what's being said so there is some fudging involved.

However there are doubtless other typos or spelling mistakes present despite my best efforts as there is a lot of text.


For me as a German these are immersion killers. Why dont call a Armygroup a Heeresgruppe? Whats the big deal? I guess most people who buy this kind of games already have an interest in WW2 history and they are familiar with the correct terms.


(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 5
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 10:00:25 AM   

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ORIGINAL: DerGrenadier


ORIGINAL: lancer

The others you mention are there to accommodate non-German speakers. It'd be nice to go for full realism here but it's not much good if nobody understands what's being said so there is some fudging involved.

However there are doubtless other typos or spelling mistakes present despite my best efforts as there is a lot of text.


For me as a German these are immersion killers. Why dont call a Armygroup a Heeresgruppe? Whats the big deal? I guess most people who buy this kind of games already have an interest in WW2 history and they are familiar with the correct terms.

Another German gives a big thumb up on this statement!
And what is the big deal to introduce German military ranks?

< Message edited by Templer -- 11/29/2015 11:03:32 AM >

(in reply to DerGrenadier)
Post #: 6
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 10:23:41 AM   


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ORIGINAL: lancer
AG Farben is deliberately wrong to avoid connections with it's unsavoury activities. Zylon B, etc.

Well, since the German player has to routinely deal with people like Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, I think he might not be that shocked in having to deal with the CEO of the IG Farben. Anyway, not a big problem for me.


The others you mention are there to accommodate non-German speakers. It'd be nice to go for full realism here but it's not much good if nobody understands what's being said so there is some fudging involved.

If using correct German terms can really cause misunderstandings, why not use simple plain English?

I speak only a little German but I second what our German speaking friends said: reading "faux German" is an immersion killer.

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 7
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 2:55:56 PM   

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Totally agree. I really HATE political correctness.

I never heard of the city: Koningsberg (must be a typo). No need to put umlauts, but 'cmon...


Conflict with the unexpected: two qualities are indispensable; first, an intellect which, even in the midst of this obscurity, is not without some traces of inner light which lead to the truth; second, the courage to follow this faint light. KvC

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Post #: 8
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 3:24:40 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Jagdtiger14
I never heard of the city: Koningsberg (must be a typo). No need to put umlauts, but 'cmon...

As I said above it's a typo, probably due to the Dutch spelling of the city i.e. Koningsbergen; koning (Dutch) = König (German) = king (English).

(in reply to Jagdtiger14)
Post #: 9
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 9:38:19 PM   


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Chosing the the German side you role-play as Halder,don't you?
Then why is the the player adressed as Field Marshal and not as Colonel General?

(in reply to amatteucci)
Post #: 10
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/29/2015 11:47:45 PM   


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ORIGINAL: wosung

Chosing the the German side you role-play as Halder,don't you?
Then why is the the player adressed as Field Marshal and not as Colonel General?

That's what i've been thinking about he was'nt a fm and was not the Oberkommando des Heeres.
Brauchitch was,Halder as Chief of the General Staff was basically his chief of staff.

< Message edited by barkhorn45 -- 12/1/2015 3:44:49 PM >

(in reply to wosung)
Post #: 11
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/30/2015 1:49:22 AM   


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Halder has indeed been given a promotion for the game.

We're considering rescinding it.


(in reply to barkhorn45)
Post #: 12
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/30/2015 5:28:37 PM   

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From: Germany
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Please(!) remove the "Luftflotten Kommandants".
It has to be "Oberbefehlshaber der Luftflotten".

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 13
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/30/2015 7:45:12 PM   

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"Theather Nordwärts" - Please change to "Heeresgruppe Nord".

"Heer Ostzone" - Please change to "Ostfront" (if context ok).

No german speaker in the team?

(in reply to Meteor2)
Post #: 14
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/30/2015 8:07:29 PM   

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ORIGINAL: lancer
The others you mention are there to accommodate non-German speakers. It'd be nice to go for full realism here but it's not much good if nobody understands what's being said so there is some fudging involved.

Hi Cameron,

I won't accept this statement.

We all are strategy players, war gamer, we are able to keep dozens of rules in our mind - we will adapt such realism easily!

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 15
RE: Should we report typos ? - 11/30/2015 10:25:42 PM   


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As I'm the one who put all the texts together and made some dubious calls on mangling the German language you can blame me for this.

I'm not a German speaker and I've used English reference books on the subject that have taken a relatively consistent naming approach which I've followed.

However there is always room for improvement and if you'd like to highlight areas where my 'German Speak' hasn't passed muster, in this thread, at some point not too far away, I'll take a swing through all the numerous text files and correct things.


(in reply to Templer_12)
Post #: 16
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 3:04:17 AM   


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For me it is fine like this, since i dont speak or understand a word of german.



(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 17
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 5:09:23 AM   


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Haha yeah - let's do AG Farben because that doesn't associate with IG Farben...

Let's fight with the Wehrmacht, who were a bunch of innocent strategists forced by Hitler to fight - but otherwise took great care of the Russian country and the people living there.
Or let's fight the Red Army who - when the war was won - just behaved themselves and didn't make sure that many a baby born in 1946 in German families weren't from German daddies.

Or let's call Hitler just Hilter, and Stalin something like Stealin - just not to associate them with the teddybears that they were.

Maybe the cartoonish leader images will help us forget too :)

Come on guys, it's IG Farben. We are grownups, we know what we're doing.
Great game though.

< Message edited by Skyhigh -- 12/1/2015 6:10:41 AM >

(in reply to sergeii99)
Post #: 18
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 5:44:58 AM   

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ORIGINAL: lancer


As I'm the one who put all the texts together and made some dubious calls on mangling the German language you can blame me for this.

I'm not a German speaker and I've used English reference books on the subject that have taken a relatively consistent naming approach which I've followed.

However there is always room for improvement and if you'd like to highlight areas where my 'German Speak' hasn't passed muster, in this thread, at some point not too far away, I'll take a swing through all the numerous text files and correct things.


Hi Lancer,
thats ok. No need to defend. I like the approach to add German wording to the reports in the game. That adds flavour and looks better.
But if that is really intended, we should try to eliminate to the funny expressions (for us Germans at least) and replace them by correct ones.
I think, that most of the Germans on the forum are glad to help.

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 19
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 1:17:46 PM   


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I agree that the "Pidgin German" is bad for immersion. If you want to use German in the game, please use the real language. :)

Also the politically correct stuff like AG Farben is unnecessary, unless there's some real legal reason prohibiting the use of the original name. But I know that IG Farben as a conglomerate doesn't even exist anymore. Since the brutal dictators Hitler and Stalin are already present in the game, along with a few other unsavoury characters, IG Farben wouldn't really make things any worse, in my humble opinion.

Obviously these are small details and the game is great even without changing them. :)


"But here we are in a chamber pot, about to be ****ted upon."

-French General Auguste Ducrot before the Battle of Sedan, September 1870

(in reply to Meteor2)
Post #: 20
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 1:38:49 PM   

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(in reply to PJJ)
Post #: 21
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 2:03:56 PM   


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Obviously these are small details and the game is great even without changing them. :)


(in reply to PJJ)
Post #: 22
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 2:50:18 PM   


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Brauchitch was the Oberkommando des Heeres and Halder was Chief of the General Staff.
Basically he was Brauchitch's chief of staff.Not really a typo but....

(in reply to ernieschwitz)
Post #: 23
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 7:03:53 PM   

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Please(!) remove the "Luftflotten Kommandants".
It has to be "Oberbefehlshaber der Luftflotten".

Be precisely on this:
Luftflotte = Singular
Luftflotten = Plural

(in reply to Meteor2)
Post #: 24
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 9:12:02 PM   

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From: Germany
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Please(!) remove the "Luftflotten Kommandants".
It has to be "Oberbefehlshaber der Luftflotten".

Be precisely on this:
Luftflotte = Singular
Luftflotten = Plural

Right. But here it was meant to be Plural.

Meaning was "... die OB der Luftflotten berichteten...".

(in reply to Templer_12)
Post #: 25
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/1/2015 9:32:44 PM   


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IG Farben is actually correct.

The company split into four and was renamed but not until the early 50's.


(in reply to Meteor2)
Post #: 26
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/3/2015 1:28:09 AM   


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PanzerGruppe to Panzergruppe
Panzergruppes to Panzergruppen

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 27
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/3/2015 3:42:33 PM   

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ORIGINAL: lancer


As I'm the one who put all the texts together and made some dubious calls on mangling the German language you can blame me for this.

I'm not a German speaker and I've used English reference books on the subject that have taken a relatively consistent naming approach which I've followed.

However there is always room for improvement and if you'd like to highlight areas where my 'German Speak' hasn't passed muster, in this thread, at some point not too far away, I'll take a swing through all the numerous text files and correct things.


Maybe this is helpful, Sir:
-> German Military Abbreviations by the US Army Military Institute. April 12th, 1943

< Message edited by Templer -- 12/3/2015 4:44:22 PM >

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 28
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/3/2015 4:45:44 PM   

Posts: 1700
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In German, Herr (Mr. or Sir...) is always Herr (capital letter 'H')

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< Message edited by Templer -- 12/12/2015 1:56:58 PM >

(in reply to Templer_12)
Post #: 29
RE: Should we report typos ? - 12/3/2015 6:48:53 PM   

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Friekorps (wrong) has to be : Freikorps

Cdr. 221 Security Div. GenLt. Pflugbebeil (wrong) has to be : Pflugbeil

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