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20 Aug 42 reports

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20 Aug 42 reports - 5/6/2020 9:04:19 AM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
Sub attack near Port Moresby at 97,131
AK Nagara Maru
PB Manyo Maru
Allied Ships
SS S-34
SS S-34 launches 2 torpedoes at AK Nagara Maru
Sub attack near Amami Oshima at 98,63
xAK Nikki Maru
PB Shonan Maru #2
Allied Ships
SS Skipjack
SS Skipjack launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Nikki Maru
Skipjack diving deep ....
Submarine attack near Busselton at 41,148
SS I-170
Allied Ships
xAK Anglo Canadian, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Anglo Canadian is sighted by SS I-170
SS I-170 launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Anglo Canadian
ASW attack near Buka at 108,129
xAK Awajisan Maru
PB Senyu Maru #2
Allied Ships
SS S-43
SS S-43 is sighted by escort
S-43 diving deep ....
Sub attack near Buka at 108,129
xAK Maya Maru, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage, sunk
Allied Ships
SS Pickerel
xAK Maya Maru is sighted by SS Pickerel
SS Pickerel launches 2 torpedoes
Morning Air attack on 5th Australian Division, at 75,131 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 14
Allied ground losses:
63 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Morning Air attack on Dutch Harbor , at 171,50
G4M1 Betty x 3
3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 15000 feet
Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
Morning Air attack on 1st Australian Division, at 76,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 10
Allied ground losses:
56 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Also attacking 30th Australian Brigade ...
Morning Air attack on Americal Infantry Division, at 77,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 13
Allied ground losses:
23 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Vehicles lost 4 (1 destroyed, 3 disabled)
Also attacking 193rd Tank Battalion ...
Also attacking 632nd Tank Destroyer Battalion ...
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on 14th Chinese Corps, at 76,45 (Chungking)
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on 18th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
Morning Air attack on 1st Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 1st Australian Division, at 76,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 3
Allied ground losses:
6 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Afternoon Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143
A6M2 Zero x 54
B5N2 Kate x 36
D3A1 Val x 86
B5N2 Kate: 2 damaged
D3A1 Val: 5 damaged
Allied aircraft
no flights
SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed on ground
Allied Ships
AS Fulton, Bomb hits 1, on fire
Runway hits 2
Port hits 1
Aircraft Attacking:
D3A1 Val bombing from 20000 feet - level bombing to try and avoid flak, which they did, but they also didn't hit much
Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
B5N2 Kate bombing from 20000 feet
Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
Afternoon Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Afternoon Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
ASW attack near Lunga at 115,138
SC Ch 14
Allied Ships
SS S-40
SS S-40 is sighted by escort
S-40 bottoming out ....
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5856 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1133
Defending force 73856 troops, 306 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2616
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9165 troops, 606 guns, 651 vehicles, Assault Value = 5345, +107 today.
Defending force 128013 troops, 679 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4052, -18 today.
Allied ground losses:
91 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 11 disabled
Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Assaulting units: No change, split into RCTs to help boost recovery.
Defending units: No change assumed, based on the negative AV change.
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3236 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 582
Defending force 21686 troops, 133 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 741
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 923
Defending force 25280 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 330
Ground combat at 80,39 (near Tienshui)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 13001 troops, 125 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 470
Defending force 25631 troops, 47 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 740
Ground combat at Urumchi (79,11)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 5270 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 163
Defending force 3054 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 69
Japanese adjusted assault: 107
Allied adjusted defense: 83
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 0)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-)
Japanese ground losses:
429 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 33 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
228 casualties reported
Squads: 19 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units:
4th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
303rd Brigade
259th Brigade
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12526 troops, 168 guns, 416 vehicles, Assault Value = 581
Defending force 11001 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 387
Allied ground losses:
12 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-4 attacking SS Tuna at 112,107 SS Tuna is reported HIT
D3A1 Val from 31 Ku T-1 attacking an Allied SS at 111,109 an Allied SS is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from Mizuho-2 attacking a Narwhal class SS at 54,45 a Narwhal class SS is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from Chiyoda-1 attacking SS S-18 at 120,143 SS S-18 is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from Tone-2 attacking SS Thresher at 99,56 SS Thresher is reported HIT
Ki-21-Ic Sally from 3rd Sentai attacking a Electric Boat S-18 class SS at 99,56 a KXI Class class SS is reported HIT
14 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
14 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
5 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
3 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
Repairs completed on AK Noto Maru at Hakodate, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on TK Akatsuki Maru at Singapore, ship returned to service
Kofu expands airfield to size 3
March Field expands airfield to size 6
Johore Bahru expands port to size 3 – stopped. A size 3 port allows the smaller resource convoys from around the area to auto-dock and unload without blocking up the Singapore dockyards which have priority for fuel and oil exports. Less than size 3 ports need manual handling.
Townsville expands port to size 6
Sorong expands airfield to size 4 – stopped for now. This airstrip has been developed in depth in preparation for potential future operations.
Tezpur expands airfield to size 8
Previous report of sinking of DD MacDonough incorrect. Intelligence reports ship is still in service
Loss of xAK Maya Maru on Aug 20, 1942 is admitted

< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/6/2020 9:12:09 AM >


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 781
21 Aug 42 reports - 5/6/2020 9:07:00 AM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
Battle of Chungking Round 3 reduces forts to level 4.

Sub attack near Makassar at 65,107
PB Tokuho Maru #5
Allied Ships
SS Tarpon
Sub attack near Akyab at 54,45
AMc Kibi Maru, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage, sunk.
Allied Ships
SS Trusty
SS Trusty launches 2 torpedoes – Submarine sniper! Must have fired them on a narrow spread for both to hit an AMc…
ASW attack near Hakodate at 120,53
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish is located by PC Sumire
Flying Fish diving deep ....
ASW attack near Hakodate at 120,53
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish is sighted by escort
Flying Fish diving deep ....
Sub attack near Bataan at 77,77
SC Ch 31
SC Ch 30
Allied Ships
SS Swordfish
SS Swordfish launches 2 torpedoes at SC Ch 31
Swordfish diving deep ....
Sub attack near Perth at 41,147
SS I-170
Allied Ships
DD Voyager
DD Norman
SS I-170 launches 2 torpedoes at DD Voyager
I-170 diving deep ....
Morning Air attack on Dutch Harbor , at 171,50 – thought I’d cancelled this raid. Need to try and remember to switch it off before RCAF Kittyhawks try to intercept them.
G4M1 Betty x 3
G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 15000 feet
Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Morning Air attack on 30th Australian Brigade, at 76,131 (Daly Waters) – the Aus stack finally enters Daly Waters so every available IJAAF bomber in the NT comes in low on a 2k ground attack strike.
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 29
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
Allied ground losses:
127 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 16 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
19 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 2000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
10 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 2000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
Also attacking 1st Australian Division ...
Also attacking 30th Australian Brigade ...
Morning Air attack on 30th Australian Brigade, at 76,131 (Daly Waters)
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 15
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 9
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Allied ground losses:
76 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
15 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 2000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on 8th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
Morning Air attack on 36th Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 54th Chinese Corps, at 64,43 , near Myitkyina
Morning Air attack on 143rd Infantry Regiment, at 63,38 (Jorhat)
Allied aircraft – the allies gamble and win as I had stood down LRCAP to let them recover some fatigue for the last few days… I will set LRCAP tomorrow but the bombers probably won’t come back two days in a row.
Beaufort V x 4
B-26 Marauder x 3
P-40E Warhawk x 25
Japanese ground losses:
121 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
4 x Beaufort V bombing from 5000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 500 lb GP Bomb
3 x B-26 Marauder bombing from 5000 feet
Ground Attack: 6 x 500 lb GP Bomb
Also attacking 144th Infantry Regiment ...
Morning Air attack on 112th Infantry Regiment, at 63,38 (Jorhat)
Allied aircraft
P-43A-1 Lancer x 8
B-17E Fortress x 10
P-40E Warhawk x 11
Japanese ground losses:
147 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
6 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 15000 feet
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
4 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 15000 feet
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
Morning Air attack on 55th Mountain Gun Regiment, at 63,38 (Jorhat)
Allied aircraft
A-20A Havoc x 6
B-17E Fortress x 5
B-26 Marauder x 8
P-40E Warhawk x 11
B-17E Fortress: 1 damaged
Japanese ground losses:
178 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
6 x A-20A Havoc bombing from 5000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 500 lb GP Bomb
8 x B-26 Marauder bombing from 5000 feet
Ground Attack: 6 x 500 lb GP Bomb
5 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 15000 feet
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
Also attacking 143rd Infantry Regiment ...
Also attacking 55th Mountain Gun Regiment ...
Also attacking 143rd Infantry Regiment ...
Afternoon Air attack on Jorhat , at 63,38 – counter raids do minimal damage, suggesting to me that the defenders are behind level 4ish forts. 55th Div may need to withdraw back into the jungle and wait for reinforcements to arrive after the fall of Chungking.
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 41
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
Allied ground losses:
6 casualties reported
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Runway hits 1
ASW attack near Feni Islands at 107,127
DMS W-21
Allied Ships
SS Pickerel, hits 1
SS Pickerel is located by DMS W-21
DMS W-21 attacking submerged sub ....
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Deliberate attack – Round 3 in this super heavy weight contest.
Forts are reduced by one so it is another success, and despite the 30k casualties the vast majority are disablements. The last deliberate attack was on 10 August, so it was only 11 days to recover before this deliberate attack was launched. There will be a similar gap before Round 4 starts and it will be launched as soon as all units recover to 0 disruption.

Attacking force 151037 troops, 2036 guns, 2682 vehicles, Assault Value = 5457, +112 today before the combat. Minus a few thousand after!
Defending force 136153 troops, 677 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4377, +325 today. Two more zombie Corps must have just arrived in time for the attack.
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 4
Japanese adjusted assault: 2227 – The various HQs in hex didn’t seem to help with the die roll today
Allied adjusted defense: 11453
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 5 (fort level 4)
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Japanese ground losses: Similar casualties to Round 2 on 10 August (details included again below for comparison)
30912 casualties reported
Squads: 109 destroyed, 2017 disabled – The equivalent of 3x Infantry Bns destroyed and 4x Divisions disabled.
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 290 disabled
Engineers: 25 destroyed, 272 disabled
Guns lost 267 (11 destroyed, 256 disabled)
Vehicles lost 332 (7 destroyed, 325 disabled) – 1st Tank Division took a lot of disablements.

Allied ground losses:
3251 casualties reported
Squads: 89 destroyed, 217 disabled – a few low AV Corps were reduced to 0, but the larger 300+ and 400+ AV Corps on the combat replay didn’t seem to be touched at all. Once forts get below 3 that should change.
Non Combat: 17 destroyed, 70 disabled
Engineers: 3 destroyed, 15 disabled
Assaulting units: I’ll put up a before and after image to show who took the most damage. 4-5 of the most combat effective Divs will remain in combat mode while the rest switch to reserve as that seems to help them recover faster. All Divs will be split into thirds as that seems to help too.
Defending units: A couple of new arrivals based on the raw AV increase.

For comparison purposes, Japanese ground losses from the 10 August deliberate attack:
26104 casualties reported
Squads: 142 destroyed, 2180 disabled
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 312 disabled
Engineers: 4 destroyed, 295 disabled
Guns lost 141 (5 destroyed, 136 disabled)
Vehicles lost 228 (3 destroyed, 225 disabled)
Ground combat at Daly Waters (76,131)
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 15693 troops, 127 guns, 309 vehicles, Assault Value = 620
Defending force 9600 troops, 117 guns, 158 vehicles, Assault Value = 327
Japanese adjusted assault: 531
Allied adjusted defense: 104
Japanese assault odds: 5 to 1 – excellent result here, although the victorious troops will not be able to pursue. The US Army battlegroup is attempting a flanking manoeuvre on the defensive left flank, so the 38th Div will conduct an orderly withdrawal one hex and dig in again to see if they can inflict another reverse on part of this allied force. The Americal Div with 2x armoured units in support would be a tougher prospect, but one that would be worth a battle as it has also been suffering regular air attacks from Ms Sally for many days now.
Combat modifiers
Defender: leaders(+), disruption(-), preparation(-), fatigue(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Japanese ground losses:
439 casualties reported – no vehicle losses reported, which is great news.
Squads: 1 destroyed, 21 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Allied ground losses:
2956 casualties reported
Squads: 103 destroyed, 56 disabled
Non Combat: 82 destroyed, 27 disabled
Engineers: 4 destroyed, 4 disabled
Guns lost 21 (11 destroyed, 10 disabled)
Vehicles lost 43 (25 destroyed, 18 disabled)
Units retreated 2

Assaulting units:
38th Division
8th Tank Regiment
2nd Tank Regiment
Defending units: combined down to about 170 total AV, so if combined in a stack with the previously reversed 5th Aus Div it may get close to Division strength.
1st Australian Division
30th Australian Brigade
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5856 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1132
Defending force 73842 troops, 306 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2615
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3236 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 583
Defending force 21664 troops, 133 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 739
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 930
Defending force 25160 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 330
Ground combat at 80,39 (near Tienshui)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12992 troops, 125 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 469
Defending force 25537 troops, 46 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 736
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12521 troops, 168 guns, 416 vehicles, Assault Value = 579
Defending force 10626 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 357
Allied ground losses:
10 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Ground combat at 64,43 (near Myitkyina)
Japanese Shock attack
Attacking force 1394 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 38
Defending force 3984 troops, 31 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 123
Japanese adjusted assault: 40
Allied adjusted defense: 28
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+)
Japanese ground losses:
103 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
20 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Assaulting units:
21st Ind.Mixed Bde /1
Defending units:
54th Chinese Corps – spotted moving east, likely still trying to walk to India with no logistics support.

Repairs completed on TK San Clemente Maru at Singapore, ship returned to service
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-1 attacking a Electric Boat S-18 class SS at 111,109 an Allied SS is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-1 attacking a KXIV Class class SS at 111,109 a Electric Boat S-18 class SS is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-3 attacking SS S-42 at 112,137 SS S-42 is reported HIT
15 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
12 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
5 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
3 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
Repairs completed on SS I-159 at Truk, ship returned to service, minor repairs that didn’t need the ARD. Back to SEAF patrols.
Repairs completed on TK Toa Maru at Singapore, ship returned to service
Munda expands airfield to size 1
Munda expands port to size 1
Loss of AMc Kibi Maru on Aug 21, 1942 is admitted

< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/6/2020 9:16:52 AM >


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 782
RE: 21 Aug 42 reports - 5/6/2020 9:32:09 AM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
Before and after image from Chungking Round 3.

14th Div went from top of the AV leaderboard yesterday to not even making the first page today as its AV dropped to a grand total of 49!
That takes the prize for largest AV reduction at -393 in the last 24 hours.
It lost 1x Bn destroyed with the rest disabled, so it will recover but probably won't fight again until Round 5.

3rd/C Div should make it to Chungking in time for Round 4, but 110th Div probably not until Round 5.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/6/2020 9:40:27 AM >


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 783
22 Aug 42 reports - 5/7/2020 12:32:03 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
Sub attack near Luganville at 119,148
SS I-17
Allied Ships
AS Fulton, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage – no sinking noises were heard.
This task force is moving SW, very likely from Ndeni which is now showing no ships in port. 4-5 more subs are vectored onto the likely paths towards Noumea or Luganville.
AG Regulus
AVD Childs
SS I-17 launches 2 torpedoes at AS Fulton
I-17 diving deep ....
ASW attack near Saishu To at 99,56
SC Ch 25
SC Ch 26
Allied Ships
SS Grenadier
SS Grenadier is located by SC Ch 25
Grenadier diving deep ....
Sub attack near Rabaul at 106,124
SC Ch 19
SC Ch 18
Allied Ships
SS Cachalot
SS Cachalot launches 2 torpedoes at SC Ch 19
Cachalot diving deep ....
Sub attack near Amami Oshima at 98,63
xAK Malta Maru
PB Shonan Maru #1
Allied Ships
SS Skipjack
SS Skipjack launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Malta Maru
ASW attack near Saishu To at 99,56
SC Ch 26
Allied Ships
SS Thresher
SS Thresher is sighted by escort
Thresher diving deep ....
SC Ch 26 attacking submerged sub ....
SC Ch 26 is out of ASW ammo
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143 – the USMC are back on CAP duty over Ndeni. First broom is about even.
A6M2 Zero x 27
A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
Allied aircraft
F4F-3 Wildcat x 6
F4F-4 Wildcat x 18
F4F-4 Wildcat: 3 destroyed
Aircraft Attacking:
17 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
CAP engaged:
VMF-211 with F4F-3 Wildcat (0 airborne, 2 on standby, 3 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 14000 and 24000.
VMF-221 with F4F-4 Wildcat (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 2 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 15000
VMF-223 with F4F-4 Wildcat (2 airborne, 5 on standby, 7 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 15000 and 22000.
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143 – second broom gets the upper hand
A6M2 Zero x 27
Allied aircraft
F4F-3 Wildcat x 3
F4F-4 Wildcat x 4
F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat: 3 destroyed
Aircraft Attacking:
24 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
CAP engaged:
VMF-211 with F4F-3 Wildcat (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
VMF-223 with F4F-4 Wildcat (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143 – stragglers have no effect.
A6M2 Zero x 4
Allied aircraft
F4F-3 Wildcat x 2
CAP engaged:
VMF-211 with F4F-3 Wildcat (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on 1st Australian Division, at 76,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 19
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
Allied ground losses:
56 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Morning Air attack on Americal Infantry Division, at 77,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
Allied ground losses:
72 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Vehicles lost 8 (1 destroyed, 7 disabled)
Also attacking 193rd Tank Battalion ...
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on Jorhat , at 63,38 – no allied bombing strike today
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 30
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 40
Allied ground losses:
6 casualties reported
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 8
Morning Air attack on 26th Indian Division, at 63,38 (Jorhat)
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 18
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 46 – most of these Oscars and all the Tojos were on LRCAP
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 28
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged

Allied ground losses:
30 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Morning Air attack on 36th Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 13th Chinese Base Force, at 69,47 , near Kunming
Afternoon Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
ASW attack near Rabaul at 106,124
DMS W-21
Allied Ships
SS Cachalot
SS Cachalot launches 2 torpedoes at DMS W-21
ASW attack near Bataan at 77,77
SC Ch 30
SC Ch 31
Allied Ships
SS Swordfish
SS Swordfish is located by SC Ch 30
Swordfish diving deep ....
SC Ch 31 attacking submerged sub ....
SC Ch 31 is out of ASW ammo
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5856 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1130
Defending force 73891 troops, 306 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2620
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9165 troops, 606 guns, 651 vehicles, Assault Value = 3109, about +300 excluding 1st Tank Div departure to upgrade Medium Tanks.
Defending force 138813 troops, 676 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4379, +2 since yesterday.
Allied ground losses:
276 casualties reported
Squads: 10 destroyed, 16 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Assaulting units: 1st Tank Div has moved west to recover at Neikiang and upgrade to Type 1 Medium Tanks. There was some good recovery in the Divs with all split. 8x Infantry Divs remain in combat mode and the 4 with the lowest AV are in reserve mode.
Defending units: no change detected

Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3246 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 583
Defending force 21674 troops, 133 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 741
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 935
Defending force 25044 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 330 – this stack will probably surrender on the next attack, so the IJA troops are being held back until Chungking is captured.
Ground combat at Urumchi (79,11)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 5110 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 151
Defending force 2941 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 66
Japanese adjusted assault: 51
Allied adjusted defense: 33
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 0)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
Attacker: fatigue(-)
Japanese ground losses:
230 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 19 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
149 casualties reported
Squads: 13 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Assaulting units:
4th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
303rd Brigade
259th Brigade
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12477 troops, 168 guns, 417 vehicles, Assault Value = 577
Defending force 10761 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 369
Japanese ground losses:
23 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled

Great Sitkin Island is occupied by the Japanese
Repairs completed on TK Hofuku Maru at Hiroshima/Kure, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on SS I-25 at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on CL Oi at Singapore, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on CL Kitakami at Singapore, ship returned to service

Repairs completed on TK Gen'yo Maru at Singapore, ship returned to service
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-3 attacking SS S-35 at 112,137 SS S-35 is reported HIT
PO1 Hanamoto R. of Chitose Ku S-1 is credited with kill number 2
PO2 Matsuba S. of 3rd Ku S-1 is credited with kill number 3
PO2 Fujimatsu O. of 3rd Ku S-1 is credited with kill number 3 – he has reached 81 experience so will graduate to the general reserve and await a posting order to a carrier based fighter unit.
PO1 Muto I. of 3rd Ku S-1 is credited with kill number 2
15 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
12 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
5 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
3 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
3 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x H6K2-L Mavis transporting supplies to Tassafaronga
Repairs completed on SS I-171 at Soerabaja, ship returned to service
Fusan expands airfield to size 4
Portland expands airfield to size 7
Nelson NZ expands airfield to size 4
Luganville expands airfield to size 6
Olga expands port to size 3
Ace pilot Kojima O. of Hosho-1 is promoted to CPO – congratulations Chief, keep up the good work
2nd RF Gun Battalion - some devices have been upgraded at Hong Kong
1st Tank/C Division takes replacements from Kweiyang

< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/7/2020 12:36:40 PM >


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 784
RE: 21 Aug 42 reports - 5/7/2020 3:04:50 PM   


Posts: 3393
Joined: 10/28/2013
Status: offline

Japanese assault odds: 5 to 1 – excellent result here, although the victorious troops will not be able to pursue. The US Army battlegroup is attempting a flanking manoeuvre on the defensive left flank, so the 38th Div will conduct an orderly withdrawal one hex and dig in again to see if they can inflict another reverse on part of this allied force. The Americal Div with 2x armoured units in support would be a tougher prospect, but one that would be worth a battle as it has also been suffering regular air attacks from Ms Sally for many days now.

I wouldn't be so sure. The US Army units are stuck with 1941 squads until 7/42, and the 1941 squads are about equivalent with the IJA infantry squad. They'll still have an edge thanks to their better TOE (lots of machine guns), but a experienced IJA opposition with a springing of air support should be able to turn the tide.

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 785
RE: 21 Aug 42 reports - 5/8/2020 11:37:12 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
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ORIGINAL: mind_messing


Japanese assault odds: 5 to 1 – excellent result here, although the victorious troops will not be able to pursue. The US Army battlegroup is attempting a flanking manoeuvre on the defensive left flank, so the 38th Div will conduct an orderly withdrawal one hex and dig in again to see if they can inflict another reverse on part of this allied force. The Americal Div with 2x armoured units in support would be a tougher prospect, but one that would be worth a battle as it has also been suffering regular air attacks from Ms Sally for many days now.

I wouldn't be so sure. The US Army units are stuck with 1941 squads until 7/42, and the 1941 squads are about equivalent with the IJA infantry squad. They'll still have an edge thanks to their better TOE (lots of machine guns), but a experienced IJA opposition with a springing of air support should be able to turn the tide.

The key difference is that the Aus militia Divs weren't fully manned or equipped.
Both 1st and 5th Aus Divs have been reversed once already, but the Americal is fresh and should have a full TOE.

I'll be trying to conduct a fighting withdrawal along the main road in the NT, making the allies fight to capture each hex or try to outflank. If the allies try to outflank, the IJA will launch a deliberate attack on the force that stays in the contested hex.

38th Div and the 2x Tank Regts will withdraw one hex to where 2nd Div/A has dug in on the Daly Waters-Katherine Rd.
That force will then wait there and force the allies to either attack or try to outflank again.
2nd Div/B is digging in on the road one further hex back and 2nd Div/C is one further hex back at Katherine.

If the Americal can be tempted into a frontal attack and loses, then the combined IJA force might be able to reverse it.
The longer term plan for the IJA 16th Army is to withdraw it, so if more allied reinforcements are detected moving north then they may need to cut and run for the boats which will move forward to collect them from Darwin.

There are clear signs that the allies are struggling to keep supply up to their forward line of troops, but supply is not a problem for 16th Army. All units have enough in the field and there is a moderate stockpile at Darwin.

Dinahs report that both 5th Aus Div and the Americal have stopped trying to outflank and are moving directly into Daly Waters, while 1st Aus Div has paused on the road to "the south".

Just checked 38th Div and it is up to 90 experience with 99 morale, 99% TOE. With 2x Tank Regts that have Type 1 Medium Tanks plus the 2nd Div/A (87 xp 90 morale) in support, the IJA have a quality advantage and should be about parity for numbers.

< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/8/2020 11:42:56 PM >


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to mind_messing)
Post #: 786
23 Aug 42 reports - 5/9/2020 12:07:34 AM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
Sub attack near Rabaul at 106,124
xAK Chojun Maru
xAK Awajisan Maru
PB Senyu Maru #2
Allied Ships
SS Cachalot
SS Cachalot launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Chojun Maru
Cachalot diving deep ....
Sub attack near Amami Oshima at 98,63
PB Yamabato Maru
xAK Heiei Maru
Allied Ships
SS Skipjack
SS Skipjack launches 2 torpedoes at PB Yamabato Maru
Skipjack diving deep ....
PB Yamabato Maru attacking submerged sub ....
Night Naval bombardment of Diamond Harbour at 52,38 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
Allied aircraft
no flights
Catalina I: 1 damaged
Japanese Ships – probing attack on the Diamond Harbour defences. SWAF has been quiet lately, so a few bombardments of Calcutta and the airfield there might be in order to mix things up a bit. LRCAP of the task force is being provided by IJAAF Oscars and Nicks flying from Akyab, Cox’s Bazar and Chittagong.
CA Kako
CA Furutaka
Allied ground losses:
56 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 17 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 17
E13A1 Jake acting as spotter for CA Kako
CA Kako firing at 1st Indian Coastal Artillery Regiment
1st Indian Coastal Artillery Regiment firing at CA Kako
CA Furutaka firing at Diamond Harbour
Sub attack near Saishu To at 99,56
SC Ch 26
SC Ch 25
Allied Ships
SS Grenadier
Captain of SS Grenadier elects not to launch torpedoes at this target
Morning Air attack on Tezpur , at 60,36
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 30 – no Tojo losses today, good result.
Allied aircraft
P-43A-1 Lancer x 5
Mohawk IV x 5
P-43A-1 Lancer: 3 destroyed
Mohawk IV: 2 destroyed

Aircraft Attacking:
22 x Ki-44-IIa Tojo sweeping at 20000 feet *
CAP engaged: Dinahs report 70 fighters, 58 bombers and 45 auxiliaries at Tezpur. Not all allied units are on local CAP duty with a low % on patrol from these two units. The Tojo sweeps will continue here but not every day.
3rd FG/32nd FS CAF with P-43A-1 Lancer (0 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)
No.5 Sqn RAF with Mohawk IV (1 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143 – oops, this was a mistake. Bettys flying from Shortlands at max range are lucky that USMC F4s aren’t flying CAP
G4M1 Betty x 15
G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged
15 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 20000 feet
Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Morning Air attack on 1st Australian Division, at 76,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 19
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
19 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 2000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
Allied ground losses:
36 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Morning Air attack on 193rd Tank Battalion, at 77,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 19
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 damaged – the Americal must have received some supply as the flak is more effective than previous days.
19 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 2000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
Allied ground losses:
Vehicles lost 9 (1 destroyed, 8 disabled)
Also attacking Americal Infantry Division ...
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on 59th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
Morning Air attack on 16th Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 79th Chinese Corps, at 71,43 , near Neikiang
Afternoon Air attack on Jorhat , at 63,38
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 47 – some on escort, others LRCAP
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 20 – all LRCAP

Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Runway hits 4
Afternoon Air attack on 24th Indian Mountain Gun Regiment, at 63,38 (Jorhat)
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 20
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 20 - LRCAP
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
Allied ground losses:
4 casualties reported
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5842 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1128
Defending force 73882 troops, 306 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2618
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9165 troops, 606 guns, 651 vehicles, Assault Value = 3398, +289 since yesterday
Defending force 138632 troops, 674 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4358, minus 21 since yesterday. Good to see the number dropping from the ongoing bombardments.

Allied ground losses:
131 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units: no change
Defending units:
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3246 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 583
Defending force 21631 troops, 133 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 739
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 940
Defending force 24940 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 333
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12467 troops, 168 guns, 417 vehicles, Assault Value = 577
Defending force 10855 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 377
Japanese ground losses:
21 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Allied ground losses:
22 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units: If the allies reinforced here then the 55th Div would be in trouble. This is the most vulnerable part of the IJA front. 51st Div is still moving forward slowly towards Ledo, with the aim to capture Ledo then move NW to threaten to outflank Jorhat. Once Ledo is captured, I fully expect the allied bombers to target the Oil and Refineries there.
2nd Assam Rifles Battalion
7th Armoured Brigade
45th Recce Regiment
26th Indian Division
2nd West Coast Base Force
101st RAF Base Force
24th Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
Defending units:
112th Infantry Regiment
143rd Infantry Regiment
144th Infantry Regiment
55th Mountain Gun Regiment
Ground combat at 64,43 (near Myitkyina)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 1367 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 35
Defending force 3915 troops, 28 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 118
Japanese adjusted assault: 29
Allied adjusted defense: 34
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), fatigue(-), supply(-)
Japanese ground losses:
31 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
55 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
Assaulting units:
21st Ind.Mixed Bde /1 – not enough combat power in this part unit, but it will keep harassing the 54th Chinese Corps which is now trying to move east back into the jungle.
Defending units:
54th Chinese Corps

Pumps failing aboard DMS W-11 at Akyab, flooding increases... This DMS is burning up in port at Akyab. The skipper is one of the best LCDRs in the fleet so I hope he doesn't decide to go down with the ship.
Repairs completed on SS RO-60 at Truk, ship returned to service – back to local defensive patrols in 4th Fleet.
D3A1 Val from 31 Ku T-1 attacking SS Tuna at 112,107 SS Tuna is reported HIT
D3A1 Val from 31 Ku T-1 attacking SS Gudgeon at 112,107 SS Gudgeon is reported HIT
G4M1 Betty from Takao Ku K-1/B attacking an Allied SS at 107,127 an Allied SS is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake reports shape below surface at 99, 56 near Saishu To E13A1 Jake damaged by flak
E13A1 Jake from Tone-2 attacking SS Grenadier at 99,56 SS Grenadier is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from Myoko-2 attacking a Sargo class SS at 77,77 a O16 Class class SS is reported HIT
Ki-21-Ic Sally from 3rd Sentai attacking SS Trout at 100,59 SS Trout is reported HIT
1LT Sawada, M. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 8 – now the second top scoring IJA ace. The race is on to get to double figures!
2LT Degawa V. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 5
2LT Degawa V. of 59th Sentai attains ace status!!
WO Onozaki, H. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 5
WO Onozaki, H. of 59th Sentai attains ace status!!
WO Kawahara P. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 6
WO Ariyoshi I. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 3
2LT Kimiyama W. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 3
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-1 attacking SS Gudgeon at 112,107 SS Gudgeon is reported HIT
B5N2 Kate from Hiryu-3 attacking SS Permit at 106,124 SS Permit is reported HIT
D3A1 Val from Zuikaku-2 attacking SS Saury at 106,119 SS Saury is reported HIT
B5N2 Kate from Zuikaku-3 attacking SS Permit at 106,124 SS Permit is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from Tone-2 attacking SS Grenadier at 99,56 SS Grenadier is reported HIT
Ki-21-Ic Sally from 3rd Sentai attacking SS Trout at 100,59 SS Trout is reported HIT
15 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
13 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
5 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
3 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x H6K2-L Mavis transporting 2nd Indpt SNLF Coy from Tassafaronga – more supply needed in SEAF to keep the smaller bases fed and watered.
Adak Island expands fortifications to size 3
Corvallis expands airfield to size 5
1st Tank/A Division - some devices have been upgraded at Neikiang – Type 1 Medium tanks and one Regt of 47mm AT guns each.
1st Tank/B Division - some devices have been upgraded at Neikiang
1st Tank/C Division - some devices have been upgraded at Neikiang

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/9/2020 3:13:54 AM >


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 787
24 Aug 42 reports - 5/9/2020 3:05:41 AM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
ASW attack near Rangoon at 50,53
CA Kako
CA Furutaka
DD Asagiri
DD Akebono
DD Oboro
Allied Ships
SS Grunion, hits 2 – it feels like it has been a long time since I’ve landed a knockout punch on an allied sub.
SS Grunion is sighted by escort
Grunion bottoming out ....
DD Oboro attacking submerged sub ....
Sub attack near Rabaul at 106,124
DMS W-22
Allied Ships
SS Cachalot, hits 1 – just a tickle
SS Cachalot launches 4 torpedoes
Cachalot diving deep ....
DMS W-22 attacking submerged sub ....
Sub attack near Hakodate at 120,53
PC Take
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish launches 2 torpedoes at PC Take
Flying Fish diving deep ....
ASW attack near Feni Islands at 107,127
Allied Ships
SS Pickerel
SS Pickerel is located by DMS W-3
Pickerel diving deep ....
DMS W-3 attacking submerged sub ....
ASW attack near Saishu To at 99,56
SC Ch 25
Allied Ships
SS Grenadier
SS Grenadier is located by SC Ch 25
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143 – oops again!
I forgot to change this Betty group two turns in a row but it wasn’t punished. First order given next turn was to set this unit back to long range naval search.

G4M1 Betty x 14
14 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 20000 feet
Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Morning Air attack on 59th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Jorhat , at 63,38
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 20
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 33
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 38
Airbase hits 3
Runway hits 4
Morning Air attack on 26th Indian Division, at 63,38 (Jorhat)
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 20
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 11
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
Allied ground losses:
9 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Morning Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
Morning Air attack on 1st Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 79th Chinese Corps, at 71,43 , near Neikiang
Afternoon Air attack on Americal Infantry Division, at 77,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 13
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 damaged
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak – time to increase the bombing altitude from 2k’
Allied ground losses:
15 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
13 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 2000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
ASW attack near Feni Islands at 107,127
Allied Ships
SS Pickerel
SS Pickerel launches 4 torpedoes at DMS W-2
Pickerel diving deep ....
ASW attack near Akyab at 54,45
DMS W-12
Allied Ships
SS Trusty, hits 5 – good numbers but no critical hits by the looks of it
SS Trusty is located by DMS W-12
Trusty bottoming out ....
DMS W-12 attacking submerged sub ....
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5842 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1130
Defending force 73843 troops, 306 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2616
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9165 troops, 606 guns, 651 vehicles, Assault Value = 3659, +261 since yesterday
Defending force 138760 troops, 674 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4354, minus 4 since yesterday
Allied ground losses:
150 casualties reported
Squads: 7 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units:
Defending units:
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3246 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 584
Defending force 21624 troops, 131 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 738
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 946
Defending force 24843 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 340
Ground combat at Urumchi (79,11)
Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 5004 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 148
Defending force 2835 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 60
Japanese adjusted assault: 103
Allied adjusted defense: 133
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 0)
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
Japanese ground losses:
114 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
109 casualties reported
Squads: 16 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units:
4th Cavalry Brigade – still in reserve mode
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units: One showing 0 and the other 60 AV during the combat replay. The IJA are still waiting for a good die roll!
303rd Brigade
259th Brigade
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12438 troops, 168 guns, 417 vehicles, Assault Value = 573
Defending force 10900 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 379
Japanese ground losses:
19 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
12 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Ground combat at 80,45 (near Patung)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 4147 troops, 33 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 152
Defending force 1701 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 23
Assaulting units:
110th/C Division – recon by fire shows three shattered Corps with nowhere left to run to. I don’t want to destroy them but it will take a long time to replace 110th/C Div so it can reform 110th Div and move to Chungking. An independent Armd Regt is moving to replace it.
Defending units:
87th Chinese Corps
68th Chinese Corps
94th Chinese Corps

Repairs completed on TK Sanju Maru at Nagasaki/Sasebo, ship returned to service, Std-B conversion finished
Repairs completed on DD Kagero at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on DD Amatsukaze at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on DD Arashi at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Ki-21-Ic Sally from 3rd Sentai attacking SS Trout at 100,59 SS Trout is reported HIT
DMS W-11 sinks in port – no report of the skipper being killed
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-3 attacking SS S-40 at 115,138 SS S-40 is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from Chiyoda-1 attacking a Porpoise class SS at 107,122 an Allied SS is reported HIT
Pilot killed in landing accident of B5N2 Kate from Akagi-3
16 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
14 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
5 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
5 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
3 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
3 x MC-21 Sally transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x H6K2-L Mavis transporting 2nd Indpt SNLF Coy from Tassafaronga
Attu Island expands airfield to size 1
Madang expands airfield to size 3
Chinhae expands airfield to size 3
Device Mitsubishi Ha-43 advances R&D to 2/45 – there are 3x30 factories on this engine so it advances 90% per month. With 30ish months to go now about 13 months will come off that, so it should enter production around Jan 1944.
Ace pilot Kuwabara, Y. of 77th Sentai is promoted to CPT
Akagi-2 at CV Akagi takes D3A1 Val replacements – KB takes replacements from Manus
Akagi-3 at CV Akagi takes B5N2 Kate replacements
Kaga-2 at CV Kaga takes D3A1 Val replacements
Kaga-3 at CV Kaga takes B5N2 Kate replacements
Hiryu-2 at CV Hiryu takes D3A1 Val replacements
Hiryu-3 at CV Hiryu takes B5N2 Kate replacements
Shokaku-2 at CV Shokaku takes D3A1 Val replacements
Shokaku-3 at CV Shokaku takes B5N2 Kate replacements
Zuikaku-3 at CV Zuikaku takes B5N2 Kate replacements
Chiyoda-1 at CS Chiyoda takes E13A1 Jake replacements
Hiei-1 at BB Hiei takes E13A1 Jake replacements
Myoko-1 at CA Myoko takes E13A1 Jake replacements
Akagi-1 converting to A6M5 Zero – the big news of the day is the first issue of A6M5s to the fleet. After Akagi took the first batch there were 27 left in the pool, so Kaga takes her A6M5s by manual upgrade. KB will soon move back towards Noumea so they will be tested in combat soon.
1st Tank/C Division - some devices have been upgraded at Neikiang – 47mm AT guns that didn’t upgrade yesterday.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/9/2020 3:17:42 AM >


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 788
25 Aug 42 reports - 5/12/2020 2:12:22 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
Sub attack near Ominato at 120,54
AK Tatukami Maru
PB Shirogane Maru
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish launches 2 torpedoes at AK Tatukami Maru
Flying Fish diving deep ....
ASW attack near Saishu To at 99,56
SC Ch 25
Allied Ships
SS Grenadier
SS Grenadier is located by SC Ch 25
Sub attack near Donggala at 68,97
AO Notoro
PB Choun Maru #21
Allied Ships
SS Cuttlefish
SS Cuttlefish launches 4 torpedoes at AO Notoro
Cuttlefish diving deep ....
Sub attack near Perth at 44,147
SS I-170
Allied Ships
PG Herald
DD Le Triomphant
SS I-170 launches 2 torpedoes at PG Herald
Sub attack near Saishu To at 99,56
xAK Meiu Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage, sunk
xAK Kyokko Maru
PB Aso Maru #7
Allied Ships
SS Thresher
SS Thresher launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Meiu Maru
PB Aso Maru #7 attacking submerged sub ....
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143
A6M2 Zero x 23
23 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
Morning Air attack on Tezpur , at 60,36
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 30
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 4 destroyed
8 x Ki-44-IIa Tojo sweeping at 20000 feet *
Allied aircraft
P-40E Warhawk x 35
P-40E Warhawk: 6 destroyed
CAP engaged:
23rd FG/74th FS with P-40E Warhawk (3 airborne, 8 on standby, 11 scrambling)
23rd FG/75th FS with P-40E Warhawk (0 airborne, 9 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143
A6M2 Zero x 31
28 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
3 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on Americal Infantry Division, at 77,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 23
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Allied ground losses:
95 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Vehicles lost 9 (1 destroyed, 8 disabled)
Also attacking 632nd Tank Destroyer Battalion ...
Morning Air attack on 5th Australian Division, at 75,131 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 17
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 damaged
Allied ground losses:
191 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 14 disabled
Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on 8th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Jorhat , at 63,38
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 20
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 7
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 8
Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 3
Morning Air attack on 254th Armoured Brigade, at 56,39 (Comilla)
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 32
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Allied ground losses:
21 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Vehicles lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Morning Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
Morning Air attack on 1st Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on TF, near Akyab at 54,45
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 8
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 8
Allied aircraft
A-29 Hudson x 8
A-29 Hudson: 4 destroyed, 2 damaged
Japanese Ships
DMS W-12
Aircraft Attacking:
2 x A-29 Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
Naval Attack: 4 x 250 lb SAP Bomb
CAP engaged:
84th I.F.Chutai with Ki-45 KAIa Nick (8 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 6000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 6000.
77th Sentai Det B with Ki-43-Ic Oscar (2 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 10000
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5856 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1132
Defending force 73927 troops, 306 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2630
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9157 troops, 606 guns, 651 vehicles, Assault Value = 3883, +224 since yesterday
Defending force 138689 troops, 673 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4353, minus 1 since yesterday
Japanese ground losses:
6 casualties reported
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
50 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 9 disabled
Assaulting units: AV is on the rise
Defending units: no change detected
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3246 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 584
Defending force 21615 troops, 131 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 740
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 956
Defending force 24747 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 341
Allied ground losses:
8 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12449 troops, 168 guns, 418 vehicles, Assault Value = 573
Defending force 10954 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 385
Japanese ground losses:
9 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Assaulting units:
2nd Assam Rifles Battalion
7th Armoured Brigade
45th Recce Regiment
26th Indian Division
2nd West Coast Base Force
101st RAF Base Force
24th Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
Defending units:
143rd Infantry Regiment
112th Infantry Regiment
144th Infantry Regiment
55th Mountain Gun Regiment
Ground combat at 80,45 (near Patung)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 4129 troops, 33 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 150
Defending force 1658 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 23
Assaulting units:
110th/C Division – to be replaced by a Tank Regt so 110th Div can reform and move to Chungking.
Defending units:
87th Chinese Corps
68th Chinese Corps
94th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at 64,43 (near Myitkyina)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 1341 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 33
Defending force 3797 troops, 26 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 107
Japanese adjusted assault: 15
Allied adjusted defense: 28
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), fatigue(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(+), fatigue(-)
Japanese ground losses:
36 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Allied ground losses:
73 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Assaulting units:
21st Ind.Mixed Bde /1
Defending units:
54th Chinese Corps

D3A1 Val from Saeki Ku T-1 attacking SS Gato at 89,64 SS Gato is reported HIT
2LT Taniguchi S. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 3 – delayed scores from the Tojo sweep over Tezpur
2LT Nishihata A. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 2
2LT Taniguchi S. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 4
WO Sonokawa V. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 3
2LT Tsuchiya, T. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 3
2LT Daigo E. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 2
WO Shimizu, K. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 3
WO Ohashi R. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 3
WO Ariyoshi I. of 59th Sentai is credited with kill number 4
WO Bunkichi U. of 84th I.F.Chutai is credited with kill number 2 – delayed Hudson scores for the Nicks over Akyab
WO Mitsumoto V. of 84th I.F.Chutai is credited with kill number 2
D3A1 Val from Saeki Ku T-1 attacking a Barracuda class SS at 87,62 a 'T' War Emergency class SS is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-5 attacking an Allied SS at 106,96 a O19 Class class SS is reported HIT
16 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
14 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting 4th Division to Kalemyo
4 x H6K2-L Mavis transporting 2nd Indpt SNLF Coy from Tassafaronga
Pilot killed in landing accident of Ki-44-IIa Tojo from 1st Sentai – not good. The 1st Sentai only has good pilots…
Repairs completed on AMC Nosiro Maru at Hakodate, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on SS I-23 at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on AMC Hokoku Maru at Soerabaja, ship returned to service
Ominato expands port to size 8
Rashin expands airfield to size 5
Batan Island expands fortifications to size 3
Warazup expands airfield to size 3
Nikolaevsk expands airfield to size 6
Ramree Island expands fortifications to size 2
Loss of APD Hagi on Jul 09, 1942 is admitted 


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 789
26 Aug 42 reports - 5/13/2020 2:16:12 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
Sub attack near Tokara Retto at 99,62
xAK Nikki Maru
PB Shonan Maru #2
Allied Ships
SS Albacore
SS Albacore launches 4 torpedoes at xAK Nikki Maru
Sub attack near Fukue-jima at 100,57
SC Ch 21
Allied Ships
SS Seadragon
Captain of SS Seadragon elects not to launch torpedoes at this target
Sub attack near Ominato at 120,54
PC Nire
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish launches 2 torpedoes at PC Nire
Sub attack near Saishu To at 99,56
SC Ch 25
Allied Ships
SS Thresher
SS Thresher launches 2 torpedoes at SC Ch 25
ASW attack near Balikpapan at 64,99
PB Kozan Maru
Allied Ships
SS Halibut
SS Halibut is sighted by escort
ASW attack near Bataan at 77,77
SC Ch 30
Allied Ships
SS Swordfish
SS Swordfish is sighted by escort
Sub attack near Balikpapan at 64,99
xAKL Naruo Maru
PB Kozan Maru
Allied Ships
SS Halibut
Captain of SS Halibut elects not to launch torpedoes at this target
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on Americal Infantry Division, at 77,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 23
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Allied ground losses:
2 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)
Also attacking 193rd Tank Battalion ...
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on 8th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Jorhat , at 63,38
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 41
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 52
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 29
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Allied ground losses:
15 casualties reported
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 16
Morning Air attack on 36th Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 6th Chinese Corps, at 69,47 , near Kunming
Afternoon Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143
A6M2 Zero x 27
27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
Afternoon Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143
A6M2 Zero x 24
24 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
ASW attack near Lunga at 115,138
SC Ch 15
SC Ch 14
Allied Ships
SS S-40
SS S-40 is located by SC Ch 15
ASW attack near Bataan at 77,77
SC Ch 31
SC Ch 30
Allied Ships
SS Swordfish
SS Swordfish is located by SC Ch 31
ASW attack near Bataan at 77,77
SS Swordfish
SS Swordfish is sighted by escort
Ground combat at 71,43 (near Neikiang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 690 troops, 0 guns, 103 vehicles, Assault Value = 58
Defending force 5516 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 241
Japanese adjusted assault: 58
Allied adjusted defense: 94
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(+)
Allied ground losses:
58 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 19 disabled
Assaulting units:
3rd Tank Regiment
Defending units:
79th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5856 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1133
Defending force 73951 troops, 306 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2632
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9152 troops, 606 guns, 651 vehicles, Assault Value = 4070, +187 since yesterday
Defending force 138581 troops, 673 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4349, minus 4 since yesterday
Japanese ground losses:
Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Allied ground losses:
87 casualties reported
Squads: 5 destroyed, 12 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units: no new arrivals
Defending units: no arrivals detected
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3246 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 584
Defending force 21627 troops, 130 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 742
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 967
Defending force 24592 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 342
Ground combat at 83,47 (near Ichang)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5487 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 170
Defending force 3102 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 58
Assaulting units:
5th Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
85th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at Urumchi (79,11)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 4988 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 156
Defending force 2723 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 59
Japanese adjusted assault: 105
Allied adjusted defense: 79
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 0)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
Japanese ground losses:
72 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
92 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Assaulting units:
4th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
303rd Brigade
259th Brigade
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12427 troops, 168 guns, 418 vehicles, Assault Value = 570
Defending force 10955 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 385
Japanese ground losses:
8 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
13 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Repairs completed on SS I-166 at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-4 attacking SS Tuna at 112,107 SS Tuna is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from Suzuya-2 attacking an Allied SS at 49,97 a KVIII Class class SS is reported HIT
Repairs completed on SS I-20 at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Ace pilot Okajima F. of 77th Sentai is promoted to 1LT
Pilot Mitsumasa L. is reported as having been found
xAKL Patris is reported to have been sunk near Darwin on Apr 13, 1942


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 790
27 Aug 42 reports - 5/14/2020 2:41:08 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
ASW attack near Bataan at 77,77
SC Ch 31
SC Ch 32
Allied Ships
SS Swordfish
SS Swordfish is sighted by escort
Sub attack near Singkep at 50,88
TK Shinfuku Maru – dud hit, the luck holds for one of my favourite tankers!
TK Azuchisan Maru
PB Sureboko Maru
Allied Ships
SS Sailfish
SS Sailfish launches 2 torpedoes at TK Shinfuku Maru
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
86 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Morning Air attack on 5th Australian Division, at 75,131 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 18
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
Allied ground losses:
143 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Morning Air attack on 8th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Dacca , at 56,38
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 31
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Allied aircraft
no flights – as the RAF don’t want to fly CAP, I will try to hit them on the ground.
Hurricane IIb Trop: 5 damaged
Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed on ground
Airbase hits 3
Runway hits 4
Aircraft Attacking:
22 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 20000 feet
Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
Morning Air attack on Dacca , at 56,38
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 26
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
Airbase hits 5
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 4
Morning Air attack on 36th Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 79th Chinese Corps, at 71,43 , near Neikiang
Afternoon Air attack on Dacca , at 56,38
17 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet
10 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet
ASW attack near Perth at 39,147
SS I-171
Allied Ships
DD Norman
SS I-171 is sighted by escort
ASW attack near Feni Islands at 107,127
Allied Ships
SS Pickerel
SS Pickerel is located by DMS W-2
DMS W-3 attacking submerged sub ....
DMS W-3 is out of ASW ammo
Ground combat at 71,43 (near Neikiang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 690 troops, 0 guns, 103 vehicles, Assault Value = 58
Defending force 5399 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 225
Japanese adjusted assault: 56
Allied adjusted defense: 67
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(+)
Allied ground losses:
175 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 20 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units:
3rd Tank Regiment – reinforcements will soon arrive in the form of one third of the 20th Div .
Defending units:
79th Chinese Corps – attempting to flee west towards India
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5851 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1130
Defending force 73947 troops, 306 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2639
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9160 troops, 606 guns, 651 vehicles, Assault Value = 4268, +198 since yesterday
Defending force 139128 troops, 673 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4379, +30 since yesterday
Allied ground losses:
164 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 14 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units:
Defending units: +30 suggests that something new may have arrived, like a couple of base forces. I could go back through my notes and see what was destroyed 30 days ago but I don’t feel like it’s worth the time.
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3246 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 584
Defending force 21597 troops, 130 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 739
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 984
Defending force 24497 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 342
Ground combat at 83,47 (near Ichang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 5505 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 172
Defending force 3114 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 60
Japanese adjusted assault: 176
Allied adjusted defense: 28
Japanese assault odds: 6 to 1
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(+)
Allied ground losses:
296 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 22 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Assaulting units:
5th Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
85th Chinese Corps – I am working to destroy this Corps to re-establish a solid front line with clear rear areas. 5th IMB will then move to Hankow to garrison the city. That will free up the last 11th Army Bde to move south of the Yangtze, shuffle the garrison Bdes at Wuchang, and reform a C grade Division so it can join the upcoming Battle of Changsha.
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12442 troops, 168 guns, 419 vehicles, Assault Value = 568
Defending force 10940 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 383
Japanese ground losses:
10 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Ground combat at 64,43 (near Myitkyina)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 1332 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 33
Defending force 3716 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 101
Japanese adjusted assault: 12
Allied adjusted defense: 25
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(+), fatigue(-)
Japanese ground losses: not enough strength in the 21 IMB fragment to win the fight, but they have done their job by blocking the enemy path to India. I will move them back NE across the river in combat mode to force the 54th Chinese Corps to spend more time marching around through the jungle.
79 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
9 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units:
21st Ind.Mixed Bde /1
Defending units:
54th Chinese Corps

Repairs completed on AMC Awata Maru at Hakodate, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on SS I-168 at Soerabaja, ship returned to service
G4M1 Betty from Takao Ku K-1/A attacking a 'T' War Emergency class SS at 106,124 an Allied SS is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from Tone-2 attacking SS Drum at 99,57 SS Drum is reported HIT
Ki-21-Ic Sally from 3rd Sentai attacking a 'T' 1940 Programme class SS at 99,56 a O19 Class class SS is reported HIT
8 x H6K2-L Mavis transporting 2nd Indpt SNLF Coy from Tassafaronga
16 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting supplies to Kalemyo
14 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting supplies to Kalemyo
Kavieng expands fortifications to size 3
Kuibyshevka expands airfield to size 9
Kienko expands airfield to size 2
90th Sentai converting to Ki-49-IIa Helen – slowly but surely the 3rd Air Div bomber units are converting to Helens on the assumption that the armour should help survivability.


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 791
28 Aug 42 reports - 5/14/2020 2:42:36 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
ASW attack near Ominato at 120,54
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish is located by PC Sumire
Sub attack near Ominato at 120,54
PC Take
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish launches 2 torpedoes at PC Take
Sub attack near Fukue-jima at 100,59
xAK Taizin Maru
xAK Ryuyo Maru
xAK Daisin Maru
PB Edo Maru
Allied Ships
SS Trout
SS Trout launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Taizin Maru
Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on 5th Australian Division, at 75,131 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 19
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged
19 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 5000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
Allied ground losses:
140 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on 8th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Jorhat , at 63,38
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 44
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 45
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 11
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged
Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 2
Morning Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
Morning Air attack on 16th Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 79th Chinese Corps, at 71,43 , near Neikiang
Morning Air attack on 38th/A Division, at 76,130 , near Daly Waters
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 7
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed
Allied aircraft – I’ve been expecting this, most likely flying from the size 7 airfield at Normanton in western Queensland. Oscars are not going to stop this many B17s, so Nicks are ordered forward from Timor. The remaining light bomber group in 5th Air Div converts from Ann to Nick. It cost 310 PP but I feel that is worth it to add another 31 aircraft that have the potential to shoot down or create B17 ops losses.
B-17E Fortress x 22
B-17E Fortress: 5 damaged
Japanese ground losses:
82 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
11 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
11 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
CAP engaged:
50th Sentai with Ki-43-Ic Oscar (7 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000. Patrol altitude dropped to 10k’ tomorrow.
Also attacking 38th/B Division ... 2nd/A Div and the 2x Tank Regts are not spotted here but are also in the hex
Also attacking 38th/C Division ...
Also attacking 38th/A Division ...
Morning Air attack on TF, near Akyab at 54,45
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 8
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 8
Allied aircraft
A-29 Hudson x 5
A-29 Hudson: 3 destroyed, 1 damaged – most of the kills were by the Nicks. It is fast becoming my favourite IJA fighter.
Japanese Ships
DMS W-12
Aircraft Attacking:
1 x A-29 Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
Naval Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
CAP engaged:
84th I.F.Chutai with Ki-45 KAIa Nick (2 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 6000
77th Sentai Det B with Ki-43-Ic Oscar (2 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 10000
Morning Air attack on 38th/B Division, at 76,130 , near Daly Waters
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 1
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed – the good news is only 1xWIA from these Oscar pilots today. None KIA or MIA. We will see how a mix of Oscars and Nicks performs if the B17s come back tomorrow.
Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 6
B-17E Fortress: 1 damaged
Japanese ground losses:
27 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
6 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
CAP engaged:
50th Sentai with Ki-43-Ic Oscar (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
ASW attack near Akyab at 54,45
DMS W-10
DMS W-12
Allied Ships
SS Trusty
SS Trusty is located by DMS W-10
ASW attack near Rabaul at 106,124
SC Ch 18
SC Ch 19
Allied Ships
SS Cachalot, hits 2, heavy damage – excellent work from the little SC! They must have had some lucky die rolls but I’ll take it.
SS Cachalot is located by SC Ch 18
SC Ch 18 attacking submerged sub ....
Ground combat at 71,43 (near Neikiang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 682 troops, 0 guns, 103 vehicles, Assault Value = 58
Defending force 5231 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 203
Japanese adjusted assault: 25
Allied adjusted defense: 49
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(-)
Allied ground losses:
33 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Assaulting units:
3rd Tank Regiment – still nibbling away with machine guns at the rear guard of the fleeing 79th Chinese Corps.
Defending units:
79th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 6166 troops, 47 guns, 33 vehicles, Assault Value = 1185
Defending force 73950 troops, 304 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2640
Allied ground losses:
7 casualties reported
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units:
40th Division
39th Division
17th Tank Regiment – reinforcement from 3rd Tank Div arrives. It will stay here and reform as the 3rd Tank Div once other units arrive.
51st Infantry Brigade
3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion – moving to Chungking.
Defending units:
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9430 troops, 616 guns, 677 vehicles, Assault Value = 4451, +183 from yesterday. Disruption is close to zero now with fatigue dropping steadily too, and the IJA has the lead again in raw AV. The next deliberate attack is pencilled in for 1 September. Each third of a Division is recovering about 5 AV points per day now on average. 1st Tank Div is moving back into Chungking and 3rd Infantry Div will reform just before the next deliberate attack.
Defending force 138921 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4373, minus 6 from yesterday
Japanese ground losses:
14 casualties reported
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Allied ground losses:
76 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units: no change
Defending units: no change detected
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3241 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 584
Defending force 21601 troops, 130 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 738
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 991
Defending force 24405 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 344
Ground combat at 83,47 (near Ichang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 5505 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 172
Defending force 2823 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 25
Japanese adjusted assault: 175
Allied adjusted defense: 22
Japanese assault odds: 7 to 1 – it won’t be long until this sort of result forces a surrender.
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(+)
Japanese ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
266 casualties reported
Squads: 5 destroyed, 16 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Assaulting units:
5th Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
85th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at Urumchi (79,11)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 6374 troops, 57 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 163
Defending force 2675 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 57
Japanese adjusted assault: 63
Allied adjusted defense: 35
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 0)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
Japanese ground losses:
33 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
184 casualties reported
Squads: 11 destroyed, 4 disabled – good numbers here, slowly grinding the defenders down.
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units:
4th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
303rd Brigade
259th Brigade
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12457 troops, 168 guns, 419 vehicles, Assault Value = 568
Defending force 10950 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 384
Japanese ground losses:
13 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)

WO Hashimoto I. of 77th Sentai Det B is credited with kill number 3
WO Aino G. of 84th I.F.Chutai is credited with kill number 3 – late Hudson scores for the Nicks
WO Aino G. of 84th I.F.Chutai is credited with kill number 4
WO Taniguchi R. of 84th I.F.Chutai is credited with kill number 3
D3A1 Val from Saeki Ku T-1 attacking an Allied PT at 87,62 an Allied SS is reported HIT
D3A1 Val from 31 Ku T-1 attacking SS Gudgeon at 111,108 SS Gudgeon is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-2/B attacking a Electric Boat S-18 class SS at 107,127 a KXI Class class SS is reported HIT
14 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting supplies to Kalemyo
14 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting supplies to Kalemyo
Repairs completed on DD Yugure at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Hyderabad (Sindh) expands airfield to size 6
Newcastle expands airfield to size 6
DD Hatsuharu beginning refit in shipyard at Yokohama/Yokosuka – Type 2 depth charge upgrade while routine maintenance and minor repairs is completed on the CVL task force.
DD Nenohi beginning refit in shipyard at Yokohama/Yokosuka
DD Hatsushima beginning refit while under repair in shipyard at Yokohama/Yokosuka
DD Wakaba beginning refit in shipyard at Yokohama/Yokosuka
DD Yugure beginning refit in shipyard at Yokohama/Yokosuka
DD Ariake beginning refit in shipyard at Yokohama/Yokosuka


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 792
29 Aug 42 reports - 5/14/2020 2:43:28 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
ASW attack near Lord Howe Island at 98,167
SS I-26
Allied Ships
DD Nizam
DD Nestor
SS I-26 is sighted by escort
Night Naval bombardment of Chittagong at 55,41 – the Royal Navy reappears in the Bay of Bengal.
The RN avoided detection by long range Mavis and Nell patrols on the way in. I have a few submarines nearby but they didn’t make contact. From previous bombardments earlier in the war, the RN approached by hugging the India coast from Madras up to about Diamond Harbour. Damage to ground forces was relatively light as they are behind level 3 forts, but I can’t let this continue without trying to counter.
The IJN has 2x CA plus 1x CL task forces at Rangoon totalling 4x CA, 3x CL and about 15x DD, but that wouldn’t be enough to counter this RN force without taking serious damage itself.
Admiral Yamamoto has ordered 1x BB task force and 1x CV/CVL task force to move to SWAF with orders to destroy this RN force if it reappears east of Trincomalee. The BB task force will be BB Div 1, currently in SEAF. BB Divs 2 and 3 that will remain in SEAF. BB Div 1 will be replaced by BB Div 4 consisting of Yamato + Yugumo escorts, currently in reserve at Yokosuka. Once the CV/CVL task force finishes routine maintenance at Yokosuka it will move to SWAF. I will also detach 2x BB Kongos from KB to provide close escort to the CV/CVL task force. It will take about a month for all ships to get into place.
Meanwhile, the main body of the Combined Fleet has finished replenishment at Manus Island and enough A6M5s are ready to cover another raid into the South Seas. Target TBC.
Japanese aircraft
no flights
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 5 damaged
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed on ground
Allied Ships
BB Resolution
BB Ramillies
BB Revenge
CA Devonshire
CA Dorsetshire
CL Newcastle
CL Birmingham
CL Mauritius
CL Ceres
CL Durban
Japanese ground losses:
215 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 14 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 19 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Resources hits 2
Light Industry hits 1
Manpower hits 1
Fires 117
Airbase hits 16
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 39
Port hits 11
Port fuel hits 2
Port supply hits 2
Walrus II acting as spotter for BB Resolution
BB Resolution firing at Imperial Guards Division
BB Ramillies firing at Chittagong
BB Revenge firing at Imperial Guards Division
CA Devonshire firing at Chittagong
CA Dorsetshire firing at Imperial Guards Division
CL Newcastle firing at Chittagong
Walrus II acting as spotter for CL Birmingham
CL Birmingham firing at 18th Division
Walrus II acting as spotter for CL Mauritius
CL Mauritius firing at 3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
CL Ceres firing at 18th Division
CL Durban firing at 18th Division
ASW attack near Bataan at 77,77
SC Ch 31
SC Ch 32
Allied Ships
SS Swordfish
SS Swordfish is sighted by escort
Sub attack near Perth at 44,147
SS I-170
Allied Ships
PG Warrego
DD Le Triomphant
Captain of SS I-170 elects not to launch torpedoes at this target
ASW attack near Tulagi at 114,137
SC Ch 14
Allied Ships
SS S-30
SS S-30 is sighted by escort
Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on Americal Infantry Division, at 77,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 19
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Allied ground losses:
72 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Morning Air attack on 5th Australian Division, at 75,131 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 17
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 damaged
Allied ground losses:
59 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on 8th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
Morning Air attack on 47th Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 79th Chinese Corps, at 71,43 , near Neikiang
Morning Air attack on 38th/A Division, at 76,130 , near Daly Waters
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 19
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 6
No Japanese losses – good news
Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 18
B-17E Fortress: 1 destroyed, 11 damaged – fingers crossed that some of these need to be written off. Will be interesting to see if the USAAF keep these raids up or pause until they can get some escorts to join the party.
Japanese ground losses: Minimal damage from bombing so high and being disrupted by fighters.
10 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
8 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 25000 feet – the B17s increased their bombing altitude today
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 25000 feet
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
6 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 25000 feet
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
CAP engaged:
24th Sentai with Ki-43-Ic Oscar (19 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 11000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 11000.
52nd I.F.Chutai with Ki-45 KAIa Nick (6 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 11000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 11000.
Also attacking 38th/B Division ...
Also attacking 38th/C Division ...
Morning Air attack on TF, near Akyab at 54,45
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 8
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 8
Allied aircraft
A-29 Hudson x 3
A-29 Hudson: 1 destroyed
CAP engaged:
84th I.F.Chutai with Ki-45 KAIa Nick (2 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
77th Sentai Det B with Ki-43-Ic Oscar (2 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
ASW attack near Christmas Island at 175,140
SS I-18
Allied Ships
SS I-18 is located by YP-283
ASW attack near Hakodate at 120,53
PC Nire
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish is located by PC Nire
Ground combat at 71,43 (near Neikiang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 690 troops, 0 guns, 103 vehicles, Assault Value = 58
Defending force 5143 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 194
Japanese adjusted assault: 50
Allied adjusted defense: 52
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(+)
Allied ground losses:
89 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 17 disabled
Assaulting units:
3rd Tank Regiment
Defending units:
79th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 6166 troops, 47 guns, 33 vehicles, Assault Value = 1185
Defending force 73951 troops, 304 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2642
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9427 troops, 616 guns, 677 vehicles, Assault Value = 4884, +533 since yesterday, about 300 of which is from 1st Tank Div moving back in.
Defending force 138853 troops, 668 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4351, minus 23 since yesterday.
Allied ground losses:
165 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 10 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Assaulting units: 1st Tank Div moves back into the hex
Defending units: no new units detected
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3241 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 584
Defending force 21556 troops, 130 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 734
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1004
Defending force 24346 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 348
Ground combat at 83,47 (near Ichang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 5496 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 171
Defending force 2574 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3
Japanese adjusted assault: 43
Allied adjusted defense: 13
Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(+), leaders(-), fatigue(-)
Allied ground losses:
123 casualties reported
Squads: 17 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Assaulting units:
5th Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
85th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at Urumchi (79,11)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 1342 troops, 20 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 160
Defending force 2512 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 47
Allied ground losses:
9 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Assaulting units:
4th Cavalry Brigade
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
259th Brigade
303rd Brigade
Ground combat at Jorhat (63,38)
Allied Bombardment attack
Attacking force 12463 troops, 168 guns, 419 vehicles, Assault Value = 571
Defending force 10959 troops, 125 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 385
Allied ground losses:
7 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Ground combat at 64,43 (near Myitkyina)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 1295 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 27
Defending force 3653 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 96
Assaulting units:
21st Ind.Mixed Bde /1
Defending units:
54th Chinese Corps

D3A1 Val from 31 Ku T-1 attacking an Allied SS at 112,109 an Allied PT is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-1 attacking SS Tuna at 112,107 SS Tuna is reported HIT
14 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting supplies to Kalemyo
14 x Ki-57-I Topsy transporting supplies to Kalemyo
Repairs completed on AMC Kiyosumi Maru at Hakodate, ship returned to service
Nagoya expands airfield to size 5
Kotou expands airfield to size 2
Corvallis expands airfield to size 6
Aircraft Ki-44-IIc Tojo advances R&D
Aircraft A6M5c Zero advances R&D


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
AAR link (no SolInvictus):

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 793
30 Aug 42 reports - 5/14/2020 2:44:14 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
From: Gandangara Country
Status: offline
ASW attack near Singkep at 50,88
SC Ch 2
SC Ch 1
SC Ch 3
Allied Ships
SS Sailfish, hits 2 – more lucky die rolls here as SC Ch 3 lands a few glancing blows.
SS Sailfish is located by SC Ch 2
SC Ch 3 attacking submerged sub ....
ASW attack near Fukue-jima at 99,57
SC Ch 22
SC Ch 21
Allied Ships
SS Drum
SS Drum is located by SC Ch 22
ASW attack near Christmas Island at 175,140
SS I-18, hits 2 – moderate damage so ordered to Truk for repairs. These would be juicy targets if KB could find a task force like this, but I won’t send KB this far from land based air support. No surprises that CI (PO) is being built up as a major USN logistics base. IJN subs are patrolling the obvious convoy routes, but USS Fanning does a good job today protecting the big tankers.
Allied Ships
DD Fanning
TK Mobilube
TK California Standard
TK Alfred Clegg
SS I-18 launches 2 torpedoes at DD Fanning
I-18 diving deep ....
DD Fanning attacking submerged sub ....
Sub attack near Tokara Retto at 99,62
xAK Malta Maru
PB Shonan Maru #1
Allied Ships
SS Albacore
SS Albacore launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Malta Maru
Sub attack near Bataan at 77,77
SC Ch 32
SC Ch 31
SC Ch 30, Shell hits 1
Allied Ships
SS Swordfish, hits 11, on fire, heavy damage – three cheers for this SC Div patrolling off Bataan. No sinking noises heard but reported sunk. Type 95 Mod-2 depth charges aren’t useless after all.
SS Swordfish launches 2 torpedoes at SC Ch 32
SC Ch 32 attacking submerged sub ....
SC Ch 32 attacking submerged sub ....
SS Swordfish forced to surface!
SC Ch 31 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 30 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 32 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 31 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 30 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 31 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 30 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 31 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 30 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 32 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 31 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 30 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 32 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 31 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 30 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 32 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 31 firing on surfaced sub ....
SC Ch 30 firing on surfaced sub ....
Contact with submarine is lost
Submarine attack near Bhaunagar at 37,14
SS I-174
Allied Ships
TK British Destiny, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage. More good news from the west coast of India as SS I-174 was moving back to the Bay of Bengal to hunt for RN BBs.
TK British Destiny is sighted by SS I-174
SS I-174 launches 2 torpedoes at TK British Destiny
ASW attack near Hakodate at 120,53
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish is located by PC Sumire
Flying Fish diving deep ....
Sub attack near Tabar Island at 108,122 – 1x BB and 2x CA task forces are spotted by USS Pompano, but the other task forces of the Combined Fleet remain undetected, including the CVs.
DD Mochizuki
DD Uzuki
DD Yuzuki
Allied Ships
SS Pompano
SS Pompano launches 2 torpedoes at DD Mochizuki
Pompano diving deep ....
Sub attack near Tabar Island at 108,122
DD Shirayuki
DD Shirakumo
DD Uranami
Allied Ships
SS Pompano
SS Pompano launches 2 torpedoes at DD Shirayuki
Pompano diving deep ....
DD Uranami attacking submerged sub ....
ASW attack near Hakodate at 120,53
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish is sighted by escort
Flying Fish diving deep ....
Sub attack near Perth at 39,147
SS I-171, hits 1
Allied Ships
DD Voyager
DD Norman
SS I-171 launches 2 torpedoes at DD Voyager
I-171 diving deep ....
DD Norman attacking submerged sub ....
Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Morning Air attack on 5th Australian Division, at 75,131 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 17
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged
Allied ground losses:
78 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on 8th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Morning Air attack on Jorhat , at 63,38
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 48
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 45
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 20
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
Allied ground losses:
12 casualties reported
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Runway hits 2
Morning Air attack on 79th Chinese Corps, at 71,43 , near Neikiang
Sub attack near Christmas Island at 175,140
SS I-18
Allied Ships
PC Vigilant, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage, reported sunk
PC Crawford
SS I-18 launches 2 torpedoes at PC Vigilant
Ground combat at 71,43 (near Neikiang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 690 troops, 0 guns, 103 vehicles, Assault Value = 210
Defending force 5054 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 182
Japanese adjusted assault: 20
Allied adjusted defense: 46
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Allied ground losses:
87 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled
Assaulting units:
3rd Tank Regiment
20th/C Division – just arrived in the hex. Despite being a little short on supplies it will attack tomorrow to try and put some hurt on the Chinese Corps before it moves west out of the hex.
Defending units:
79th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5833 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1181
Defending force 73919 troops, 303 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2639
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9427 troops, 616 guns, 677 vehicles, Assault Value = 5181, +297 since yesterday
Defending force 139672 troops, 668 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4393, +42 since yesterday
Allied ground losses:
264 casualties reported
Squads: 8 destroyed, 18 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 3 disabled
Assaulting units: 3rd/C Div arrives to allow 3rd Div to reform.
Defending units: One small unit may have respawned based on the +40ish raw AV.
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3241 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 583
Defending force 21519 troops, 128 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 731
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1010
Defending force 24267 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 352
Allied ground losses:
32 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Ground combat at 83,47 (near Ichang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 5505 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 172
Defending force 2439 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2
Japanese adjusted assault: 173
Allied adjusted defense: 4
Japanese assault odds: 43 to 1
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: leaders(+)
Allied ground losses: Defence is really starting to crumble now. Next attack might trigger a surrender.
405 casualties reported
Squads: 57 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
Assaulting units:
5th Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
85th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at Urumchi (79,11)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 6417 troops, 57 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 168
Defending force 2523 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 47
Japanese adjusted assault: 142
Allied adjusted defense: 43
Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 0)
Japanese forces CAPTURE Urumchi !!!
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
Japanese ground losses:
148 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 11 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 4 (1 destroyed, 3 disabled)
Allied ground losses:
1017 casualties reported
Squads: 41 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 34 destroyed, 7 disabled
Engineers: 10 destroyed, 0 disabled
Units retreated 2 to the north.
Assaulting units:
4th Cavalry Brigade – will stay at Urumchi as the garrison force.
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade – will pursue to the north with orders to destroy the 2x Chinese Bdes and capture the last two Chinese bases in the far NW.
Defending units:
259th Brigade
303rd Brigade

Repairs completed on DD Shigure at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on DD Murasame at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Previous report of sinking of SS Swordfish incorrect. Ship sighted and engaged at 77, 77
E13A1 Jake from 19th Ku T-2 attacking SS S-47 at 134,116 SS S-47 is reported HIT
D3A1 Val from 31 Ku T-1 attacking SS Gudgeon at 112,107 SS Gudgeon is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from Suzuya-2 attacking an Allied SS at 49,97 an Allied SS is reported HIT
D3A1 Val from 31 Ku T-1 attacking SS Tuna at 112,107 SS Tuna is reported HIT
E13A1 Jake from 21st Ku T-2/B attacking an Allied SS at 107,127 a Grampus class SS is reported HIT
Repairs completed on SS I-11 at Truk, ship returned to service
Japanese forces CAPTURE Urumchi !!!
Hirosaki/Aomori expands port to size 6
Wagga Wagga expands airfield to size 7
Manus expands port to size 5
Ace pilot Matsunaga, H. of Akagi-1 is promoted to CPO
DD Teruzuki arrives at Maizuru – Akizuki class so will move to join a CV task force
DD Takanami arrives at Nagasaki/Sasebo – Yugumo class so will join BB Yamato as an escort. Neither of these destroyers survived to see 1943 during the real thing…
AG Hayasaki arrives at Osaka/Kyoto – a small AG, historically a food supply ship / reefer ship, a refrigerated cargo ship. Wikipedia says four were completed, one serving in each of SWAF, SEAF, CenPac Area Fleet and NEAF. My pre-war plan was to use these small AG as SC tenders, with one assigned to each of the home islands Naval Districts. I will stick to that plan, rather than role-playing their use as mobile ice cream delivery ships to Area Fleet HQ Officers Clubs.
SS I-34 arrives at Tokyo – to Soerabaja for patrols on the west Australian coast
SS Swordfish is reported to have been sunk near Bataan on Aug 30, 1942
PC Vigilant is reported to have been sunk near Christmas Island on Aug 30, 1942
TK British Destiny is reported to have been sunk near Bhaunagar on Aug 30, 1942
SC Ch 34 arrives at Kobe – assigned to the Tarakan ASW Div
14th RGC Ind. Brigade arrives at Nanking – combined immediately into the 2nd RGC Capital Division, it will remain at Nanking as part of the garrison force. The 1st RGC Capital Division will arrive in 15 days, which will free up the 13th Ind. Mixed Bde to move south to Hangchow. This in turn will allow 11th Ind Mixed Bde to move forward from Hangchow to Chuhsien and form the 60th Div.


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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Post #: 794
31 Aug 42 reports - 5/14/2020 8:43:29 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
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Final preparations for Round 4 at Chungking.

Sub attack near Perth at 43,147
SS I-32
Allied Ships
PG Warrego
PG Herald
DD Le Triomphant
SS I-32 launches 2 torpedoes at PG Warrego
ASW attack near Hakodate at 120,53
PC Sumire
Allied Ships
SS Flying Fish
SS Flying Fish is located by PC Sumire
ASW attack near Perth at 39,147
SS I-171
Allied Ships
DD Vendetta
DD Norman
SS I-171 is located by DD Vendetta
ASW attack near Singkep at 50,88
TK Azuchisan Maru
PB Sureboko Maru
Allied Ships
SS Sailfish
SS Sailfish is sighted by escort
Morning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on Americal Infantry Division, at 77,132 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 20
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Allied ground losses:
35 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Vehicles lost 7 (2 destroyed, 5 disabled)
Also attacking 632nd Tank Destroyer Battalion ...
Morning Air attack on 5th Australian Division, at 75,131 , near Daly Waters
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 17
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
Allied ground losses:
79 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
Morning Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
Morning Air attack on 1st Chinese Corps, at 87,41 , near Tsiaotso
Morning Air attack on 79th Chinese Corps, at 71,43 , near Neikiang
Afternoon Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Afternoon Air attack on 8th Chinese Corps, at 79,47 , near Patung
Afternoon Air attack on Jorhat , at 63,38
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 25
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 30
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 17
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
Runway hits 6
Afternoon Air attack on 26th Indian Division, at 63,38 (Jorhat)
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 7
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
Ground combat at 71,43 (near Neikiang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 4955 troops, 41 guns, 116 vehicles, Assault Value = 207
Defending force 4972 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 171
Japanese adjusted assault: 90
Allied adjusted defense: 49
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: fatigue(-)
Japanese ground losses:
77 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Allied ground losses:
144 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 36 disabled
Assaulting units:
3rd Tank Regiment
20th/C Division
Defending units:
79th Chinese Corps
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5842 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1182
Defending force 73885 troops, 303 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2635
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 9435 troops, 616 guns, 677 vehicles, Assault Value = 5306, +125 since yesterday
Defending force 140528 troops, 668 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4444, +51 since yesterday
Japanese ground losses:
Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Allied ground losses:
162 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Assaulting units: Deliberate Attack #4 ordered for tomorrow. 14th and 27th Divs will remain in Reserve mode as they still have more disabled infantry squads than active.
Defending units: Increase in AV suggests a small unit may have respawned.

Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3246 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 582
Defending force 21511 troops, 128 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 732
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1011
Defending force 24195 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 352

Repairs completed on CS Chitose at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on DD Harusame at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
Repairs completed on DD Suzukaze at Yokohama/Yokosuka, ship returned to service
B5N2 Kate from Shokaku-3 attacking SS Permit at 106,124 SS Permit is reported HIT in SEAF
E13A1 Jake from Tone-2 attacking SS Grenadier at 99,56 SS Grenadier is reported HIT near Sasebo
E13A1 Jake from 19th Ku T-2 attacking SS S-47 at 133,114 SS S-47 is reported HIT near Roi-Namur
B5N2 Kate from Kaga-3 attacking a Triton class SS at 112,122 a Perch class SS is reported HIT near Lihir (SEAF)
Ki-21-Ic Sally from 3rd Sentai attacking SS Seadragon at 100,57 SS Seadragon is reported HIT near Fukue-jima
5 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting supplies to Kalemyo
5 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting supplies to Kalemyo
4 x MC-21 Sally transporting supplies to Kalemyo
3 x MC-21 Sally transporting supplies to Kalemyo
Repairs completed on AO Ondo at Soerabaja, ship returned to service – will move back to Balikpapan to rejoin its task force that is moving fuel to SEAF / 4th Fleet areas.
Hamamatsu expands airfield to size 5
Hirosaki/Aomori expands fortifications to size 1
Manus expands fortifications to size 1
Chengtu expands airfield to size 5 – I noticed that expanding Chengtu airfield can increase VPs a reasonable amount, so I am “investing” supply and converting it to VPs. I will do the same at Chungking once it is captured.
Soerakarta expands airfield to size 2
DD Shiranui beginning refit in shipyard at Hakodate – this Kagero didn’t start to upgrade with its sisters due to an administrative staff error.
Genzan Ku S-1 converting to size 45 from 27 – this is an IJN fighter unit that creates more fighter pilot advanced training slots. While it is under command HQ 22nd Air Flotilla, it is currently at Rabaul on temporary attachment to SEAF.
TK Ceram Maru arrives at Maizuru – a medium tanker, it will move to Sasebo to join a convoy south and join a yet TBC fuel or oil haulage convoy.
SC CHa-41 arrives at Kagoshima – will move south to join the Puerto Princessa ASW Division.

< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/15/2020 12:46:59 PM >


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Post #: 795
1 Sep 42 reports - 5/14/2020 8:45:36 PM   

Posts: 2716
Joined: 3/1/2010
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Breaking news, Chungking forts are reduced to 3!
1:2 attack odds, 18k:4k casualties. Reports to follow.

ASW attack near Lord Howe Island at 98,167
SS I-26, hits 3, heavy damage
Allied Ships
DD Nizam
DD Nestor
SS I-26 is sighted by escort
DD Nestor attacking submerged sub ....
DD Nestor is out of ASW ammo – HMAS Nestor throws the kitchen sink at I-26 and does indeed cause heavy damage. Flood damage is about 70 so she will limp towards the nearest friendly port n the Solomons. Odds are not good that she will survive as it is about 30 hexes across the Coral Sea.
Sub attack near Ouv'ea at 115,157 – but then there was a flurry of IJN sub activity with about a month’s worth of successful IJN sub attacks in one evening.
SS I-29
Allied Ships
APD Alden, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
SS I-29 launches 4 torpedoes
Sub escapes detection
Sub attack near Perth at 44,147
SS I-170
Allied Ships
PG Warrego, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
PG Herald
DD Le Triomphant
SS I-170 launches 2 torpedoes at PG Warrego
I-170 diving deep ....
Sub attack near Singkep at 50,88
TK Kinmo Maru
TK Oyashima Maru
PB Santo Maru
Allied Ships
SS Sailfish
SS Sailfish launches 2 torpedoes at TK Kinmo Maru
Submarine attack near Karachi at 38,7
SS I-176
Allied Ships
xAK Risaldar, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Risaldar is sighted by SS I-176
SS I-176 launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Risaldar
Allied Ships – and again
xAK Risaldar, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Risaldar is sighted by SS I-176
SS I-176 launches 2 torpedoes
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143 – 2x Zero units sweep Ndeni again but it doesn’t go well.
A6M2 Zero x 24
A6M2 Zero: 4 destroyed
4 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet * - What does the “*” mean?
I think this Zero unit needs a rest, the pilots were fresh but the airframes are a bit fatigued. They will rotate back to Rabaul to recover and be replaced by a fresh Zero unit.
It looks like the combination of VMF-211 having the altitude advantage, plus allied radar fighter control put this Zero unit at a disadvantage. I also have to assume that these VMF squadrons have the best USMC pilots available. The Combined Fleet are positioning for another bombardment, but it won’t be all callsigns like the last one. I might order part of the Battle Force to neutralise Ndeni while the rest move further west with KB into the Coral Sea. Still undecided where to send them, likely a raid into the gap between Brisbane and Noumea to see if I can find some allied merchant shipping to sink, ideally tankers. The further south the Combined Fleet go the riskier it gets.

Allied aircraft
F4F-3 Wildcat x 18
F4F-4 Wildcat x 10
F4F-3 Wildcat: 2 destroyed
CAP engaged:
VMF-211 with F4F-3 Wildcat (3 airborne, 6 on standby, 9 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 23000 , scrambling fighters between 19000 and 23000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 17 minutes
VMF-221 with F4F-4 Wildcat (1 airborne, 4 on standby, 5 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 15000 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 13 minutes
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143
A6M2 Zero x 27
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
21 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
Allied aircraft
F4F-3 Wildcat x 11
F4F-4 Wildcat x 8
F4F-4 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
CAP engaged:
VMF-211 with F4F-3 Wildcat (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
9 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 23000 , scrambling fighters between 19000 and 23270.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 89 minutes
VMF-221 with F4F-4 Wildcat (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 21000 and 26000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 26 minutes
Morning Air attack on Ndeni , at 120,143
A6M2 Zero x 6
Allied aircraft
F4F-3 Wildcat x 6
F4F-4 Wildcat x 3
F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
CAP engaged:
VMF-211 with F4F-3 Wildcat (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 23000 , scrambling fighters to 28000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 37 minutes
VMF-221 with F4F-4 Wildcat (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 22000 and 29000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 21 minutes
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on 5th Australian Division, at 76,131 (Daly Waters) – all allied units have moved into Daly Waters and will occupy the base tomorrow.
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
Allied ground losses:
56 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 12 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Also attacking 193rd Tank Battalion ...
Morning Air attack on 5th Australian Division, at 76,131 (Daly Waters)
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
Allied ground losses:
77 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 10 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Also attacking Americal Infantry Division ...
Morning Air attack on Chungking , at 76,45
Morning Air attack on 66th Chinese Corps, at 76,45 (Chungking)
Morning Air attack on 85th Chinese Corps, at 83,47 , near Ichang
Morning Air attack on Wenchow , at 89,58
Morning Air attack on 79th Chinese Corps, at 71,43 , near Neikiang
Afternoon Air attack on Silchar , at 59,39 – a different target today just to mix things up a bit.
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 30
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
Allied aircraft
P-66 Vanguard x 2
Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 2
Aircraft Attacking:
21 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 20000 feet
Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
CAP engaged:
3rd FG/32nd FS CAF with P-66 Vanguard (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
Raid is overhead
Afternoon Air attack on 7th Indian Division, at 59,39 (Silchar) – Australian units are also present at Silchar, so most likely 2x Infantry Divisions plus supporting units are defending here. Possibly with HQ I Aus Corps.
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 24
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
Allied aircraft
P-66 Vanguard x 1
Allied ground losses:
6 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Aircraft Attacking:
24 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 20000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
CAP engaged:
3rd FG/32nd FS CAF with P-66 Vanguard (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
Sub attack near Perth at 39,147
SS I-171
Allied Ships
DD Norman, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Vendetta
SS I-171 launches 4 torpedoes at DD Norman
I-171 diving deep ....
Ground combat at Chungking (76,45) – ROUND 4 of the Battle for Chungking
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 153019 troops, 2096 guns, 2696 vehicles, Assault Value = 5420, +114 before the attack. Minus about 1700 after.
Defending force 140314 troops, 668 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4436, minus 8 before the attack. Based on the results, it should be about minus 550 after, so just under 4000 total now.
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 3 – the ginger beers get the job done again
Japanese adjusted assault: 3082
Allied adjusted defense: 8073
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 3)
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), supply(-)
Japanese ground losses:
Less than the 30900 casualties from Round 3, but more IJA guns and vehicles were disabled in this attack. Disruption and fatigue spike back to previous highs with some in the 60s and 70s, so it will be about another 10-11 days before the next attack.
Three more successful attacks needed to get forts to zero, then probably 2-3 more attacks after that to capture the base. Estimates are firming up for a mid-October victory at Chungking, late October including some contingency time.
The General Staff will start to plan subsequent operations with more confidence now, with the need to reinforce 2nd Area Army in NE India growing by the day.

18492 casualties reported
Squads: 119 destroyed, 1435 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 264 disabled
Engineers: 18 destroyed, 242 disabled
Guns lost 127 (4 destroyed, 123 disabled)
Vehicles lost 175 (25 destroyed, 150 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
More than the 3250 casualties from Round 3, with almost double the disabled infantry squads. I’m interested to see if these casualties go up significantly in the next attack now that forts are level 3, or if the casualty ratio will remain lopsided until forts are 0.
4408 casualties reported
Squads: 59 destroyed, 505 disabled
Non Combat: 22 destroyed, 220 disabled
Engineers: 3 destroyed, 16 disabled
Guns lost 29 (1 destroyed, 28 disabled)
Units destroyed 1 – probably one of the beaten up Corps. I could save the unit lists and scroll through tomorrow to identify which one was destroyed, but I probably won’t have the time.
Assaulting units: 3rd Division took most of the casualties today, effectively zeroed and suffering nearly 100 destroyed infantry squads. I think it only had level 1 field forts, so it may be better to leave Divs out of the fight until they have level 2 field forts.
Defending units: No change before the battle, one less after it.

Ground combat at 71,43 (near Neikiang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 4808 troops, 41 guns, 116 vehicles, Assault Value = 198
Defending force 4738 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 143
Japanese adjusted assault: 184
Allied adjusted defense: 40
Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), experience(-), supply(-)
Japanese ground losses:
100 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Allied ground losses:
118 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 24 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Assaulting units:
3rd Tank Regiment
20th/C Division – 20th/B is also moving along the road to join the fight
Defending units:
79th Chinese Corps – still move west towards India. If it escapes this hex I think I will just let it go, as the IJA 51st Div should capture Lashio before it can walk there. 20th Div could also march to NE India by road and arrive well ahead of any survivors from 79th Chinese Corps.
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 5837 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1182
Defending force 73870 troops, 302 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2636
Ground combat at Chuhsien (88,56)
Japanese Bombardment attack
Attacking force 3246 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 584
Defending force 21505 troops, 128 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 733
Ground combat at 87,41 (near Tsiaotso)
Japanese Bombardment attack – a deliberate attack will be launched here the day after Chungking is captured, then this IJA stack (1st Army) will be tasked with capturing Tsiaotso.
Attacking force 240 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1018
Defending force 24088 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 358
Ground combat at 83,47 (near Ichang)
Japanese Deliberate attack
Attacking force 5505 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 172
Defending force 1980 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1
Japanese adjusted assault: 165
Allied adjusted defense: 4
Japanese assault odds: 41 to 1
Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)
Allied ground losses: still holding on, just
194 casualties reported
Squads: 17 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 26 disabled
Assaulting units:
5th Ind.Mixed Brigade
Defending units:
85th Chinese Corps

D3A1 Val from Saeki Ku T-1 attacking an Allied SS at 87,62 a KV Class class SS is reported HIT
G4M1 Betty from 4th Ku K-1 attacking an Allied SS at 108,129 an Allied SS is reported HIT
CA Maya sights Allied Patrol at 115,131 near Ontong Java – allied long range naval search spots part of the Combined Fleet, likely flying from Ndeni.
PO1 Kotani R. of Kanoya Ku S-1 is credited with kill number 2
PO1 Kamisaka R. of Kanoya Ku S-1 is credited with kill number 2
PO1 Sagara A. of Kanoya Ku S-1 is credited with kill number 2
Damaged A6M2 Zero from 3rd Ku S-1 shot down on way home
Damaged A6M2 Zero from Kanoya Ku S-1 is missing, pilot reported killed – not a good day for the Kanoya Ku S-1…
Damaged A6M2 Zero from Kanoya Ku S-1 shot down on way home
Damaged A6M2 Zero from Kanoya Ku S-1 shot down on way home
Temporary flotation repairs failing aboard SS I-31
D3A1 Val from Saeki Ku T-1 attacking a Seadragon class SS at 87,62 an Allied SS is reported HIT
6 x H6K2-L Mavis transporting 8th JNAF Coy to Kusaie Island – after rest and recuperation at Truk, Kusaie Island will be developed as an emergency airfield and delay defence position.
5 x H6K2-L Mavis transporting 8th JNAF Coy to Kusaie Island
7 x H6K2-L Mavis transporting 8th JNAF Coy to Kusaie Island
5 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting supplies to Kalemyo
3 x Ki-56 Thalia transporting supplies to Kalemyo
4 x MC-21 Sally transporting supplies to Kalemyo
3 x MC-21 Sally transporting supplies to Kalemyo
Katha expands airfield to size 4
Manus expands fortifications to size 2
Bengkalis expands fortifications to size 3
AKE Mamiya beginning refit in shipyard at Hiroshima/Kure – was an AG, now a reasonably large capacity AKE. Historically it was a food supply ship with no mention of being used as an AKE, but due to its large size it is far more useful as an AKE in game.
Delayed planes for the aircraft pool:
4 (33) x A6M2 Zero, 1 (0) x E7K2 Alf, 3 (6) x Ki-30 Ann
APD Alden is reported to have been sunk near Ouv'ea on Sep 01, 1942 – not a lot of points in these three ships (about 15 total) but still good for morale to see the IJA subs claim some victories. Counter-balanced by the Zero losses in the Kanoya air unit...
xAK Risaldar is reported to have been sunk near Karachi on Sep 01, 1942
PG Warrego is reported to have been sunk near Perth on Sep 01, 1942

< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/15/2020 12:54:15 PM >


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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Post #: 796
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 1:07:07 PM   

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The orange line is the one to watch.
VP ratio stays constant at 3.27, so not a bad month but no closer to the target needed to win the war.
Chungking looks likely to fall by late October, with other points on offer by destroying the remaining Chinese stacks and capturing the remaining bases like Changsha. The IJA are still dominating the land war. I need to get as many points as possible in China before the end of 1942, and try to add points in other theatres at better than 4:1 odds. If I can’t gather points at better than 4:1 through offensive operations I would be better switching to defence in those areas.

I am losing the air war despite a 129:26 air to air kill ratio in favour of Japan, with a lot of planes lost to operational causes. 267 IJ ops losses last month compared to only 42 for the Allies. That suggests that I may be pushing the air forces too hard. If I dial back their patrol %s maybe that will save some points. They are routinely set at 60% which seems to avoid morale dropping, but the airframes must just be getting fatigued then falling apart. I need to be a lot more selective with sweeping for the next few months after the debacle over Ndeni yesterday.

The naval war was about even with a 14-all draw in number of ships sunk last month. The allies just take this category on points 115:93 as they sank an AMC, AO and a few AK.

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< Message edited by jdsrae -- 5/15/2020 1:09:33 PM >


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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Post #: 797
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 1:21:02 PM   

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Now to our correspondents in each operational area, this story just in from HQ Escort Fleet.

CAPT Nagai has earnt a few days of leave for his command once he brings this TK convoy with 81k fuel into Fukuoka Harbour.

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Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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Post #: 798
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 1:26:13 PM   

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From the Kwantung Army, HQ 2nd Air Army.

66th Sentai is next on the list to transfer from 2nd Air Division to 9th Air Division, for operations in support of the Southern Expeditionary Army Group within 3rd Air Army.

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Post #: 799
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 1:32:39 PM   

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GEN Hata's staff from the China Expeditionary Army have submitted the next report, showing the status of disruption and fatigue of the force involved in Round 4 of the Battle of Chungking.

To provide further incentive for GEN Hata to finish this battle quickly, he has been advised that an order has been placed for the manufacture of his Field Marshal's baton that will be presented following capture of the capital.

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Post #: 800
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 1:38:15 PM   

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Correction to previous reports, 6th Div took the brunt of the last attack not 3rd Div.
3x Bns were destroyed and the rest of the division was disabled.
LGEN Kanda is ordered to rotate his division to Reserve, it will not participate in Round 5.

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Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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Post #: 801
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 1:51:38 PM   

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HQ 21st Air Flotilla provide the next report, spotting the Royal Navy task force replenishing at Madras.
IJN subs are moving to interdict on the Madras-Chittagong approach path and the staff are trying to figure out how to set up a strike that won't get distracted by a CAP trap over Diamond Harbour or Calcutta...

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Post #: 802
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 1:58:23 PM   

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From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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Time to buy out that unit.


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I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 803
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 2:20:13 PM   

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From: Gandangara Country
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Commander 23rd Special Base Force reports that the oil and fuel are being exported at good rates from Palembang, but the resources stockpile is growing. The priority remains to move the oil and fuel, but the logistics staff have been tasked with figuring out how to export the resources as well. I am not sure the port is big enough to load and move everything.

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Post #: 804
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 2:23:03 PM   

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Time to buy out that unit.

Good point Joe.
I just checked and unfortunately it still costs 868 but I only have 195 PP...
It will have to wait.


Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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(in reply to RangerJoe)
Post #: 805
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 2:29:38 PM   

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Of all the outrageous things that have happened so far, this takes the cake.
An American flag flying over the Daly Waters Pub while the 1st and 5th Aus Divs are also in the hex.
That is just downright un-Australian. I might have to leak this news directly to PM Curtin.

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Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 806
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 2:37:22 PM   

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This next report is from SEAF, with the Combined Fleet ordered to move south into the hunting grounds.
ADM Yamamoto is still at Kure, so I am not quite sure who is in tactical command here.
VADM Nagumo is in command of CV task force 1.
VADM Ukita is in command of BB task force 2.
VADM Tayui is in command of BB task force 3.
So it is paper, rock, scissors between these three VADMs.
VADM Nagumo plays the “how many BBs do you have in your task force” card, winning 4:2:2.

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Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 807
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 2:53:02 PM   

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RADM Kiyota’s staff submit this report from HQ 26th Air Flotilla in Central Pacific Area Fleet (code name 4th Fleet).
All quiet on the CenPac Front.

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Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 808
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 3:11:49 PM   

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LGEN Koito, GOC 7th Div, 27th Army is in tactical command out here in NEAF, or NE Area Army as he likes to call it.
Not much going on out here now that the IJN have withdrawn their major surface combatants and both the 21st and 52nd Divs have been withdrawn.
A few of the radical staff officers on the staff of the 7th Div have started to draw up plans to assault Umnak Island and Dutch Harbour, but they are not picking up the vibe from IGHQ that regular Divisions will not be available for offensive operations in this area until 1943.

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Currently playing my first PBEM, no house rules Scenario 1 as IJ.
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(in reply to jdsrae)
Post #: 809
RE: 1 Sep 42 reports - 5/15/2020 3:40:56 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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Use the port of Osthaven to move fuel to Batavia, use the smaller tankers. Use larger tankers to move the fuel from Sumatra. If Resources end up in Osthaven, put it to stockpile and do the same thing with small freighters. The CS routine for the resources should draw some there.

For Palembang itself, that is a good place for the whalers to haul resources and oil from to Singaport.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

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Post #: 810
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