Peter Stauffenberg -> RE: Modding unit bitmaps (10/18/2006 3:52:37 PM)
I remember I discussed this a lot with German wargamers and they linked me to the following WEB site for the rules for wargames in Germany. This is their WEB site: Click on the button GHS stellt klar and select English language to read their text. For SS units they write that the illegal part is to use the SS rune symbols on the counters. So it's the rune that is illegal not the double S'es (SS). So it's not illegal to call a unit i. e. 2 SS, but write 2 ** (where each * is the SS rune) IS illegal. This is exactly the same as Patrice wrote. This is the interesting text: The German "Society for historical Simulations" (the GHS; Gesellschaft fuer historische Simulationen e.V.) has been established as a registered organization in the free democratic constitutional structure of the Federal Republic of Germany. According to its statutes, the GHS has committed explicitly to striving for peaceful co-existence between nations and to the idea of international understanding. Therefore, the GHS rejects the reproduction of symbols from unconstitutional organizations regardless of their shapes, labeled on simulation materials such as boxes, cards, counters, etc. The GHS appeals to all producers of simulation games to avoid using particular symbols and badges within their products. Symbols of unconstitutional organizations neither improve a game’s simulation value, nor contribute to an increased historical authenticity. Although the GHS recognizes that such symbols are not intentionally used by game producers to be offensive, they should be avoided out of respect for the emotions and feelings of people around the world. Furthermore, the use of such symbols is forbidden in Germany according to §86 of the StGB (Strafgesetzbuch). These rules make it illegal to trade in games with such symbols. We believe that further legislation will make owning games containing such symbols illegal. The following symbols are explicitly affected by this paragraph: The SS-Runen (SS Runes), SS Totenkopfsymbol (SS Skull), Odins Kreuz (Odin’s Cross), Wolfsraute (Wolfs` Rhomb), Runenraute (Runes’ Rhomb), Keltenkreuz (Celtic Cross), Reichskriegsflagge since 1933 (War Flag), and obviously any form of the Hakenkreuz (Swastika), as well as all variations and corresponding illustrations (this list makes no claim to be exhaustive!). Society For Historical Simulations The Managing Comittee Consenting Opinions: Germany is rapidly becoming one of the leading game markets in the world. In Germany, the swastika distorts the past in a manner that demeans her thousands of years of history. To allow all gamers full access to all our games, Australian Design Group no longer uses swastikas in her games. "Harry Rowland (Australian Design Group) Well we won't be using any such images in any games; we do understand the issue and do not feel the symbols are necessary for games."