RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (Full Version)

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Terminus -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (6/30/2006 8:46:08 PM)

Bye, bye Argentina... We hardly knew ye...

watchtower -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (6/30/2006 8:48:27 PM)

Two very ordinary boring teams - Germany on penalties, again - YAWN[:D]

Grouchy -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (6/30/2006 8:59:38 PM)

After the first goal i found the game quit enjoyable. Perfect penalties for the German team.

watchtower -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (6/30/2006 9:09:54 PM)

I'm just miffed about that unprofessional fool Blatter's comments on the England team being negative after his own Swiss team playing 11 behind the ball in that horrible match. His sexism is what annoys me most though with all that stuff about female players should wear shorter shorts to make the games more exciting! That man should be kicked out of Fifa.

Oleg Mastruko -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (6/30/2006 9:10:44 PM)

Argentianians have perhaps the ugliest team on the tournament (as in - players have outworldly ugly faces+haircuts, and I don't care whether someone will find this comment politically incorrect), and it's alyaws fun seeing OKH Footmacht robots beat passionate (+ in this case ugly) Latins into submission. [:D] With all the wussy crying & hand waving that inevitably must ensue.... boo-bloody-hooo

Special "Quisling" award goes to Argie goalkeeper, who, seemingly, left the game in the crucial moment because, well, I don't know why really.... In a game like this you have to fight unless you have half of your head blown off. Unless he can prove he has at least two ribs broken I'd shoot the guy for treason (where's a good military junta when you need them?) [:D] 

My congrats to German Foot-Bots [;)] though they also need Slavs like Podolski and Miroslav to win [;)] BTW Marc you OK? [;)]

Przemcio231 -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (6/30/2006 11:22:46 PM)

Deamn the best players in the World cup are Poles... but why they do not play in Polish team[:D][:D][:D]

watchtower -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (6/30/2006 11:39:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Przemcio231

Deamn the best players in the World cup are Poles... but why they do not play in Polish team[:D][:D][:D]

The only great poles in the world cup are the one's that are holding the goalnets up[;)]

Terminus -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (6/30/2006 11:53:08 PM)

Off go the Ukrainians...

watchtower -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 12:38:59 AM)

When that boy svenchenko gets some decent service from Lampard/cole/Ballack etc at Chelsea next year - Chelsea will be EURO champs and this is from a long suffering West Ham fan (well at least West Ham won the 66 WC final)[8D]

Oliver Heindorf -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 4:00:11 AM)

honestly, the germans deserved the win, as agentina did not work hard enough to secure the win after their first goal .

argentianian steaks are ready for eat now [:D] hehe

watchtower -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 4:05:57 AM)

Looking like a Italy V England Final

Oliver Heindorf -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 4:07:05 AM)

main problem : portugal will beat the brits imho

but anyway I celebrate

watchtower -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 4:10:28 AM)

nah - We have not even started yet. We were waiting for everyone else to shine and fade...[8D]

And we are NOT the Brits we are the English

The Brits are that Celt bunch (Scots, Welsh, Irish, Cornish)

Mind you I have all of em in my blood[:D]

Oliver Heindorf -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 4:20:39 AM)

with all respect but there were only 2 teams who plaed good in the tournament : Argentina and Deutschland.

Argentina is gone. ... dont cry for me argentina.....[:'(][:'(][:'(][:'(][:D][:D][:D][:D]

the brits played bad & catastrophic imho. I watch the premiere league often but what I see here at the cup tournament differs alot. I dunno why but the english suck at the tornament as the french and the brasils imho. Of course, their players could do much better, as they often enough showed it in their own league teams.

Germany and Argentina were the best teams in the tourmnament imho if you look at the games and imho, if you beat the argentines, you have the best chances to win the cup. I will keep the fingers crossed :D

Oliver Heindorf -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 4:22:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: watchtower

nah - We have not even started yet. We were waiting for everyone else to shine and fade...[8D]

And we are NOT the Brits we are the English

The Brits are that Celt bunch (Scots, Welsh, Irish, Cornish)

Mind you I have all of em in my blood[:D]

s'cuse me ! [&o]


der neue Weltmeister - Deutschland heißt er ! [:)]

Marc von Martial -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 3:52:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko

BTW Marc you OK? [;)]

Yes, I am about to become sobber again, what a night .... [;)]

Marc von Martial -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 3:57:43 PM)

Argentinia was the team that made Germany strong again. Two major tactical mistakes (the argentinian substitutions) and the substitions of Borowski and Odonkor made the game for Germany. Argentinia played very clever in the first half, if they had done that in the second half instead of diving and playing for time they would have won 1:0.

Anyway the german team fought its way back into the game. But they were not playing as good as in the former games, a lot of individual mistakes and nerves showed [;)]

Argentinia then showed us how southerns can take a defeat [8|] , bloody coward sissies

Now Germany is the only team that has never been defeated in a penalty shootout [:D]

Marc von Martial -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 4:00:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko
Special "Quisling" award goes to Argie goalkeeper, who, seemingly, left the game in the crucial moment because, well, I don't know why really.... In a game like this you have to fight unless you have half of your head blown off. Unless he can prove he has at least two ribs broken

He was falling very unlucky on his hip when coming down oafter the dogfight with Klose. He has a pretty rough hip contusion. Anybody that ever had one knows the pains [;)]

Marc von Martial -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 4:02:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: watchtower
... Chelsea will be EURO champs ...

Do they actually have any Euros left [;)][:D]

watchtower -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 8:46:45 PM)

At least we are free of that 'Tactical Genius' Sven now.

Hope Germany win now. What a bunch of divers that Portugese lot are - disgraceful.

Terminus -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 8:46:47 PM)

And there go the Engländers... Buh-bye![:'(]

watchtower -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 8:47:54 PM)

And whatever happened to the Danes?[:D]

Shaun Wallace -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 9:01:19 PM)


England lost to a bunch of women, they are not footballers but actors. God I hope that Germany and Portugal end up in the final and I will be cheering for the Germans. (at least they play real football) Good luck Marc!

The only good player for Portugal is the goalkeeper. JHFC if they win the world cup....



Terminus -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 9:51:58 PM)

I thought there was one funny moment. One of the Portuguese players was tackled and went flying through the air with a howl. He landed, clutching his shins like they'd been run over by a steam roller. When he noticed that the referee didn't give him a free kick, his legs magically healed, he got up and run off. F*cking idiot (the player, not the ref)...

Terminus -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 9:53:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: watchtower

And whatever happened to the Danes?[:D]

We haven't had a team good enough for any large, international tournament for years and years... And neither has England...[:'(]

Shaun Wallace -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 10:05:26 PM)


We haven't had a team good enough for any large, international tournament for years and years... And neither has England...

Thats on the theory of "when he is down kick him?" Good ole Danes ...


Terminus -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 10:09:11 PM)

Heh... It's more along the lines of "he's down, we're down, so let's kick him..."

Terminus -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/1/2006 11:55:06 PM)

And then there was four... The Brazilians never got their game going anyway throughout the tournament...

Trigger Happy -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/2/2006 12:27:25 AM)


Terminus -> RE: 2006 World Soccer Championships in Germany (7/2/2006 12:28:43 AM)

So now it's Euro 2006...[:D]

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