JWE -> RE: Standardized Artwork Set (4/2/2008 10:35:41 PM)
ORIGINAL: Ron Saueracker Oh, did not realize they changed the upgrades. Great news! Oh yeah!! Upgrades and conversions each have a definable delay time, based on what it actually was. Ships upgrade (and/or convert) with delays running from a few days, for putting a DC rack on a DMS, to 9 months or more, for a full tilt boogie BB modernization. IRL sunk BBs, that aren’t sunk in the game, or were ‘upgraded’ on the IRL schedule, can nevertheless ‘convert’ to another IRL schedule and end up as a hot, nasty, item in ’44 or ’45. Brothers TomLabel and BigB have provided art up the wazoo for all these possibilities. There’s over 30 pieces of US BB art alone, representing every single structural change made to every single BB in the US inventory. Just imagine the carriers and cruisers.