TOMLABEL -> RE: Standardized Artwork Set (6/19/2008 7:56:18 AM)
ORIGINAL: Gem35 quote:
ORIGINAL: TOMLABEL That is strange... My first impulse was to say this is a memory issue, but I'm pretty sure in your case you have enough. Are you using the stock art set? Maybe try loading the standardized sets from this thread which I believe are located at Spooky's. I've seen this same phenomenon happen before to others here on the forum, so I'm sure someone will sound off soon. It's never happened to me, so unfortunately I do not remember the resoulution. Have you searched the threads for this particular issue? TOMLABEL In a weird kind of way, I think it may be a memory issue, I have plenty of memory, 2 Gb and a really good workhorse CPU (2.4 Ghz dual core intel cpu) but I may have some spyware/malware that is eating it up. For instance, before when I first had the chance to use this PC I could defrag my hard drive, run a virus scan and play ANY game at the same time, now when I just run a simple spyware program and just surf, the PC seems VERY sluggish. It may be time to re-install windows and start over. Internet can be a boon and a scourge for PCs. No I have not done a search, guess it's time to do one. thanks Tom.[:)] Yes, that does sound like something is hogging your memory. Unless someone posts a recommendation in the near future, it may be that a re-install of Windows may be in order. I know its a pain, but if its been a while since the last re-install, its probably a good idea. I know its a bit much, but I have 3 HDs with XP residing on one exclusively in case I run into spyware/virus issues. Makes it much easier to wipe and re-install the OP without having to do everything else. TOMLABEL