RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (Full Version)

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montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/4/2009 10:36:02 PM)

Turkey's turn is in!

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/4/2009 10:36:38 PM)

Turkey's turn is in!

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/5/2009 4:32:45 AM)

France T5 is in.

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/5/2009 4:56:44 PM)

(As B2 chooses to Role-play his part as King of france, in the spirit of the Game I will here do so likewise, however to those of you choosing not to follow suit please just send any response in ordinary language. Peter )

To, the legitimate Monarchs of Europe.
From, the Earl of Evenwood; 1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to his Majesty King George III.

Despite being politely advised against it by his Majesty in his very 1st communication (see attached copy below), Louis Bourbon, styled King of France has continually bombarded King George with French plans for the division of Europe, the main gist of which seems to be, protection of French trading interests in Poland, the partition of Denmark and French support for a strong British presence in Germany.

The unfortunate impression gained by His Majesties Government therefore is that you as Sovereign Monarchs of you nations have abdicated the guidance of your countries Foreign policy to the Court at Versailles; this of course, whilst in the opinion of this Government somewhat Foolhardy, is your prerogative.

However, I would suggest to you all that given Englands longstanding wealth of experience with French duplicity this may not be the wisest course of action, and would add that as King Georges Prime Minister I could never countenance the partition of Europe according to the fickle whims of said Louis Bourbon and the French court.

I respectfully recommend therefore that if any of you do wish to discuss matters appertaining to your Nations interests, you contact myself rather than leave matters to the dubious arbitration of the French Court.

I remain your obedient Servant.


1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to King George III


To Louis Bourbon, self styled King of the French

Sir, I fear I am unable to answer your questions with regard to English Foreign policy as that is the business of my Ministers.

The newly appointed 1st Minister is the Earl of Evenwood and you should therefore address any such enquiries to him; I would however be mightily surprised should he think to disclose Privy Council matters for their widespread discussion abroad.

But your enquiry does bring to my mind something I would l rather like to see on behalf of my dear wife Charlotte and that is the joining of her homeland to our possessions abroad, a fitting gift I feel to a faithful & treasured companion so my thanks for bringing it to my attention, I shall raise the matter with my Ministers in the near future.

I do feel somewhat obliged to advise you of the outrage caused amongst my Household Secretariat at your form of address to myself, they do assure me that the correct form of addressing a reigning monarch is “Your Majesty”, “Royal Highness” being for the offsprings of a Royal house, however it is of no great matter to myself I can assure you.

I trust this missive finds you in Good health and that the revolts in France we have been hearing about at our Court are but a passing thing.

George R

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/5/2009 6:48:06 PM)

To: George III, the good King of Britain and Ireland and Elector of Hanover
From: King Louis XVI
Date: November 1792
RE: European Affairs,

Your Majesty,

The King of France has done nothing but work towards peace and stability in Europe, as well as the commencement of the protection of British trading rights in Germany. The consuls I have been doing my diplomacy with know this. France has not moved on a single minor nation to this point. Not a single one.

France will continue to push for stability and peace and well defined spheres of interest (what you refer to as dividing Europe) to avoid the development of any major crisis or general European war--continental conflagrations which the kings of Britain have hoped for historically. A divided and quibbling Europe must surely be every British monarch's dream.

France supports a strong Prussia, a strong Austria, a strong Spain, a strong Russia, and a stable Ottoman Empire. France is even pushing for a secure Britain and British interests. The only way I can see the British Parliament complaining about this, is IF it wants war. Or if it is working to divide Europe and spark wars.

We have drawn our fleets out of the Atlantic to make you feel safer while you peer into our lands with your naval units. What do we need to do next? Give you Picardy, Normandy, and Brittany?

Well defined spheres to prevent war and strengthen central Europe's economies are France's top priority. Peace in Germany is a top priority. A peaceful solution for Poland is a top priority. Peace in Italy is a top priority.  Peace in the Iberian Peninsula is a top priority. And now I add to that list the abolition of the instrument of total war in Europe.

I would like to include the sovereign monarch of Britain in these discussions, but all of my diplomatic messages to London in which I attempt to involve Britain in discussions as to how to secure peace in central Europe apparently go lost in the mail.

I am not exactly sure what the British monarch is complaining about.  Perhaps peace in continental Europe? Does the King of Britain have a problem with a nation like Sweden having a say in international affairs?

Surely it must be bothersome for a British monarch to have a French king so bent on peace and diplomatic solutions. Indeed to have a French king who will come to the aid of virtually anyone who is the victim of a declaration of total war--even Britain itself.

My neighbours know that I have worked hard to negotiate spheres of influence and will not annex or occupy lands in other's spheres of influence without having first purchased/acquired/negotiated rights to them peacefully.

It is very easy and convenient to claim peace talks have broken down, when one hasn't attended any. It is also easy to place booby traps when you don't tell people where they are at. I have asked you for clarification of your foreign policy goals so that I can avoid offending you or hitting one of your (apparently secret) trip wires.

France isn't dictating any terms to anyone, merely seeking ways to develop a cooperative relationship in central Europe and on its peripheries and champion the causes of the underdogs.

I throw down the gauntlet of peace between the eight great nations of Europe. Will the British government pick it up?

Most sincerely,

King Louis XVI


barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/5/2009 7:03:06 PM)

A repost with the addition of point 10--the abolition of the instrument of total war in Europe.

The King of France does not understand what is so threatening about these policies to Britain (which all of my diplomatic contacts know I have been working towards)... other than the threat of peace in Europe.

Indeed, as all of my diplomatic contacts can tell you, I have at every step of the way indicated that Hanover is to remain under British control and that I will not support an alternative. Perhaps you can explain how this makes France dangerous.

I am sure the good willed British monarch can -- and will -- find a way to stay at peace with the French King. I am not interested in torturing my peasants, the peasants of my neighbours, or your sailors with decades of war. I refuse.


barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/6/2009 12:12:01 AM)

(This is obviously a game...and I intend to enjoy it) ;D Kingmaker is a good guy, a top CoG:EE player. And he knows his history. That's why I respect him. [:)]

Franck -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/6/2009 5:23:01 PM)

Well, I don't know my history at all! Well I don't know this part of history actually.

I do know that next turn is delayed by: MONTE :)[:-][:-]

Hehehehehe :)

Here's to hoping I get it quickly enough to play it. I said 4:00 PM eastern time on the mail... But I'd actually need it more like 3:30 PM eastern time.

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/6/2009 6:12:08 PM)

Sorry Guys. Blame it on the new guy. Anyway, turn is sent again, and hopefully right!

timurlain -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/6/2009 9:13:58 PM)

Prussian turn 6 in. First. I am on the roll with goodie points. I have taken your previous blame to heart [:'(].

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/7/2009 12:53:29 AM)

Turkish turn 6 in!

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/7/2009 1:03:42 AM)

France in. :)

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/7/2009 4:51:59 PM)

To, the legitimate Monarchs of Europe.
From, the Earl of Evenwood; 1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to his Majesty King George III.

It has been brought to my attention by their Lordships of the Admiralty that the menace to Trade by Privateers has largely been eliminated from the High seas, at least as far as Northern waters are concerned and they have asked, as have the Guild of Merchants, that I pass on their appreciation to all the Seafaring nations who’s ships where engaged in sweeping this scourge from the seas.

The skill and dedication of the following navies in helping the Royal Navy complete this task is fully acknowledged by their Lordships.

Denmark, Russia, Venice, Holland & Spain.

From figures supplied by the Admiralty it would seem that the bulk of Privateers in the main originate from along the Barbary Coast, although here it must be added that 1rouge English Merchant who had sadly turned to this nefarious crime was also sunk.

However, it should come as no surprise to those who Trade via the High seas that the one glaring exception to the above is the amount of Privateers sponsored by the Court at Versailles, 5 have of this date been dispatched, whilst the French government has lent no support whatsoever to the elimination of these parasites on free trade, this I may suggest should stand as an object lesson to those of you on the Continent of Europe with regard to French concepts on Free trading practices.

To hopefully counteract any future return of Privateers to the Sea lanes, in my role as Foreign secretary I would hereby give due notice that, after lengthy consultation with the Admiralty & the Privy Council, His Britannic Majesties Government from here on will reserve the right to regard any Nationally sponsored Privateering as a legitimate Casus Belli.

I remain your obedient Servant.


1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to King George III

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/7/2009 10:13:34 PM)

To: Earl of Evenwood; 1st Minister & Foreign Secretary to his Majesty King George III.
I sure wish I had known about this policy against Privateers, and I would have left them home in port! As it is they became cannon fodder for the Danish fleet as soon as they went to sea! Good Riddance, I never liked them anyway!

The Sultan of Turkey

Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/7/2009 10:47:31 PM)


OoC (out of Character)

Personal opinion Monte, but I reckon they have been Dummed down so much as to be practically worthless, still they add a bit of flavour to the game.

All the Best

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/8/2009 9:07:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: Kingmaker

I do feel somewhat obliged to advise you of the outrage caused amongst my Household Secretariat at your form of address to myself, they do assure me that the correct form of addressing a reigning monarch is “Your Majesty”, “Royal Highness” being for the offsprings of a Royal house, however it is of no great matter to myself I can assure you.

The Austrian Emperor will try to remain mindful of these points of etiquette in future correspondence.

PS I hope you are enjoying the IPOD I gave you at our last meeting.


Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/8/2009 9:17:59 AM)


"Yer man groovy, bin 'Tripping the light fantastic' down on the Home farm with a bunch of Wenches from out of town. [;)]

All the Best

George 'Groovy Cat' R

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/8/2009 5:52:14 PM)

Is everyone's turn in?

Franck -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/8/2009 6:52:25 PM)

All turn in.

I had warned that this would happen once in a while.
I'm staying at my GF's place for the week and she works in the woods... I need to drive 45 minutes to acces the internet. So I only do my turns every 48 hours. This is also why my replies to diplomatic letters have been slower too.

I also have a canoe camping trip on the weekend. Then it's back to normal life for 2-3 weeks and then one more week spent at GF's place... Until her contract end.

Turn in the doing.

Franck -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/8/2009 7:34:18 PM)

Done and sent!

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/8/2009 11:57:15 PM)

I am having serious problems with my trade guys. Please check out my "Problems with trade" topic in the main forum and comment if you have had similar experiences. I am not really sure what to think.

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/9/2009 6:47:22 PM)

Did anyone in here see a rumor I planted about the French King being seen heading off for Bordeaux in a carriage with 10 of his consorts? I am testing to see if rumor planting is working.

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/9/2009 11:27:08 PM)

LOL. I have no clue as to how to combine turns. But I can try I guess. But I can't do it before tomorrow. And then who knows if there will be a delay because of my inability to combine the files.

Franck -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/9/2009 11:27:36 PM)

Hi everyone...
I will be unable to play next turn by friday. I asked 2 player whom I trust they won't use the ''meta'' game against me to play my turn if possible. I also set pretty clear guidelines for them to follow. If for any reason they can't play my turn, I have no problems with some one else playing my turn. So just ask it here and the person I asked to play my turn can send you my paswword (for the spanish) and what I wanted to be done.

I'll be back on sunday so see you then and I can start replaying 1 turn every 12 hours if you can keep up with that pace :)

See ya!

And wish me some good canoe and camping...

I wish you a good weekend!

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/9/2009 11:48:11 PM)

French turn in.

By the way, as I have indicated and shown in the post in the main forum, my trade is f&$ked. I can't add any new trades. And I don't even know how to get the ball rolling again. I tried to cancel some smaller exchanges this turn to see if I could add some new routes. I guess we will see what happens.

Eric suggested it MIGHT be because of a "maximum" trade limit. I have 49 active and it won't let me go higher. Guess we'll see what happens.

barbarossa2 -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/10/2009 12:05:21 AM)


To the Monarchs of Europe (and Sultan),

The King of France is curious if anyone here opposes the the rise of Sweden to middle power status with the acquisition of Denmark, its lands, and its navy. I have been working to allow Sweden a full voice in international affairs with just such an acquisition.

If you are against it, I would be curious to know. Perhaps you could also give your rationale. This is a forum as adequate as any.

Most sincerely,

Louis XVI
King of France

Mus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/10/2009 12:29:23 AM)

Am I missing something? I believe a Sultan is a type of Monarch.

PS I would be completely shocked if Great Britain didnt immediately declare war and destroy the Danish and Swedish Navies. I know I would.

montesaurus -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/10/2009 4:09:55 AM)

Turkish turn is in.

timurlain -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/10/2009 5:38:33 AM)

My turn in will be delayed. I am in the UK now working (I work 3 weeks from home and 1 week in the UK). These weeks just get so hektic that I barely get couple hours of sleep in the night (and no it is not wild partying :( )


Franck -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (7/12/2009 8:46:46 PM)

back... Still waiting on a turn if I'm right?

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