ComradeP -> RE: War in the East Q&A (5/8/2010 1:39:13 PM)
hmmmmm, gamey, don't know, never tried it, yet Yup, that would indeed be gamey. As said before: I'd rather discuss as many gamey actions as possible now, so that something might still be implented to prevent them if possible, than to wait until after release, which would result in something similar to the truckload of "this is broken/gamey" discussions on the WitP:AE forums. quote:
well, the Fin's can't attack across, that don't mean they can't defend, you slap them, they will slap you back, and Fins don't like to be slapped ! Sure, the Soviets are not likely to kick the Finns out of the hex, but losses should be a lot lower than when attacking German formations because an actual counterattack isn't possible. As it stands now, the Finnish front could provide easy experience/training for Soviet units, as the Finns can't attack them across the no attack line, so the Soviet units can rebuild after an attack, or simply be swapped with other units so the Finns will suffer from serious attrition. quote:
you gain some, by sitting still or by week, but combat is the better trainer I'd say it's also more risky. Given the choice as the Soviets between a certain gain in experience without suffering losses, or trying to gain experience in combat which might all be nullified by the amount of losses suffered (or by the division being destroyed), parking some divisions somewhere so they can train for a while might not be a bad idea, provided you can spare them from frontline duties.