Hard Sarge -> RE: War in the East Q&A (5/8/2010 1:01:01 AM)
ORIGINAL: ComradeP If units in static mode require less trucks to move, does that also mean the unit has less trucks that can be captured/destroyed in combat as the trucks will be send back to the pool? trucks will be sent back to the pool, so they are not there to be captured, so, yes, less will be lost if the unit gets attacked Can encircled units become static, if so, what happens to their trucks? hmmmmm, gamey, don't know, never tried it, yet Can the Soviets attack across the Finnish no attack line. If so, what keeps the Soviets from getting some easy experience knowing the Finns can't attack them? well, the Fin's can't attack across, that don't mean they can't defend, you slap them, they will slap you back, and Fins don't like to be slapped ! If training is included as something the player can control or influence (as in: if players can set a unit to train or if a unit will train automatically if left alone somewhere), at what rate will it gain experience? you gain some, by sitting still or by week, but combat is the better trainer, you also have Exp and morale to worry about, you can be High Morale and low Exp, so, would think something like 50-50 would be better then 30-70 (I got one Guard Corps, with a Morale of 26, only thing I can think of, it was out of supply for a bit) It has been discussed that Soviet Tank Divisions split up into brigades late in 1941, but what happens to Mechanized Corps, or are the 1941 Mechanized Corps abstracted and not represented as actual Corps sized formations? in 41, the MC are HQ type units, so have troops assigned to them, like a SU Army would, so, a MC may have 3 Tank Divs and 2 Rifle Divs and a few Brigs under it's control (would have to look to be sure of the set up, mine normally die too fast for me to get a grip on what they should be Hard Sarge recruited regular troops into a Guards formation a while ago. How many units need to be Guards to create a Guards Division/Corps if you combine them with other units to form the formation? In other words: do you get a Guards Rifle Corps when you combine a Guards Rifle Division with two regular Rifle Divisions, assuming the regular Rifle Divisions have a reasonable experience level but are not actually Guards? 2 of the 3, need to be Guard, to combine units and become a higher Formations if the same type, any unit can be merged, but that will most likely lower the Morale/Exp level if you do it with a Guard (a trade off, you may need the men, but the unit itself will not be as good) now, if as you say, if the 2 normals are high morale, adding the Guard to them, will still form a normal, but the little extra boost, may get it promoted to a Guard the next turn or so ??? As an aside, whilst checking Soviet unit strengths during the battle of Smolensk, I noticed that numerous 1941 Mechanized Corps actually included more regiments than the late war Mechanized Corps contained (although the ones I'm using for comparison might be understrength). A 1941 Mechanized Corps has a total (I'm combining some units for the sake of comparison) average paper strength of 2 motorcycle regiments, 3 artillery regiments, 5 tank regiments and 4 motorised rifle regiments. I think that works with our set up, the MC will be a HQ type unit, and can have as many Brigs added to it as you want (there is a command limit, over that, and it gets HARDer to control those under them, but you can still add them, so say in 42, the Army size is 27, but you can go 30-35-40 points of units into that Army, you just are going to missing some command rolls)