RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (Full Version)

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cdbeck -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/7/2010 1:25:54 AM)

Because the game is not yet finished (at least not released) you really DON'T know what is not in the game, or what is not planned to be patched into the game or developed for the future of the game. Guess what, Elliot reads these forums (he responds to many of you). Unless you are Elliot, you don't know his plans.

So lets all try to chill a bit, and look forward to release day with optimism. I can tell you from personal experience that Elliot is a very receptive and perceptive person.


Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/7/2010 1:44:55 AM)� : wish list thread

Distant Worlds:Updates,Expansions,and Sequels.Tell the company your wish list.


Many of us DO know what is not in the game. Thus this thread. It's not that difficult. Plus, thread like this are fun to express ideas.

We have read the forum and articles. We have seen the screen shots and videos. Developers and testers have answered questions. : Facts about Distant Worlds

morbug -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/7/2010 8:31:47 AM)

What I'm trying to say is that:

1) Discussing the included features is great!
2) Mentioning what you think is is interesting features in 4X-games in general is good
3) Writing up wishes for the future is ok


4) Saying that: X has to be in the game or it won't be complete/good is a bit rude when you haven't even tried the game.

That said I don't want to start an argument about it, even though it might be too late ;) I'm sure that everyone here are simply enthusiastic about the game and have played too many 4X-games for their own good (I know I have), thus giving a lot of preconcieved notions of how the game is supposed to be without knowing all the details and how it all fits together. Well, we'll all se soon enough :)



CV Zuikaku -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/7/2010 2:15:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: morbug

What I'm trying to say is that:

1) Discussing the included features is great!
2) Mentioning what you think is is interesting features in 4X-games in general is good
3) Writing up wishes for the future is ok


4) Saying that: X has to be in the game or it won't be complete/good is a bit rude when you haven't even tried the game.

That said I don't want to start an argument about it, even though it might be too late ;) I'm sure that everyone here are simply enthusiastic about the game and have played too many 4X-games for their own good (I know I have), thus giving a lot of preconcieved notions of how the game is supposed to be without knowing all the details and how it all fits together. Well, we'll all se soon enough :)



We are not posting ultimatums here. We are just posting our wishes, thoughts and suggestions... If someone thinks that some feature will be missed if not in the game, let it be free to post his or hers thoughts and concerns... It is not attack on anyone, just an ordinary wishlist....

drillerman -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/7/2010 2:37:30 PM)

If it has not got voice control 3D glasses support with 360 degree IMAX movie options straight out the box then I am going to start flaming![sm=00000622.gif][sm=00000612.gif][sm=00000729.gif][sm=00000729.gif]

Webbco -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/7/2010 2:59:31 PM)

I NEED to see NES zapper compatibility too. These days, a 4X strategy game should obviously have NES zapper support so you can actually shoot incoming enemy fleets, otherwise the game is incomplete. [;)]

edit: NES or SNES? I can't remember...

Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/7/2010 6:45:58 PM)

Feel free to post suggestions, don't worry that we are taking any comments here as anything but comments and suggestions.

DivePac88 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/7/2010 11:53:07 PM)

I want... no make that I demand a coffee cup holder, which is sadly lacking in most games. [;)]

Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/8/2010 8:21:55 PM)

Ok, here's another preview for you all, the Wekkarus.

Wekkarus live deep in the seas of Ocean planets. They can also live out of water for extended periods, but prefer a damp environment.

They construct entire underwater cities in the vast caverns and tunnels of the ocean worlds they inhabit. These cities are centers of technology and industry, manufacturing advanced underwater technology that is used throughout the galaxy.

The deep undersea tunnels that the Wekkarus inhabit are also the home to an abundance of other marine life – some of it hostile. Wekkarus fear one predator in particular: the leviathan Darkhul, a formidable deep-sea monster that grows to lengths of 100 meters or more.

Wekkarus have adapted to these threats by developing powerful force-fields that guard the entrances to their underwater colonies.

Wekkarus are a generally peaceful species that like to keep to themselves.

Race Family: Amphibian
Default Reproduction Rate: 12%
Moderately Intelligent (+1)
Very Passive (-20)
Quite Cautious (+7)
Very Unfriendly (-29)
Quite Unreliable (-10)
Industrious Miners: faster mining +20%
Natural Merchants: colony income +25%


Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/8/2010 8:57:32 PM)

Yes! Thankyou. Two more checked on my race wish list:

-a crab like race. (Although, I was hoping for it to be less humanoid in body shape; like instead having six or eight limbs. Though, I suppose that since the portrait doesn't show the lower portion then there could be four or six MORE limbs there.)
-an under water habitat race

Thankyou, artist, Code Force, and Matrix Games.
----- : wish list thread


I always like the aliens to have a variety of body shapes other than just humanoid and at least one of each of:
-a robotic/android race
-a cyborg race(part machine, part biological)
-a parasitic assimilating(absorbs and incorporates), bio-mass using race similiar to 'Zerg' of Starcraft, 'The Flood' of Halo, 'Tyranids' of Warhammer 40,000, or others similiar. (Sulken most likely for now)
-(one or more) insectoid race similiar to ants, wasps, mantis, and roaches (Sulken can be one)
-a spider like race
-a crab like race (Done)
-an under water habitat race (Done)
-an ice habitat race (Done)
-a floater, gas giant planet dwelling race
-a scaled reptilian race
-a feathered avian race
-a furred mammalian race (Done)
-an amphibious race (Done)
-a tentacled race

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/8/2010 9:49:26 PM)

I have consolidated more of the race portraits and descriptions to the top of this thread.

Mad Russian -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/8/2010 10:46:52 PM)

To fill out the Bad Neighborhood I need to see Cats, Dogs, Bugs and Humans. Anything after that is just extra joy.

Good Hunting.


Gertjan -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/9/2010 8:24:59 AM)

It is my impression that most races are cautious and tend to be unreliable is that right? Do you check the balance between races?

Okim -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/9/2010 10:58:08 AM)

Mmm. Wekkarus race is an interesting one. Never seen another crab-like race being so intelligent and productive. Man, i never actually saw any crab-like race in space games! Well, Star Control 3 had one extremely unstable race, but this one doesn` t count :)

VarekRaith -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/9/2010 11:38:00 AM)



It is my impression that most races are cautious and tend to be unreliable is that right? Do you check the balance between races?

Remember, we've only had 5 of the 20 races revealed to us. [;)]

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/9/2010 3:53:22 PM)



It is my impression that most races are cautious and tend to be unreliable is that right? Do you check the balance between races?

To me, they seem varied, even amongst those we have previewed.


These are the Quameno, a peaceful race of amphibians given to puzzle-solving, science and the study of galactic history and languages.

Race Family: Amphibian
Default Reproduction Rate: 9%
Extremely Intelligent (+35)
Extremely Passive (-30)
Very Cautious (+17)
Very Unfriendly (-25)
Extremely Dependable (+30)
Gifted Scientists: faster research +40%
Special Government: Technocracy


Ok, here's another preview for you all, the Wekkarus.
Wekkarus live deep in the seas of Ocean planets. They can also live out of water for extended periods, but prefer a damp environment.
They construct entire underwater cities in the vast caverns and tunnels of the ocean worlds they inhabit. These cities are centers of technology and industry, manufacturing advanced underwater technology that is used throughout the galaxy.
The deep undersea tunnels that the Wekkarus inhabit are also the home to an abundance of other marine life – some of it hostile. Wekkarus fear one predator in particular: the leviathan Darkhul, a formidable deep-sea monster that grows to lengths of 100 meters or more.
Wekkarus have adapted to these threats by developing powerful force-fields that guard the entrances to their underwater colonies.
Wekkarus are a generally peaceful species that like to keep to themselves.

Race Family: Amphibian
Default Reproduction Rate: 12%
Moderately Intelligent (+1)
Very Passive (-20)
Quite Cautious (+7)
Very Unfriendly (-29)
Quite Unreliable (-10)
Industrious Miners: faster mining +20%
Natural Merchants: colony income +25%


Here's one more for you all, the Ugnari:
Though not especially gifted with technology, Ugnari are fascinated by machinery and electronics and spend much time diligently studying and experimenting with them.
This fascination often leads Ugnari to invent interesting alternative technology by combining unrelated components together to form new equipment with improved capabilities.
Ugnari also love to gamble and place bets on nearly any activity imaginable.
By nature they are fairly friendly, though cautious. However it is wise to carefully examine the fine print of any business contract made with an Ugnari – they are often devious, even dishonest.
Ugnari do not see underhandedness as a negative trait, nor do they consider cheating someone to be a personal insult to their victim. Instead they deem a highly profitable business deal as a great achievement, even if it was attained by trickery. In fact they highly admire anyone who manages to outdo them in deceit.
Ugnari inhabit the tundra wastelands of Ice Glacial planets. They typically build large cities deep underground in vast ice caves and tunnels.

Race Family: Rodent
Default Reproduction Rate: 9%
Quite Stupid (-6)
Very Passive (-24)
Very Reckless (-19)
Quite Friendly (+8)
Extremely Unreliable (-30)
Industrious Miners: faster mining +30%
Natural Optimists: happiness +10%
Special Government: Mercantile Guild


Getting back on topic, here's the race I've most recently been at war with and they are tough!
Short insectoid race with thick black exoskeleton covering. Sluken have many small forearms enabling them to perform multiple actions simultaneously.
Sluken are very aggressive and intelligent. A central theme in their customs involves a macabre reverence of death.
Sluken have the bizarre and gruesome ability to incorporate into their own bodies the biological appendages and organs from other alien races. Thus some Sluken have additional limbs, eyes or other body parts.
Some other alien races allege that Sluken are in fact genetically modified creatures, designed as an ultimate warrior race. But the Sluken themselves denounce such claims as outrageous slander.
Sluken technology includes the StarBurner XX-12, a very fast and powerful engine. With these engines, Sluken star ships are able to outrun nearly any opponent.
Sluken are found in dry temperate regions of Continental and Marshy Swamp planets

Race Family: Insectoid
Default Reproduction Rate: 16%
Quite Intelligent (+8)
Very Aggressive (+19)
Slightly Cautious (+3)
Very Unfriendly (-18)
Very Unreliable (-20)
Warrior Class: troop maintenance -20%
Fierce Rivalry: lower war weariness -40%
Special Government: Hive Mind

Gertjan -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/9/2010 4:10:03 PM)

I'm sorry. I made a statement without any basis.. I just thought to remember that it was the case. But clearly not. Good!

Mad Russian -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/9/2010 4:10:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: VarekRaith



It is my impression that most races are cautious and tend to be unreliable is that right? Do you check the balance between races?

Remember, we've only had 5 of the 20 races revealed to us. [;)]

So far you've only played with 5 of the 20 races or you played with them and just don't know what they look like?

Good Hunting.


VarekRaith -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/9/2010 5:03:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian


ORIGINAL: VarekRaith



It is my impression that most races are cautious and tend to be unreliable is that right? Do you check the balance between races?

Remember, we've only had 5 of the 20 races revealed to us. [;)]

So far you've only played with 5 of the 20 races or you played with them and just don't know what they look like?

Good Hunting.


Oh, by I mean that we, as in non-beta testers, have only had a few of the races revealed to us.
Sorry for the confusion.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/10/2010 4:41:12 PM)

Here's another one for you all, the Ketarov:

Average-sized bipedal mammalian race with short white fur.

Ketarovs are very intelligent and love intrigue and deception. Instead of engaging in open conflict with their enemies, they prefer to use espionage and sabotage to exploit their weaknesses.

They are often suspicious that others are working to undermine them. This natural paranoia reinforces their inclination towards spying and espionage. However it can also lead to misunderstandings, as they constantly question the intentions of even their friends.

For these reasons Ketarovs are often unreliable allies – ironically they are untrustworthy because they do not trust others.

Ketarovs are usually found in large communities dwelling on the open plains of Continental or Marshy Swamp planets.

Race Family: Ursidian
Default Reproduction Rate: 12%
Quite Intelligent (+15)
Extremely Passive (-40)
Very Cautious (+17)
Quite Unfriendly (-10)
Extremely Unreliable (-30)
Cunning Schemers: better spies +50%


Sarissofoi -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/10/2010 5:04:30 PM)

Yeah paranoidal bears from the east with their own GRU. But passive? Hm.
Thit is getting better.

Gertjan -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/10/2010 5:53:17 PM)

Cool race, thx!

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/10/2010 7:50:38 PM)

The Space dogs are win.Does the artist work for codeforce or is he freelance?

shinobu -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/10/2010 8:11:55 PM)

A Ketarov walks into a bar. The bartender says, "So, why the long face?"

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/11/2010 12:53:43 AM)

The Ketarovs have been consolidated to the top of this thread.


Race Family: Ursidian
Default Reproduction Rate: 12%
Quite Intelligent (+15)
Extremely Passive (-40)
Very Cautious (+17)
Quite Unfriendly (-10)
Extremely Unreliable (-30)
Cunning Schemers: better spies +50%

I like how the artist made them appear has somewhat both dog-like and bear-like. I see in it also some seal, walrus, and racoon. :)


Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives.

The Ursidae family belongs to the order Carnivora and is one of nine families in the suborder Caniformia, or "doglike" carnivorans. Bears' closest living relatives are the pinnipeds, a clade of three families: Odobenidae (the walrus), Otariidae (fur seals and sea lions), and Phocidae (true or earless seals). Bears comprise eight species in three subfamilies: Ailuropodinae (monotypic with the giant panda), Tremarctinae (monotypic with the Spectacled Bear), and Ursinae (containing six species divided into one to three genera, depending upon authority).

The origins of Ursidae can be traced back to the very small and graceful Parictis that had a skull only 7 cm (3 in) long. Parictis first occur in North America in the Late Eocene (ca. 38 million years ago), but this genus did not appear in Eurasia and Africa until the Miocene.[2] The raccoon-sized, dog-like Cephalogale, however, is widely regarded as the most primitive ursid and is ideally suited as a representative basal taxon for the family. Cephalogale first appeared during the middle Oligocene and early Miocene (approximately 20–30 million years ago) in Europe. Cephalogale gave rise to a lineage of early bears of the genus Ursavus. This genus radiated in Asia and ultimately gave rise to the first true bears (genus Ursus) in Europe, 5 million years ago. Even among its primitive species, such as C. minor, it exhibits typical ursid synapomorphic dentition such as posteriorly oriented M2 postprotocrista molars, elongated m2 molars, and a reduction of the premolars. Living members of the ursids are morphologically well defined by their hypocarnivorous (non-strictly meat-eating) dentitions, but fossil ursids include hypercarnivorous (strictly meat-eating) taxa, although they never achieved the extreme hypercarnivory seen in mustelids. Cephalogale was a mesocarnivore (intermediate meat-eater).[3] Other extinct bear genera include Arctodus, Agriarctos, Plionarctos and Indarctos.

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/11/2010 3:45:15 PM)

(Deleted double post.)

cdbeck -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/11/2010 5:59:48 PM)

Well Mad Russian, you've got Dog-Bears and bugs - you getting excited yet? [;)]

Mad Russian -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/11/2010 6:21:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Son_of_Montfort

Well Mad Russian, you've got Dog-Bears and bugs - you getting excited yet? [;)]

Yeah because I have some old artwork that has to do with cats if I need it for my own purposes....that will allow me to port my card game over here into DW and let the Grandkids play in a neighborhood they kind of recognize.

I would imagine we will see some form of cats in the race pool before we are done.

So far, DW is exactly what I've been looking for.

From what I"ve showed them of the game so far they are all excited that we can get their game into it and have it on the computer. They like the artwork so far too but none of them have seen the dog/bears yet. So far their favorite has been the Killer Seals From Space...[:)]

The only thing I'm afraid of is that DW may be so good it ruins them for decades on any other space 4X games they may try...[X(]

All games wish they had that problem.

Good Hunting.


Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/11/2010 8:09:14 PM)

Next up, the Haakonish:

A bipedal arthropod race. Haakonish have broad, flat heads with prominent protrusions on each side. The protrusions are nasal cavities that provide the Haakonish with an unrivalled sense of smell. Haakonish have very poor eyesight, but compensate for this with their excellent sense of smell and taste.

They are intelligent and quite aggressive. Haakonish are highly pretentious. They also have a strong sense of their own racial superiority. Thus they do not enjoy the company of other races and have a tendency to be xenophobic.

Haakonish are naturally drawn towards intricate technology. They take great pride in designing and building equipment with many advanced features, even if some of these features are unnecessary or superfluous.

The natural miserliness of the Haakonish has led them to develop the High Density Fuel Cell, a high-capacity fuel tank. This gives Haakonish star ships longer range and endurance.

Haakonish typically live in fully-enclosed biospheres in coastal areas of Continental and Marshy Swamp planets.

Race Family: Reptilian
Default Reproduction Rate: 12%
Quite Intelligent (+10)
Quite Aggressive (+13)
Very Cautious (+25)
Very Unfriendly (-25)
Very Unreliable (-20)
Cunning Schemers: better spies +10%
Master Engineers: ship maintenance -20%
Special Government: Mercantile Guild
Special Technology: Mega-Density Fuel Cell (Fuel Storage Cell)


Gertjan -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/11/2010 8:45:42 PM)

Cool again!

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