RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (Full Version)

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Okim -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 9:34:24 AM)


...and Russians are ruled by evil forces.


Duckfang -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 10:06:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

This is where your language has devolved to.

Fixed. [;)]

Scott_WAR -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 10:38:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Sarissofoi

This is no problem for me.
Whe will see races when we see game.
If I get DW in my hands I propably mod this for furry race.
You know Crazy Cats, Dumb Dogs, Mighty Chickens, Sneaky Snakes, Lazy Lizards,Bad Bats and the most evil and morderous race in universe the Rabid Rabbits(aka Killer Rabits).
So yeah.
This look like easy thing to do.
About nine lives. Nope. But Cats are that feriocius that many races belivie in this.

BTW If anyone can help me and throw some ideas about animal race I will apriecette this. Becoze max is 20 races!

Arrogant Apes
Evil Eagles
Fanatical Ferets
Holy Cows
Imperial Iguanas
Mad Monkeys
Scared Sheep
Terrible Tigers
Timid Tulips
Vicious Vipers

Webbco -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 3:34:23 PM)

Careful now...[sm=00000028.gif]

Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 5:22:43 PM)

Getting back on topic, here's the race I've most recently been at war with and they are tough!

Short insectoid race with thick black exoskeleton covering. Sluken have many small forearms enabling them to perform multiple actions simultaneously.

Sluken are very aggressive and intelligent. A central theme in their customs involves a macabre reverence of death.

Sluken have the bizarre and gruesome ability to incorporate into their own bodies the biological appendages and organs from other alien races. Thus some Sluken have additional limbs, eyes or other body parts.

Some other alien races allege that Sluken are in fact genetically modified creatures, designed as an ultimate warrior race. But the Sluken themselves denounce such claims as outrageous slander.

Sluken technology includes the StarBurner XX-12, a very fast and powerful engine. With these engines, Sluken star ships are able to outrun nearly any opponent.

Sluken are found in dry temperate regions of Continental and Marshy Swamp planets.


Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 5:32:44 PM)

Forgot to add their characteristics:

Race Family: Insectoid
Default Reproduction Rate: 16%
Quite Intelligent (+8)
Very Aggressive (+19)
Slightly Cautious (+3)
Very Unfriendly (-18)
Very Unreliable (-20)
Warrior Class: troop maintenance -20%
Fierce Rivalry: lower war weariness -40%
Special Government: Hive Mind

Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 5:34:18 PM)

For comparison, here are the characteristics for the previously posted Quameno:

Race Family: Amphibian
Default Reproduction Rate: 9%
Extremely Intelligent (+35)
Extremely Passive (-30)
Very Cautious (+17)
Very Unfriendly (-25)
Extremely Dependable (+30)
Gifted Scientists: faster research +40%
Special Government: Technocracy

Webbco -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 5:41:01 PM)

Nice one Erik, thanks! I love the idea of a race capable to use other races organs etc as their own...pretty original. I'm loving the creativity put into this so far, keep going guys! [:)]

cdbeck -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 6:07:56 PM)

OOOOhhh.... Erik posted my favorite (so far) race pic! Those Sulken are wicked looking (and wicked in the game). I love the armor and the side view.

What amuses me most, is that some of the race speculation is not far from the mark... while others are WAAAAAAY off. I love chuckling to myself evilly when I come here...

Oh, and in the upcoming preview, you'll see a third race - the Ackdarians. The actual race art is not in my copy, so you'll have to just see the, very cute, placeholder art. I doubt that they will be as "cutesy" in the final art - given the way the artist is going with the changes. Anyway - they are sleek aquatic mammals, smart, trusting, and good with space ships. More detail will be literally placed in your lap soon...

Webbco -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 6:33:22 PM)

The Atuuks from the exploration vid look a cross between monkeys and easter chicks you get on easter cakes. Are they going to look like that when the game comes out? [:D]

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 7:44:53 PM)


luken have the bizarre and gruesome ability to incorporate into their own bodies the biological appendages and organs from other alien races. Thus some Sluken have additional limbs, eyes or other body parts.

Another prime example of why Armada style invasion policy and orbital bombardment of population needs to be in the game.You have to have these dudes in your empire if you invade in the present DW design kinda kills the roleplay.

cdbeck -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 7:51:53 PM)

That's funny Ashberry, I actually see it the opposite way. In Armada, you can commit genocide against undesirable aliens as a matter of course, like in Rome: Total War. Whereas in DW, you have to deal with having these folks live on the planets you conquer - you can just "get rid of them quietly" with little or no penalty. So this makes you roleplay an emperor, rather than use "gamey" tactics of killing a population and leaving a nice pristine planet to colonize. I mean, think of how terrible genocide is - not put it on a galactic scale. Murdering millions of inhabitants of a planet - even nasty ones like the Sulken - would have massive diplomatic repercussions, IMHO.

Then again, I tend to play the peace-monger in games, so that might be my thing.


ASHBERY76 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 8:00:15 PM)

From what the developer has said you get no unrest or social problems from Aliens under your occupation after invasion and war has fininshed, so there is little to deal with.

Maybe your Empires subjects would be willing to part with their organs.I do not think many others would.

Ron -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 8:49:31 PM)

Sarissofoi, your cat race preview is bloody hilarious :) Good stuff, you should be writing all the race bios!

Sarissofoi -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 9:06:47 PM)

I must agree with Ashbery. He has point.
If you are only limited to one option where is roleplaing part?
You cannot play as bad or good if you are forced to play as good only.
One of best model "dealing with aliens" I seen in Master of Orion II.
First you can bomb enemy colony and send them to oblivion or only give them some punishment before invasion.
When you take planet you can decide if you wanna assimilate local population or exterminate them. Any choice take time. Even if you decide to assimale enemy population into your empire you still must reeducate them(and this take time). Still you can used non reeducated population as force labor, starved alien population to death or ressetle them from big nice worlds to some harsh colony when they work on glory of your empire or die from harsh coditions.
You can be mister nice guy or leader of genocide fanclub - the choice is yours.

Terrible genocide is - yes it is but mass murders and genocide was always part of war and always wll be. Look at history of mankind.
USA get rid of redskins simply exterminating them or closed in concetration area. Some was resetled from their land and many die in this proces.
In II WW west allied forces targets population center and use their bombers and phospor bombs as terror weapon. USA use 2 nukes to wipe out two cities full of civilians and they dont get any diplomatic penalty(in fact they gain bonus to their standings - on the other way USArmy plan to invade Japan using chemical weapons and that will be real genocide - estimated civilian casaulty in millions). Look on Chinawith their great hunger or USSR with holodomor(Great hunger) on Ukraine. Look at Turks when they mass murder Armenian and Germans whose do similiar things to Poles, Russians and Judes.
Forced ressetling? Migrations after war? Look what happend after II WW in East Europe. Milions of people was moved.

Backing to game. I dont see why you cant exterminate enemy popualtion(nazi way) or send them to work camps and reeducated them(soviet way) -o fcourse some of them willdie from work, hunger and cold.
I dont see why after war enemy populatian cant migrate to their empire if you allow them to do(meyby in peace talks should be condition about it) or why you cant send them to some prison planets.
On the other hand there should be possibility that you can grant autonoy rights to taken enemy colonies, granting them some level of local authority.
Some poeple will colaborate with enemy but some will fight to death or continue resistance even if they are deafeted.

Anyway occupied teritories should need strong occupation force or some local collaboratiing goverment.
On the other way if you reqonquest your old colonies, or race who was allied with you, or local population hated their current overlords and look at you as liberator this is another story.

Thx Scott_War for Holy Cows and Fanatical Ferrets. Sounds funny.
Ron that was my plan. To make people smile. When I get game in my hands and see how it works I plan to make 20 furry animals race(or more if you can make minor race) and send them to fray. I will do TAR about it. This is for sure.
BTW2 This is my TAR from SotS with Crazy Cats.
Also you can look here:
for more TAR from SotS. Some of them are really good and fun to read.

cdbeck -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 9:42:12 PM)

I don't want to open up the "look at history" can of worms really - but I would say that genocide has generally become less and less used and more and more sanctioned as human history goes on. Back in Roman times it was more acceptable as a tactic than now. And you are talking millions and billions of inhabitants of a world. But, if you want realism, at least think about the argument that completely destroying a world's population without also making that world uninhabitable, would be nearly impossible - even if you used biological warfare (it would have to be REALLY tailored). I think SotS does a decent job of showing this, and I applaud Kerberos for that.

But, practically speaking, a game can't be everything to everyone - so put that on a suggestion list and maybe an update or expansion will add it!

Gertjan -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 9:52:17 PM)

Thank you for the race discriptions! Very insightful. Please keep them coming. Some questions re: the characteristics:

q1: What is the difference between passive and cautious?
q2: What is the difference between dependability and friendlyness?
q3: how do these 4 things affect the gameplay?

I agree with the point on planetary combat. I don't want it to be a lot of micromanagement, but it would be good to have some alternatives (e.g. like in galciv 2, where you can destroy a planet, but lose quality).

elliotg -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/3/2010 10:39:04 PM)


q1: What is the difference between passive and cautious?

In the racial characteristics passive means not aggressive (i.e. negative aggression). Cautious means positive caution, as opposed to reckless which is the description for negative caution. Hope that makes sense [:)]


q2: What is the difference between dependability and friendlyness?

Friendliness is often used to determine how likely a race is to form treaties and generally be friendly with other empires. Dependability or loyalty mainly refers to how likely a race is to stick to a treaty once formed.


q3: how do these 4 things affect the gameplay?

In lots of ways. The racial characteristics are used whenever an empire makes decisions: diplomacy, research choices, deciding intelligence missions, ship building. They influence the choices they make, so that the race 'roleplays' their personality.


I agree with the point on planetary combat. I don't want it to be a lot of micromanagement, but it would be good to have some alternatives (e.g. like in galciv 2, where you can destroy a planet, but lose quality).

I hear you - there's some good points made on this thread. The objective was to keep things fairly simple, without having to worry about endless details. But maybe something can be done to allow getting rid of enemy population. I'll give it some thought.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 2:08:18 AM)

Here's one more for you all, the Ugnari:

Though not especially gifted with technology, Ugnari are fascinated by machinery and electronics and spend much time diligently studying and experimenting with them.

This fascination often leads Ugnari to invent interesting alternative technology by combining unrelated components together to form new equipment with improved capabilities.

Ugnari also love to gamble and place bets on nearly any activity imaginable.

By nature they are fairly friendly, though cautious. However it is wise to carefully examine the fine print of any business contract made with an Ugnari – they are often devious, even dishonest.

Ugnari do not see underhandedness as a negative trait, nor do they consider cheating someone to be a personal insult to their victim. Instead they deem a highly profitable business deal as a great achievement, even if it was attained by trickery. In fact they highly admire anyone who manages to outdo them in deceit.

Ugnari inhabit the tundra wastelands of Ice Glacial planets. They typically build large cities deep underground in vast ice caves and tunnels.

Race Family: Rodent
Default Reproduction Rate: 9%
Quite Stupid (-6)
Very Passive (-24)
Very Reckless (-19)
Quite Friendly (+8)
Extremely Unreliable (-30)
Industrious Miners: faster mining +30%
Natural Optimists: happiness +10%
Special Government: Mercantile Guild


Xmudder -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 3:13:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

For comparison, here are the characteristics for the previously posted Quameno:

Race Family: Amphibian
Default Reproduction Rate: 9%
Extremely Intelligent (+35)
Extremely Passive (-30)
Very Cautious (+17)
Very Unfriendly (-25)
Extremely Dependable (+30)
Gifted Scientists: faster research +40%
Special Government: Technocracy

These guys look fun to play. What is Special Government? Don't remember that from the customization guide.

Scott_WAR -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 3:54:44 AM)

Possums in space!!!!!!!

Scott_WAR -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 3:56:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Sarissofoi

Thx Scott_War for Holy Cows and Fanatical Ferrets. Sounds funny.

Dont forget the Cows and Chikins,....err umm Chickens, are very hostile to each other..........

martok -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 4:05:11 AM)

Heh. I think the Ugnari are my favorite-sounding race so far. Certainly they have the most amusing description!

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 4:08:25 AM) : wish list thread

Planetary bombardment and post conquest genocide options; let's do it.

In game genocide, via planetary bombardment and post conquest options, is not so negative when applied to space alien races of very extreme differences.

I agree that planetary bombardment of structures and population AND post-conquest genocide options, with the result of lowering diplomatic reputation and lowering one's own race population happiness, should be a feature.
The more similiar the target race is to one's own race, and if one's own race is not extremely aggresive, then there should be degrees of unhappiness penalties applied to one's own population; as well as diplomatic reputation penalties from foreign civilization races similiar to one's own.
Extremely aggresive races should be immune to their own population becoming unhappy due to planetary bombardment and genocide; but still affected by diplomatic reputation penalties from foreign civilization races different than them.

A high reputation or mildly aggressive race might do it sometimes. A low reputation or extremely aggresive race might do it often. I would expect an extremely aggressive race to do it often. If I want to play as an extremely aggressive race I would want to do it.

Again, in game genocide is not so negative when applied to space alien races of very extreme differences.
If a race is at war with scary, extremely aggressive race that never surrenders, has no emotions we think as positive, and eats and/or assimilates/absorbs people then it might be beneficial to bombard and do post-conquest genocide. In reverse, an extremely aggressive race would most likely bombard and do post-conquest genocide whenever they can. If the extremely aggressive race eats people then that would be slow genocide. There are many examples of those scenarios in science-fiction stories.

I totaly believe that present or future Humans and similiar races would be willing to often do genocide via planetary bombardment and post conquest options. Especially if the target enemy races are Borg-like, Zerg-like(Starcraft), Flood-like(Halo), Tyranid-like(Warhammer 40,000), any various races like spiders,insects, or others similiar that are extremly different and hostile to us(like they eat us or do genocide against us), maybe like the Wraith of Stargate Atlantis, any robotic race that are extremly different and hostile to us(like they do genocide gainst us): maybe like Terminators and their Skynet AI leader, like Replicators of Stargate-SG1 TV series, and like Necrons of Warhammer 40,000.

There are many more alien races in science-fiction stories that I believe that Humans and similiar races would be willing to often do genocide against via planetary bombardment and post conquest options.

I, and others, have been opposed to how some game developers sometimes exclude, in new games, popular features from previous successful games. I suppose that it could be for game balance of power, budget constraints, time constraints, or to be unique.

To not include these, and certain other features, is artificial limitations. For example, in the game, I am a galactic civilization leader and I order my fleet to bombard an enemy planet. Yet, for some reason, my ship weapons can not fire.

These are some of my personal requests. I understand that maybe some others will disagree.
Code Force and Matrix Games, please delay the release of Distant Worlds to implement the feature of planetary bombardment and genocide choices after conquest. I know that it may be too late. If so, then please implement them in an update as soon as possible.
Maybe the companies can take a poll to see what others think about planetary bombardment, post-conquest genocide choices, and other features.

Again, in game genocide, via planetary bombardment and post conquest options, is not so negative when applied to space alien races of very extreme differences.

Does anyone else agree?

Armada 2526 has 6 options for post conquest of systems/planets. The words chosen are all gramatically similiar and sound like a nice poem...heh. I like them.
The options are: (In quotes is what the mouse-over tooltip shows.)

-Subjugate ("Take control of the colony")
-Exterminate ("Eleminate all life at this colony (#) casualties")
-Devastate (This will detroy structures.)
-Contaminate (This requires infection technology and the ships to deliver it as a weapon.)
-Obliterate ( This asteroid ship technology and the ships built to deliver them as weapons.)
-Take No Action ("Do nothing")

These options might be someting to consider for Distant Worlds. Don't worry about an issue of copying. It's good to emulate good ideas.

Any game of this genre without planetary bombardment and post conquest genocide options seems like an unfinished product. Games that I can think of in this genre all had it and those games that did not have it upon release later added it. Thus, it seems, that any game of this genre should be released with it.
----- : "A few screenshots..."

ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


ORIGINAL: Wade1000
How does this "exterminate" work? Are you just refering to conquering and invading planets?

There are two routes:
1. Conquer them all, don't accept peace. They'll offer you various things to end the war, but you don't have to accept. This is the "easier" route in terms of repercussions. End result, you own all their worlds, they are no longer an independent faction. Keep in mind though that the longer the war, the greater the war weariness of your own people. Single wars are rarely decisive before peace (or a truce) starts looking like a good option, usually it takes several clashes to really cut an opponent down to size.

2. Bombard them back to the stone age - the more traditional "exterminate". If you choose this option, you had better be fighting against the most evil and urgent threat the galaxy has ever faced, or everyone else in the galaxy is likely to start viewing _you_ as the most evil and urgent threat the galaxy has ever faced. Typically, no other race in the galaxy likes to see planets being bombarded to rubble and will react accordingly lest the same fate befall their own worlds. Now if you really happen to be fighting an alien race that really has behaved in a way that makes everyone else in the galaxy hate them and consider them evil, you've got a much freer hand in how you deal with the problem.
- Erik

-Now I wish for some post conquest genocide options too.
----- : "A few screenshots..."

ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


Elliot used some of the extra time while waiting for art to add in bombardment. [8D]


- Erik

OH...MY...GOD! I love you guys. I thank you all.
-Now I wish for some post conquest genocide options too.

I think Distant Worlds will be fun and a big success.

Also, we might want to sometimes avoid planetary bombardment to capture structures and technology. Then once we have the planet with some infrastructure we may not want to accept some particular alien conquest genocide options.
That sounds bad when thinking of other Humans.
Yet, in game genocide, via planetary bombardment and post conquest options, is not so negative when applied to space alien races of very extreme differences; especially if they aqre extremily hostile, eat other races, etcetera. : wish list thread

Post genocide options along with planetary bombardment offer interesting strategic choices. The desicion to bombard planets might be in correlation to how many troop transports you brought with your fleet or task force. You may have focused on ships to attack and defend instead of vunerable transports. Thus you you might find you saving the few transports you have for important planet invasions while bombarding lesser planets.
Of course, you will have to deal with any diplomatic repercussions that might bring if your enemy is not of negative reputation. That's even more strategy choices involved.

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 4:39:33 AM)

Oh, and these race portraits and descriptions are, well, awesome. Much better art than some more popular companies have done. I give praise to the game art and game development members. I hope they get the rewards they deserve.

There are now some race types that I wanted; an insectoid race, an ice habitation race, a furred mammalian race, an amphibious race. The insectoid Sulken race might also satisfy me as the parasitic assimilating(absorbs and incorporates), bio-mass using race similiar to 'Zerg' of Starcraft, 'The Flood' of Halo Legends movie, or others similiar.

I always like the aliens to have a variety of body shapes other than just humanoid and at least one of each of:
-a robotic/android race
-a cyborg race(part machine, part biological)
-a parasitic assimilating(absorbs and incorporates), bio-mass using race similiar to 'Zerg' of Starcraft, 'The Flood' of Halo, 'Tyranids' of Warhammer 40,000, or others similiar.
-(one or more) insectoid race similiar to ants, wasps, mantis, and roaches
-a spider like race
-a crab like race
-an under water habitat race
-an ice habitat race
-a floater, gas giant planet dwelling race
-a scaled reptilian race
-a feathered avian race
-a furred mammalian race
-an amphibious race
-a tentacled race

Duckfang -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 5:20:37 AM)

While it would be nice to have more options than complete integration, I'm inclined to agree with this:


ORIGINAL: Son_of_Montfort
But, if you want realism, at least think about the argument that completely destroying a world's population without also making that world uninhabitable, would be nearly impossible - even if you used biological warfare (it would have to be REALLY tailored). I think SotS does a decent job of showing this, and I applaud Kerberos for that.

Completely depopulating a planet by any means is going to be a huge endeavour. If you want to just bombard the population then you're certainly going to wreck the environment and I'd imagine when you land you're going to find all those sprawling cities and well-developed networks for infrastructure are smoking ruins (and then you get to start over; after you've cleared all the debris out of the way).

If you want to go the Nazi/Soviet ways to exterminating or enslaving the population then you're looking at many years (decades, probably) of expensive work while you try to root out billions of beings (I'd imagine you're going to have to deal with intense guerilla attacks, too).

If you're wanting to use a biological or chemical weapons to kill them all then like Son said, it's going to have to be one damn specific weapon to kill all the inhabitants without wrecking the planet as well.

I'm inclined to agree with Gertjan; I liked GalCiv2s approach to planetary assaults.

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 5:48:20 AM)

Duckfang, you seem to contradict yourself.


Completely depopulating a planet by any means is going to be a huge endeavour. If you want to just bombard the population then you're certainly going to wreck the environment and I'd imagine when you land you're going to find all those sprawling cities and well-developed networks for infrastructure are smoking ruins (and then you get to start over; after you've cleared all the debris out of the way).

This might be desirable to do against certain races. Afterwards, the planet can be abandoned...or efforts can be made to re-colonize and terraform it.


If you want to go the Nazi/Soviet ways to exterminating or enslaving the population then you're looking at many years (decades, probably) of expensive work while you try to root out billions of beings (I'd imagine you're going to have to deal with intense guerilla attacks, too).

That's a reason that can support planetary bombardment and post conquest genocide.


If you're wanting to use a biological or chemical weapons to kill them all then like Son said, it's going to have to be one damn specific weapon to kill all the inhabitants without wrecking the planet as well.

An advanced civilization should be able to tailor such a biological weapon. Also, the biological weapon can be made to die out after it has killed the enemy. Also, if it kills flora and fauna on the planet then the planet can be abondoned or efforts can be made to colonize and terraform it.


I'm inclined to agree with Gertjan; I liked GalCiv2s approach to planetary assaults.

The absence of planetary bombardment(and post conquest genocide options) is one missing feature of Galactic Civilizations 2 that was a great negative to me. It was one of several issues that helped me determine how long I continued to play and invest time and money for the game.

Again, in game genocide, via planetary bombardment and post conquest options, is not so negative when applied to space alien races of very extreme differences.
To not include these, and certain other features, is artificial limitations. For example, in the game, I am a galactic civilization leader and I order my fleet to bombard an enemy planet. Yet, for some reason, my ship weapons can not fire.

Duckfang -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 6:41:10 AM)

Where did I contradict myself? 0.o

I'd said I'd like to be able to do more than fully integrate a conquered populace into my empire, but I also don't want it to be just "lol exterminate" like it was in Rome: TW.

SOTS and GC2 both went in the right direction, I think. The idea that, sure, you can pulverise the planet (or gas it, or detonate the core, or carry out tidal disruption, or whatever) but you might remove the whole reason for conquering the planet in the first place.

I've no doubt that one of the more aggressive races would have no problem (morally) simply exterminating or exterminating the inhabitants of a given planet but I can't really see a race similar to our own just shrugging and going "Well they were jerks" after hearing we slaughtered millions of civilians in our efforts to depopulate a planet.

Perhaps that could be some kind of racial trait; "No morale penalty for genocide"? EDIT: Actually, perhaps that could be on a sliding scale based on the races aggression score, or something along those lines.

Again, I agree there should be more to do with a population than attempt to integrate them into your empire. I just don't think that the only penalty for doing it would be that some of the other races think you're kind of mean for carrying out genocide.

Sarissofoi -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 7:00:53 AM)

Get real man. Look what happend on earth when people fighting each other. And then think that there is epic total war in space against alien races.
Yeah, they are jerks.
But ofcourse if you and your enemy agrre to some sort of deal(for example you sign that you dont use biochemical weapons) and then broke this deal then yeah - massive diplomatic penalty is understable. In other case - It is war.
Remember :
"The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic."

Dont espect that everobody will play nice in galaxy and dont ecspect that anobody will care if that don affect them.

Wade1000 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races. (3/4/2010 7:10:45 AM)

Well, your whole post seemed contradictory in general. Maybe I misunderstood about your stance on the issue of the feature. Your response post brings more understanding.

So, you support the feature of in game genocide via planetary bombardment and post conquest options. You just want strict diplomatic reputation repercussions. agree with GalCiv2's mechanic of disallowing planetary bombardment and post conquest genocide options. (I am unfamiliar with what features Sword of the Stars has.)


ORIGINAL: Duckfang
I've no doubt that one of the more aggressive races would have no problem (morally) simply exterminating or exterminating the inhabitants of a given planet but I can't really see a race similar to our own just shrugging and going "Well they were jerks" after hearing we slaughtered millions of civilians in our efforts to depopulate a planet.

I totaly believe that present or future Humans and similiar races would be willing to often do genocide via planetary bombardment and post conquest options. Especially if the target enemy races are Borg-like, Zerg-like(Starcraft), Flood-like(Halo), Tyranid-like(Warhammer 40,000), any various races like spiders,insects, or others similiar that are extremly different and hostile to us(like they eat us or do genocide against us), maybe like the Wraith of Stargate Atlantis, any robotic race that are extremly different and hostile to us(like they do genocide gainst us): maybe like Terminators and their Skynet AI leader, like Replicators of Stargate-SG1 TV series, and like Necrons of Warhammer 40,000.

There are many more alien races in science-fiction stories that I believe that Humans and similiar races would be willing to often do genocide against via planetary bombardment and post conquest options.
Again, in game genocide, via planetary bombardment and post conquest options, is not so negative when applied to space alien races of very extreme differences.

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