WitP2 Wishlist (Full Version)

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The Gnome -> WitP2 Wishlist (6/15/2010 11:40:24 PM)

Ok, if there is to be (and I really hope there is) a WitP2 what would you like to see in it?

Just a small list to hopefully kick off some brain storming. I'm sure you lot have more and better ideas cooked up.

Engine Improvements
- What did my CPU do to you? Why is it pinned at 100% all the time, even when idle? Only reason I'd like to see this fixed is I travel and am on my laptop battery a lot. WitP eats through that in a blink.

UI Improvements
- Standard OS elements: resizable windows. movable windows. scalable, changeable fonts. tables variable width columns (ie let me resize them), drag and drop list building, larger buttons with snappier response times.

- Dual monitor support? Maybe? Ok, I wont hold my breath.

- Printable lists / maps?

Graphical Improvements
- Nothing major here, I suppose I'd just like to see ships and planes in their proper scale

Gameplay stuff:
Air Units
- Air units should have mixed plane types, maybe list the airframes like LCU's list equipment
- I'd love to combine all my squadrons into groups for the purpose of base transfers. Not sure why I can't have a combined unit for the 18th Bomber Group with 48x B-17D for instance.

Ok that's it from me, there is meatloaf to eat.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 2:50:02 AM)

I think every ship should have a 6-week cycle menu, printable, with scrollwork. Every other Tuesday is meatloaf.

So, you're covered.

Oh, and R&R periods for subs, and crew fatigue ratings for ships.

bretg80 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 3:10:09 AM)

How about a REAL AI. One like BFTB that plans and reacts.

Reworked land combat that is not abstracted so much.

Google earth like maps for scrolling and zooming

3D renditions of terrain

Logistics commander who will manage my supply for me, but allow me to interact to determine supply levels and depots

Harbor commanders who will move ships into and out of shipyards, organize loading and unloading operations - including islands without ports

Task Force commanders who will manage TFs to ensure that TFs are built and added or removed from fleets

Air Group commanders who manage pilots and training

Of course all of these commanders will work with me while I'm playing to help me achieve my strategic directives

What about continuous time? Game time is measured in hours and continues to play while I'm making decisions. Of course, I can pause the game if I want.

3D renditions of ships in formation when you zoom in

combat animations in 3D

I could go on and on....

if only [8D]

Feinder -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 3:41:47 AM)

ability to alter pace of game between 1 and 3 day turns on the fly, including (and esp) for PBEM.

Allied production (whats good for the goose, is good for the gander).

And/Or a simplified production model. 1.5 x this combined with 1 of that = 1 point of something + a point of another thing = part of an airplane = Overly complicated.

Simplified and more realistic would be a bonus.

Give similar wiggle to Allied production numbers as Japan. And/Or create a workable scenario with purely historic replacments and reinforcements (and somehow accomodate that Strat attacks to damage economy are less applicable).

More scenarios, with accurate troop placements and starting conditions, including later war starts and small scenarios. But "accurate" being defined as perhaps LCUs starting damaged or disrupted, lower TOEs, and or ships starting with less fuel/ammo - they way they WOULD be historically, as opposed to starting the scen at 0 disruption, 5 fatigue, TOEs, and full fuel etc.

For "play balance" I liked the UV method that controlled the reinforcemtn pool, based on how the game was going. If you out-number the enemy in CVs by 4:1, your CVs would be delayed (you didn't need them, so they were supposedly sent to some other part of the pacific where they were needed). As time goes one, the ratio could be changed by scenario. Just as an option.

Simplied of some units. In a single LCU, there are hundreds of variable, all of which have some effect, and in aggrated can cause some really wonky results. IMO, I just think there are too many variables which even if only diveging the normalcy line by a degree or two, the farther away you move from the center, the wider the arc (length) of the disparty.
Not the leat of which
Leader - Insp
Leader - Leadership
Leader - Skill
Device - Soft/Hard Atk
Decive - Pentraction
Target - Defense

When you take all that, and mulitply it by the minutia of having 14x MMGs in a unit, each firing separately or whatever pluss squads and tanks and everything...
It makes for a LOT of variables that can skew results. I think esp the land model would be far better served with the "standard" gronards LCU "chits"
Attack (maybe hard or soft modifier)
Defense (maybe type, hard or soft)
Those "normal" favorites that we all remember from Panzer Leader, Pacific War etc, without the extreme bits of individual squads.


jomni -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 4:28:38 AM)

Basically I want a simpler game. More like an updated PacWar.
I guess that would be PacWar2 instead of WITP2

CapAndGown -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 5:10:43 AM)


Skacee -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 5:57:08 AM)

GUI +1.
Better engines for land and naval combat. More switches, options for combat.
Tracker ande reporter included into game. 

LoBaron -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 8:01:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: cap_and_gown


I support this request.
And I might add GUI, GUI and GUI!

The thought of a fast windows based multitasking GUI for witp makes me drool on the keyboard. [:'(]

herwin -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 8:35:23 AM)

1. Better ground combat model. (I've been working on this.)
2. Better AI. (I'm writing a research grant proposal in this area.)

Canoerebel -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 9:01:27 AM)

What the heck is GUI?

CapAndGown -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 10:16:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

What the heck is GUI?

It is kind of like Chutney, only spicier.

Canoerebel -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 10:31:05 AM)

Thanks, but I still have no idea what GUI is.

LoBaron -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 10:32:28 AM)

Graphical User Interface [;)]

So in fact everything you can see and interact with mouse/keyboard.

moonraker65 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 10:40:42 AM)

More scenarios. Options for strating a GC in '42, '43 or '44 would be nice if the information can be gathered. Perhaps some scenarios starting with specific opertaions like Watchtower and Cartwheel or perhaps Coral Sea and Midway.

herwin -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 11:54:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: moonraker

More scenarios. Options for strating a GC in '42, '43 or '44 would be nice if the information can be gathered. Perhaps some scenarios starting with specific opertaions like Watchtower and Cartwheel or perhaps Coral Sea and Midway.

January and July of each year would be nice.

vinnie71 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 1:09:14 PM)

a) Production for the allies or at least for part of them (like Australia) including the ability to expand dockyards
b) maybe seperate recruitment from production and thus make units like the Indian and Australian more useful in campaign
c) give units the ability to land units to regenerate faster (rather than 1 piece of equipment at a time which doesn't make sense in my opinion)
d) possibly have manpower resources finite to mimick losses etc during the war
e) Possibly reduce the strength of the Red Army
f) Split the Chinese in two  (or more) factions to represent the red chinese and indipendent warlords

.... ok it's a tall wish list ...

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 2:28:26 PM)



GUI +1.
Better engines for land and naval combat. More switches, options for combat.
Tracker ande reporter included into game. 

The addition of the Reserve op mode added a lot to the land model. If they could add Probing attack as an option, and Scouting as a mission for specified LCUs, I'd be about happy with land combat.

The retreat mechanics have always grated me, but the Reserve (Pursuit) setting goes a long way to taking away that old freebie for the loser. In WITP the teleporting away from danger was ridiculous. Now it's better, if I sacrifice a unit to Reserve status.

Oh, some kind of flanking bonus/mechanism would help too, but it's hard to code or even see in 40-mile urban hexes. Open countryside is easier.

In my wildest dreams I'd also like to see more granularity to Forts, so that aspects like Mt. Suribachi could be modeled. A concrete, highly-engineered harbor fortress system is functionally different than an island defense system, especially in terms of centralized C&C.

Also like to see minimal elevation data that is used in artillery, but again, this might not be worth the trouble in 40-mile hexes.

So, 20-mile hexes!!![:)]

I don't want a simpler game. There are enough of those. I want WITP2 to be even more WITP-ish. There's a market for that game.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 2:29:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

What the heck is GUI?

Grognard User Interface.

Lomri -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 2:42:25 PM)

I'm with everyone on the GUI improvement request. Being able to shift click to select groups and then perform actions on that list would be a huge step. I don't want ALL transports to move this LCU, but I want a bunch, that ends up being a lot of clicking. Same with TF creation. With a game that has so much micro-management the ability to do pretty standard GUI actions like drag and drop, shift/control click and all that would make a vast improvement.

Oh, and AI. I vote for that too!

The Gnome -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 7:53:23 PM)

I'd love to see production changes too, I don't need total control, but I'd love to see two things:
* Scaled deliveries - Start with small production runs, then have the numbers produced increase until it ends.
* Batch deliveries - I doubt things dribbled in on a daily basis like they do now. I'd love to see things delivered in lots on particular day of the month.

LeeChard -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 10:25:05 PM)

The ability to open multiple data windows for direct comparison i.e. P40E v P40N
Unit data artwork in three plan view or even 3D
Mousewheel map zoom
Tracker integrated into the game
More control over land based logistics
ETA for TF screen would make it easier to plan off map movement
Combat report filters i.e. show naval vs naval and air vs naval not bombardment or sub attacks etc.
Bigger buttons for us old guys
And of course the universal wishes, Improved AI, more scenarios, more EVERYTHING!![sm=00000280.gif]

Kwik E Mart -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 10:48:28 PM)

I remember the old days of playing VG's Pacific War. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but when I play WiTP or AE, I don't have the same sense of conducting "operations". For instance, I decide I want to take a certain island/atoll. I may search thru the various unit screens, planning which ships, air units and LCU's would be best for the job, but once they are identified, there is no real game mechanic that links them all together (excepting TF creation and HQ assignments). IIRC, there were set amounts of time that could be allocated for ops (2 weeks, 1 week, etc). This, to me, put a "framework", if you will, around the operation. Some kind of game mechanic (other than keeping notes in a notebook) in which operations are planned and resources assigned would enhance the experience for me. Maybe have some tangible benefit or bonus for units working together in the same operation. I suppose one could say the mechanic of planning and prepping units for a target meets this need, but it still doesn't have the feel of planning and conducting an operation. Not sure if any of this is making sense, but that is something I would like to see in the next generation of this game...

Sredni -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/16/2010 11:45:16 PM)

I'd like to see waaay way more authentic wwII pictures in background briefs and loading screens. There are literally millions of pictures in the public domain they could easily and simply add in with some sort of randomizer so you're always seeing new pictures. The same 6 pictures we see all the time in AE seem awfully familiar. I think they were the same ones used in stock witp heh.

Mouseover descriptions for all the equipment in the pools. A lot of the time I'm left scratching my head over what exactly this or that bit of equipment actually is. They could extend that to include aircraft and ships and include a brief history for how they were used and how effective they were. Down to detail like what this or that gun on a ships is used for.

Kill tallies for ships and subs like pilots have. I think it'd be neat to check a sub in 1944 and see how many hits it's gotten, and what specific sinkings it's had confirmed. Or be able to check a surface ships history and see what engagements it's taken part in and what hit's it's scored on who.

A better interface for handling pilots. I find myself spending a lot more time micromanaging pilots then someone like MacArthur or Nimitz would be doing, and a lot of that is taken up because of how clunky it is moving pilots around.

The ability as the allies to alter production somewhat. It kills me that I'm afraid to use my flying boats because even the smallest ops losses are almost impossible to keep up with the historical production. Being able to increase catalina production at the start would be a godsend.

The ability to resize or combine airgroups and LCU. Little 12 or 16 airplane fighter groups annoy the hell out of me. The tiny 3 or 4 plane groups are even worse. Or all the little artillery groups. It would simplify a LCU stack tons if you could combine smaller units together.

Better modeling of the ground war. The ability to build/improve roads and rails, and strategic bridges.

The Gnome -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 1:04:29 AM)

How could I forget, the one thing I always seem to be wishing for!

An intensity slider on all units for offensive combat.

No                                                     Come back with
Casualites                   Normal                     your shield or on it

This would let me specify how dedicated to the attack my units would be. I'd like to be able to specify the difference between a probing attack for recon, or to skirmish, or to absolutely fight to the death.

Obviously, things like commander aggressiveness, fatigue, morale, etc would figure into how well the unit executes this order.

CaptBeefheart -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 8:01:07 AM)

Not sure how to do it, but certainly a better land combat model. Also, a better way to move fuel and supplies by land, or at least the ability to keep supplies and fuel where you need them without leaking (a command like "hoard all existing supplies and fuel under penalty of death" or something at each base).

Regarding pilot training, maybe you could dedicate a certain number of squadrons, a certain number of instructor pilots and a certain level of aircraft replacement (i.e. low, medium or high priority) to offscreen training, while you set the skill priorities (i.e. 40% air-to-air, 10% recon, 20% NavT, 20% NavB, etc.) and exp and skill levels at which you add the pilots to the pool. This would all be managed offscreen. Anyway, gotta run, will think about this some more.


herwin -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 8:38:13 AM)



I remember the old days of playing VG's Pacific War. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but when I play WiTP or AE, I don't have the same sense of conducting "operations". For instance, I decide I want to take a certain island/atoll. I may search thru the various unit screens, planning which ships, air units and LCU's would be best for the job, but once they are identified, there is no real game mechanic that links them all together (excepting TF creation and HQ assignments). IIRC, there were set amounts of time that could be allocated for ops (2 weeks, 1 week, etc). This, to me, put a "framework", if you will, around the operation. Some kind of game mechanic (other than keeping notes in a notebook) in which operations are planned and resources assigned would enhance the experience for me. Maybe have some tangible benefit or bonus for units working together in the same operation. I suppose one could say the mechanic of planning and prepping units for a target meets this need, but it still doesn't have the feel of planning and conducting an operation. Not sure if any of this is making sense, but that is something I would like to see in the next generation of this game...

You're asking for a op-plan mode for the game. You would select a target and a date and work backward from that to select and move the assets into position. It would hold slots for the various assigned HQs and assets--you might even assign it to a specific HQ. It would work more like a personal task management system than something that mandates actions at specific times, alerting you to the various things you have to do and when.

I suspect this feature would also be useful for the AI.

jomni -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 9:29:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: moonraker

More scenarios. Options for strating a GC in '42, '43 or '44 would be nice if the information can be gathered. Perhaps some scenarios starting with specific opertaions like Watchtower and Cartwheel or perhaps Coral Sea and Midway.

We don't need that in WITP2.
We need those NOW!!!
WITPAE lacks scenarios (most are just variations of the Grand Campaign).

janh -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 9:36:34 AM)

1. AI routines laid open, and scripted in a powerful, C++ like scripting language that can cross-test and manipulate all in game properties so you can really script a dynamic AI.
2. From what I gather, the pilot management is a bit of an overkill -- make it optional, automatic, or remove.  Seems to detract from the grand scale.
3. Open fighting/loss routines, so grognards can tune those as well.  Adjust land routines so that they also could handle European theater type blitz warfare...
{4. A world map...}

crsutton -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 5:01:39 PM)

The ability to actually get into a plane and fly it around. If it is a P39, I want to be able to use that funnel and tube device to urinate so that I don't have to get up from my computer. Is this asking for too much? [;)]

Swenslim -> RE: WitP2 Wishlist (6/17/2010 5:05:56 PM)

Better supply model - no british tank hordes in Burma.

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