Civ 5 Manual (Full Version)

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RedArgo -> Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 2:03:08 AM)

If you're interested, TakeTwo has released the manual for Civ 5 in PDF on the official Civilization 5 website. Now, you will have time to read it, before you get the game and never look at it. I wish more games would do this.


bbmike -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 2:13:34 AM)

And they did an incredible job on the manual. [sm=happy0065.gif]

Phatguy -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 2:27:08 AM)

probably not even going to bother buying civ 5......looks like its definately using steam and I heard "extra" civs are going to be DLC....meh

hadberz -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 3:11:30 AM)

Direct2drive looks to have the best deal for pre-order. 2 free civ/scenario pack DLC and Civ 3 free (yeah now I got like 3 copies of the game, not really value added for me). I ordered the deluxe version, which include Babylon civ, behind the scenes crap, and soundtrack.

This version still uses Steam, so if you hate Steam you wont be playing Civ V. I was going to pass on this game until I read about the combat. I can't wait to play it now. :)

goodwoodrw -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 3:21:20 AM)

Yes agree a nice manual, the trouble is, it is the same bloke with a new coat. My local EB store has the pre order for around $A125, Firaxis ought to be ashamed of themselves. I won't be buying this game, there not enough new content to justify $A40, but $A125 they can stick it where it best fits. Just highway robbery. No wonder the PC game industry is Karput. [:@][:@]

n01487477 -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 4:05:45 AM)



Yes agree a nice manual, the trouble is, it is the same bloke with a new coat. My local EB store has the pre order for around $A125, Firaxis ought to be ashamed of themselves. I won't be buying this game, there not enough new content to justify $A40, but $A125 they can stick it where it best fits. Just highway robbery. No wonder the PC game industry is Karput. [:@][:@]

Oh this is a soley Australian / Southern Hemisphere thing whereby middlemen feel the need to rip off all and sundry for software ... buy it online.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 5:45:51 AM)

I'll be getting it. I'm a total Civ nut. 

goodwoodrw -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 5:54:03 AM)

Ya probably right, a good idea. I have bought nearly all my games of recent times on the net, I suppose since i have recently got a faster internet connection, this game shouldn't change my trend.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 7:14:21 AM)

Manual looks great - popup pics too!

Unfortunately, I have Civ IV and all the expansions and whilst I love the idea of starting a game and playing through, I never really "got into it". It seemed like I was always "along for the ride"...what with all the advisors and suggested reasearch etc...

His games have been top notch though, with great musical scores (Civilisation has always been the only game where I turned the music UP rather than off) and great graphics. Even the gameplay wasn't half bad.

I might get it - but then, I haven't played through CiV IV yet - so I will probably wait.

Greybriar -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 2:04:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: apathetic lurker

probably not even going to bother buying civ 5......looks like its definately using steam and I heard "extra" civs are going to be DLC....meh

I won't be buying it for the same reasons. It will be the first game in the series I have missed (except for Revolution).

Lützow -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 4:52:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: hadberz

This version still uses Steam, so if you hate Steam you wont be playing Civ V.

Is that sure? Was considering to buy a boxed version after reading the manual, but not, if it has to be tied to a Steam account.

/edit: nvm, just peeked into the forum. They can keep their steam and dlc stuff.

Obsolete -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/20/2010 6:14:49 PM)

I hate steam too, but unfortunately I don't think we have a choice here.  Anyhow I don't know how worse the DRM can be this time, the hell I went through with their DRM in Civ IV I wouldn't wish on anyone.  Well, Ok I can think up a few people in the U.S. government, but that's another story...

Lützow -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 9:41:58 AM)

They're going to release a demo today.

comte -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 10:01:08 AM)

I'm also in the not buying camp. I recently picked up CIV 4 Complete with colonization for $15 I will be waiting for CIV 5 Complete after all the DLC's and add on's are released and when its about $15 on Amazon. By the time I'm done with Civ 4 complete Civ 5 should be complete [;)]

wodin -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 10:04:25 AM)

I really have no issues with Steam....if I want a game and it's steam then I buy certainly wouldn't stop me buying something...if steam went under then the developers of the games would do something for the buyers....though I really can't see how Steam would go under as they can't have to many over heads and they don't have to rely on a in house development team who HAVE to make a hit....their a middleman....

As for CiV...I've watched the trailers and it doesn't nothing for me at all....infact I've never played a CiV game as I know it isn't my cup of of thos egames (like Panzer General) that everyone raves about but I don't get it...

Zakhal -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 10:11:57 AM)

Big deal steam or not. I have a bonus edition of civ5 in predorder for 36€ and im going to play it next weekend! [sm=00000436.gif]

My first civ was on amiga. Still remember the disc shuffle.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 11:01:41 AM)


if steam went under then the developers of the games would do something for the buyers

mmm...I wish I had your confidence in that. Truth is, until it actually happens, no-one knows whether the developers will standby their customers or not...we're all guessing until it happens.


....though I really can't see how Steam would go under as they can't have to many over heads and they don't have to rely on a in house development team who HAVE to make a hit....their a middleman....

I don't think the majority of "naysayers" (I don't really want to put words in peoples mouths...) are complaining about the possibility of Steam going's probably more likely to do with the fact that they have control - and with that control comes power. For example, DLC is quickly becoming the norm. DLC used to be in the form of an expansion and with decent content....but it seems to be getting worse for content (not all the time)...and Steam and it's delivery system are helping to propogate that. £1.50 for a mask for Kane and Lynch 2 (things of that nature)...this kind of DLC that gives DLC the bad press it could do without - and Steam appear to be encouraging it by selling it...

Personally I have nothing against Steam. They have some great deals and a good catalogue of games...but I do realise and see peoples concerns with it

comte -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 11:11:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd


if steam went under then the developers of the games would do something for the buyers

mmm...I wish I had your confidence in that. Truth is, until it actually happens, no-one knows whether the developers will standby their customers or not...we're all guessing until it happens.


....though I really can't see how Steam would go under as they can't have to many over heads and they don't have to rely on a in house development team who HAVE to make a hit....their a middleman....

I don't think the majority of "naysayers" (I don't really want to put words in peoples mouths...) are complaining about the possibility of Steam going's probably more likely to do with the fact that they have control - and with that control comes power. For example, DLC is quickly becoming the norm. DLC used to be in the form of an expansion and with decent content....but it seems to be getting worse for content (not all the time)...and Steam and it's delivery system are helping to propogate that. £1.50 for a mask for Kane and Lynch 2 (things of that nature)...this kind of DLC that gives DLC the bad press it could do without - and Steam appear to be encouraging it by selling it...

Personally I have nothing against Steam. They have some great deals and a good catalogue of games...but I do realise and see peoples concerns with it

DLC packs are garbage. I really hate the way these companies release this crap now a days thats why I wait to purchase stuff. I wait for the end product the complete edition with all the DLC content because you all know that Civ5 will have add-ons and DLC content its just the nature of the business if your patient you can pick it all up for cheap when the game is finally finished [:'(]

diablo1 -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 11:20:02 AM)

I'm just going to wait for the "Complete" edition perhaps another year from now for $7.99 like I just got Civ IV complete for. My philosophy is anytime it "requires" Steam is to wait until it's bargain bin priced. I prefer to buy from Direct 2 Drive but now even buying from them doesn't get me DRM free or keep me from having to use Steams client to activate some games.

GoG is a good example of what can happen with these direct download sites. Just flip a switch and lights out on all your games you bought from them if you didn't have the setup.exe backed up or you did have it backed up and you lost that piece of media or hardware.

wodin -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 11:50:25 AM)

Just don't buy DLC packs..I never have and never would...

htuna -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 12:03:46 PM)

OK..thought today was release date.. how come I can't play!!!.. wanted to fire it up before work, to check it out! [:@]

Edit: oops.. on the main product page, I see it will unlock in 3 hours, nm..

Lützow -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 1:07:10 PM)

On a side note: according to official FAQ the manual is solely available as .pdf, not even boxed versions will get a paper book.

hewwo -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 2:06:32 PM)

I honestly don't understand what people have against steam. It works wonderful, especially with multiplayer. And the whole part where you can chat/talk with friends while playing different games, or join each others servers directly is downright awesome.

And not to forget the fact that great support for mac, and the downright incredible sales. (although I preordered civ 5 from a webshop, costs 35 euro as opposed to 50 on steam)

Actually, I wish matrix would give up their own archaic system and use something like steam or impulse.

ckammp -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 2:12:37 PM)



I honestly don't understand what people have against steam. It works wonderful, especially with multiplayer. And the whole part where you can chat/talk with friends while playing different games, or join each others servers directly is downright awesome.

And not to forget the fact that great support for mac, and the downright incredible sales. (although I preordered civ 5 from a webshop, costs 35 euro as opposed to 50 on steam)

Actually, I wish matrix would give up their own archaic system and use something like steam or impulse.

While I don't like Steam, in this case my problem is lack of options. If I want to get Civ5 (and I do!) I have to use Steam. No other options=no buy.

And Matrix has the best system for purchasing games I have ever experienced; Matrix is far, far, superior to Steam.

NefariousKoel -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 2:26:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: apathetic lurker

probably not even going to bother buying civ 5......looks like its definately using steam and I heard "extra" civs are going to be DLC....meh

Yep. Requires Steam.

I've duly boycotted this BS practice as have a few others. Most people just bend over when they're forced to do something in order to get to the cheese. [8|]

Obsolete -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 2:34:11 PM)


GoG is a good example of what can happen with these direct download sites. Just flip a switch and lights out on all your games you bought from them if you didn't have the setup.exe backed up or you did have it backed up and you lost that piece of media or hardware.

Hopefully some hacker groups can step in and get a few cracks out to fix that mess.  Don't know what else to say there...

ilovestrategy -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 3:11:57 PM)



I honestly don't understand what people have against steam. It works wonderful, especially with multiplayer. And the whole part where you can chat/talk with friends while playing different games, or join each others servers directly is downright awesome.

And not to forget the fact that great support for mac, and the downright incredible sales. (although I preordered civ 5 from a webshop, costs 35 euro as opposed to 50 on steam)

Actually, I wish matrix would give up their own archaic system and use something like steam or impulse.

I pretty much have to agree with this.

hadberz -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 4:27:34 PM)

They got one hellva big 0 day patch. 995 MB. Sucks that I gotta go back to work. [:)]

Lützow -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 4:33:33 PM)

Has nothing to do with the platform itself. I'm going to install Steam in order to get the demo and will deinstall both afterwards.

Steam is a tool to enforce a copyright policy I don't agree with. It dictates which version of a title I'm allowed to download (and that matters for countries, where video games usually get censored), supervises me while gaming and denies my right to resell something I lawful acquired. Not that I actually sold any game during the past 5 years, but has it has to be in my sole discretion if I want to.

I'm usually picking about 5 Matrix titles per year, but if they would switch to Steam as exclusive platform, I wouldn't purchase a single game here anymore.

Obsolete -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (9/21/2010 5:15:28 PM)

I'm already 40 minutes behind on downloading the demo due to this silly steam thing.  Dumb me thought a demo would be released as a demo like any other demo.  Couldn't figure out why it wasn't available on any standard source, like the Firaxis websites or anywhere else.  Then I finally find out despite it's restricted to single player, and a few options, with only 120 turns or so, you STILL must install steam for the damn demo.

Grrrrr.  I think that is really bad marketing right there since I was going to give up for the day.  But oh well, download is still in progress.  Seems there is a world-wide spurge right now for the download, and many servers are overloaded at the moment.

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