RE: Civ 5 Manual (Full Version)

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JudgeDredd -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/4/2010 6:36:49 PM)

This game is a monster! I've got 13 hours on it and on turn 470 and still a couple of BIG empires to conquer!

I never really played much through Civ IV. I always liked the idea of it but never really got into it. Different kettle of fish entirely with this one.

LarryP -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/4/2010 6:42:27 PM)

It's funny that I got two replies on playing with the lower settings. [:)] I expected replies of "Oh man, I play on the highest level and it's never hard enough!"

Gamespot has the cheats listed for Civ4 and below and they are many.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/4/2010 6:49:18 PM)

Wouldn't want to use cheats. The only thing I ever use are walkthroughs and only then when I'm stuck to the point I'm going to give up on the game...and generally they help for finding something you have to do that isn't obvious

LarryP -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/4/2010 7:18:20 PM)

Yogi The Great asked if there were cheats.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/4/2010 8:30:36 PM)


LarryP -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/4/2010 8:32:28 PM)

It was tucked in tight in a big message, easy to miss. [;)]

Ketza -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/8/2010 3:46:29 PM)

Started my first game as America on the epic Americas (world) map you get with your purchase from Wal Mart and I am really enjoying it. I started at the third level of difficulty and I am finding the AI to be challenging.

I have all of North America and the British Isles with maybe 20 cities and the 3rd largest military.

I am concerned about Siam as they have seemingly gobbled up most of Europe and Eurasia. Down thew road they will be my big enemy.

JamesM -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/8/2010 11:48:54 PM)

I must say that I am not really impressed with Civ V, it does not seem to be a just one more turn game.  While in Civ IV i kept saying to myself I stop playing now and when I stop I notice that it is 2 or 3 in the morning and can not figure out where the last several hours went, while with Civ V I am happy to stop when I think about.

JudgeDredd -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/9/2010 7:56:29 AM)

Funny, as I get the same feeling for Civ V - in fact I'm actually scared to start the bloody thing for fear of sitting here for hours playing! I was at a loss the other night at about 10 for gaming and I kept wanting to fire up Civ V but I daren't - it was a work night and I knew I wouldn't get to bed before 1 or 2 in the morning.

warspite1 -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/9/2010 8:22:58 AM)

I must say I'm with you on this jamesm. I cannot get into CIV V at the moment - although this may have something to do with the fact that I can't speed through the opening video sequence [:@] and I am probably operating on the minimum hardware requirements. I find the graphics are actually a backward step; lots of little things:

I don't like the clouds rather than blackness for unexplored territory
I don't like the fact that you cannot zoom in on units as close as before
The units are difficult to make out, even at the closest zoom

Consequently I've gone back to CIV IV - even though I'm not very good at winning the game [&:] - its still a thoroughly enjoyable way to completely waste hours of your life...just one more turn.

terje439 -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/9/2010 8:30:49 AM)

You can remove the intro video, but that would only leave you with a black screen. What is not known by all is that the intro video is in fact a loading screen, but unlike most other game you do not see some sort of progress bar.


warspite1 -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/9/2010 8:37:52 AM)

Thanks Terje439.

One other question: Do you know why I am given the choice of:

Play Sid Meiers Civilization V
Sid Meiers Civilization V (Direct X 9)

at the start?

terje439 -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/9/2010 10:52:56 AM)

The game is designed for DirectX 10 and 11, but alot of graphic cards does not support those, so you get the option to run it with DirectX 9.
(atleast this is what I have read at civfanatics...)
(DirectX 9 gives me better performance in game speed, but the graphics drops a little, something that does not bother me at all, since in my book, CiV ain't about graphic but game play anyway).


JudgeDredd -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/9/2010 11:23:41 AM)

Yes, but what is annoying is it says to right click and create a shortcut for your option...which I did - then when I started the game from the shortcut, I got the same annoying menu.

And I found DX10 VERY sluggish after a while of playing...DX9 is fine though so far.

I think I don't see peoples beefs with Civ V and going back to Civ IV because I never really got into Civ IV - so Civ V is a breath of fresh air to me tbh.

LarryP -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/9/2010 1:51:27 PM)

I renamed the intro video so it won't load and the game fires right up.

Also, with me, DX10 runs much faster than DX9.

One other thing too... I keep reading about the heat this Civ5 generates, and my laptop does NOT have good cooling and it runs it just like Civ4, cool. The complaints and remedies sure do vary. [X(]

ezzler -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/9/2010 2:20:47 PM)

Never liked civ 4. Not a bit. In fact went back to civ 3 almost straight away.
But this one is keeping me up until the small hours.

Railroads are a b~gger though. Auto settlers destroying the economy with their railtracks.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Civ 5 Manual (10/9/2010 8:52:32 PM)

I tried twice to get into Civ IV. Just wasn't my cup of tea. I got tired of the city cultures, seemed too much like micromanagement. 

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