RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (Full Version)

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Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/20/2011 8:50:29 PM)

Cribtop, in my estimation, only Oz and India offer Japan a likely route to auto-victory. In addition to those two, Hawaii might be a possibility, but I suspect it would require some major contributions from other high-value point sources.

It would also be possible to pair up partial conquests of India or Oz with other high-value point sources like New Zealand and Fiji.

I have no idea how viable a route Russia would offer, but probably not very high. A focus on Russia might well leave the Western Allies too free to wreak havoc.

I think it will be necessary for an Allied player to employ his carriers to fight for India or Oz if an experienced, aggressive IJ player goes for either one in a Scenario Two match.

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/20/2011 8:54:03 PM)

Chez has sent the turn one file. I have limited time this afternoon, so this is what I accomplished:

1. Opened the file and confirmed that we are using the same version (Yay! - that's a big relief as computers intimidate me).

2. Issue orders to Force Z to make for Java (Yay! - I probably won't suffer the same fate I suffered with Q-Ball in forgetting to issue orders to Force Z).

3. Issued orders to about half the Russian bases: (1) to build forts, airbases and, where applicable ports; and (2) to each aircraft squadron to train at 100% and zero range, and to draw max number of pilots from replacement pool. I set most of them to "general traning."

4. By this point my wrist was sore from clicking, and my spirit was getting agitated about the pilot training routine, so I saved the file and logged off.

Cribtop -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 3:16:51 AM)

I agree with you re auto-victory targets. The question now becomes what to do about defense of the targets we do know are game-changers. A big part of your successful defense of India against Q-Ball arose from your correct guess that India was in fact the target and not Oz despite a fairly elaborate feint.

You must assume, IMHO, that Chez read all about this in your AAR and will plan accordingly.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 3:22:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

3. Issued orders to about half the Russian bases: (1) to build forts, airbases and, where applicable ports; and (2) to each aircraft squadron to train at 100% and zero range, and to draw max number of pilots from replacement pool. I set most of them to "general traning."

DOH! I didn't know you could do that. Maybe the Japs wont invade Siberia.

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 3:54:11 PM)

You mean there's something I know that another player didn't know?! You made my day, Cap!

Meanwhile, I've spent another hour or so issuing orders. Here's what's been done up to the present:

1. Completed issuing orders to Russian bases - engineers to build forts, airfields, and, where applicable, ports.

2. Completed issuing orders to Russian squadrons - all to train at 100%, zero range. Most to train general, but fighters to train on escort. Drew reinforcements until I ran out. Not sure this was the right thing to do, but it seems appropriate that the Red Air Force "replacement" button is now red.

3. Surveyed Alaska and the Aluetians, the latter I intend to garrison quickly and heavily. Issued orders to Aleutian bases to build forts. Issued orders to mainland Alaska bases to build forts, airfields, and bases.

4. Set Canadian bases to build ports and airfields. Set the two restricted Candadian ground units to prep for Attu and Adak. One is already at Prince Rupert; set the other to move by rail to PR. I will "buy these units and ship them to the Aleutians very soon.

5. Set all American bases to build arifields and ports.

6. Set many of the restricted but "buyable" ground units to prep for Aleutians bases; am sending these to Seattle. Prepping a few Marine units at San Diego for Pago Pago.

7. All non-restricted II and 10th Airforce squadrons at East Coast being shipped to Capetown immediately. Some other restricted squadrons (mainly IV A.F.) will soon follow. From Capetown, these squadrons can be sent to India or Oz, wherever most needed.

Next on my list is the Pacific Islands, which will take some time.

As you can see, the Allies will place a very, very high priority on securing the Aleutians. This will be my highest priority - even over Hawaii - for the next month. As soon as I get troops ashore in the western Aleutians, my next priority will be Hawaii, Midway, and Pago Pago.

Now, back to clicking, clicking, clicking.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 4:29:15 PM)

You've no doubt already planned this with the CT moves by the WC flying dogmeat, but recall our discusison about unloading the Devastators and shipping/sneaking them into Karachi. It may be far too early to do this on Turn 1, but OTOH the earlier the better. I can't think of anyplace in Oz they would do as much good as they would holding Karachi open.

Nomad -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 4:29:51 PM)

Why worry about putting forces on Midway? It is small and can only hold 6000 troops, not enough to hold it if Japan wants it.

bradfordkay -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 4:35:36 PM)

In my first game against Chez (a CHS game) I had sent an RCT to Midway. This surprised him and caused the battle for Midway to last about a month before it fell. After that, I pretty much ignored Midway except as a place to practice carrier strikes and naval bombardment missions.

This time he hasn't bothered Midway at all other than the perfunctory bombardments right after the PH attack.

I can't guarantee what he would do either way in his game with you...

I have a question for you Dan: is your fixation on the Aleutians a hope to be able to use those permanently restricted West Coast P38 squadrons? If you keep most of the islands there under the West Coast Command you can use those boys up there.

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 4:42:28 PM)

There seem to be two camps on the importance of Midway. I definately fall into the "Midway is very important" group. I like to make use of it, but even more importantly I don't feel good when the Japanese are making use of it. In this game it may be even more important give my NoPac plans. Given enough time, I like to pull out the Midway base force and pack the island with about 200 AV. I can get there at just a smidgeon over the 6k garrison limit - not enough over to affect supply. With 200 AV, Midway is really bad news for Japan.

Bullwinkle, yes, I recall our conversation. I'm committing alot of forces to Capetown in preparation for seeing to Karachi's defense. I won't send the carrier Devastators yet, but only because they may be busy for a few weeks. I have one carrier heading for Wake. The other will move towards Tarawa. Saratoga I'm not sure yet. I may go ahead and pull her Devastators off and send them to CT via East Coast.

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 6:28:25 PM)

Lots more clicking...

In the Pacific, orders are given to build forts at all occupied island bases. No building of ports or airfields will take place until much later. At present, the only islands that might get troops will be Pago Pago and the Hawaiin chain. I am diverting the two arty-unit TF from Fiji-bound to PP-bound. One carrier will head for Wake, the other for the Tarawa area. At San Diego, I move the Devastator squadron off Saratoga. I'll ship these to East USA and then on to Capetown.

Oz: Fort building everywhere; base building only at Sydney and Melbourne. Also give base-building orders at PM and Rabaul. Lots of pilot training.

Java/Sumatra/Malaya: Fort building, pilot training, and a general movement of combat TFs to northern Java in preparation for combat disposition in coming days.

Burma and India: Fort building; base building only at Bombay and Karachi. I am diverting the Brit brigade aboard transports bound for Singaprore to Karachi. At some point, I hope to put Indian brigades ashore at Diego Garcia and Socatra - not enough to stop Japan, but enough to force a serious commitment.

What's left to do:

1. China: I have to issue orders here, but first I need to figure out where I want to make my stand and whether I wish to undertake any offensives (unlikely).

2. Review: Review everything to make sure my opening moves are part of a coordinate effort - especially in the Phillipines and DEI.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 7:08:27 PM)

Are you guys playing with any of the beta patches? If so, Oz industry can be turned off now and fuel can be stockpiled without loss at Sydney and Brisbane.

Also, when you get to China, I think there's some damaged industry you don't want to repair?

Can you tell we all want a turn run? [:)]

Chickenboy -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 7:15:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
Also give base-building orders at PM and Rabaul.

What for you do this? These two places are going to get steamrolled in short order, why bother building them further? I'd concentrate on the forts and evacuating fragments of useful units, were I you.

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 7:21:22 PM)

Oops, I'm only building forts there; no base building. A typo that didn't slip past an observant Yankee eye.

Bullwinkle, thanks for the suggestion. I've turned off repairs for all damaged China faclities (didn't realize there were so many - I think most of them at Changsha and Chungking).

I'm not sure about Oz, yet. I need to look through and see what's what.

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 8:12:44 PM)

I've just sent the turn to Chez (aka Steve), so we'll have a turn as soon as his schedule gives him some time.

This is Scenario Two and Steve is an experienced player. However, he hasn't played Scenario Two before and I don't know if he's by nature aggressive or not. For now, I'm going to err on the side of assuming I will face a Q-Ball-sized onslaught. With that in mind, here are my general strategic objectives early in the war:

1. I will assume that Steve will target either India or Oz. Of those two, India may be the most important, so I'll give her alot of attention. In particular, I want to get supply there ASAP.

2. I'm sending many USAAF squadrons to Capetown. Upon arrival, I'll allocate them between India and Oz.

3. In trying to figure out whether Oz or India will be the target, guessing wrong would be a disaster. I'd hate to have sent all my troops to the one, only to have the other targeted. And yet, splitting between the two could leave both too weak to stave off a Q-Ball-sized assault by 15-20 IJA divisions. With that in mind, I do not want to leave defeat to the chance outcome of a 50/50 guess about his target. Instead of trying my best to guess right, I want to fight the war on my terms as best I can.

4. To conquer Oz or India, Steve will need a sizeable army and, for a considerable period, the KB. He'll need to get started early (probably January if Oz is the target; February or March if it's going to be India). I want the Allies to be in a position to launch a major invasion of the Kuriles and Sikhalin Island by spring of '42 if the Japanese indeed move on India or Oz. Such an invasion is pure folly under most circumstances, because the Japanese can easily take control of the sea and air....but to do so requires commitment of major combat ships and carriers. I don't think the Japanese can successfully prosecute an auto-victory maneuver against Oz or India without the KB, so I want to force Steve to make the choice of carrying through with his invasion down south only at the risk of allowing the Allies to get a major hold on his northern perimeter. If he diverts his carriers to NoPac, he can destroy the Allied troops there, but it makes it very difficult for him to impose a blockade of Oz or India.

5. I don't want Japan to get a lodgement in the western Aleutians in late '42 or early '42, because that would break the LOC between any Allied beachheads in the Kuriles/Sikhalin and Achorage/Kodiak/Dutch Harbor. Thus the Allies intend to occupy the western Aleutians ASAP, along with committing some combat ships and carriers to the region early in the war.

6. Most of the Pacific Isles are deemed expendable. I will try to secure Midway, the Hawaiin chain, Pago Pago, and New Zealand as the game develops. (Hawaii, of course, is already strongly defended, but needs more.)

7. I will try to use combat ships and troops in the DEI to slow Japan just a bit, or at least to force Steve to protect his amphibious TFs. I will also try to create a roadblock somewhere sensible - probably Singapore.

8. Ceylon, Diego Garcia, Port Blair, and Socatra will get enough troops (something on the order of an Indian brigade) to make sure the enemy can't just waltz right through, but not enough to stop a serious attack.

9. China: No offensive plans here. I want to protect the Chinese army and ensure that I have a good MLR.

obvert -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 9:26:15 PM)

As a new player I'm curious why the build-up in the Aleutians? Is there a threat if they are taken? Or is it that you'd like to use them offensively and as staging, supply, and refueling areas for ops near the Home Islands?

bradfordkay -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 10:01:14 PM)

Steve is deliberately aggressive. By this I mean that he moves in a well-planned way. Only once have I seen him "throw a long bomb" - in our first (CHS) game Halsey's carriers caught some large MLs (CMs in this game) loaded with troops off Howland Island in the very early days. It looked to me like they were headed for Canton Island. Instead they went to visit Davey Jones...

If you are going to protect only one major SoPac island group I would choose Fiji instead of Samoa. On Fiji you have two bases side by side that can be built into L9 airbases. Having them side by side means that he will have a hard time shutting you down in that location and you will have a great place for your 4E bombers to fly from should he capture the New Hebrides. JMO...

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 10:09:49 PM)

Couple of thoughts (not that you asked):

1. Alfred has impressed on me several times in talks we've had about an Oz auto-vic campaign to remember that Oz can be strat bombed for points, and India can't be. (I think I have that right.) The LOD for Oz is south; a Japanese player can hang his bombers north and hit Sydney industry over and over, bleeding VPs without activation. Oz has the native Whir. facotry eventually, but Oz needs fighters and AA pretty early if he is going to attack there. Strat bombing VPs are cheap in loss terms for him.

2. India needs fewer troops if you commit to using the navies to slow or stop the invasion. In particular, the Dutch have great CLs that I usually waste fruitlessly around Java. I'd get them moving now to Royal Navy-land, maybe stick them in Aden, and sacrifice them in attacking transports if and when. Never forget that x4 is the Allies' best friend.

3. I know you loves you some Kuriles, but can you really get much done there in early 1942? He doesn't really need carriers to stop you. His torpedoes work, and his subs are two days' sail from fuel and torpedoes. He could flood the northern seas and use Betties to tear you up if you go in there early. And if I were going for an auto-vic I'd let you go in there, for awhile at least.

4. I have absolutley no data, but I have a tingle in my forebrain that he's not going to do any of the things you're worried about. He knows you'll expect him to, and the game is getting mature enough that the obvious early counters are known. I don't know with hom he corresponds, but you might see something new. Don't know what, but if it were me I'd be looking for something like a WC carrier raid on SF or San Diego in late December. Something along those lines. Something you'd think was crazy, but, say, Nemo wouldn't.

desicat -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 10:50:02 PM)

The way I see it is Japan is forced to keep to a tight schedule if auto-victory is to be achieved. If you can get them off schedule somewhere it is difficult for them to adjust on the fly without throwing timetables out of whack. In your last two games Wake Island could have caused Japan some problems with some risk to assets on your end. Any chance you will contest with 2nd tier assets?

I also liked your deep destroyer raids last game, they too add distractions, are you going to try this tactic again?

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/21/2011 11:12:16 PM)

Obvert: The Aleutians are important if the Allies wish to take the Kuriles and Sikhalin Island or create the appearance of such a threat. I've done the latter in my current game with Q-Ball [to what effect I don't yet know because we're still early). I did the former in WitP to very good effect. In AE, I'd say it's nearly impossible to pursue such a strategy until late '43 or '44 with one exception - if the Japanese commit the KB to a very lengthy campaign far, far away (like Oz or India), I think the Allies could create quite a quandary - by seizing Paramushiro, Onnekotan, Shikuka, and Toyohara in late spring of '42, the Allies pose a real threat to IJ resources (and to a lesser extent oil supplies) -both by taking some resource/oil centers and by seizing airfields within range of Hokkaido, one of the Home Islands. I think such a move could put alot of pressure on Japan to divert the KB to NoPac, which might be the saving graces for India or Oz. It's a complicated scenario, but one with potential that I'm willing to try. The key to such a gambit is to hold the Aleutians when and if the time comes to move.

BradfordKay: In Scenario Two, Japan has extra infantry divisions and other advantages that put alot of pressure on the Allies to wisely alocate infantry units utilizing political points very carefully. There just aren't enough of either to go around. A proper defense of Fiji probably requires something on the order of 750 AV, which is hard to cobble together early and strips other critical islands of much-needed defense. I decided to leave Fiji alone in my game with Q-Ball until sometime into the spring of '42. I'm going to do the same here, because 250 or 300 AV at Pago Pago is a strong garrison, but that wouldn't be nearly enough at Fiji. Or so I think.

Bullwinkle: Some very helpful suggestions there. You're right about Oz and strategic bombing, so I do need to ship plenty of AA units there. A mixture of strategic bombing in Oz along with the capture of some high value bases (Ceylon, Fiji, North New Zealand, etc.) might be a viable auto-victory route. I've also contemplated the possibility of a Japanese West Coast carrier raid, return to Pearl Harbor, or even a Victoria Island gambit. As for NoPac, I think such a move would be possible, but ONLY if the KB is committed to India or Oz in a major way for an extended period. I don't know if Steve will aim that way, but I want to be ready if he does. Also, good idea regarding the Dutch Navy, though I am going to do some raiding early in the game.

Dessicat: Yes, the Stingers will be employed again - perhaps even more frequently.

obvert -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 12:44:59 AM)

Got it. Thanks. I'll be interested to see all of this play out.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 3:46:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Bullwinkle: Some very helpful suggestions there. You're right about Oz and strategic bombing, so I do need to ship plenty of AA units there. A mixture of strategic bombing in Oz along with the capture of some high value bases (Ceylon, Fiji, North New Zealand, etc.) might be a viable auto-victory route. I've also contemplated the possibility of a Japanese West Coast carrier raid, return to Pearl Harbor, or even a Victoria Island gambit. As for NoPac, I think such a move would be possible, but ONLY if the KB is committed to India or Oz in a major way for an extended period. I don't know if Steve will aim that way, but I want to be ready if he does. Also, good idea regarding the Dutch Navy, though I am going to do some raiding early in the game.

I forgot the best part of Alfred's diobolical plot--you can milk/bleed Sydney for VPs, but if you never take it you don't have to pay the pretty massive garrison cost. I think it's on the order of a full division for the Japanese. Besides Sydney, the Japanese can conduct decimation ops and not take anything important until the Aussies are on their heels in order to save garrison reqs. The transport network is much more advantageous for the invader than is the case in India, especially in the west and northwest.

Also, I don't think Perth is below the LOD. Oz is bowed like a swaybacked horse due to the map projection in the game map. He can grab Perth, which is easy to isolate since there's only one rail in and out, set up a strong naval and air base without triggering the LOD reinforcements.

obvert -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 8:38:54 AM)

Is Russia a viable option if taken early, before pilots have trained, and before some units have arrived there? I remember reading someone's AAR where they took Russia early and wiped the board clean there, getting lots of VPs from trapped units destroyed, air wiped, and virtually all of the bases taken. Do any more forces trigger there?

The IJA can achieve the other main objectives without Manchukuo troops, can send some China divisions up there, and then if all goes to plan in Russia, bring most of Manchukuo to wreak havoc on China and even India in late 42. Plus, this sets them up well for resources and sustainability late into the war without running the gauntlet from the SRA. If I were Japan I would certainly feel better having BOTH Russia and China cleaned up early.

Just not sure if it's actually possible.

Chickenboy -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 10:59:24 AM)

Most honorable Canoerebel-san,

This message will be my last post in this AAR for the forseeable future. I have decided to reflect my 'true calling' and focus on providing counsel to the honorable Chez-san for your upcoming bout. In fairness, I must withdraw from this AAR at this time (bows) so as not to bias my counsel for him further with any foreknowledge derived from your most enjoyable posts here.

I look forward to your match and wish you well. Oh, yes. One more thing: Long life for the Emperor! BANZAI!

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 3:39:04 PM)

I am saddened to know that Honorable PoultryLad won't be a reader and commentator in this thread...and I'm alarmed that he'll be offering advice to my opponent (merely because PoultryLad gives good advice). I'd rather PoultryLad cast his lot with me, but the dastardly Yankee declined!

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 3:43:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert
Is Russia a viable option if taken early, before pilots have trained, and before some units have arrived there?

To be honest, I don't know if Russia is a viable Japanese option. My hunch is that it isn't, because if it was, more Japanese players would try it. With the extra IJA divisions in Scenario Two, though, the equation might be somewhat different.

If Japan were to attack Russia early, Allied counters that I might consider would be to (1) flood the Burma theater to try to reopen the Burma Road - thus strengthening the Chinese; or (2) a NoPac move (I love them, but only if the KB is confirmed far away).

Such a move in this game isn't beyond the realm of possibility. I'll have to keep it in mind as I consider force disposition. Sending a bunch of American aircraft squadrons to Capetown is a good opening move in support of Asia, though, so I'm glad I did that.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 3:50:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58

4. I have absolutley no data, but I have a tingle in my forebrain that he's not going to do any of the things you're worried about. He knows you'll expect him to, and the game is getting mature enough that the obvious early counters are known....

That is an interesting observation. The existing AAR's encompass quite a few opening gambits...some which worked...some which did not work. It would make an interesting compilation.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 4:31:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58

4. I have absolutley no data, but I have a tingle in my forebrain that he's not going to do any of the things you're worried about. He knows you'll expect him to, and the game is getting mature enough that the obvious early counters are known....

That is an interesting observation. The existing AAR's encompass quite a few opening gambits...some which worked...some which did not work. It would make an interesting compilation.

Yep. there are a finite number, but we as a community haven't exhausted them.

In particular, I think there's now groupthink that there are a Big 3 of auto-vic targets--Oz, India, and PH. CR's observation above several posts ago that a Japanese player might instead assemble a patchwork combo has me thinking that this may be the next frontier.

A Ceylon is self-contianed and defensible. A NZ does trigger reinforcements, but in Scenario 2 they ought to be able to be handled. NZ is self-contianed. Sprinkle in Darwin (isolated), a couple of Fijis, maybe Perth (isolated), a couple of western Aleutians, plus some of NE India, and you're well on your way. This patchwork would spread the early Allied OOB pretty thin, and might require the RN to leave home waters to help.

obvert -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 4:59:25 PM)


A Ceylon is self-contianed and defensible. A NZ does trigger reinforcements, but in Scenario 2 they ought to be able to be handled. NZ is self-contianed. Sprinkle in Darwin (isolated), a couple of Fijis, maybe Perth (isolated), a couple of western Aleutians, plus some of NE India, and you're well on your way. This patchwork would spread the early Allied OOB pretty thin, and might require the RN to leave home waters to help.

The Moose

In addition, these areas offer the best chance of hitting shipping, cutting supply routes, thus adding to the total. Also, in some of the contained areas (like NZ and Ceylon), large forces could be isolated and knocked out, rather than pushed back and weakened.

As the Allied player I would think a move on NZ would require CV action. Also, the one drawback of not going all out for one area is that if the Allies pick a spot to put all of the Australian and British units to push back early enough, the IJA is so spread all over the map they might not have enough local force to counter. It seems massive early fuel and supply to OZ would be essential against this strategy, most likely from Cape Town.

Canoerebel -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 5:05:12 PM)

I don't think New Zealand is critical to the Allies unless Japan also has made important inroads in other areas, particularly India or Australia. NZ offers good points for bases and for wiping out troops, but not nearly enough to pose an auto-victory threat by itself. NZ would also be at the end of a very lengthy and vulnerable LOC from Truk/Rabaul. But if you cobble together New Zealand, Fiji, Noumea, non-reinforcement parts of Oz, and strategic bombing in Oz, you might have enough.

Man, I'm starting to perspire just thinking about all the possibilities. I really will have to be diligent in reading the tea leaves in order to get a handle on what Japan might be up to.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Tokyo Rose was a Hussy! (2/22/2011 5:23:37 PM)

Having been on the receiving end of Scenario 2, it does seem entirely possible for Japan to take all of the Hawaiian Is (4000 pts plus all the damaged ships plus the destroyed planes plus the garrison [X(]).

Let's say they do the standard attack on Pearl for 1 or 2 days, send KB back for ammo and fuel, then reurn and land by Dec. 15 on the big island or Maui, quickly build up the airfields and then shut down Pearl. They will crush the inexperienced P-40 squadrons there. They begin to bomb the Hell of the ground troops on Oahu.

They seize Palmyra, and Christmas and the Marquesas and Tahiti and then begin to backfill westward. When the ground troops at Oahu are roughed up, then ladn with 3 voila! It would be a nightmare

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