RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 (Full Version)

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Buck Beach -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 (4/12/2011 4:41:54 AM)



Strangeish problem.

I run the install and it creates a folder called Beta2 within the main AE directory. It does NOT create a shortcut. That's fine though, i can create that myself. For testing though I just double click on the Executable in Beta2.

When I do that the game crashes and states "Error: Unable to find PW Data."

BTw the Beta2 directory contains the executable and pwsdll.dll

That's it. So, what am I missing?

My "shortcut" was deposited directly on the desktop with the install as others had reported. I hadn't recognized it because I had so many other WITPAE shortcuts already.


mjk428 -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 (4/12/2011 5:16:03 AM)


I started a thread about supply massing in Madras. It seems that supply will move to the largest base or port first and foremost.

In case this is not WAD, here is a save.

PaxMondo -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/12/2011 2:26:17 PM)

Been noticing this myself.  Used to be able to get Resources to flow to Fusan by simply pulling from there long enough.  But now, it seems that they will pool in Pt Arthur no matter and leave 19,000 resources in Fusan.  Supplies hang in PA as well, but you have your demand buttons to address that.   What I am trying to check is whether or not I am actually getting the full turn load of resources onto the ships at Fusan.  I am clearly loading more than 19,000 per turn.

One thing is now clear though; computer convoys (not CS, but computer) are not working for me with Fusan only being at 19,000.  When I start everything looks fine the furst run, it loads, runs to Fukuoka, unloads and returns.  But then it just sits at Fusan without loading again.   I suspect that the computer setting looks to see that there isn't enough resource and so won't start loading.  I'm having to run my convoys manually.

Fusan can only be built to size 8 port compared to PA's size 9.  I'm building up Fusan's air field to see if the combined total will make a difference..  Like mjk428, only reporting here.  Not sure if this is WAD or not.

michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/12/2011 3:07:46 PM)



Been noticing this myself.  Used to be able to get Resources to flow to Fusan by simply pulling from there long enough.  But now, it seems that they will pool in Pt Arthur no matter and leave 19,000 resources in Fusan.  Supplies hang in PA as well, but you have your demand buttons to address that.   What I am trying to check is whether or not I am actually getting the full turn load of resources onto the ships at Fusan.  I am clearly loading more than 19,000 per turn.

One thing is now clear though; computer convoys (not CS, but computer) are not working for me with Fusan only being at 19,000.  When I start everything looks fine the furst run, it loads, runs to Fukuoka, unloads and returns.  But then it just sits at Fusan without loading again.   I suspect that the computer setting looks to see that there isn't enough resource and so won't start loading.  I'm having to run my convoys manually.

Fusan can only be built to size 8 port compared to PA's size 9.  I'm building up Fusan's air field to see if the combined total will make a difference..  Like mjk428, only reporting here.  Not sure if this is WAD or not.

Can you add a save with the situation in Fusan not loading?
Want to see if anything is being drawn to or from that port.

Nemo121 -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 (4/12/2011 7:43:02 PM)

Thanks for the help guys....

I got it working both ways - with my own shortcut made as per the suggestions here and by scouring my screenspace for a shortcut ( which I found buried ).... I run two 1680 x 1050 monitors and the shortcut popped up on the subsidiary one I use for surfing etc.... Oops, thanks for the help though.

PaxMondo -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/13/2011 12:43:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: michaelm



Been noticing this myself.  Used to be able to get Resources to flow to Fusan by simply pulling from there long enough.  But now, it seems that they will pool in Pt Arthur no matter and leave 19,000 resources in Fusan.  Supplies hang in PA as well, but you have your demand buttons to address that.   What I am trying to check is whether or not I am actually getting the full turn load of resources onto the ships at Fusan.  I am clearly loading more than 19,000 per turn.

One thing is now clear though; computer convoys (not CS, but computer) are not working for me with Fusan only being at 19,000.  When I start everything looks fine the furst run, it loads, runs to Fukuoka, unloads and returns.  But then it just sits at Fusan without loading again.   I suspect that the computer setting looks to see that there isn't enough resource and so won't start loading.  I'm having to run my convoys manually.

Fusan can only be built to size 8 port compared to PA's size 9.  I'm building up Fusan's air field to see if the combined total will make a difference..  Like mjk428, only reporting here.  Not sure if this is WAD or not.

Can you add a save with the situation in Fusan not loading?
Want to see if anything is being drawn to or from that port.

Gonna have to run a couple of turns to create it. I've been manually loading and all of my recent saves have it that way. Try to have it for you tomorrow.

aprezto -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/13/2011 8:51:44 AM)

Hello Michael;

Great to see all this great work you're doing. I know the goal posts keep moving, but I've not noted this as a change in the wings, my apologies if you've covered it. To do with GUI around amphib TFs:

I'd like to be able to change the Opmode of a land unit when you're putting together an amphib TF. Currently the amphib window just informs you that a unit is not in combat mode (or strategic mode for that matter with a transport) TF. Presently you have to exit the TF, change Opmode of the units, and then return to the TF to load up - seems like an unnecessary requirement.

Another is to add the target preparation location of each LCU when choosing what to load on an amphib TF. At present I have to go to the land units, order by prep location, find the units I have set up for an amphib, write them down, and then add the units on the list when I go to the amphib screen. Maybe this has already been done, you seem to have covered a swag of informational stuff already.

Anyway, just thought I'd add the request.

m10bob -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/13/2011 12:21:21 PM)

If I had a "wish list" item for a patch, I would like to have an option to include CVE's to ASW groups, for obvious reason.

U 505 was captured by USS Guadalcanal, a CVE, IIRC.


Bradley7735 -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/13/2011 1:26:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: aprezto

Another is to add the target preparation location of each LCU when choosing what to load on an amphib TF. At present I have to go to the land units, order by prep location, find the units I have set up for an amphib, write them down, and then add the units on the list when I go to the amphib screen. Maybe this has already been done, you seem to have covered a swag of informational stuff already.


michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/13/2011 3:00:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: aprezto

Hello Michael;

Great to see all this great work you're doing. I know the goal posts keep moving, but I've not noted this as a change in the wings, my apologies if you've covered it. To do with GUI around amphib TFs:

I'd like to be able to change the Opmode of a land unit when you're putting together an amphib TF. Currently the amphib window just informs you that a unit is not in combat mode (or strategic mode for that matter with a transport) TF. Presently you have to exit the TF, change Opmode of the units, and then return to the TF to load up - seems like an unnecessary requirement.

Another is to add the target preparation location of each LCU when choosing what to load on an amphib TF. At present I have to go to the land units, order by prep location, find the units I have set up for an amphib, write them down, and then add the units on the list when I go to the amphib screen. Maybe this has already been done, you seem to have covered a swag of informational stuff already.

Anyway, just thought I'd add the request.

I tried to add the LCU screen to the Loading screen, but it is more complicated than that. The screen locked up when returning to the loading screen.
I'll have to put this aside until later.

PaxMondo -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/13/2011 3:04:29 PM)




ORIGINAL: michaelm



Been noticing this myself.  Used to be able to get Resources to flow to Fusan by simply pulling from there long enough.  But now, it seems that they will pool in Pt Arthur no matter and leave 19,000 resources in Fusan.  Supplies hang in PA as well, but you have your demand buttons to address that.   What I am trying to check is whether or not I am actually getting the full turn load of resources onto the ships at Fusan.  I am clearly loading more than 19,000 per turn.

One thing is now clear though; computer convoys (not CS, but computer) are not working for me with Fusan only being at 19,000.  When I start everything looks fine the furst run, it loads, runs to Fukuoka, unloads and returns.  But then it just sits at Fusan without loading again.   I suspect that the computer setting looks to see that there isn't enough resource and so won't start loading.  I'm having to run my convoys manually.

Fusan can only be built to size 8 port compared to PA's size 9.  I'm building up Fusan's air field to see if the combined total will make a difference..  Like mjk428, only reporting here.  Not sure if this is WAD or not.

Can you add a save with the situation in Fusan not loading?
Want to see if anything is being drawn to or from that port.

Gonna have to run a couple of turns to create it. I've been manually loading and all of my recent saves have it that way. Try to have it for you tomorrow.


Here you go a save with a TF at Fusan not yet loading. I've been cycling cargo TF's here since about 20Dec, so about 14 turns or so. Note the large store yet at PA. Not sure if WAD or not. I can manually fill TF's. But on computer mode, they won't refill upon return. They just sit. I suspect because Fusan only show 19,000 or so resources and so it thinks it cannot fill.

Not sure if WAD or not. Appreciate you looking into it.

This is a mod based upon Andy's Ironman Allied and GC1. I don't think that matters though for this issue, but no doubt you will see some units that are not in the GC.

michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/13/2011 3:04:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: aprezto

Another is to add the target preparation location of each LCU when choosing what to load on an amphib TF. At present I have to go to the land units, order by prep location, find the units I have set up for an amphib, write them down, and then add the units on the list when I go to the amphib screen. Maybe this has already been done, you seem to have covered a swag of informational stuff already.

I think that this is already been done.

The op mode and combat mode will be shown on the LCU screen when viewed.

michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 4:16:50 PM)

The next build will expand the stockpiling option to bases. The code had hooks for this (added in last patch) but I hadn't activated it.
You will be able to stockpile supply, fuel, resource and oil at bases. This means that bases will retain these and not allow other bases to access them.
Note that this applies only to supply&resource movement between bases, normal LCU and industry access is not affected.

Sardaukar -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 4:28:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: michaelm

The next build will expand the stockpiling option to bases. The code had hooks for this (added in last patch) but I hadn't activated it.
You will be able to stockpile supply, fuel, resource and oil at bases. This means that bases will retain these and not allow other bases to access them.
Note that this applies only to supply&resource movement between bases, normal LCU and industry access is not affected.

OMG! [&o] Can I now stuckpile fuel for ships for example in Brisbane and not have it being sucked to industry in other parts of Australia?

michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 4:28:16 PM)


Ships will only load supply/resoures if there are some available after deducting the base requirements from that stored.
I noticed something similar while testing stockpiling. There never was any spare oil to load at a base as the oil required equaled the oil stored, and the amount produced by the base equaled that being processed the same turn.
The ship sat there for several turns.

I turned off the industry in the base, and the next turn the ship loaded the oil that was in excess of needs. Which was basically the amount being produced at the base.

One thing I also noted was that stopping the industry in the base did not affect the base's needs for that resource (oil) used by the industry (refinery). This could be causing distribution issues as bases are holding onto resources that can't be used by that base at the present time. Freeing up the base requirement allowed the ship to load all the stored oil.

The next build will remove this limitation so that the un-used resources can be sent to bases that might neeed them.

michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 4:31:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Sardaukar


ORIGINAL: michaelm

The next build will expand the stockpiling option to bases. The code had hooks for this (added in last patch) but I hadn't activated it.
You will be able to stockpile supply, fuel, resource and oil at bases. This means that bases will retain these and not allow other bases to access them.
Note that this applies only to supply&resource movement between bases, normal LCU and industry access is not affected.

OMG! [&o] Can I now stuckpile fuel for ships for example in Brisbane and not have it being sucked to industry in other parts of Australia?

That's the theory.

No matter how smart the distribution method gets, there is always going to be some case where the PLAYER wants to keep huge stockpiles in one place determined by the player rather than the AI's ditribution net.

Sardaukar -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 4:33:38 PM)

Neat! [8D]

ny59giants -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 5:12:28 PM)

Will there be a way to get the fuel out of an empty base?? When I play Japan and after I capture all of Luzon, I would like to get the fuel out of all the bases I'm not using rather than have 2000 fuel at various bases. Right now I would like it at Manila and Naga only.

michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 10:48:50 PM)






ORIGINAL: michaelm



Been noticing this myself.  Used to be able to get Resources to flow to Fusan by simply pulling from there long enough.  But now, it seems that they will pool in Pt Arthur no matter and leave 19,000 resources in Fusan.  Supplies hang in PA as well, but you have your demand buttons to address that.   What I am trying to check is whether or not I am actually getting the full turn load of resources onto the ships at Fusan.  I am clearly loading more than 19,000 per turn.

One thing is now clear though; computer convoys (not CS, but computer) are not working for me with Fusan only being at 19,000.  When I start everything looks fine the furst run, it loads, runs to Fukuoka, unloads and returns.  But then it just sits at Fusan without loading again.   I suspect that the computer setting looks to see that there isn't enough resource and so won't start loading.  I'm having to run my convoys manually.

Fusan can only be built to size 8 port compared to PA's size 9.  I'm building up Fusan's air field to see if the combined total will make a difference..  Like mjk428, only reporting here.  Not sure if this is WAD or not.

Can you add a save with the situation in Fusan not loading?
Want to see if anything is being drawn to or from that port.

Gonna have to run a couple of turns to create it. I've been manually loading and all of my recent saves have it that way. Try to have it for you tomorrow.


Here you go a save with a TF at Fusan not yet loading. I've been cycling cargo TF's here since about 20Dec, so about 14 turns or so. Note the large store yet at PA. Not sure if WAD or not. I can manually fill TF's. But on computer mode, they won't refill upon return. They just sit. I suspect because Fusan only show 19,000 or so resources and so it thinks it cannot fill.

Not sure if WAD or not. Appreciate you looking into it.

This is a mod based upon Andy's Ironman Allied and GC1. I don't think that matters though for this issue, but no doubt you will see some units that are not in the GC.

The Fusan convoys seems to be an ordinary TF.
I routed it back to a Home Island port and made it a CS:Fusan with a return load of resources.

It started loading the resources once it unloaded its delivery. Not sure if this is something due to the overall tweaking of resource movement; not stockpiling as none set, and not from stopping the Fusan industry.
Will load up a K7 program and test same.

michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 10:49:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

Will there be a way to get the fuel out of an empty base?? When I play Japan and after I capture all of Luzon, I would like to get the fuel out of all the bases I'm not using rather than have 2000 fuel at various bases. Right now I would like it at Manila and Naga only.

You'll still need to send ships ot to get it.

LeeChard -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 11:33:18 PM)

I read in another thread on the forum that the search arcs are fixed with this beta. Is this in solid or does it need testing? I volunteer if a tester is needed.

witpqs -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/14/2011 11:35:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ranger5355

I read in another thread on the forum that the search arcs are fixed with this beta. Is this in solid or does it need testing? I volunteer if a tester is needed.

Search arcs work. Testing is always good, so jump on board! Of course, you will also get to enjoy all teh various massively good improvements, too. [;)]

PaxMondo -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k7 Resource Movement (4/15/2011 5:12:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: michaelm






ORIGINAL: michaelm



Been noticing this myself.  Used to be able to get Resources to flow to Fusan by simply pulling from there long enough.  But now, it seems that they will pool in Pt Arthur no matter and leave 19,000 resources in Fusan.  Supplies hang in PA as well, but you have your demand buttons to address that.   What I am trying to check is whether or not I am actually getting the full turn load of resources onto the ships at Fusan.  I am clearly loading more than 19,000 per turn.

One thing is now clear though; computer convoys (not CS, but computer) are not working for me with Fusan only being at 19,000.  When I start everything looks fine the furst run, it loads, runs to Fukuoka, unloads and returns.  But then it just sits at Fusan without loading again.   I suspect that the computer setting looks to see that there isn't enough resource and so won't start loading.  I'm having to run my convoys manually.

Fusan can only be built to size 8 port compared to PA's size 9.  I'm building up Fusan's air field to see if the combined total will make a difference..  Like mjk428, only reporting here.  Not sure if this is WAD or not.

Can you add a save with the situation in Fusan not loading?
Want to see if anything is being drawn to or from that port.

Gonna have to run a couple of turns to create it. I've been manually loading and all of my recent saves have it that way. Try to have it for you tomorrow.


Here you go a save with a TF at Fusan not yet loading. I've been cycling cargo TF's here since about 20Dec, so about 14 turns or so. Note the large store yet at PA. Not sure if WAD or not. I can manually fill TF's. But on computer mode, they won't refill upon return. They just sit. I suspect because Fusan only show 19,000 or so resources and so it thinks it cannot fill.

Not sure if WAD or not. Appreciate you looking into it.

This is a mod based upon Andy's Ironman Allied and GC1. I don't think that matters though for this issue, but no doubt you will see some units that are not in the GC.

The Fusan convoys seems to be an ordinary TF.
I routed it back to a Home Island port and made it a CS:Fusan with a return load of resources.

It started loading the resources once it unloaded its delivery. Not sure if this is something due to the overall tweaking of resource movement; not stockpiling as none set, and not from stopping the Fusan industry.
Will load up a K7 program and test same.

So, looks like K8 fixes this. Great!



LeeChard -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/15/2011 11:23:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs


ORIGINAL: Ranger5355

I read in another thread on the forum that the search arcs are fixed with this beta. Is this in solid or does it need testing? I volunteer if a tester is needed.

Search arcs work. Testing is always good, so jump on board! Of course, you will also get to enjoy all teh various massively good improvements, too. [;)]

On it boss!

LeeChard -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/15/2011 9:59:41 PM)

I've found an odd issue. After downloading the beta I have a new icon on my desktop. I assume I use that so I plug in my properties same as the original and start. So far so good, I Play the Guadalcanal Scenario as the Japanese and after my move I hit the end turn button and nothing happens. I've tried reloading and restarting 3 times same result. I then tried the same as the Americans and it works fine[&:]
I'm running Win7 64, Intel Quad, 8 meg memory, GeForce GTX550 Ti

The specs are from my own memory which is less then 8 meg anymore[:'(]

treespider -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/16/2011 10:33:48 AM)

One small teensy weensy suggestion -

Change the Air Unit informational line "(Withdraw by xxxx xx, xxxx)" to "(Remove by xxxx xx, xxxx)"

At times when the only option is to "Disband" the group, the "Withdraw by" message has been a continual source of confusion for players.

michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/16/2011 11:44:04 AM)

Can do so for the next round.

viberpol -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/16/2011 12:53:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: michaelm
Tweaked Group stacking on base with AF 6+ gains a 1/3 lowering of the "Aircraft Stack Level" for 4E planes[MEM

Can you please elaborate a bit on this change?
Not being a native speaker, I just simply can't understand what you've tweaked. [;)]

The AFBs can now operate more 4E bombers from AF6+ without stacking penalties?
Or less?

michaelm75au -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/16/2011 1:18:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: viberpol


ORIGINAL: michaelm
Tweaked Group stacking on base with AF 6+ gains a 1/3 lowering of the "Aircraft Stack Level" for 4E planes[MEM

Can you please elaborate a bit on this change?
Not being a native speaker, I just simply can't understand what you've tweaked. [;)]

The AFBs can now operate more 4E bombers from AF6+ without stacking penalties?
Or less?

On a AF6+, instead of counting a 4E plane as 4 points towards stacking, it will only count as 2.67 points. You can still overload the AF but it requires more planes.
My logic here is that on "more developed" AFs there is usually more area to park planes that wont affect operating the groups. I have just drawn this line at 6+ size. If it becomes to contentious, I'll just drop it and revert back to same number overall.

dbmsts -> RE: Patch 06 - Public Beta - Build 1108k8 Resource Movement (4/16/2011 1:41:47 PM)

Michealm this was written in the change log for the 1108k8 patch


Tweaked Group stacking on base with AF 6+ gains a 1/3 lowering of the "Aircraft Stack Level" for 4E planes[MEM]

Could you please exlpain this in detail? Will AFs of size 9 and 10 also have overstacking now or is this about something else?

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