bwheatley -> RE: Winter Idea......Comment (2/23/2011 6:52:17 PM)
ORIGINAL: abulbulian quote:
ORIGINAL: BigAnorak quote:
Blizzard is way too severe and the months of Jan and Feb are just wrong in terms of attrition I have yet to see a screenshot or receive a save from turn 53 that shows the Axis start the 1942 campaign with less men, tanks and aircraft than they had in June 1942. The problem has been that the Divisions' morale and experience levels have been lower, and resulted in an average 1.1 CVs per infantry division shortfall, and this is what the patches have aimed to fix, and if anyone has saves for T24, T39, and T53 for a game played under v5, we will be able to see if the changes have had the desired effect. I am about to enter the Blizzard as The SU for the first time, so I get to see the other side of the coin, and hopefully get a balanced perspective on the Blizzard. As to whether the blizzard is turning people off from playing the game, I can only comment from my personal point of view, in that I saw the Blizzard as a challenge that I was not going to let get on top of me, particularly after my first blizzard experience in which AGS evaporated in 4 turns. After 2 further attempts, I figured out a plan that would achieve my objectives, and managed to execute them against the AI and PBEM. The results of my attempts have been documented in the Field Marshal Noob AAR, and I have posted selected AAR pictures of my PBEM game in one of the many other Blizzard threads. BigAnorak, There's a very serious flaw in your argument. You are assuming and now imposing historical results in troops strength on all axis players in 1942 irregardless of their strategy in 41. Do you see how wrong this is? So basically if I'm an axis player and don't do the following historical path which was: - attack hard in Oct/Nov - become reckless with supply lines - push troops to extreme fatigue - little or no concern to digging in for winter (fort'ing) So if the axis player does, oh let's say the opposite of this late 41 strategy like I have tried and others too, we should have the same depleted forces in spr 42? Really? Does that mean I need to create a Stalingrad situation as axis too in late 42? I'm really so sick and tired of people trying to impose some axis stats from 1942 when I have played 1941 totally different then historical. Sure Big, if you as testers want to test the historical path and see if the #'s match up, that's totally fine. But how many of us are going to play and take the 'historical' path? For example, how many sov players take the historical path and leave large amounts of sov troops forward to get encircled, because the Stalin told them to hold their ground? lol, none that I know of. My loses in blizzard were insane, considering I did almost all the game allows for in preparing for it. My troops were not exposed, had good supply and supply lines, TOEs were in 80% range, many font line forts, high morale and exp (before bug hit TOE upgrade). None of this mattered for the WitE blizzard mechanics, my troops weer savaged and my loses in 13 turns of blizzard were 1.2 million! Just wrong. So if the only argument people have for blizzard being 'ok' in WitE is this assumption that axis troops strength should be the same as historical in 1942... we'll you're just not getting it. That only makes sense for building the 1942 scenario. It just amazes me people are still trying to argue that the first blizzard in winter 41-42 is fine and doesn't need some looking into. Really? these people obviously have not been on the axis side against a competent sov player. I'd say we would have better luck getting disabled replacement rate being improved. 3% for combat casualties and 7% for non-combat (frostbite, etc) that would help germany have a much more effective 42 army.