Oleg Mastruko -> RE: Winter Idea......Comment (2/26/2011 2:13:28 PM)
ORIGINAL: BigAnorak The minuses are, that if you used a random system to give one turn of snow in January and two in February, the axis could have 2 periods of 3 weeks of snow, which would allow substantial recovery or a continuous period of 5 turns of snow that could allow the axis to mount a substantial counter attack, and gain back more than they lose. The other unknown is whether the extra attacks will generate a similar amount of casualties to what would have been suffered in a snow turn. Well, isn't one of the problems obvious from what you wrote - that snow and blizz turns are just too different, like night and day, when in reality they are pretty similar. And they are applied over ALL map, every single hex. My last game looked so contrived and gamey. October, Germans stop. 5 turns of mud, not one attack. Last two turns of mud, Russians crawling like zombies towards me, they are not attacking because they have psychic powers so they know what is about to happen so why waste energy attacking. First turn of blizzard: 99 attacks (90% successful). Forts falling down like cards. Very contrived, gamey and artificial. Simplified weather model that applies mud accross all map (no hex is spared), then blizzard in same manner, is in BIG part to blame. Then after mud we have this blizzard, that is so easily abused by Sov player, lasts for three months over every single hex etc. To me the biggest problem is the weather model. - We need more randomness in weather. - More "granulation", difference between hexes or far more weather zones. - Less pre-programmed weather. - Less difference between snow and blizz. - Blizzard lasting NO MORE than 5 turns UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES. 13 turns of this silliness turns even the best games into comedy. When all or some of this is applied, we won't have Sov players abusing the weather model and blizz benefits like we have now. The problem of German players abusing their own superpowers in opening turns will remain, but so far only few German players know what to do with it. quote:
I think we need feedback from some soviet players about how they would feel about having a stop/start winter offensive and/or having attacking options restricted. See above. I had one Sov blizz experience in PBEM and it was just ridicolously easy. Took third of Ukraine back, killed 5 Panzer and IIRC 20-some infantry divisions. At time I thought my opponent must have been doing something wrong now I see he didn't, it's just the way game works. Refine and randomize the weather model.