Oleg Mastruko -> Waiting for the spring miracle... Oleg (Sov) vs Senno (Axis), NO Senno (3/3/2011 11:19:40 PM)
Okay.... this is going to be AAR of my game vs Senno. Before reading this you should quickly go through the last few pages of Q-Ball vs von Beanie AAR, starting from page 8, where, based on some comments, idea for this game was started. Also, read selected posts from the "Winter idea..." thread in the main WITE forum. Some people complained that some posts – presumably including my own – put them off from playing the game or even reading the forums. Well that was never my intention. I consider WITE to be wargame of the year, a must buy and must play. There are *currently* some problems with the way first 9 months of war are modelled (we'll get to that), but there is ton of content in the game, many scenarios (some dealing with other periods of war), playing vs the AI, and of course possibility to use house rules. Finally, once for all: WITE is wargame of the year, buy it, play it, read about it on the forums too..... don't EVER say that one of my posts made you not buy the game because that's simply not true. My own review of WITE, written for the local PC magazine (so you probably won't understand any of it) is here: http://www.bug.hr/master/rec/gary-grigsbys-war-in-the-east/95370.aspx Having said that, what I think is the biggest problem with modelling first 9 months is what I called in many many posts "two waves of supermen". First we have summer supermen Germans, that are too strong for too long for my taste (and compared to history). However, they require lots of skill to be used to their full potential, so whoever wins with them probably deserved to win, it's a fair victory IMO. It also means Soviet player didn't get much enjoyment out of being beaten and pushed around, but that's war. If the Soviet player survives the onslaught of summer German supermen without surrendering (for moral, or pyschological reasons, because surrender in game is not imposed until Germans get whopping 290 VPs), so if the Soviet player survives, he gets winter Soviet supermen, which are even stronger than German supermen. Every game so far was "destroyed" by Soviet supermen, no HvH (human vs human) game that I know of got to the spring of 42 in playable state (I prefer the term playable to "realistic" or "historic"). That's simply a temporary problem with the current modelling of winter of 41-42, and we are trying to find a way around it. Is it the improved strategy for Germans? Is the secret in taking more ground, killing more Russians? Keeping more of your own forces alive? House rules? Patch? While trying to find that out, look at this particular game as another try to get to that elusive goal: "playable spring 42".... hence the name of the AAR: Waiting for the spring miracle. As my argument is that both sides are overpowered for a period of time, but Russian overpowerment is far worse from balancing standpoint, it only makes sense for me to play Reds, and try to put yet another game out of balance. By winning! LOL [:'(]