RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (Full Version)

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Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 2:00:54 PM)

Here's what I plan to do with the Soviets this first impulse:


Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 2:23:23 PM)

I just did some calculations, and I'm pretty sure I can invade the hex east of Bordeaux with the USA, using HQ-I Nimitz, the MAR, and a Division . . . at 4:1 +1 Odds. That means they'll get ashore for certain, with a 40% chance to remain organized, a 30% chance of losing the Division, and a 10% chance of losing the Marine, too. If everybody makes it, that's 12 factors in a stack in France. I don't think Germany or Italy can counter that, and it leaves a division in Plymouth ready to take advantage of any openings created when the Axis tries to close in on them.

Of course, if they end up disorganized there aren't likely to be any openings. And they won't have a port or any way to expand the landing. But they should be able to survive until next turn easily.

So, I think I'm going to try it.

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 3:02:16 PM)

With an air mission to spare, I sent a Bolo out to Strat Bomb Prague . . . say what you will about these pieces of junk, but they've been getting the job done:


Klydon -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 3:27:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Red Prince

With an air mission to spare, I sent a Bolo out to Strat Bomb Prague . . . say what you will about these pieces of junk, but they've been getting the job done:

Goering should be ashamed. :D

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 3:33:39 PM)

Germany flew a CAP mission to HQ-I von Leeb, using the only fighter within range, a twin-engine 4-factor fighter/bomber. Since the Pe-8 will only be down +1/-1 in the Air-to-Air Combat and the Axis moves down a result, I decided to try the Ground Strike anyway. If successful, it should halt the middle of the German lines for an impulse or two . . . or they'll have to choose to keep the middle moving at the expense of the northern front. If unsuccessful, no harm is done unless the bomber gets shot down . . .

I decided not to try the Ground Strike on Guderian. I'm going to need those factors for defensive Ground Support, I think.
The Air-to-Air Combat . . . me and my big mouth. [:@] I screwed this one up. I forgot that the twin-engine only loses a result if the enemy front fighter doesn't have an orange combat factor . . . but with no enemy front fighter, it doesn't matter and the German twin-engine FTR gets the regular result of the roll. Grrrrrr . . .

The reason I don't go back and "fix" this? These are the kinds of mistakes that get made when a game is played. Everyone forgets bits and pieces of the rules now and then, and they should suffer for it. I haven't uttered this mantra in a while, so it's time to bring it back: Too many rules . . . too many rules . . .


Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 4:05:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Red Prince

Here's what I plan to do with the Soviets this first impulse:


I've been reviewing the Persian Front, and I don't know what to do. If Germany really wants to break it, I think they can. It will probably all depend on Ground Support . . . who gets through and who doesn't.
Edit: I probably should have railed the Siberian INF to Zhukov instead of Yeremenko. The 4-3 INF could then head in his direction. All I can think to do with the GARR is to send him toward the port of Batum, to prevent a possible paradrop on it. Steve's probably going to scream bloody murder at the mistake with rail moves. [:)] But that's how we learn, I suppose. (By "we", I mean "I" of course).

The best I can do to "fix" this is to not move Zhukov west, send the 7-3 INF there instead, disorganizing it, but hoping that the line holds for another impulse. I'll leave the GARR in Tiflis, and then I can rail it to Zhukov (if at all possible) next impulse.
2nd Edit: Okay, I've also changed it from the INF moving off the Caspian end to the MIL, so from left to right (west to east):

7-3 INF (disorganized)
3-4 CAV and 5-3 MIL
4-3 INF and 3-2 MIL

That's a defense of 14, 16, 16, 14.

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 4:36:25 PM)

I've also completely changed the North mountain border. And it tells me which unit was the wrong one to rail . . . Instead of rebasing to Tiflis, the FTR is going to rebase to the hex just east of Tiflis. That leaves one air mission available. I'm tempted to do one of two things. Either send one of the LND/ATR to Rostov to threaten a paradrop (Yeah, I know), or use one to reorganize the 6-4 INF I just left hanging out in the wind. I think the latter is the better option, since it will let him get behind the Alpine hexsides next impulse. I'd like to be able to keep all of those Tactical Factors to help in the South, but mobility is probably more important. If I can't build a line in the North that will hold, holding the South doesn't matter. That's poor logic, I know.


Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 4:41:09 PM)

I also pulled the Irkutsk MIL back into Ulan Ude. If the weather stays Fine for the next roll, he can pull back behind the river and make things that much harder for Japan (assuming they come near him).


Klydon -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 4:50:25 PM)

For the Italian bomber with the air to sea factor in Tabriz (Z1007), can they launch an attack on the Russian convoy in the Caspian? Would it be worth it in trying to pile the oil up in the Caucasus since the Russians can't get it out any other way?

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 4:52:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Red Prince


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets


ORIGINAL: Red Prince

This is all I'm getting for the USSR this turn, and here's where I'm thinking of placing them . . .


Instead the 4-3 and 6-1 should both go into Tiflis. You have the other two where I would place them.

I'll make the change to my plans. The reason I thought the INF should go into Baku is that the Soviet line lost a unit, and assuming the Allies get the 1st impulse, this unit would let them close ranks without risking a breakthrough on this line.

If the Allies go first, the 5-4 Inf in Saratov rails to Zhukov. The Factory there rails to Baku.

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:01:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets


ORIGINAL: Red Prince


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets


ORIGINAL: Red Prince

This is all I'm getting for the USSR this turn, and here's where I'm thinking of placing them . . .


Instead the 4-3 and 6-1 should both go into Tiflis. You have the other two where I would place them.

I'll make the change to my plans. The reason I thought the INF should go into Baku is that the Soviet line lost a unit, and assuming the Allies get the 1st impulse, this unit would let them close ranks without risking a breakthrough on this line.

If the Allies go first, the 5-4 Inf in Saratov rails to Zhukov. The Factory there rails to Baku.

Yup, wait until he gets down to the rest of the posts. [:D]

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:03:05 PM)



For the Italian bomber with the air to sea factor in Tabriz (Z1007), can they launch an attack on the Russian convoy in the Caspian? Would it be worth it in trying to pile the oil up in the Caucasus since the Russians can't get it out any other way?

It might be. I'll have to see how things look when I get to that point. It looks like Italy will need a Land Action after all, which means only 1 Air Mission. I'll need that to send a NAV out into the Persian Gulf again, just to be sure that supply stays around. I want to turn that task over to Japan, but the NAV they are sending this way is just out of range.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:06:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Red Prince

7 of 8

The Ugly
Calcutta will be extremely difficult to take, especially if Japan is only able to mount a single attack each turn. I probably should have rebuilt some ENG units to help with this one (I've just put a comment in my notes so that I won't forget to do it). The CW attempt to cut into Burma looks like it failed. Given enough Land Actions, HQ-I Umezu should be able to take this band into the Calcutta region. If they can take Chittagong, it will go a long way toward making a push toward Delhi from the east.

The American fleet in Adelaide just isn't strong enough to take on the Japanese yet, even if they do rebase to Calcutta. They have the CV advantage for the moment, but that won't last long, and the next batch of 5 Essex-class carriers can't show up before J/F '43. The Allies are actually short of ships right now. Many of them are on escort duty with convoys, and many are needed for European operations. Until the Americans can extend their land-based air power into the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and S. China Sea . . . well, India is going to have to fight on its own. I don't even think I'll try to get the American Fleet to Calcutta just yet. For the time being, the SUBs will try to sink Japanese convoys if they can, but that's about it.


I agree that the subs here try to sink Japanese convoys, preferably those carrying resources to Japan.

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:07:41 PM)

So, the USA makes its invasion of France:


And the result:

Attack on France [60, 26]: Assault, Roll = 9+1 = 10 = */2S

This should be an easy attack, with a 60% chance to stay organized and expand somewhere . . . and it looks like the game just loves to roll high for attacks in general, not just Axis attacks. The Americans have landed, and they have the ability to cause trouble!

Orm -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:13:23 PM)


The Americans have landed, and they have the ability to cause trouble!

I doubt they can cause any trouble. Germany can reinforce this area much faster and easy than the Western Allies can do. This is just a distraction for Germany. One that do not matter much since Germany will not be needing much reinforcements on the east front.

But I must give it to the Americans. They do have guts. [:)]

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:21:52 PM)




The Americans have landed, and they have the ability to cause trouble!

I doubt they can cause any trouble. Germany can reinforce this area much faster and easy than the Western Allies can do. This is just a distraction for Germany. One that do not matter much since Germany will not be needing much reinforcements on the east front.

But I must give it to the Americans. They do have guts. [:)]

I don't know. While the Germans are moving in on these guys, they can try a 5:1 or 4:1 attack on a Yugoslavian unit or two. Both the CW and USA still have a Division each in the UK that can make more landings if the Germans and Italians get sloppy (and we know my defensive plans aren't the best in the world). The Germans still haven't gotten rid of the CW units in Denmark yet, so this might be more difficult to get rid of than I thought at first.

We shall see. [:)]

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:25:57 PM)

I changed a little bit of the rebasing for the USSR, too. The FTR from Saratov is now 2 hexes west of Tiflis, and I decided the INF can wait one more impulse before it needs to be reorganized -- the Germans can't get to it yet, and I felt it was more important, given my errors with the rail moves, that I get the IL-4 from Tiflis into range of Zhukov's troops.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:27:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Red Prince

Here's what I plan to do with the Soviets this first impulse:



The best the Germans can do for supply is to move an HQ to where the 8-4 Inf on the rail line currently is. Counting 4 hexes from him in all directions means that any units farther east than that simply cannot attack. There is no need to retreat so far.

The 6-4 and factory rail to Zhukov. The fighter rebases to Tiflis.

The GD MECH and his friend move 5 hexes NE where they are joined by the 5-4 Siberian. This hex cannot be attacked.

Koniev and friend move 3 hexes east where they are joined by the MECH div. They can be attacked from 2 hexes: 31:17. The 5-6 MECH moves 2 hexes east and 3 hexes NE - where he cannot be attacked.

The 6-1 Gar moves 1 hex NW. The 4-3 Inf moves east and 1 hex NE. Timoshenko moves 1 hex west and is joined by the armor. The MECH moves to where Yeremenko is. Yeremenko moves 1 hex east.

On the Persian front:

The SB-2 ground strikes Guderian and his air units.

Zhukov moves west 1 hex and the Cav moves east 1 hex. All the other units here stay where they are. The Axis can put together a 2:1 here, but that can't be helped.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:38:41 PM)


If you moved the Russians as you indicated, they are going to be crushed. The Persian front is too weak. The northern Caucasus front too strong and the Ural front needlessly fled too far and is now too weak - especially since Koniev can not move and keep units in supply.

The attempted ground strike on a HQ in the rear of the German lines that had fighter cover was both dangerous and wasteful. The fighters should not be engaged unless a tremendous advantage can be gained. That ground strike, unopposed, had only a 30% chance of success and even if it succeeded it would have had no impact on the front line's advance.

On the other hand the ground strike on Guderian was good to do because it would have forced the Germans to use the only fighter they have in the area, enabling other bombers to add their points where ever they choose to during the rest of the turn. Furthermore, there were 4 targets in the hex, any of which would be very nice to disorganize.

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 5:57:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets


If you moved the Russians as you indicated, they are going to be crushed. The Persian front is too weak. The northern Caucasus front too strong and the Ural front needlessly fled too far and is now too weak - especially since Koniev can not move and keep units in supply.

The attempted ground strike on a HQ in the rear of the German lines that had fighter cover was both dangerous and wasteful. The fighters should not be engaged unless a tremendous advantage can be gained. That ground strike, unopposed, had only a 30% chance of success and even if it succeeded it would have had no impact on the front line's advance.

On the other hand the ground strike on Guderian was good to do because it would have forced the Germans to use the only fighter they have in the area, enabling other bombers to add their points where ever they choose to during the rest of the turn. Furthermore, there were 4 targets in the hex, any of which would be very nice to disorganize.

Had I done what you indicated, Koniev would end up having his supply cut. He would then be up a river without a paddle. Both hexes to the NE of him (between him and the 5-6 MECH could be occupied by Germans. Then the 5-6 MECH would have to circle around just to give Koniev supply again. After he does that, in order to keep supply, the 7-5 MECH has to occupy the city. Koniev would become encircled.

If you think the German supply lines would suffer, at any time they can rail an HQ up front if the lines move too far back. That's part of the reason why taking von Leeb out would have been useful. He also is holding the center together. If he can't advance, the Germans are much more limited.

I'm not saying what I did was correct. But it's the best I could come up with. No offense, but I was not interested in waiting 9 hours for another set of instructions. As you may have read already, I discovered some of my errors. I can't anticipate what you have planned for the next several impulses.

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 6:13:52 PM)

Thinking they might be able to clear out Rostov this turn, the Germans attempted a Ground Strike there, and got what you would expect out of 3 factors:


Centuur -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 6:27:54 PM)

Well... not being interrested in waiting 9 hours, means you've made some serious mistakes regarding the USSR deployment here. You are withdrawing far to fast in the north and losing your most valuable USSR bomber in a complete worthless ground strike isn't good either. vLeeb isn't important. He isn't at the frontlines and if he succeeds in getting there this turn, that will surely mean the end of the USSR. So why a ground strike on a hex with a CAP? Why? The most important think in WiF is: if you can't affort the worst result possible, don't attack! [sm=00000030.gif]

I agree with almost everything which Steve has stated here. The Russians are going to get crushed if the good weather will hold for the next impulse also. You are doing all right on offense, but not on defense. I think you should have waited for one of us to react on the proposed USSR moves. We are trying to make sure the USSR survives a 1941 Barbarossa with an attack from Persia too. That is very unusual in WiF games and also very difficult, giving the lack of USSR units in 1941. I think we were doing reasonable (not great, but hey: the two key regions are still in USSR hands and the key rolls tend to go towards the Axis). Now we are looking at losing the Caucasus, do to sloppy defensive play (again).

If you don't like this, I'm sorry, but I'm a little disappointed here...

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 6:52:50 PM)



Well... not being interrested in waiting 9 hours, means you've made some serious mistakes regarding the USSR deployment here. You are withdrawing far to fast in the north and losing your most valuable USSR bomber in a complete worthless ground strike isn't good either. vLeeb isn't important. He isn't at the frontlines and if he succeeds in getting there this turn, that will surely mean the end of the USSR. So why a ground strike on a hex with a CAP? Why? The most important think in WiF is: if you can't affort the worst result possible, don't attack! [sm=00000030.gif]

I thought I could afford the worst possible result, which was that the bomber would get aborted . . . I wsa mistaken about the twin-engine rules. Mistakes happen. If I had been right, yes, there was still a 6% chance of the LND getting shot down. So, technically, I couldn't afford it, but I also happen to know what Germany plans to do with its HQs (being the German player), and von Leeb is more important than he's getting credit for.

About not being interested in waiting 9 hours . . . I am on the east coast of the United States. Steve is in Hawaii, 6 hours behind me. You are 6 hours ahead of me. I posted images of every unit on the Soviet front last night (18 hours ago), and I woke up around 4 am (9 hours ago). I'll be going back to sleep in another 7 hours or so. Why should I waste 2/3 of my day waiting for instructions for a test game that I am running? I can't wait around for approval on every move I make . . . I just do the best that I can, and I don't take the game extremely seriously. Sorry if that disappoints you.


I agree with almost everything which Steve has stated here. The Russians are going to get crushed if the good weather will hold for the next impulse also. You are doing all right on offense, but not on defense. I think you should have waited for one of us to react on the proposed USSR moves. We are trying to make sure the USSR survives a 1941 Barbarossa with an attack from Persia too. That is very unusual in WiF games and also very difficult, giving the lack of USSR units in 1941. I think we were doing reasonable (not great, but hey: the two key regions are still in USSR hands and the key rolls tend to go towards the Axis). Now we are looking at losing the Caucasus, do to sloppy defensive play (again).

If you don't like this, I'm sorry, but I'm a little disappointed here...

In response to this, I'll just say that I am running a test game. It is to test the game, not to test me. I'm glad everyone is enjoying it, and I'm happy that you all feel interested in the individual moves, but I have no intention of wasting my days waiting for "approval".

And, to tell you the truth, I don't think the defense has been all that great for the Russians. Better than I could do? Almost certainly. But do I think that the mistakes I made are going to be the primary cause of the Russian collapse? No way. The Russians were dead before this turn began. It's just a matter of when they are going to realize it.

I'll quote you in return: "If you don't like this, I'm sorry." But I'm not disappointed.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 7:00:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Red Prince


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets


If you moved the Russians as you indicated, they are going to be crushed. The Persian front is too weak. The northern Caucasus front too strong and the Ural front needlessly fled too far and is now too weak - especially since Koniev can not move and keep units in supply.

The attempted ground strike on a HQ in the rear of the German lines that had fighter cover was both dangerous and wasteful. The fighters should not be engaged unless a tremendous advantage can be gained. That ground strike, unopposed, had only a 30% chance of success and even if it succeeded it would have had no impact on the front line's advance.

On the other hand the ground strike on Guderian was good to do because it would have forced the Germans to use the only fighter they have in the area, enabling other bombers to add their points where ever they choose to during the rest of the turn. Furthermore, there were 4 targets in the hex, any of which would be very nice to disorganize.

Had I done what you indicated, Koniev would end up having his supply cut. He would then be up a river without a paddle. Both hexes to the NE of him (between him and the 5-6 MECH could be occupied by Germans. Then the 5-6 MECH would have to circle around just to give Koniev supply again. After he does that, in order to keep supply, the 7-5 MECH has to occupy the city. Koniev would become encircled.

If you think the German supply lines would suffer, at any time they can rail an HQ up front if the lines move too far back. That's part of the reason why taking von Leeb out would have been useful. He also is holding the center together. If he can't advance, the Germans are much more limited.

I'm not saying what I did was correct. But it's the best I could come up with. No offense, but I was not interested in waiting 9 hours for another set of instructions. As you may have read already, I discovered some of my errors. I can't anticipate what you have planned for the next several impulses.

You're right about Koniev being encircled. I should have had the 5-6 move the to hex 2 hexes NE of Koniev to prevent that.

Yes, the Germans can rail move an HQ to the front lines. But then it can't move for the rest of the turn (just as if it had been successfully ground struck), and any units that were depending on it for supply in the rear would become disorganized if they moved forward.


WIF gives each player an enormous range of things to do with his forces. And then every player makes different decisions from everyone else. That's the joy of the game.

micheljq -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 7:04:24 PM)

What a wipe, USSR thrashed, China thrashed, Gibraltar, Persia, Irak in Axis hands.  Turkey will be easily aligned with Axis.

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 7:15:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: micheljq

What a wipe, USSR thrashed, China thrashed, Gibraltar, Persia, Irak in Axis hands.  Turkey will be easily aligned with Axis.

Don't forget, though, that the USA has already made 2 successful landings in Europe . . . in mid-1941!

In fact, the Allies haven't lost a land battle that they've initiated so far this game. There have only been 5, but all of those rolls were high, too. [;)]

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 8:47:04 PM)

I've just finished all the land movement for the 3 Axis powers. There are a ton of units to consider. Anyway, the southern mountain line may be too weak, but I'm not sure you can actually say that the northern mountain line is too strong. If the Soviets aren't careful, the Germans are going to seep right through the gaps. Even if they don't, they'll be able to mount several 2:1 or better attacks on this line, and at least one of them is bound to work. The Soviets just don't have enough units.


micheljq -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 8:49:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Red Prince


ORIGINAL: micheljq

What a wipe, USSR thrashed, China thrashed, Gibraltar, Persia, Irak in Axis hands.  Turkey will be easily aligned with Axis.

Don't forget, though, that the USA has already made 2 successful landings in Europe . . . in mid-1941!

In fact, the Allies haven't lost a land battle that they've initiated so far this game. There have only been 5, but all of those rolls were high, too. [;)]

Where are the allies, i saw them in Scandinavia right? They should invade Spain and try to retake Gibraltar. Axis cannot put a serious defense in Spain and Portugal, it's complicated for their supply there and their line can be cut by another future landing in southern France.

composer99 -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 8:58:35 PM)

USA just landed near Bordeaux. If memory serves they should be able to expand to a 2-hex beachead, which means they can press inland once they get some blitz units & air units ashore.

Red Prince -> RE: MWiF Global War Hot-Seat (AAR) (2/6/2012 9:20:02 PM)

Germany and Italy are joining forces to attack HQ-A Zhukov. It starts at 32:16, with Zhukov attempting HQ Support (50% chance). The Axis is going to have a -1 on the die roll anyway, for Allied Combat Friction, so they sent in the kitchen sink for Ground Support, pushing the attack to 47:16 which is almost 3:1 odds. If Zhukov dies, the southern line collapses, so I'm sending 4 bombers, totaling 11 Ground Support factors and praying that at least 3 of them get through the Air-to-Air Combat. With luck, I can push this back down to a 1:1 -1 Assault, which only has a 30% chance to kill off Zhukov . . .

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