RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (Full Version)

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doomtrader -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (10/7/2012 8:33:21 AM)

I loved to watch F1 like 15 years ago. Every year I'm trying to see few races, but IMHO now, it has lost the spirit.

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (10/7/2012 8:45:47 AM)

Congratulations to Kobayashi! Podium place in his home Grand Prix. Well done [:)]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (10/13/2012 12:48:56 PM)

This is turning into a really boring end to the season [&:] Jenson? What were you doing man?

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (10/28/2012 8:39:37 AM)

Looks like another stroll in the park for Vettel....ho hum [>:][>:][>:][>:]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/3/2012 8:21:27 AM)

Three races to go:

Come on Alonso!!!!!!

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/4/2012 12:14:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Three races to go:

Come on Alonso!!!!!!

Interesting...... Vettel starts from the back of the grid. "Now Fernando, now's your time" - to paraphrase the Duke of Wellington [:)]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/4/2012 2:59:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Three races to go:

Come on Alonso!!!!!!

Interesting...... Vettel starts from the back of the grid. "Now Fernando, now's your time" - to paraphrase the Duke of Wellington [:)]

Whilst there is no doubting Vettel's talent, there's no doubting he's a lucky whatsit too [:@]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/5/2012 9:31:15 PM)

Has everyone gone mad????

So many people are saying Vettel's third place was the best drive ever....[X(][8|][X(][8|][:-][:-][&:][:(][8|][:-][&:][:@]

I suppose it was.... if you forget the lucky-to-still-be-in-the-race accident with Senna, mis-judging his speed under the safety car and almost ending in the wall, The TWO safety cars that came out, the accidents / technical gremlins that took out drivers he should have been racing, the very risky manoeuvre on Button - he was lucky Button chose to give him room.

Yes, if you ignore those, it was a faultless drive.....[8|]

You want quality drives through the field? Try John Watson - Long Beach 1983 [&o], Nigel Mansell - Hungary 1989 [&o], Jenson Button - Canada 2011 [&o].

british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/5/2012 10:00:44 PM)

Yeah it was a flukey win. Sometimes luck is all that is needed to win important races.

Hamilton had lots of bad luck this season, losing his car to spmekind of malfunction twice whilst leading.

At least Alfonso's chances of getting the title were thwarted for the time being.


bradfordkay -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/5/2012 11:09:00 PM)

I'm not complaining at seeing Lotus in the winner's circle once again. It's about time...

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/6/2012 4:55:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: bradfordkay

I'm not complaining at seeing Lotus in the winner's circle once again. It's about time...

No me neither - Raikonnen's drive was excellent and he won the race benefitting only from Lewis' breakdown. Lotus have been threatening to win a race all year and it looked like their chance had gone. I'm pleased for them.

mavraamides -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/7/2012 9:10:29 PM)

Is it possible that Raikonnen is really the best driver? After all, he's in third place in the championship with a vastly inferior car to Alonso and Vettel. The Red Bull in particular is just dominant.

Always so hard to say who is really the best in F1 because of the car differences. In my gut I feel its between Alonso, Vettel, Hamilton and Reikonnen but we'll never really know unless they end up on the same teams. And I'd even have to throw Button into the mix as he's held his own pretty well with Hamilton.

british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/8/2012 12:01:05 AM)

Would be intersting to see them all race in the same car, with maybe different setups. Just to see who is the better driver. Every driver could choose the circut they prefer most and then let them battle it out.


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/8/2012 5:07:17 AM)

I think its difficult to put Raikonnen in the "best" category. The years with Massa at Ferrari were far from impressive - being beaten and out qualified by him was not a high point.... No doubting he's very, very good, but I would not put him in Alonso, Vettel or Hamilton territory.

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/8/2012 5:14:34 AM)

One of the variables that has surfaced recently - and one that makes choosing the "best" driver more difficult - is how different formulas suit different drivers. Managing a car on full tanks with tyres that may or may not last is, it seems, very different to refuelling and unlimited tyres. We will never know how Schumacher would have fared in his prime with the current regs....

Rodia -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/17/2012 4:41:54 PM)

That new Austin circuit looks totally insane.

Hope Alonso does a miracle in quali. [sm=innocent0001.gif]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/17/2012 5:32:14 PM)


british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/18/2012 3:07:46 PM)



That new Austin circuit looks totally insane.

Hope Alonso does a miracle in quali. [sm=innocent0001.gif]

Watched the Quali, man that circut is evil. Hills,bends,corners, dirty "racelines" all the things a circut needs, should be interesting. We'll see where the battles are lost and won. Tires might be a problem I heard. The race between Pole and Ninth. Will the 2012 Champion be decided today??


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/18/2012 8:57:41 PM)

Gotta Love Lewis!!!!

Great drive Mr H - you da man! .... but can't you get out of your Mercedes contract? Please?

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/19/2012 8:29:01 PM)

Soz - meant to say, great job Austin. Superb race track - hopefully F1 is back in the US for good this time.

Rodia -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/20/2012 4:38:28 PM)

The weather forecast for this weekend in Sao Paulo it's... RAIN! [:D] [:D] [:D]


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/24/2012 5:33:55 PM)

Top performance from the McLaren boys [&o][&o]

Massa ahead of Alonso - will they have another gearbox malfunction!! [:D]

Vettel in 4th - barring disaster he has the Championship in the bag [:(]

british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/25/2012 6:46:36 PM)

Great race!

Nice racing by Button. Vettel has tonnes of luck again to survive the 1st lap. Alonso couldn't have raced better. Shame about Hamilton, bad luck. Again!!

The championship was one of the best I've seen for a long time.

The teams invest in millions for the driver, car and tyres, but they do seem to save when it comes to a software or someone who can really predict the weather. The programm that they were using, was really a waste of time.

No, it's not raining (says the computer) but everybody is getting drenched.[&:] Seems a bit wierd.


Already looking forward to 2013.

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/25/2012 7:01:55 PM)

Got to do the decent thing and congratulate Vettel.

BUT, great driver that he is, he really does get the breaks doesn't he? Again.

Given the type of accident he had, quite how was he able to continue??? It wasn't so much the initial tangle with Senna (for which he was lucky not to lose a wing). It was pointing the wrong way, and a complete passenger, while the rest of the field try and get past - normally a driver will get snagged by someone.....But then he did!! Senna's Williams gave him an almighty clout on the rear suspension [X(] but no damage!!

As for Lewis.... if you tot up all the points lost NOT through driver error, he beats Alonso AND Vettel. Harumph [&:]

Oh well, I feel better for that winge [:)]

Well done Jenson too [8D]

Rodia -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/25/2012 7:15:13 PM)

Yeah, congrats to Vettel, but in this last race he has driven like my granny.

More seriously, yes: Congratulations. An excellent F1 season, all in all.

I'm waiting for Melbourne 2013 GP, if only to see Hamilton in Mercedes. I still can't imagine that. [X(]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/25/2012 7:28:12 PM)



I'm waiting for Melbourne 2013 GP, if only to see Hamilton in Mercedes. I still can't imagine that. [X(]


I wonder how many World titles Emerson Fittipaldi would have had if he had not made the baffling decision to join Copersucar...

Lewis may just have made a decision of equally career destroying proportions [&:]

Rodia -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/25/2012 7:45:40 PM)

Copersucar, lol, good point. But at least that was a nice to look car, you have to concede that :).

Anyways I think Hamilton will be back to McClaren, not in a year or something, but more when he thinks of retirement.

MC is his home but right now he needs to go out and see the world with different stickers in his hat.

And maybe some day... we will see Lewis joining Alonso in Ferrari.

Now, that would be awesome.

british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/25/2012 9:06:15 PM)

I hope I never see the day. Hamilton in a Ferrari.

While I am glad that they do have a car that makes a F1 season interesting, I just find that they bend and twist the rules of the FIA to their own benefit. If someone else does something on a similar scale, they are the first to start wanting penalties, fines, points deducted and whatever they can think of.

I would hate to not be able to support a british driver, just because he is sat in a Ferrari. I just hated it when Mansell drove in red.

Just my 2 pennies.


CarnageINC -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (11/27/2012 4:59:26 AM)

Well that was quite the season, wish Alonso had won though. But congrads to that lucky Vettel, how he didn't end up in a heap in Brazil I'll never know [:D] I look forward to 2013 which is only 4 1/2 months away!

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (2/2/2013 6:52:48 AM)

New cars are starting to appear - I like the Ferrari colour scheme [:)]

I see that Lotus has kept the Platypus nose [:(]


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