RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/5/2012 7:41:04 PM)

British Grand Prix weekend - Hussah!!!

CarnageINC -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/7/2012 8:03:36 PM)

Its going to be exciting to see how the rain effects the race.....lets hope its not postponed by it though.

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/7/2012 8:26:12 PM)



Its going to be exciting to see how the rain effects the race.....lets hope its not postponed by it though.

Yes, drainage doesn't seem great on the track does it? Speaking about not being great, what the hell was PDR doing being out-qualified in his home Grand Prix? and as for Jenson.........[8|]

british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/8/2012 5:02:12 PM)

Oooops! I did it again! That was the first thing that came into my head seeing Maldonaldo taking out Perez.

Surely this time it was not an accident. 2 races 2 crashes. Each time taking out another car.
Someone has to tell him he's not alone on the circut. A high penalty should also be paid, so that he thinks twice before causing damage.


british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/8/2012 7:47:01 PM)

Post-race fines for Maldonado and Kobayashi 08 Jul 2012

Williams’ Pastor Maldonado and Sauber’s Kamui Kobayashi both picked up post-race fines from the British Grand Prix stewards thanks to driving indiscretions during Sunday’s Silverstone race.

Maldonado was adjudged to have caused his collision with Sergio Perez, which led to the Sauber driver’s retirement, and due to the seriousness of the incident received a double penalty in the form of a reprimand and a 25,000 euro fine.

Kobayashi overshot his pit box during a stop, knocking over three Sauber mechanics. Thankfully none was seriously injured, but stewards fined the Japanese driver 10,000 euro for ‘a very dangerous manoeuvre which had potentially serious implications’.

Maldonado finished the race 16th, while Kobayashi was 11th.

Justice is done.


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/8/2012 7:52:36 PM)

I was unable to attend the race this year due to other commitments. What with the weather, PDR's first lap elimination, McLaren's inability to keep pace with just about every team and wasting Lewis' talent, and Button's inability to drive, that was money well saved [X(].

british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/8/2012 7:59:48 PM)

Always wanted to attend the British GP ever since Mansell was racing, attended Spa Francochamps back in 1992, Mansell and Patrese came in 2nd and 3rd. Schumacher got his first GP victory in a Jordan. Mansell was already the champion, so was no need to fight.
Williams ruled the race circuts back then and for a few years to come after too.

Was the only race I could afford.

The sound, the feeling can't be found sat in front of the telly. The coverage on the telly is better but if only they could fit the atmosphere into the screen.


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/8/2012 8:09:39 PM)

Ahh the glory days of Sir Nigel of Mansell [&o][&o]

Was there at Brands Hatch for his first win in 1985 and saw many others, in Britain and Europe - Portugal 86 giving perhaps the most satisfaction as all the Portugese were (understandably) Ayrton Senna fans. Ayrton came out top in qualifying - a brilliant lap in his Lotus - but race day belonged to the Englishman. Waving a lone Union Jack amongst a sea of Senna fans gave a great deal of satisfaction, and we left the circuit with the Championship almost as good as won. A hiccup in Mexico put the champagne on hold, but then came lap 63 at Adelaide....[:(][&:]


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/22/2012 11:50:32 AM)

Interesting stuff going on chez Red Bull..... Will they be allowed to start?

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/25/2012 5:00:29 AM)

So - tons of carbon fibre all over the track, everyone runs over it, but only Lewis gets a puncture....great [:(]

Well done Alonso - he is driving superbly [&o]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (7/29/2012 5:07:33 PM)


Well Mr Mr H. Good drive from the Lotus boys too.

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/1/2012 10:18:32 AM)

Belgian Grand Prix weekend - Hussah!! About time too after the five week lay off [:)]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/2/2012 1:32:47 PM)

Grosjean!! [sm=nono.gif] Alonso, Lewis and Perez lucky to get through that without injury...... Silly boy......

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/2/2012 3:06:33 PM)

Well done Jenson - great drive! [:)]


redcoat -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/3/2012 1:51:24 AM)


british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/3/2012 6:33:20 PM)

I think Grosjean lernt his driving in Paris.

1 race fine is ok I think, but there were some lucky drivers out there yesterday.

Has anybody heard if Schumacher is to be penalized for his blocking Vettel, then shooting off into the pits crossing Vettel's line? I think Schumacher would have killed somebody if they had done that to him a few years ago. I still remember the comments about him and D.Hill. How reckless Hill was, cutting his line and causing an accident.


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/3/2012 7:08:16 PM)

It looks like Schumacher (somehow) got away with it... Crazy manoeuvre...... I could not believe Vettel didn't make more of it - I do not think he would have been so conciliatory if it was Lewis pulling that move.

I think apart from Grosjean's ban, the only action the stewards took was to demote Maldonado 10 places at Monza - 5 for the jump start and 5 for the incident with Glock.

They said in the commentary yesterday that Maldanado has not even scored a point since his race win. Incredible. With a mature driver on board imagine how many points Williams would have had by now.

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/5/2012 7:28:02 PM)

Big rumour - Lewis going to Mercedes! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!![X(]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/7/2012 6:52:17 PM)

Good start for the McLaren boys today[:)] although the Mercedes seem pretty fast too.

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/9/2012 8:36:29 PM)

Well done Lewis! [:)]
Bad luck Jenson....[:(]
Top drive Sergio Perez [8D]

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/22/2012 8:50:10 PM)

Singapore at night - what an incredible backdrop for a Formula One Grand Prix [&o]

Great pole for Lewis - just hope he didn't damage the car when he scrapped the wall at the end of qualifying [sm=innocent0001.gif]


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/23/2012 12:38:52 PM)

Nervous time!

Lewis alongside Pastor Maldanado..... Vettel and the fast starting Alonso not too far back. lets hope everyone behaves into the first corner.

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/23/2012 3:11:03 PM)

Poor Lewis [&:] Rotten luck..... World Championship challenge over.

british exil -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/28/2012 11:30:06 PM)

Terrible news today, Schumacher's contract with Mercedes has not been renewed. But Lewis Hamilton is to drive for Mercedes next year!!!!

Not sure if I can support a German team.


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/28/2012 11:38:46 PM)

I can't quite believe Lewis has actually made the decision to go. Mercedes need a designer who knows what he's doing or all the money in the world will not help - Toyota, Honda and BMW anyone?

Lewis may just have made a disastrous mistake of Emerson Fittipaldi proportions [:(]

Hope I'm wrong.....

redcoat -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/29/2012 12:05:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

I can't quite believe Lewis has actually made the decision to go.

Same here.


Orm -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/29/2012 8:38:32 PM)

I haven't followed racing since Ronnie Peterson.


warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (9/29/2012 9:05:58 PM)



I haven't followed racing since Ronnie Peterson.

[:(] I remember that sad day very well......

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (10/7/2012 6:42:18 AM)

Japanese Grand Prix today - hussah! [:)]

Sadly it looks like its going to be Vettel's championship again - hurrooo [:(]

Alonso deserves to win it imo - he has driven superbly all season.

warspite1 -> RE: New Grand Prix Season Is Almost Upon Us!!! (10/7/2012 7:22:22 AM)

Yep - it's all going Vettel's way.....[:(]

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