Less colorfull (Full Version)

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Templer_12 -> Less colorfull (8/12/2012 5:59:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ritterkrieg

-Standardized all 'special' units by moving icon to lower right of counter. This includes

I like it this less colorful way. [:)]

Ritterkrieg_slith -> Ritterkrieg Mod (8/12/2012 8:51:28 PM)

Hey All.

Looking for feedback on a IRON CROSS and DEATHS HEAD icon revision...

Better or worse?



Templer_12 -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/12/2012 9:09:15 PM)

1. This is not the Iron Cross!
It's the German "Balkenkreuz" (Balkencross).

2. Skull and Balkenkreuz looks very interesting!

My suggestion / request:
Design Iron Cross.
Offer Skull and Balkenkreuz as an additional option to use.

It may not be enough good quality mods.

Oh, good work! [:)]

sitito -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/12/2012 9:53:10 PM)

I think theres something wrong with the russian entrenchment in the first turn, which is always 0....

Plainian -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/12/2012 10:16:11 PM)


German Corps flags are worse. Instead of adding German crosses or Nazi regalia why not just stick with the traditional Corps insignia of a black and white quartered flag with or without the pole? There is already a German flag in the corner of each unit anyway.

Skull is okay. Not sure if this is to show that this is an SS unit or whether this is the sign the 1st SS Brigade used? Its probably the second as you have the correct sign for the GD Division.

I like what you have done with the the Panzer Divisions. Can you do this with all sub units within the other Division types. So German 82nd becomes 82 Inf Div. Russian 143rd becomes 143 R Div? As long as the word "Div" is at the top it make it clear that this is a sub unit of a higher unit?

Sator -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/12/2012 10:18:34 PM)

I don't know why, but even after I installed Ritterkrieg Mod Vers. 2 mechanized soviet units have the SS symbol. [8|]

Scenario is Uranus.


Sator -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/12/2012 10:31:01 PM)

It would be nice, if it's possible, to have the size symbol (compay, battalion or regiment) even for the indipendent units, like those in the picture.

Thanks for the great job!


Ritterkrieg_slith -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/12/2012 11:04:55 PM)

All good feedback!!

@Templer: I knew this...sorry 'bout that!

@sitito: Looked into it and yes that seems to be the case. I reset the auto-entrench (not too sure how this changed). This will be corrected in ver 3.

@Plain Ian: I am inclined to agree with you on this one. I found with the Balkenkreuz on Red background, it became a sea of red on medium zoom. I will put something together tonight with the OKH with the Nazi Flag and the Corps as you have suggested. May do the same for Soviets.

@Sator: This mod currently is designed for the full case Blue scenario. Any other scenarios are not supported at this time. I may rework the NATO icons to fix this issue for other scenarios tho. The idea of the independant unit sizes sounds like a great idea. Look for in ver 3.

Thanks for the feedback all!


Hexagon -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/12/2012 11:19:02 PM)

Rittekrieg a little advice, you can change in the german army/corps the grey part of the flag for a red version??? you can use it as the "light" version with no nazi svastica and add other with the svastica.

sitito -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/12/2012 11:31:51 PM)

"I may rework the NATO icons to fix this issue for other scenarios tho"

Awesome [8D]

U are doing a great job[&o]

Ritterkrieg_slith -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/13/2012 1:21:20 AM)


Modded the HQs to now use pennants. OKH and STAVKA still use Regime flags.

Modded unit size for Independant as well.

I may use white lettering for contrast. Wadda ya think?



sitito -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/13/2012 6:57:30 AM)

Superb! Really like it. Maybe would be better bigger penannts and i assume that the description of them would be out in the final version. Fabulous genius [:)]

Templer_12 -> Thoughts on the letter and additional signs/icons (8/13/2012 11:04:53 AM)

These flags are an excellent alternative.
I'm wondering if I am using this flag mod.

Thoughts on the letter and additional signs/icons on the counters
My 2 cents

The counters are quite small, and additional information, labels and signs, will make the reading of the counter for many players only harder.
Not everyone has eagle eyes.
Personally, I can well do without the extra characters such as the SS runes and the skull because they show no significant new information.

In this flag mod I don't need additional labels (Army HQ and HQ Korp).
The flags indicate clearly with whom you are dealing with.

Additional letters and characters on the small, tight counters make everything more confusing and restless.

Nevertheless, you doing a great job. [:)]

Redmarkus5 -> RE: Thoughts on the letter and additional signs/icons (8/13/2012 11:28:12 AM)

I liked the earlier flags better.

To set all units to entrench and to give them supply (necessary for the artillery stockpiles, there is a yellow = button in Stngs, near the top. You run this then save the file (naturally).

Hexagon -> RE: Thoughts on the letter and additional signs/icons (8/13/2012 10:53:01 PM)

Is another option... but i am more with use red flag with black cross... remember to me a lot Steel Panthers, the original game, is clear see it in a confusion of units and is enough "german" [:D], i dont have problems with svastica but i never like it a lot in wargames except as flag over a tank/ht as air recon thing.

Ritterkrieg_slith -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/14/2012 12:05:12 AM)

Hey All!

The Corps/Army flag mod is finished by increasing the size and removing the text.

The aircraft mod is done as well for all 3 zoom levels. I hope this will make everything easier to identify when selecting air units for attack. In order to use the aircraft graphic at an easily identifiable size, the unit name had to be removed. It is still available when you click on the aircraft unit in the info panel. C'est la vie!!

For ease of identification, middle zoom has a letter...


There are icons for ME109, Yak9, Sturmovic, JU87, PE2, JU88, and JU52.

Download version 3 on the download thread and dont forget to load scenario "3Ritterkrieg"

Now is anybody game for a game??




Redmarkus5 -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/14/2012 10:30:50 AM)

Very nice work.

sitito -> RE: Ritterkrieg Mod (8/14/2012 11:44:59 AM)

Thank u so much! I love it. Ur mod+Krupp graphics+photo units of Markus= a dream. Guys u are amazing!

Templer_12 -> German map HQ flag mod (8/14/2012 9:21:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ritterkrieg

Hey All!

The Corps/Army flag mod is finished by increasing the size and removing the text.

The aircraft mod is done as well for all 3 zoom levels. I hope this will make everything easier to identify when selecting air units for attack. In order to use the aircraft graphic at an easily identifiable size, the unit name had to be removed. It is still available when you click on the aircraft unit in the info panel. C'est la vie!!

For ease of identification, middle zoom has a letter...


There are icons for ME109, Yak9, Sturmovic, JU87, PE2, JU88, and JU52.

Download version 3 on the download thread and dont forget to load scenario "3Ritterkrieg"

Now is anybody game for a game??




I like the HQ flags well.
I just like it as authentically as possible.

This German map shows the winter campaign of 1942/43, Ritterkrieg flags are an approximation to reality.
(The map is from the book lost victories by Erich von Manstein)


Templer_12 -> Bad v3 mod? (8/14/2012 10:05:53 PM)

What happens here?
In your latest mod v3 many files do not looks right to vanilla files!
i. e. my vanilla dccbmodgraphicsBIG/natocounters 20.png is the stars and stripes
But your mod v3 dccbmodgraphicsBIG/natocounters 20.png is a plane silhouette? [&:]

There are many more such oddities thru your mod!


Ritterkrieg_slith -> RE: German map HQ flag mod (8/14/2012 10:12:13 PM)

A minor update to fix the Slovak, Romainian Mt, and SEC infantry icons as well as a Soviet BBC workaround have been uploaded to the download thread. Still working on the BBC thing - it seems to be hardcoded into the scenario file so I am trying to sort that out!

Changes completed thus far:

-Soviets are Khaki; Guards are maroon red. Milita are light Khaki. NKVD are dark green, Marines are blue/black.
-Germans are Field Grey; Italians are tan; Hungarians are Green, Romanians are yellow/green. SS are black, GD are dark field grey.
-artillery units are shown with a white dot center.
-Nazi flag 'corrected' at all three levels of zoom
-unit names for SS adjusted (Wik is now Wiking, etc)
-Militia changed from flag to 'Militia"
-mechanized showing appropriate NATO symbol when attached to Tank Divisions
-Tanks showing appropriate NATO symbol when attached to Mechanized Infantry Divisions
-unit sized now displayed properly on top of counter
-changed Hungarian 1st Armoured Div to Motor Infantry NATO
-changed StuG Bns to new armoured artillery NATO
-changed Panzerjagers to new armoured antitank NATO
-changed 1st SS Brigade to Mech Infantry NATO
-changed the regimental bars to not interfere with the NATO icon.
-renamed Panzer/Motorized Divisions from 16th, 24th to 16 mot, 24 PzDiv, etc
-colorized Soviet Air force to light blue.
-new SS insignia on counter for all Waffen SS.
-NEW GD NATO icons
-Soviet Mech formation correction
-Standardized all 'special' units by moving icon to lower right of counter. This includes SS, all guards, GD, Slovak, NKVD, Soviet Marines.
-Modded the HQs to now use pennants. OKH and STAVKA still use Regime flags.
-Modded unit size for Independent as well.
-NEW NATO for aircraft for all 3 zoom levels. I hope this will make everything easier to identify when selecting air units for attack. In order to use the aircraft graphic at an easily identifiable size, the unit name had to be removed. It is still available when you click on the aircraft unit in the info panel. C'est la vie!!

For ease of identification, middle zoom has a letter...


Templer_12 -> Bad v3 mod? (8/14/2012 10:12:35 PM)

Check post #: 80!

Krupinski -> RE: Bad v3 mod? (8/14/2012 10:14:41 PM)

Cant find the download link in the v3-thread.. [&:][&:][&:]

Krupinski -> RE: Bad v3 mod? (8/14/2012 10:16:05 PM)

ok, you uploaded v3.1

its online again


Ritterkrieg_slith -> RE: Bad v3 mod? (8/14/2012 10:19:43 PM)

...and you need a US flag for what exactly on the OST front?

It seems that there is a limit on the icons hardcoded to 185. I reserved adding 183 -184 for redmarkus4's mod so we have to use what we have unless Victor can help us out...

I HIGHLY recommend using the JSGME mod program to add any of the packages that modders are putting up. This allows you to go back to Vanilla (and wave your american flag) with ease [;)]


Templer_12 -> RE: Bad v3 mod? (8/14/2012 10:31:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ritterkrieg

...and you need a US flag for what exactly on the OST front?

It seems that there is a limit on the icons hardcoded to 185. I reserved adding 183 -184 for redmarkus4's mod so we have to use what we have unless Victor can help us out...

I HIGHLY recommend using the JSGME mod program to add any of the packages that modders are putting up. This allows you to go back to Vanilla (and wave your american flag) with ease [;)]


I don't know.
I don't know why the U.S. flag is in the game at all. [&:]

Ritterkrieg I'm not an expert to changing files. [:(]
I just want to be sure that this is how it all should works and I will destroy nothing.
Yes, I know I should create backups. I'll do that.
I want to just play and enjoy the great mods and not constantly work and rework in the data.

So if you say that's the way it works, that's OK - I will go with that.

Sator -> RE: Bad v3 mod? (8/14/2012 10:40:02 PM)

I like a lot the last version of command unit. Gj Ritterkrieg!

Ritterkrieg_slith -> RE: Bad v3 mod? (8/14/2012 10:47:41 PM)

Templer, your english is so much better than my German so forgive me if I get this wrong but you dont like to update the files over and over - I can understand this.

Currently the mod is at a 'playable' state so if you are happy with what I have created as of now, play on!

I will be reworking the Soviet formations and tweaking the equipment/combat in future in version 4.

Troy Ritter

Templer_12 -> We will get the job done (8/14/2012 10:59:36 PM)

@ Ritterkrieg

Nothing to forgive.

We will get the job done. We just need a few more words than others. [;)]

Templer_12 -> Letters on the counters (8/15/2012 12:29:07 AM)

Ups, letters on the counters.
What did I wrong?


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