Wrong NATO symbol in 3.2 (Full Version)

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Templer_12 -> Wrong NATO symbol in 3.2 (8/26/2012 3:08:47 AM)

Things were fine for me in Ritterkrieg Mod version 3.1.

But now, using version 3.2, wrong NATO symbols are shown on every tank div/reg when using the large counters. [:(]

Is Ritterkrieg Mod version 3.1 still around?


Redmarkus5 -> RE: NEW Ritterkrieg Mod ver 3.2 (8/26/2012 9:59:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

The only thing that is keeping me from using this mod are the Soviet colors. IMO they are too near the Germans and not easily distinguishable from them at a quick glance. I do appreciate all the effort though.

mo reb

+1 I also prefer to see the Soviets as red simply in order to easily distinguish them on the map. Apart from that, I think this mod is excellent.

Ritterkrieg_slith -> RE: Wrong NATO symbol in 3.2 (8/26/2012 6:50:25 PM)

As I said earlier, this is a test run for feedback with the individual Tank bn. I can put 3.1 back up if you like.

Is 3_2Ritterkrieg scenario giving you the 'wrong' NATO?


Redmarkus5 -> RE: Wrong NATO symbol in 3.2 (8/26/2012 7:11:56 PM)

I am trying to spot what is wrong with the NATO counters in the screenshot, but I can't :)

Templer_12 -> RE: Wrong NATO symbol in 3.2 (8/27/2012 10:41:31 PM)

@ Ritterkrieg,

No, 3_2 Ritterkrieg Szenario shows me the correct NATO.

The images are from the 1. Panzer campaign.

Under Ritterkrieg Mod version 3.1, NATO icon were represented correctly also in the 1st Panzer campaign.

Maybe you can send me version 3.01 via PM.
At the moment I use the Vanilla Counter.
But I do not like to give up your job on the counters. [:)]

@ redmarkus4

Look at the NATO icons on the right images in the red frames and compare.
It shows the tank regiment of the 3RD Panzer Division.
On the big icon on the map it is represented as Panzer Infantry Regiment.
The small NATO icon in the info bar is show correct as a Panzer Regiment.
Only on the map the current Ritterkrieg Mod version 3.2 brings trouble. [:(]

wodin -> RE: Wrong NATO symbol in 3.2 (11/8/2012 9:43:00 PM)

Templer I don't know the game but can't you rotate through the counters until is shows the Nato Tank symbol on the panzer coutner..as it appears it's putting a Panzer Inf unit\counter at the top...I can see the other counters faded beghind it..so maybe you just need to bring the panzer unit upto the top of the stack?

Maybe it's because one of the Pz Inf counters has no reg number, so it's choosing that one to sit at the top instead of the Panzer Unit? Shouldn't it have three stripes on it anyway? As looking at the 370th..it's picked the unit with no reg number on the side to be at the top which is the one with the arty dot in the center.

The Red Baron -> Minor Changes to Ritterkreig v3.2 (1/1/2013 4:26:29 PM)


I just started this mod, but I had to dive into the editor to make a few changes. I'm not sure if you plan an updated version, but, if so, you might want to incorporate these tweaks:

1. Changed the People and starting morale of the "5x PzKpfw IIIJ" subformations in LSSAH and Viking to Waffen-SS and 70, respectively. The original values used Soviet as the People and had 50 for a starting morale, so the units were requesting Soviet PzKpfw IIIJ's for replacements.
2. Changed Predef unit #44 [SS Panzer Bat ( 46)] so the 5x PzKpfw IIIJ subformation would use Waffen-SS as the People and start with a morale of 70.
3. Changed the Staff rating of 11A (HisUnit #887) from 50 to 100.
4. Changed the Staff rating of 2A (H) (HisUnit #892) from 50 to 100.
5. Changed the Staff rating of 8A (It) (HisUnit #894) from 50 to 100.
6. Changed the Staff rating of 2A (HisUnit #889) from 50 to 100.

I made changes 3-6 because the your original values seemed far too low, especially for 11A (Manstein) and 2A (von Salmuth), leaving the officers with the inabilty to command anything above 100 staff. The new values I assigned appear to be consistent with your design philosophy (an approximate 1:1 match between the officer's staff rating and the amount of staff assigned).

This is a great mod. I love the color and graphics changes and the extra Pz Bns in the PzDs provide awesome flexibility; sames goes for the addition of another RGT of artillery in the motorized divisions.

Sotomonte -> RE: Minor Changes to Ritterkreig v3.2 (11/9/2017 7:48:18 PM)


Well, I was reaching for mods to DCCB and I saw this. It looked great but when a tried to play it I saw that the mod had some issues, so... how I wanted to watch the "entrails" of the game I began tu revised this mod.

I have started with this:


ORIGINAL: The Red Baron


I just started this mod, but I had to dive into the editor to make a few changes. I'm not sure if you plan an updated version, but, if so, you might want to incorporate these tweaks:

1. Changed the People and starting morale of the "5x PzKpfw IIIJ" subformations in LSSAH and Viking to Waffen-SS and 70, respectively. The original values used Soviet as the People and had 50 for a starting morale, so the units were requesting Soviet PzKpfw IIIJ's for replacements.
2. Changed Predef unit #44 [SS Panzer Bat ( 46)] so the 5x PzKpfw IIIJ subformation would use Waffen-SS as the People and start with a morale of 70.
3. Changed the Staff rating of 11A (HisUnit #887) from 50 to 100.
4. Changed the Staff rating of 2A (H) (HisUnit #892) from 50 to 100.
5. Changed the Staff rating of 8A (It) (HisUnit #894) from 50 to 100.
6. Changed the Staff rating of 2A (HisUnit #889) from 50 to 100.

I made changes 3-6 because the your original values seemed far too low, especially for 11A (Manstein) and 2A (von Salmuth), leaving the officers with the inabilty to command anything above 100 staff. The new values I assigned appear to be consistent with your design philosophy (an approximate 1:1 match between the officer's staff rating and the amount of staff assigned).

This is a great mod. I love the color and graphics changes and the extra Pz Bns in the PzDs provide awesome flexibility; sames goes for the addition of another RGT of artillery in the motorized divisions.

It was eassy, although in the HQ I did:

Changed the Staff rating of 11A (HisUnit #887) from 50 to 300.
Changed the Staff rating of 2A (H) (HisUnit #892) from 50 to 300.
Changed the Staff rating of 8A (It) (HisUnit #894) from 50 to 200.
Changed the Staff rating of 2A (HisUnit #889) from 50 to 200.

... and the soviet SS Panzer IIIJ now should be SS people.

I solved a issue with the reinforcements of the AA units: the Flacks that arrived to the OKH were of an incorrect people, so the divisions didn't recive reinforcements by their lost Flacks. Now the Flacks are "Flack troops".

But I made some changes by myself: I don't know if the purpose of Ritterkrieg was make their own people for the Gebirgsjäger troopes, because he made a portrait for them, so I decided make the Gebirgsjäger a new people for this mod.

They have their own portrait, their own soldiers image and their own ensign.

I reduced their limited to break form 50 to 40 (is supposed that they are elite troops). I have put the "lines" to recive reinforcements to the Gebirgsjäger units, but I don't know if it is optimized (maybe you are not going to recive enough reinforcements o maybe you finish with the OKH crowded by gebirgsjägers)

I make another little cosmetic change: now, the historical SS divisions (LSAH, Wiking, Das Reich and Totenkopf) now have his own ensign in their tokens

I have packed the mod just as I have it in my computer, so in the .ZIP archive you are going to find some of the pics from the mod of redmarkus4 (dirty units, etc) and the mod of the historical flags (there are swastika).

P.D: Sorry for my awful English [:)]

P.D 2: I can put images [:(]

Un saludo.

Rosseau -> RE: Minor Changes to Ritterkreig v3.2 (4/27/2019 10:03:09 PM)

Thank you very much.

Also, here is a nice scenario for the DC Community Project application:


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